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The Measurement of Student

Engagement: A Comparative 37
Analysis of Various Methods
and Student Self-report Instruments

Jennifer A. Fredricks and Wendy McColskey

One of the challenges with research on student engagement is the large
variation in the measurement of this construct, which has made it chal-
lenging to compare findings across studies. This chapter contributes to our
understanding of the measurement of student in engagement in three ways.
First, we describe strengths and limitations of different methods for assess-
ing student engagement (i.e., self-report measures, experience sampling
techniques, teacher ratings, interviews, and observations). Second, we
compare and contrast 11 self-report survey measures of student engage-
ment that have been used in prior research. Across these 11 measures, we
describe what is measured (scale name and items), use of measure, sam-
ples, and the extent of reliability and validity information available on
each measure. Finally, we outline limitations with current approaches to
measurement and promising future directions.

Researchers, educators, and policymakers are (i.e., uninvolved, apathetic, not trying very hard,
increasingly focused on student engagement as and not paying attention) (Steinberg, Brown, &
the key to addressing problems of low achieve- Dornbush, 1996; Yazzie-Mintz, 2007). The con-
ment, high levels of student boredom, alienation, sequences of disengagement for middle and high
and high dropout rates (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & school youth from disadvantaged backgrounds
Paris, 2004). Students become more disengaged are especially severe; these youth are less likely
as they progress from elementary to middle to graduate from high school and face limited
school, with some estimates that 25–40% of employment prospects, increasing their risk for
youth are showing signs of disengagement poverty, poorer health, and involvement in the
criminal justice system (National Research
J.A. Fredricks, Ph.D. (*) Council and the Institute of Medicine, 2004).
Human Development, Connecticut College, Although there is growing interest in student
New London, CT, USA
engagement, there has been considerable varia-
tion in how this construct has been conceptual-
W. McColskey, Ph.D.
SERVE Center, University of North Carolina,
ized over time (Appleton, Christenson, & Furlong,
Greensboro, NC, USA 2008; Fredricks et al., 2004; Jimerson, Campos,
e-mail: & Grief, 2003). Scholars have used a broad range

S.L. Christenson et al. (eds.), Handbook of Research on Student Engagement, 763

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-2018-7_37, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
764 J.A. Fredricks and W. McColskey

