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of the Spec
Volume I Autumn 1994 Nun1ber 2


Question #46
''I Would Fire Upon U.S. Citizens.~.''
e RESISTER has confim1ed that US Navy SEAL

US military to the UN and confiscation of the firearms of
latoons, including SEAL Team Six, Marine US citizens. In early January, 1994, we obtained a copy of
combat veterans stationed at Twenty-Nine Palms, the questionnaire from one of our DOD sympathizers but
CA, and Marine basic trainees at Camp Pendelton, CA, lacking corroboration we ran the story in Vol.I, No.1 of
have been administered a questionnaire asking, among The RESISTER as a rumor.
other things, if they would " ... fire upon US citizens who On January 22, 1994, one of our observers copied a
refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the chilling message off the Internet from Petty Officer 2nd
U.S. government." Class W. Kelly, US Navy Special Warfare Team Six, to D.
The questionnaire was first administered to operators Hankins, Re: Gun Confiscation. Kelly began by stating
by the commanders of SEAL Team Six on 15 September that the questionnaire was " .. .to find out if we would
1993, then subsequently to the remaining SEAL platoons follow the orders of commanding officers without ques-
throughout September and October. Rumors began tion." (Kelly omitted the fact that the questionnaire
circulating in November that US Amly DELTA operators assumes "commanding officers" gives equal authority to
were given the same or a similar questionnaire. The SF UN officers commanding US forces.) Kelly continued; "If
Underground had been aware of the questionnaire since you wish to find out how I answered I said yes I would
late September but our observers had been unable to fire and kill all persons attempting to resist...we aren't
secure a copy or confirm other than its substance con- around to be the good guys." Remember, Kelly is referring
sisted of questions pertaining to the subordination of the Continued on page 9
Boxholder, P.O. Box 1403, Addison, Texas, 75001 Gratis

The Lie of Equal Opportunity oR THE past two months our

Opportunity Program of the United States Army claims that it

F observers have been reporting
that some readers are question-

EQUAL ing the integrity of contributors to
emulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to ensure fair The RESISTER because they choose
treatment of all soldiers "based solely on merit, fitness, capability, and to be known by pseudonyms rather
potential, which supports readiness." This policy is stated to be based on than their real names. This is a
"fairness, justice, and equity." But the simple fact is that if the Equal Opportu- legitimate concern and it deserves to
nity Program were based solely on merit, fitness, capability, and potential there be answered at length.
would be no need for it. The EO policy officially sanctions, by its very exist- First, no contributor is obliged to
ence, unfairness, injustice, and inequality. use a pseudonym, as anybody who
The philosophical premise of all equal opportunity programs is egalitarian- has actually read the first issue can
ism. Egalitarianism is the belief that all men are equal. If "equality" is held to tell you. Second, the decision to
any serious or rational standard, as in the realm of politics and law, egalitarian- require staff members and regular
ism is the principle of individual rights which cannot be repealed by democratic contributors to use pseudonyms was
majority, subverted by minority machinations, nor infringed by government an OPSEC issue, not an ethical one.
legislation. Third, there is a historical prece-
But political and legal equality are not the intent of equal opportunity dence we follow which, if not
programs. Equal opportunity programs seek nothing less than metaphysical already familiar to you, in all ·
equality; the equality of ability, competence, industriousness, and intelligence. likelihood never will be, and is
Equal opportunity programs, by their very existence, defy the objective reality therefore none of your business.
that all men are not equal. They seek to abolish some perceived "unfairness" Fourth, publishing The RESISTER
that does not permit the inept, incompetent, lazy, or stupid to succeed. is a security risk in it's own right, let
Note how the goal of equality is achieved. alone referring to it's tradecraft and
Since equal recognition for unequal performance would be too obvious an organization. Really; what do they
injustice, equal opportunity egalitarians prohibit unequal performance. (Read teach you guys in the Q-Course
any OER or NCOER.) these days?
Because some men are able to accept responsibility faster than others, the The RESISTER is a response to
egalitarians deny the notion of"merit" and substitute the concept of"seniority" the altruistic cannibalism which is
for promotions. (Study the results of any promotion board.) consuming the principle of inalien-
Since some men are more intelligent than others, the egalitarians forbid able individual rights upon which
individual excellence and subordinate it to the collective mediocrity of "consen- this nation was founded and which
sus building" and stultifying institutional group-think. (Observe the workings have been served-up in sacrifice to
of any committee or "team.") the mob god of democracy, the
Since some men have greater ability and study more conscientiously than minority god of tribalism, the nature
others, the egalitarians abolish objective standards based on achievement and god of environmentalism, the slave
substitute subjective outcome-based 'standards' that equate the lame to the fit god of collectivism, and the statist
and the moron to the intelligent. (Attend any school.) god of socialism.
Equality of opportunity has nothing to do with equality or opportunity. It is Do you want to know who we
the official doctrine of racism, tribalism, and collectivism. It is but one premise are? We are the individuals who
of the unconscionable evil of altruism. Equal opportunity is the official sanction conceive the ideas the cretinous mob
of the hatred of the good because it is good. calls "the team effort." We are the
If the Army's Equal Opportunity Program were truly based on individual individuals whose excellence is
"merit, fitness, capability, and potential," personnel records would be purged of subverted by the racist policy of
all references to race and ethnic origin, the Official Photo would be eliminated, "equal opportunity." We are the
and commanders would again have local promotion authority above Staff independent, innovative, and
Sergeant. creative who have been enslaved to
Richard Crossman
• serve the "greater good." Without us
Continued on page 4

2 Vol. I, No.2


ship? Apparently this fact does not

Is The RESISTER CONSERVATIVE trouble our government.
For Real? REVIEW Since 1961 the United States
Department of State has been
negotiating away our national
have received a xerox copy of The
I write this letter the
arious comments I have
eard concerning The
I RESISTER, Vol. I, No. 1.
I like it! Can I be on your mailing
sovereignty in the name of "World
Peace" consistent with the provi-
sions of the Kennedy administration
RESISTER return to mind. The first list? document entitled "FREEDOM
one is, "Are you for real?" The FROM WAR." I am no major league
converse being that your publication Dr. Susan Huck historian but I am old enough to
is a U.S. Government plant to entrap Associate Editor remember that "peace" was the
members of the SOF community into Conservative Review communist catch phrase meaning
revealing themselves. Secondly, why 1307 Dolly Madison Blvd. one-world communism.
not print the names of contributors? McLean, VA 22101 Does anyone else stop to consider
To me that is obvious, but I'll let you (703) 893-7302 that the United States is the orily
explain. non-socialist country in the world
Thought I would let you know I and United Nations edicts on arms
got a big kick out of the "Personals." control, environmentalism, and
Reminds me of WWII and the For obvious (to us) reasons we do 'human rights' are always focused
French Resistance stories I have not keep mailing lists. We will, on, and contrary to, the interests of
heard and read. Also, the commo ~ however, see to it that you are tl1e United States?
block was a nice touch. included in the distribution scheme "FREEDOM FROM WAR"
If you are an actual paper I hope and receive a grey copy. outlined a three-stage evolution
you have the space to print this We do ask that ifyou intend to designed to make the UN the sole
letter. It will at least show some of mention The RESISTER in your legitimate user of force on the face
the doubting here at the Special publication you have the profes- of the planet. Keep in mind that this
Warfare Center and School that sional courtesy to let us review said was the US Department of State's
there is someone out there. material first. Mail reaches us vision for the future of this country
Please feel free to use my name through a rather indirect and in 1961.
and office as I see no need to use a laborious route, so give us at least Phase One essentially eliminates
nom de guerre. four weeks to respond. the notion of national sovereignty by
enforcing unilateral disarmament
SFC David R. Hall The Editor while strengthening UN "peace-
USAJFKSWCS keeping" powers.
Phase two reinforces UN "peace-
keeping" by transferring all legiti-
Yes. See RUMORS. We will: See macy for the exercise of military
Vol.!, No.1, p.6, col. 3, para. 3, NEW WORLD force to the United Nations. We are
ln.l6. already there. Note that regardless of
It is impolite to discuss
SLAVERY the sovereign interests of this .
tradecraft. Read--Secret Forces: country during DESERT SHIELD
The Technique of Underground s anyone considered that if

president Bush went groveling to the
A1ovements, by FO. Miksche. he United Nations possessed United Nations for permission to act.
We assume you mean "nom de ufficient power to enforce Phase three will permit nations to
plume." world peace they would also have retain only those forces and arma-
The Editor the power to enforce world dictator-
Contmued on page 4
Vol. I, No.2 3
Open Letter
CORRESPONDENCE . Continued from page 2

you would still be prying roots out of

nothing about exigent (urgent or the ground with a pointed stick.
Slavery critical) circumstances nor does it It would be a great comfort and
infer them. convenience for the myriad uncon-
Continued from page 3 The argument of exigent circum- stitutional federal agencies to note
ments necessary for the maintenance stances has developed from "legal us, categorize us, and file us away
of internal order. Only the UN will precedence." An analogy for for future "reference." We will not
maintain arms and forces necessary precedence is as follows : Your give them an early chance, nor will
to wage offensive war under the mother tells you to stay out of the we be goaded into identifying
control ofit's "Peace Force." cookie jar or she will beat your butt. ourselves by sneering comments
Now, the US has endorsed a You get into it and get caught. Mom about anonymous writers.
working paper seeking global gun is in a good mood and doesn't beat Every whim based, undefined,
control submitted to the UN Disar- you. The next time she catches you un-judicable law it passes; every
mament Commission by Patti she's angry but you plead precedence unconstitutional gang of armed,
Londono, a Colombian UN diplo- to prevent your beating. You got badge wielding thugs it deploys;
mat. On May 9, 1994, the United away with it the first time so why every unconstitutional agency it
States allowed consensus adoption of not this time? creates; every incomprehensible
the working paper which puts It is the same with the legal special interest regulation it man-
domestic gun control on par with system. When the police violate the dates; every dime extorted through
nuclear disarmament. Constitution, and get away with it, taxation and redistributed to the
new case law follows and precedent incompetent and undeserving; every
George Prescott for the action is established. American life lost in some altruistic
USAJFKSWCS What about exigent circum- war, humanitarian assistance, or
stance? It has become a standard peacekeeping operation, demon-
police tactic to subvert the intent of strates the illegitimacy of the federal
the Fourth Amendment prohibitions
The Danger of against unwarranted search and
The federal government is not "of
Precedence ~ unreasonable seizure.
I am not here to say the police
the people," it is the instrument of
pull-peddlers. It is not "by the
should not enter a place if a true people," it is the toady of special
ope you have been following

crisis is taking place. However, the interests. It is not "for the people," it
e O.J. Simpson case at least limit of their action though should is the exercise offorce for the sake
ough the preliminary hearing. be to stop the disturbance, secure the of force.
The key issue was Fourth Amend- scene and request a warrant if Pass laws against us; we will not
ment rights. For the sake of clarity probable cause exists. But a tiny obey. Regulate our activities; we will
the Fourth Amendment states: blood spot on a vehicle door should not comply. Legislate our behavior;
not be brought before the court as we will not consent.
The right of the people to be secure in the basis for the police or district We are freemen. We will not be
their persons, houses, papers, and effects,
attorney's claim of"exigent circum- subjugated. We have the guns to
against umeasonable searches and seizures,
shall not be violated, and no warrants shall stance." prove it.
issue but upon probable cause, supported Neither this, nor the claim of The Editor
by oath or alf"umation, and particularly someone else in danger, holds any
describing the place to be searched, and the
credence. The police did not race to
persons or things to be seized.
the home of Nicole's "friend" and problem. It is better for a guilty
crash in to see if everyone was safe. man to go free than have our rights
Now that we're on the same sheet What about equal treatment under trampled upon by the minions of so-
of music, some of the arguments the law? called justice. If any government is
made by O.J. 's council make better O.J. Simpson's Fourth Amend- allowed to use whatever measures it
sense. The Fourth Amendment says ment rights were clearly violated. deems necessary to bring order, you
in essence that, if you want to search You may not care for Simpson or can rest assure that it will be
a residence, you need a warrant. you may even say, "he is guilty so totalitarian and brutal.
Quite plain and simple. It says who cares how he was brought "Lexington"
down." That attitude is precisely the USAJFKSWCS