of terms including student engagement, school in prior research are compared and contrasted on
engagement, student engagement in school, aca- several dimensions (i.e., what is measured, pur-
demic engagement, engagement in class, and poses and uses, samples, and psychometric prop-
engagement in schoolwork. In addition, there has erties). Finally, we discuss limitations with
been variation in the number of subcomponents current approaches to measurement.
of engagement including different conceptuali-
zations. Some scholars have proposed a
two-dimensional model of engagement which What is Student Engagement
includes behavior (e.g., participation, effort, and
positive conduct) and emotion (e.g., interest, We define student engagement as a meta-construct
belonging, value, and positive emotions) (Finn, that includes behavioral, emotional, and cognitive
1989; Marks, 2000; Skinner, Kindermann, & engagement (Fredricks et al., 2004). Although
Furrer, 2009b). More recently, others have out- there are large individual bodies of literature on
lined a three-component model of engagement behavioral (i.e., time on task), emotional (i.e.,
that includes behavior, emotion, and a cognitive interest and value), and cognitive engagement
dimension (i.e., self-regulation, investment in (i.e., self-regulation and learning strategies), what
learning, and strategy use) (e.g., Archaumbault, makes engagement unique is its potential as a mul-
2009; Fredricks et al., 2004; Jimerson et al., 2003; tidimensional or “meta”-construct that includes
Wigfield et al., 2008). Finally, Christenson and these three dimensions. Behavioral engagement
her colleagues (Appleton, Christenson, Kim, & draws on the idea of participation and includes
Reschly, 2006; Reschly & Christenson, 2006) involvement in academic, social, or extracurricu-
conceptualized engagement as having four lar activities and is considered crucial for achiev-
dimensions: academic, behavioral, cognitive, and ing positive academic outcomes and preventing
psychological (subsequently referred to as affec- dropping out (Connell & Wellborn, 1991; Finn,
tive) engagement. In this model, aspects of behav- 1989). Other scholars define behavioral engage-
ior are separated into two different components: ment in terms of positive conduct, such as follow-
academics, which includes time on task, credits ing the rules, adhering to classroom norms, and the
earned, and homework completion, and behavior, absence of disruptive behavior such as skipping
which includes attendance, class participation, school or getting into trouble (Finn, Pannozzo, &
and extracurricular participation. One common- Voelkl, 1995; Finn & Rock, 1997). Emotional
ality across the myriad of conceptualizations is engagement focuses on the extent of positive (and
that engagement is multidimensional. However, negative) reactions to teachers, classmates, aca-
further theoretical and empirical work is needed demics, or school. Others conceptualize emotional
to determine the extent to which these different engagement as identification with the school,
dimensions are unique constructs and whether a which includes belonging, or a feeling of being
three or four component model more accurately important to the school, and valuing, or an appre-
describes the construct of student engagement. ciation of success in school-related outcomes
Even when scholars have similar conceptual- (Finn, 1989; Voelkl, 1997). Positive emotional
izations of engagement, there has been consider- engagement is presumed to create student ties to
able variability in the content of items used in the institution and influence their willingness to do
instruments. This has made it challenging to the work (Connell & Wellborn, 1991; Finn, 1989).
compare findings from different studies. This Finally, cognitive engagement is defined as stu-
chapter expands on our understanding of the dent’s level of investment in learning. It includes
measurement of student engagement in three being thoughtful, strategic, and willing to exert the
ways. First, the strengths and limitations of dif- necessary effort for comprehension of complex
ferent methods for assessing student engagement ideas or mastery of difficult skills (Corno &
are described. Second, 11 self-report survey mea- Mandinach, 1983; Fredricks et al., 2004; Meece,
sures of student engagement that have been used Blumenfeld, & Hoyle, 1988).
37 The Measurement of Student Engagement… 765

An important question is how engagement dif- they can achieve desired ends (Fredricks et al.,
fers from motivation. Although the terms are used 2004). In contrast, if students experience schools
interchangeably by some, they are different and as uncaring, coercive, and unfair, they will become
the distinctions between them are important. disengaged or disaffected (Skinner et al., 2009a,
Motivation refers to the underlying reasons for a 2009b). This model assumes that motivation is a
given behavior and can be conceptualized in terms necessary but not sufficient precursor to engage-
of the direction, intensity, quality, and persistence ment (Appleton et al., 2008; Connell & Wellborn,
of one’s energies (Maehr & Meyer, 1997). A pro- 1991).
liferation of motivational constructs (e.g., intrin-
sic motivation, goal theory, and expectancy-value
models) have been developed to answer two broad Methods for Studying Engagement
questions “Can I do this task” and “Do I want to
do this task and why?” (Eccles, Wigfield, & Student Self-report
Schiefele, 1998). One commonality across these
different motivational constructs is an emphasis Self-report survey measures are the most com-
on individual differences and underlying psycho- mon method for assessing student engagement. In
logical processes. In contrast, engagement tends this methodology, students are provided items
to be thought of in terms of action, or the behav- reflecting various aspects of engagement and
ioral, emotional, and cognitive manifestations of select the response that best describes them. The
motivation (Skinner, Kindermann, Connell, & majority of these self-report engagement mea-
Wellborn, 2009a). An additional difference is that sures are general and not subject specific, though
engagement reflects an individual’s interaction there are some examples of measures that assess
with context (Fredricks et al., 2004; Russell, engagement in a specific domain like math (Kong,
Ainsley, & Frydenberg, 2005). In other words, an Wong, & Lam, 2003) or reading (Wigfield et al.,
individual is engaged in something (i.e., task, 2008). One of the arguments for using self-report
activity, and relationship), and their engagement methods is that it is critical to collect data on stu-
cannot be separated from their environment. This dents’ subjective perceptions, as opposed to just
means that engagement is malleable and is respon- collecting objective data on behavioral indicators
sive to variations in the context that schools such as attendance or homework completion rates,
can target in interventions (Fredricks et al., 2004; which are already commonly collected by schools
Newmann, Wehlage, & Lamborn, 1992). (Appleton et al., 2006; Garcia & Pintrich, 1996).
The self-system model of motivational devel- Self-report methods are particularly useful for
opment (Connell, 1990; Connell & Wellborn, assessing emotional and cognitive engagement
1991; Deci & Ryan, 1985) provides one theoreti- which are not directly observable and need to be
cal model for studying motivation and engage- inferred from behaviors. In fact, Appleton et al.
ment. This model is based on the assumption that (2006) argue that self-report methods should only
individuals have three fundamental motivational be used to assess emotional and cognitive engage-
needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. If ment because collecting data on these subtypes
schools provide children with opportunities to through other methods, such as observations and
meet these three needs, students will be more teacher rating scales, is highly inferential.
engaged. Students’ need for relatedness is more Self-report methods are widely used because
likely to occur in classrooms where teachers and they are often the most practical and easy to
peers create a caring and supportive environment; administer in classroom settings. They can be
their need for autonomy is met when they feel like given to large and diverse samples of children at
they have a choice and when they are motivated a relatively low cost, making it possible to gather
by internal rather than external factors; and their data over several waves and compare results
need for competence is met when they experience across schools. However, one concern with self-
the classroom as optimal in structure and feel like report measures is that students may not answer
766 J.A. Fredricks and W. McColskey