4 Vol. I, No.2

ganda." Mr. Merrero's message?
Crime Bill Defines The primacy of the individual.
"This Isn't
The RESISTER as The federal crime bill designates Something You
anti-government speech, such as
Instrument of proclaiming the desirability of Need to Have in
revolution against tyranny, as
Terror "material support to terrorism," and Your Library"


now incorporated into the
Crime Control Act of 1993,
makes RICO forfeiture possible for
statements made up to 4 years prior
to the enactment of the bill.
This is ex post facto legislation.
M o R MARK PRUGH, acting
n the instructions of
olonel Richard Seim,
(passed by both houses of Congress Command Judge Advocate, United
and soon to be signed by Clinton), States Army John F. Kennedy
would make publication of The Special Warfare Center and School,
RESISTER an "intent" to commit a Equal Opportunity confiscated the USAJFK Special
terrorist act.
Section 8 ofBiden's SB226
Poverty Warfare Center and School Marquat
Memorial Library's well thumbed
'defines' intent in this context as
"appear to be intended (1) to
intimidate or coerce a civilian
population; (2) to influence the
T: DECENT middle class
ighborhood you live in has
reference copy of The RESISTER.
(For the edification of' our civilian
readers the Command Judge
ow been designated by the Advocate, COL Seim, works
policy of a government by intimida- federal governn1ent as a "low exclusively for, and acts solely on
tion or coercion." poverty area." This means your the behalf of, Major General
This includes, but is not limited neighborhood is unfairly divided William Garrison, Commander,
to; demonstrations, pickets, com- from inner city slums by a lack of USAJFKSWCS.) What is particu-
puter bulletin boards, publications, "income integration." larly obnoxious is that it was a grey
assemblies, and speech. HUD now considers almost every copy; in other words, an original.
neighborhood in America as an Tltis outrage occurred Thursday, 25
unfair housing market, liable to August, 1994.
forced integration by the whim of Our observers report that MAJ
the federal government. If you own Prugh asked for the desk copy of
property in a middle-class neighbor- The RESISTER and, having
First Amendment hood you are now guilty, by default, obtained it from the unwitting duty
Trial Balloon of the undefined charge of racism.
Between 1970 and 1976 HUD
librarian, turned to walk out the
door with it. When advised that the
transformed Detroit and Chicago issue in question was the library's
H~RRY w. MARRERO (JD) is into giant sprawling slums by only reference copy and was not to
being "detained" in a redistributing welfare moochers and be removed from the premises Prugh
1aximum security federal their criminal, gang, and drug returned to the desk and scrawled a
prison, without bond, for producing addict hitchhikers to affluent note stating who he was and that he
and selling a video tape about the neighborhoods. HUD secretary was acting "per COL Seim's
Constitution entitled "Sovereignty Henry Cisneros and HUD assistant instructions," while stapling his card
vs. Slavery." secretary for fair housing Roberta to the note.
Mr. Marrero was indicted by a Achtenberg figure that was not good When asked why he was taking
federal Grand Jury on charges of enough. the library's only copy he replied,
conspiracy, wire fraud, and mail Altruist egalitarianism demands "This isn't something you need to
fraud because he poses a "danger to that everyone live in equally crime- have in your library."
society" for spreading "propa- ridden slums.
Continued on page 15 .

Vol. I, No . 2 5

soldiers are now routinely deployed Second Amendment.
The RESISTER a to dung heaps by our socialist If anyone has information
Government Plot? government to "help" miserable,
starving, Third World abstractions at
pertaining to this issue write us.

the behest of the United Nations, we The Editor

OR ROBERT TIFFANY, FA, thought you should see what you're
octrine Division, getting into, and why.
SAJFKSWCS, has Associate Editor
opined that The RESISTER is
National Forest
published by the Clinton administra-
tion as a vehicle designed to "smoke
Primer Shortage

out" dissidents and subversiveness
in the military. HEN UNITs are deployed on

oR the past eight months it has JTF-Six missions they are
Nice try Bob. Now that you 're been almost impossible to buy routinely required to
retiring we hope you don t have to primers in any reasonable locate and survey Helicopter
make a living by your analytical quantity. The RESISTER began Landing Zones within National
skills. quietly canvassing manufacturers, Forests which are then turned over
The Staff wholesalers, and retailers to find out to the National Forest Service during
why. the post mission AAR. The official
Retailers and wholesalers were explanation is that these HLZ's will
patiently waiting for cartridge be used by future missions as
manufacturers to finish their annual MEDEVAC dust-off sites.
U.N. Fomenting ~ production which they (the distribu- Debriefs of personnel returning
Insurgencies tors), said usually reduced primer
availability until early summer.
from JTF-Six missions indicate that
the purpose of the National Forest
When we talked to the manufactur- HLZ surveys is not quite so benign.
N INTERESTING tidbit SUrfaced ers they said the U.S. government The PIR and IR for JTF -Six
n The New Federalist, dated had placed orders for ammunition OPORDs frequently require units to
une 13, 1994. It seems the six times their normal annual report on the locations, numbers,
United Nations Human Development commission. Some quick fourth- dress, and types of arms carried by
Program has been 'studying' the grade math completed the story. civilians within National Forests,
internal conditions of various Third In a normal year, the federal and specifically address reporting
World countries. government purchases approxi- any type of "paramilitary" activity.
In the case of Mexico, the mately 1. 7 million rounds for its This information is included in the
UNHDP conducted an exhaustive myriad unconstitutional law enforce- post-mission INSUM which is then
study of "human conditions" in State ment agencies. This excludes the turned over to JTF-Six J-2 and is
of Chiapas during the spring of various arsenals which produce accessible by Operation Alliance; in
1993. Seven months later, in ammunition for the military. This other words, the FBI, BATF, US
January 1994, Mexico was faced year the federal government pur- Border Patrol, and DEA, among
with an insurgency in that state, led chased over one billion rounds. others.
by the masked (and alleged homo- It gets uglier. This year the Counter drug or internal security?
sexual) pipe smoking Marcos. federal government began arming If you have been recently deployed
We have reproduced an article the IRS and the EPA. The Fed's are on a JTF-Six mission or an RSU
leveling the charge of UN sponsored also expanding the FBI's HRT, the rotation and some of your mission
insurgencies by a Mexican journal- BATF's enforcement branch, and and reporting requirements did not
ist, Linda de Hoyos, on page 12. DOE's private army. Juxtapose this quite square with the official lie,
Normally, we care less what happens with the federal government's write us.
in Mexico. But because American determination to abrogate the The Staff

6 Vol. I, No.2

FIELD REPORT: "Assault Gun"

RALLY ''Minuteman"
Alexander Davidson
Washington D.C., 14 August, 1994 RECENT ban on military
tyle semi-automatic weapons
IS far more onerous than even
oF the oddities of political demonstrations is that those who do not pro-Second Amendment organiza-

actually work for a living have the time, supporting front organizations, tions presume. Placed in context
and resources donated by altruists, do-gooders, and other socialists, with Clinton's Aprill9, 1994
communists, and influence peddlers to form mobs to protest this or the other remark, " ... there's too much
perceived inequity while carrying cardboard placards demanding that ground- personal freedom." and Senator
less theories, mindless philosophies, and range of the moment whims be given Eiden's recent statement that the
the same status as fact, reason, and reality. federal government will decide what
Those of us who actually work to earn our living do not have the idle luxury "people need," the purpose of the
to demonstrate in defense of our inalienable objective rights. ban is clear.
The Second Amendment Rally drew, we estimate, about 2,000 people. (Our Semi-automatic firearms cost
estimate is based on the area covered divided by approximately 3 square meters hundreds, if not thousands, of .
per person given the area covered and the mean dispersion). Bus loads of dollars. The majority of these
people arrived from Ohio, Illinois, and North Carolina. Individuals drove from weapons are not owned by collec-
as far away as Colorado and Alabama. tors, who are relatively well-off, and
We admit to being a little disappointed in the turnout when we heard the who obtain them for their own
first reports from our observers at the rally. But upon reflection we quickly esoteric purposes. Nor are they
came to realize that people who are in the right seldom think they are com- owned by "the poor," who could not
pelled to prove it to others. It is the liar who must shout down the truthful to be hope to splurge on an $800 to
heard, the incompetent who must denigrate the work of the competent to be $3,000 firearm. They are owned by
recognized, and the inept who must enslave the able to feign success. the middle-class; hard working, law
While the numbers of honest, competent, and able citizens who came to the abiding property owners.
rally may not be remarkable, the fact that most of them were willing to miss the Some possess them out of
following day or two of work to defend their right to bear arms against govern- nostalgia for their military service,
ment tyranny is. some for weekend plinking, some for
The media was conspicuous by their absence. Not one news agency arrived competitive shooting, some for self
to record and report on a rally by law abiding citizens opposing government protection, a few for hunting. Their
abrogation of their rights. If an equal number of homosexuals, drug addicts, motive is irrelevant because it is
communists, bean curd eaters, animal worshipers, minority tribalists, or their Constitutional and natural
common street garbage had staged a rally the carrion eaters of the media would right to own them.
have been there in force clucking their tongues wondering how these people Now, consider the legislative
could have suffered for so long. assaults against the middle-class for
Of the distinguished guests who were invited to attend only G. Gordon the past thirty years. Environmental
Liddy appeared and spoke. His message was clear and succinct: "You have no laws are anti-property. Economic
moral obligation to obey unconstitutional laws. When they tell you to register laws are anti-capitalism. Civil rights
your firearms--don't. When they tell you to turn in your firearms--don't." No laws are anti-individual. Education
argument from us. laws are anti -reason. The sole
Rush Limbaugh was too busy signing books in Colorado. purpose of federal anti-gun laws is
There was a consistent underlying theme that brought these people together anti-resistance.
to take a stand for their rights, unified them in their outrage against our There is a growing movement
unconstitutional federal government, and kept them focused on the very reason throughout America to form local
why the Second Amendment is the keystone of the Bill of Rights--Waco. militias. This movement is not .

Continued on page 8 Continued on page 15

Vol. I, No.2 7
My friends and I are all in
Continued from page 7
agreement; our government is getting
out of control and the first time we
are given a mission to disarm the
citizens of this country we are going
Waco defined, in one act, the to desert and join whatever guerrilla
federal government's true position Melvil:
movement demonstrates it is fighting Paragraph 2 by sentence. Thank '
on the rights and individual liberties to restore the principles this country
guaranteed to all freemen by the you. You're not the only one. We
was founded on ... "
constitution. call them "tobacco spitters." Whom,
Waco put the fear of tyrannical lately, has said, "No?'' We know that.
government into every rational As our observers edged their way I knew him; he fell into the same
person in this country. If ever there out of the crowd under cover of HC trap as the "centurions."
was a war cry to mobilize resistance and violet smoke, mixed, to cover Paragraph 3, start sentence 2.
to the vagaries of the federal their break in contact, they heard the You are correct, we' re working on it.
government, the nonobjectivity of crowd roar it's approval. We know. You're right; we will
our undefined, undefinable, on- Approval. For the first time in when it's possible. We know. Thank
judicable, and therefore unjust 200 years elements of the United you.
firearms laws, that war cry is States Army openly publicize their P.S. So are many others.
"REMEMBER WACO!" intent to resist the policies of the
There is a small, but growing, federal government and American SGM:
segment of the American public who citizens publicly demonstrate their Reference our telephone conver-
are aware that the BATF thugs who approval. sation of 18 August 1994: Want to
assaulted a community of Christian Why? Because most people are put theory into practice?
law abiding citizens were trained afraid of the government. It is a very
and advised by members of 3d subtle fear. It is a fear resulting from
Special Forces Group (Abn), under the uncertainty of legal status born Bruce:
the auspices of Operation Alliance of the incomprehensibility of our It is impolite to discuss tradecraft.
and Joint Task Force - Six. It was laws and their whimsical application Re: 1) He wouldn't; 2) Yes, yes, no;
with great interest therefore that our and enforcement. 3) No; irrelevant; 4) You mean nom
observers at the Second Amendment One of our staff members has de plume. Would you take the
Rally learned that Mr. James Pate, a remarked that his mother persis- chance? You mean: agents provoca-
free-lance journalist who uncovered tently says, "Don't say things like teurs.
that fact and broke the story in that over the phone!" Another points
Soldier ofFortune, would speak at out that most people are afraid to
the rally. join politically active organizations Kyle:
Mr. Pate began his speech at a because they don't want to wind-up Your plumbing business and
disadvantage; everything he had to on "their" list. advertising are going to compromise
say about Waco had already been The RESISTER has one answer you. It's time to start behaving as
said by Kirk Lyons, from Black to those and other objections to you believe.
Mountain, NC, one of the defense resisting tyranny-- "You behave like
attorneys for the Waco defendants. someone who lives in a police state."
But then, Pate paused, held above During their debriefing one of Kevin:
his head a grey document and our observers stated, "I don't know You can do more for us outside.
announced: how he (Pate) got hold of it (The Mr. Charles Peterson will contact
"There is a crisis of command in RESISTER). When he mentioned you soon. You are in a unique
our standing army. I am holding a Special Forces there were murmurs position. If you are interested
copy of The RESISTER: The of 'traitors,' and 'Quislings.' But inquire about Mr. Peterson's reading
Official Publication of the StJecial when he read the letter from ' John' habits.
Forces Underground. This letter, the crowd went crazy because they
written by a soldier from 7th Special found out we (The Resistance) were Michael:
Forces Group, expresses the con- with them. It may take twenty years, Brief resume required.
cerns of some members of the but we' re going to win .. .I know that
Special Operations Community now." "Sentinal"
about a government and it's ap- AMEN We need to talk. Details forth-
pointed officers who order them to coming. Do not tell anybody. Do not
oppress the citizens of this country:
• invite friends .