honestly under some conditions (e.g., if adminis- Teacher Ratings of Students

tered by their teacher with no anonymity pro-
vided), and thus, self-reports may not reflect their Another method for assessing student engage-
actual behaviors or strategy use (Appleton et al., ment is teacher checklists or rating scales. Teacher
2006; Garcia & Pintrich, 1996). Furthermore, ratings of individual students’ engagement, when
these measures generally contain items that are averaged across students in their classrooms,
worded broadly (e.g., I work hard in school) offer an alternative perspective on student
rather than worded to reflect engagement in par- engagement from that reported by the students
ticular tasks and situations. For researchers inter- themselves. Some teacher rating scales include
ested in studying how much engagement varies items assessing both behavioral and emotional
as a function of contextual factors, the general engagement (Skinner & Belmont, 1993), and
items may not be appropriate. others reflect a multidimensional model of
engagement (i.e., behavioral, emotional, and cog-
nitive) (Wigfield et al., 2008). Researchers have
Experience Sampling also developed teacher ratings of student partici-
pation as indicative of behavioral engagement
Experience sampling (ESM) is another technique (Finn, Folger, & Cox, 1991; Finn et al., 1995),
that has been used to assess student engagement and teacher ratings of adjustment to school, as
in the classroom (Shernoff, Csikszentmihalyi, indicative of engagement (Birch & Ladd, 1997;
Schneider, & Shernoff, 2003; Shernoff & Schmidt, Buhs & Ladd, 2001). This methodology can be
2008; Uekawa, Borman, & Lee, 2007; Yair, 2000). particularly useful for studies with younger chil-
ESM methods grew out of research on “flow,” a dren who have more difficulty completing self-
high level of engagement where individuals are so report instruments due to the reading demands
deeply absorbed in a task that they lose awareness and limited literacy skills. Some studies have
of time and space (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). In included both teacher ratings and students’ self-
this methodology, individuals carry electronic reports of engagement in order to examine the
pagers or alarm watches for a set time period. In correspondence between the two measurement
response to ESM signals, students fill out a self- techniques (Skinner, Marchand, Furrer, &
report questionnaire with a series of questions Kindermann, 2008; Skinner et al., 2009b).
about their location, activities, and cognitive and These studies show a stronger correlation
affective responses (see Hektner, Schmidt, & between teacher and student reports of behavioral
Csikszentmihalyi, 2007, for more description of engagement than teacher and student reports of
ESM methods). This methodology allows emotional engagement. This finding is not sur-
researchers to collect detailed data on engage- prising as behavioral indicators are directly
ment in the moment rather than retrospectively observable. In contrast, emotional indicators need
(as with student self-report), which reduces prob- to be inferred from behavior, and it is possible
lems with recall failure and the desire to answer that some students have learned to mask their
in socially desirable ways (Hektner et al., 2007). emotions (Skinner et al., 2008).
This technique can be used to collect information
on variations in engagement across time and situ-
ations. However, this methodology also has some Interviews
limitations. ESM methods require a large time
investment for respondents, and the success of the A few studies have used interview techniques to
method depends largely on participants’ ability assess engagement in school (Blumenfeld et al.,
and willingness to comply. In addition, engage- 2005; Conchas, 2001; Locke Davidson, 1996).
ment is a multifaceted construct and may not be Interviews fall on a continuum from structured
adequately captured by the small number of items and semistructured interviews with predesignated
included in ESM studies. questions to interviews where participants are
37 The Measurement of Student Engagement… 767