8 Vol. I, No.2
Continued from page 1
This questionnaire is to gather data concerning the
to American civilians. attitudes of combat trained personnel with regards to
In February, 1994, Modern Gun magazine ran a story nontraditional missions. All of your responses are
on the elusive questionnaire which was subsequently confidential. Write your answers directly on the question-
circulated by various patriotic citizens groups. Then, on naire form. In Part II, place an "X'' in the space provided
10 May, 1994, the questionnaire was administered to for your response.
Marine Desert Storm veterans at Twenty-Nine Palms, CA.
A Marine smuggled a copy of the questionnaire out of the Part I. Demographics
testing center and mailed it on 15 May, 1994, with a cover
letter to the editor of The New American, which ran the 1. What service are you in?
story,in their July 11, 1994, issue. The New American
quotes the Marine's impression that the questionnaire 2. What is your pay grade? (e.g. E-7, 0-7)
"was just research for this (Navy) commander's(sp)
degree." The RESISTER obtained a copy of the Marine's 3. What is your MOS code and description?
letter, which actually states: "A Navy Commander came
before us and said he was working on his masters degree 4. What is your highest level of education in years?
and he was writing a paper about giving up our military's
soverenty(sp) to the United Nations Secretary General." 5. How many months did you serve in Operation
The official DOD lie surrounding the questionnaire, Desert Storm/Desert Shield?
entitled "Combat Arms Survey," supports that of the Navy
Commander. Significantly, the Combat Arms Survey was 6. How many months did you serve in Somalia?
first given at the time Presidential Decision Directive
(PDD) 25 was being prepared. The RESISTER's corre- 7. What state or country did you primarily reside in
spondent in the Pentagon staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during childhood?
confirms that PDD 25 surrenders control of the U..S.
military to the United Nations. (A cursory survey of Part II. Attitudes
articles written by MACOM commanders and staff
members in official military journals for the past year Do you feel that U.S. Combat troops should be used
reveals a universal acceptance of U.N. c~mtrol of tl1e within the United States for any of the following mis-
American military.)
The RESISTER has been eliciting responses to the
questionnaire for the past year. Frighteningly, among 8. Drug enforcement
service members with less than 10 years of service, 63% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
agree, or strongly agree, witl1 question #46: "I would fire Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of
firearms banned by the U.S. government." Among new 9. Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires,
recruits almost 90% give the response: "If it's the law earthquakes)
and they order me to do it I guess it 's okay." Our federally () () () () ()
controlled public schools have done their job. Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
Of those with more than 15 years of service, 87%
replied "disagree" or "strongly disagree." Responses by 10. Security at national events (e.g. Olympic Games,
members of the Special Forces Underground were Super Bowl)
unprintable; basically, tl1ere will not be many officers who () () () () ()
give tlmt order more than once. Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
The RESISTER has enclosed a copy of the Combat
Arms Survey with this issue. As you read it pay particular 11. Environmental disaster clean-up
attention to the qualifiers and their relation to recent () () () ( ()
articles in the official publications of the Department of Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
Defense, the civilian media, and the policies of the federal
government. • 12. Substitute teachers in public schools
Editorial Note () () () () ()
The enclosed Combat Anus Survey is a true and accurate Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
reproduction ofthe contents of the questiotmaire. We altered the format
to accommodate Tile RESISTER 's layout. The Editor
Continued on page }O

Vol. I, No.2 9

Combat Arms Survey

Continued from page 9

13. Community assistance programs (e.g. landscaping, 23. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies,
environmental clean-up, road repair, animal control) temporary housing, and clothing)
() () () () () () () () () ()
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion

14. Federal and state prison guards Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used in
() () () () () other countries, under command of non-U.S. officers
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion appointed by the United Nations for any of the following
missions? ·
15. National emergency police force
() () () ( ( ) 24. Drug enforcement
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
16. Advisors to S.W.A.T. units, the FBI, or the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (B.A.T.F.) 25. Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earth-
() () () () () quakes)
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion () () () () ()
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
17. Border patrol (e.g. prevention of illegal aliens into
U.S. territory.) 26. Environmental disaster clean-up
() () () () () () () () ( ( )
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree N,o opinion Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion

27. Peace keeping

Do you feel that U.S. combat troops under U.S. ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( )
command should be used in other countries for any of the Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
following United Nations missions?
28. Nation building (Reconstruct civil government,·
18. Drug enforcement develop public school system, develop or improve public
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) transportation system, etc.)
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion () () () () ()
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
19. Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods , fires,
earthquakes) 29. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies,
() () () () temporary housing, and clothing)
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion () () () () ()
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
20. Environmental disaster clean-up
() () () ( ( ) 30. Police Action (e.g. Korea, Vietnam, but serving under
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion non-U.S. officers)
() () () () ()
21. Peace keeping Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( )
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion Consider the following statements:

22. Nation building (Reconstruct civil government, 31. The U.S. runs a field training exercise. U.N. combat
develop public school system, develop or improve public troops should be allowed to serve in U.S. combat units
transportation system, etc.) during these exercises under U.S. command and control.
() () () () () () () () () ()
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion

10 Vol. I, No.2

Combat Arms Survey

Continued from page 10

32. The United Nations runs a field training exercise. 41. I feel my unit's combat effectiveness would not be
U.S. combat troops under U.S. command and control affected by performing humanitarian missions for the
should serve in U.N. combat units during these exercises. United Nations.
() () () () () () () () () ()
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion

33. The United Nations runs a field training exercise. 42. I feel a designated unit of U.S. combat soldiers should
U.S. combat troops should serve under U.N. command be permanently assigned to the command and control of
and control during these exercises. the United Nations.
() () () () () () () () () ()
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion

34. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N. 43. I would be willing to volunteer for assignment to a
missions as long as the U.S. has full command and U.S. combat unit under a U.N. commander.
control. () () () () ()
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
44. I would like U.N. member countries, including the
35. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N. U.S., to give the U.N. all the soldiers necessary to main-
missions under United Nations command and control. tain world peace.
() () () () () () () () () ()
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion

36. U.S. combat troops should be commanded by U.N. 45 . I would swear to the following code:
officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs) at "I am a United Nations fighting person. I serve in the
battalion and company levels while performing U.N. forces which maintain world peace and every nation 's way
missions. of life. I an1 prepared to give my life in their defense."
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) () () () () ()
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion

37. It would make no difference to me to have U.N. 46. The U.S. government declares a ban on the posses-
soldiers as members of my team. (e.g. fire team, squad, sion, sale, transportation, and transfer of all non-sporting
platoon) firearms . A thirty (30) day anmesty period is permitted for
() () () () () these firearms to be turned over the the local authorities.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion At the end of tltis period, a number of citizen groups
refuse to turn over their firearms. Consider the following
38. It would make no difference to me to take orders from statement:
a U.N. company commander.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government.
() () () () ()
39. I feel the President of the United States has the Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
authority to pass his responsibilities as Commander-in-
Chief to the U.N. Secretary General.
() () () () () End Note

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion Our civilian readers my be wondering why the Combat Arms
Survey was circulated so heavily within the Department of the Navy.
40. I feel there is no conflict between my oath of office 1l1e reason is simple; the Navy is not subject to USC Title 10 Posse
Comitatus prohibitions against using federal military forces for
and serving as a U.N. soldier. domestic law enforcement. This includes the US Marine Corps.
() () () () () Just thought you would like to know.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree No opinion
The Staff

Vol. I, No.2 11
U.N. PLAN: One
PEACEKEEPING: World Government
What For? by 1995
Linda de Hoyos
Joseph Thomas
Human Development

RECENT oRGY of articles about United Nations peacekeeping and
umanitarian assistance in Special Warfare magazine reveals a great
deal about where the United States military in general, and Special
TI port 1994, released by the
United Nations Human
Development Program on June 1,
Forces in particular, is being lead. 1994, sets forth a blueprint to .
Instead of focusing on the defense of this nation and the protection of vital destroy the sovereign nation-state
United States interests the U.S. military has become a slave service for the and replace it with a One World UN
wealth redistribution schemes of internationalists and gangs of weeping do- dictatorship by March 1995.
gooder mystics. One need simply note the circling of media carrion-eaters to The UNDP report, endorsed by
predict in which Third World toilet these altruists will next flush hundreds-of- UN Secretary-General Boutros
millions of tax dollars and the lives of U.S. service men. Boutros-Ghali, outlines plans for
Peacekeeping is a monumental fraud. It has nothing to do with peace and establishment of "world institutions"
even less with keeping it. Peacekeeping, and it's bastard offsprings--peacemak- with powers to dictate policies to
ing and peace enforcement--constitutes nothing less than the abrogation of government, while simultaneously
national sovereignty. The insinuation of U.N. agencies into the political fabric declaring was on nations of the
of the nations it "helps," the expropriation and redistribution of property and developing sector.
wealth, and the establishment of "democratically elected" socialist governments Under the ruse of a concept of
are actions that speak louder than the mushy rhetoric of U.N. cheerleaders in "human security" designed to
the federal government. replace the imperatives of national
In Somalia eighteen American slave-soldiers under U.N. command died, and security of sovereign countries, the
seventy-seven were wounded, for exactly nothing. They were not heroes, they UNDP report sets the agenda and
were sacrificial animals. At the same titne the circus sideshow man hunt for protocols for the March 1995 heads-
Adid was in full swing the United Nations was paying him over US$100,000 of-state summit on Social Develop-
monthly in protection money so altruists could deliver food to hoards of ment to be held in Copenhagen
starving irrelevancies. Vice President Gore consoled the parents of the victims Denmark. This summit is to follow
by telling them their sons died "in the service of the United Nations." (The this September's Cairo Conference
RESISTER is reliably informed it is a good thing he had his Secret Service on Population, where Boutros-Ghali
hoods with him at the time.) et al. are demanding that nations
Sergeants Major Steve Burback, a U.N. toady, conveniently sidesteps these agree to population reduction as the
facts in his groveling January 1994, Special Warfare article: The Blue Hel-
Continued on page 13
mets: A History of United Nations
Peacekeeping Forces. Burback
considers Somalia a success.
During the U.N. sponsored

Korean War (which the socialist You believe the Official Lie that the various Third World tribes which
Truman called a "police action"), rovide the U.N. with peacekeeping forces do so out of the kindness of their
military orders and directives sent eart, guess again. They do it for your tax money.
from the NCA and the Pentagon to One example in particular is illustrative. When Zambia send its hoodlums to
commanders in Korea were routinely Mozambique last year each soldier was paid US$300.00 per month by the U.N ..
briefed to U.N. Military Staff Of course, the Zambian government looted more than half that money, but the
Committee members. This informa- net result was that the deployed Zambian soldier's pay more than doubled. The
tion was then relayed to the North added benefit was that it got some of their armed gangs out of the country for a
Koreans and Chinese communists by while, thus reducing the threat of a coup.
their allies, the Soviet Union. Lin There is an analogy to be drawn here. If the thugs and hoodlums of Third
Piao, commander of communist World sewers get well paid by their U.N. masters (at least by their standards),
Chinese forces in Korea gloated, "I that at least makes them prostitutes--a known honorable profession.
United States peacekeepers get no extra pay. The RESISTER figures that
Continued on page 13 this makes U.S. Peacekeepers little more than common street sluts.

12 Vol. I, No.2
Peacekeeping attacked her. nations.
For what reason should the To fund its One World govern-
Continued from page 12 United States throw away hundreds ment the UNDP report calls for
would never have made the attack of millions of dollars in so-called global taxation. This is to include
(across the Yalu, ed.) and risked my foreign "aid" and risk the lives of taxes on pollution, taxes on 'sav-
men and military reputation if I had American servicemen to "save" ings' from demilitarization, taxes on
not been assured that Washington mobs of starving irrelevancies and all foreign exchange transactions,
would restrain General MacArthur hoards of suffering abstractions at he and a global income tax on nations
from taking adequate retaliatory whim of the One World Socialists of whose people average an income
measures against my lines of supply the United Nations? So New World above US$10,000 per year.
and communication." The number of Order altruists can feel good about
American who soldiers died as a themselves. Genocide: The Aim
result of this federal government There are many who view the The UN requires such global
treason cannot be calculated. mindless whimsy and senseless power of dictatorship, the report
The true intent ofUnited Nations rationalizing of American foreign makes clear, in order to enforce
"peacekeeping" is best illustrated by policy in general, and United population reduction. The biggest
the 1960- 1964 ONUC (Operation Nations peacekeeping in particular, threat to "human security," the
des Nations Unies au Congo), in as an omnipotent conspiracy report states on page 34, is "un-
what is now the archetype U.N. masterminded by some malevolent checked population growth." The
client state and IMF money sewer, powerful giant. Lacking irrefutable report states that by the year 2015,
Zaire. facts in proof of this contention The world population must be stabilized
When Moise Kapenda Tshombe, RESISTER prefers to remain silent. at 7.3 billion. For this goal to be
pro-west and anti-communist leader If there is a conspiracy we believe it reached, nations must "commit
of Katanga province declared is more a conspiracy of philosophy themselves to ... participating in
secession and independence from the than a conspiracy of men. annual reviews of the 20 :20 com-
communist regime of Patrice The RESISTER contends that the pact," to be held as joint donor-
Lumumba, the United Nations, at truth is far more horrible: at the recipient meetings on 'each country
the behest of American liberals and bottom of the cloying fog of stench as well as annual reviews in the
the Soviet Union deployed thousands that surrounds U.N. peacekeeping Economic Security Council.
of pro-communist thugs on U.S. and American foreign policy is a Further, the UNDP demands that,
transport aircraft to bring Katanga ~ nest of scurrying cockroaches. while the UN heightens its powers
back into line. Thousands died in
U.N. concentration camps, whites • to militarily intervene in the
sovereign territory of any nation, the
were routinely murdered, and militaries of developing countries
civilian facilities were bombed by UNHDP must be dismantled, their national
U.N. aircraft (flown by Czeck and Continued from page 12 security stripped. The UNDP report
Russian "technicians") between July criterion of economic performance. lists five cases in which UN Blue
1960 and January 1962. (See: The UNDP proposals, if imple- Helmet troops must be deployed into
Rebels, Mercenaries and Dividends, mented, would create the enforce- the internal conflicts of nations:
by Smith Hempstone, 1962.) ment apparatus for such genocidal "mass slaughter of the population of
Never in it's history has the aims. the state, decimation through
United Nations intervened on behalf Specifically, the UNDP report starvation or the withholding of
of a pro-west, pro-capitalist nation calls for the creation of a World health or other services, forced
under assault from conmmnist Court, with powers to subpoena exodus, occupation and the denial of
subversion from within or socialist nations; A World Police; A World the right to self-determination, (and)
aggression from without. Where was Bank, which would give the Interna- environmental destruction."
the U.N. in Malaysia, VietNam, tional Monetary Fund sole power to To understand what this means,
Laos or Cambodia? Objections that enforce austerity on nations; A at the behest of British Prime
member states must appeal to the World Treasury; An Economic Minister Lord Palmerson, UN
United Nations for assistance are Security Council, with a mandate to "Peace-makers" would have inter-
irrelevant since their ideological interfere in those states that do not vened to protect the secession of the
aggressors, communists and social- conform to UN protocols for Confederacy from the Union during
ists, controlled (and still control) the "population reduction" or "free the American Civil War.
Security Council. The U.N. does not trade" liberalization; A World Trade At the same time, under the title
send peacekeepers to the Middle and Production Organization, which "special contributions," the UNDP
East to protect Israel, but to preserve would not only regulate "free trade" endorses a call by Oscar Arias,
the lunatic Islamic nations who but also dictate production quotas to Continued on page 15

Vol. I, No.2 13

BOOK REVIEWS apparently random whim issues--but

by conscious adherence to the ideal
of individual rights.
This history begins with the
ideological foment of 1761. The use
of "writs of assistance" --blanket
THE RIGHT AND WRONG OF COMPULSION BY THE search warrants, designed to curb
STATE, by Auberon Herbert smuggling and giving their bearers
the right to search any ship or
lile not many people know his name, England's Auberon Herbert

building they chose--was legally
1838-1906) was a profound defender of capitalism. He wrote challenged as an assault on Ameri-
eloquent, uncompromising, and philosophically insightful defenses of cans' rights.
individual rights. Politics, he says, must be "the battle of the principles ... the Langguth summarizes the case
principle of liberty against the principle of force." made by the British attorney:
Herbert presents his views intransigently and articulately: "True liberty "Which was more important,
cannot exist apart from the full rights of property, for property is the only protecting the liberty of an indi-
crystallized form of free faculties .. .The whole meaning of socialism is a vidual or collecting the taxes
systematic glorification offorce ... No literary phrases about social organisms are efficiently? Gathering public money
potent enough to evaporate the individual, who is the prime, indispensable, must take precedence." On the other
irreducible element." hand, James Otis, the attorney for
Herbert readily applies these same principles to show the evils of unlimited the colonists, argued that "every
democratic rule. "How should it happen that the individual should be without man was his own sovereign ... No
rights, but that the combination of individuals should possess unlimited other creature on earth could
rights?" legitimately challenge a mans right
But he does not regard the issue of force as a primary. Instead, he under- to his life, his liberty and his
stands that it depends on something far more fundamental: the value of reason. property. That principle, that
"Force and reason--which last is the essence of the moral act--are at the two unalterable law, took ·
opposite poles," he argues. "The man who compels his neighbor... treats him, precedence ... even over the survival
not as a being with reason, but as an animal in whom reason is not." of the state."
Because of Herbert's conm1itment to reason, religion too is a target of his When Otis finished, "something
withering attacks: "Socialism is but Catholicism addressing itself not to tl1e profound changed America" --i.e.,
soul but to the sense of men." Both implore one to "accept authority, accept the individual rights had been invoked
force which it employs, resign yourself to all-powerful managers, give up the to limit state power.
free choice and the free act ... They both of them seek to sacrifice man." The The heroes who made the
basic difference, he remarks, is that socialism "is a creed even more denigrating Revolution were men like Samuel
than Catholicism, but it offers more tangible bribes for its acceptance." Adams, the ascetic Puritan who
Writing at the end of the 19th century, as attacks on capitalism began to stir, inflamed the mob in Boston--Patrick
this unconm10n thinker declares: "It is not laissez-faire that has failed. That Henry, the brilliant orator whose
would be an ill day for men. What has failed is the courage to see what is true "Give me liberty or give me death"
and speak it to the people, to point to tl1e true remedies." became the rallying cry for Ameri-
can troops--George Washington,
whose patrician integrity inspired
his soldiers while his aggressive
PATRIOTS: The Men Who Started the American Revolution, tactics won the war--Thomas
by A.J. Langguth Jefferson, whose commitment to
rights persuaded the Continental
urn off the evening news, put down your novel, and read this book. The Congress to endorse his Declaration
happenings in Patriots are as relevant as the day's headlines and as of Independence.
compelling as any "page-turner" --it is the story of the events that created Reading this book will inspire
the United States. you. •
America's unique revolution was a war guided by intellectual activists. The
incidents in this book may seem similar to those covered by contemporary
journalists--mass protests of unpopular political decisions; legislatures wran-
gling over the imposition of new taxes; soldiers firing into a violent mob and
inciting further demonstrations; a rebellious people taking over the government ZORTP JWVNJ ODSJU TYISN AKIRD BYDJC
of a country. However, these events were driven not by blind emotions and LEBSU QVRFT OMSTG INYVR SCEGR RELRH

14 Vol. I, No.2
Continued from page 13 PERSONALS
former President of Costa Rica and Library
Nobel Peace Prize winner, for
developing nations to fully demobi- Mr. Richard White's Texas ranch Continued from page 5
lize their armed forces. Arias calls is ideally suited for the grazing of We will point out that the
for a Global Demilitarization Fund, large herds of cattle. Marquat Memorial Library contains
managed by the UN, that would dish the collected works of Marx, Lenin,
out money to developing countries Stalin, Mao, Hitler's Mein Kampf,
who make efforts to "disarm and The King's Mountain Model and at least something representing
demobilize their armed forces, Railroad Club will hold its quarterly the philosophy of every brand of
reintegrate military people into meeting at the Charlotte address. collectivism, socialism, statism,
society, and promote gun control." Topic: Switching yards or spur lines, tribalism, and anarchy. Obviously,
Through the Economic Security which is the greater modeling the Chain of Command considers
Council, demilitarization would challenge? those works perfectly acceptable
become a new condition for any aid reading for our soldiers.
or loans to developing nations. The RESISTER's message of
Mr. Howard Devon, of Medford strict constitutionalism, isolation-
Demand for Disintegration Wisconsin, wishes to announce the ism, laissez-faire capitalism,
The UNDP report has already Medford Gardening Club will now individual rights, limited govern-
drawn the wrath of some developing hold their monthly meetings every ment, and republicanism, is consid-
countries for the inclusion in the third Wednesday. The next meeting ered subversive.
report of a "hit list" of countries will be a seminar on sunflowers. It is tempting to hold MAJ Prugh
which the report says are either in a accountable for his action, but we
state of crisis, or on the verge of know he was just an "errand boy
crisis, and therefore warrant UN The Sand Hills Bird Watchers sent by grocery clerks;" an errand
"preemptive action." Society will conduct its 1st Annual boy who held mandatory "Homo-
Targeted are Afghanistan, Membership Drive throughout the sexuality Sensitivity Training" for
Angola, Haiti, Iraq, Mozambique, month of October. Clara Miller, vice all USAJFKSWCS instructors and
Sudan, Zaire, Burundi, Georgia, president, reminds prospective staff throughout August, 1994.
Liberia, Rwanda, and Tajikistan. members to provide their own Major General Garrison's address
The report further cites Brazil, optics. The club's Guide to Birds is:
South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, and will be provided at no cost.
Nigeria as vulnerable to disintegra-
tion due to "unequal distribution of • ATTN: AOJK-CO
resources." Of these nations Egypt,
Mexico, and Nigeria were also Fort Bragg, North Carolina
targets ofthe 1970's National Haq, in fact, revealed the UNDP had 28307-5000
Security Memorandum 200, written done a detailed study ofChiapas (910) 432-4404
by Henry Kissinger, which declares seven months before the January
that population reduction is a 1994 insurgency was launched.
national security goal of the United
A mere coincidence? Haq further
States. said the UNDP is now engaged in Continued from page 7 .
In the press conference which similar 'studies' of regional dispari- universal, nor is it well advertised,
released the Human Development ties in Egypt, Nigeria, and Brazil. but it is expanding with the growing
Report, UNDP index designer Despite the liberal distribution of recognition that the myriad incom-
Mabubhul Haq, an IMF flunky and the word "human" throughout the prehensible laws passed in the last
former Pakistani Finance Minister UNDP report human beings are not thirty years were never intended to
in the early 1980's, indicated that a high priority. James Gustave serve their stated purpose.
countries which do not submit to the Speth, head of the UNDP, was the If you are not a member of a non-
parameters of the UNDP "Human project director for the Carter state approved militia, join one. If
Development Index" will be hit with administration's Global 2000 report there is none where you live, form
insurgencies modeled on that of this which demanded that the world one--in secret. When the time
year's Chiapas uprising of "indig- population be reduced to 2 billion by comes we will find you and assist
enous people" in southern Mexico. the year 2000. • you. •

Vol. I, No.2 15


In The Next Issue:

.,.. How the Second Amendment Will Be Abrogated By UN Treaty
.,.. Why NAFTA is Anti-Capitalism
.,.. How Democracy Subverts the Constitution
.,.. The True Nature ofRights
Our Usual Features
Ask for the Winter Issue in January; somebody will have it.

16 Vol. I, No.2

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