asked to tell their stories in more open-ended and work, seatwork) to get an accurate picture of stu-
unstructured ways (Turner & Meyer, 2000). One dent behavior. There are also concerns about the
benefit of interview methods is they can provide reliability of observational methods without
insight into the reasons for variability in levels of proper training. Finally, another potential prob-
engagement to help understand why some stu- lem with individual observational measures is
dents do engage while others begin to withdraw they provide limited information on the quality
from school. Interviews can provide a detailed of effort, participation, or thinking (Fredricks
descriptive account of how students construct et al., 2004; Peterson, Swing, Su, & Wass, 1984).
meaning about their school experiences, which For example, Peterson and colleagues found that
contextual factors are most salient, and how these some students judged to be on-task by observers
experiences relate to engagement (Blumenfeld reported in subsequent interviews that they were
et al.). However, interviews are not without prob- not thinking about the material while being
lems. The knowledge, skills, and biases of the observed. In contrast, many of the students who
interviewer can all impact on the quality, depth, appeared to be off-task reported actually being
and type of responses. There are also questions very highly cognitively engaged.
about the reliability (stability and consistency) Rather than assessing engagement with pre-
and validity of interview findings (McCaslin & specified coding categories, other studies have
Good, 1996). Finally, concerns about social desir- used narrative and descriptive techniques to mea-
ability are an issue with interview techniques. sure this construct. For example, Nystrand and
colleagues (Gamoran & Nystrand, 1992; Nystrand
& Gamoran, 1991; Nystrand, Wu, Gamaron,
Observations Zeiser, & Long, 2001) assessed the quality of
instructional discourse in the classroom as an
Observational methods at both the individual and indicator of substantive engagement, defined as a
classroom level have also been used to measure sustained commitment to the content of school-
engagement. At the individual level, observa- ing. In these studies, the frequency of high-level
tional measures have been developed to assess evaluation questions, authentic questions, and
individual students’ on and off task behavior as uptake (i.e., evidence that teachers incorporate
an indicator of academic engagement (Volpe, students’ answers into subsequent questions) was
DiPerna, Hintze, & Shapiro, 2005). Academic observed as indicative of substantive engagement.
engagement refers to a composite of academic That is, these teacher behaviors were assumed to
behaviors such as reading aloud, writing, answer- involve active student engagement. Furthermore,
ing questions, participating in classroom tasks, Helme and Clarke (2001) observed math classes
and talking about academics (Greenwood, for indicators of cognitive engagement such as
Horton, & Utley, 2002). These measures use a self-monitoring, exchanging ideas, giving direc-
form of momentary time sampling, in which an tions, and justifying answers. Finally, Lee and her
observer records whether a predetermined cate- colleagues used observational techniques to exam-
gory of behavior is present or absent for an indi- ine the quality of students’ task engagement when
vidual student during a defined time interval involved in science activities (Lee & Anderson,
(Salvia & Ysseldyke, 2004). In addition to use in 1993; Lee & Brophy, 1996). In these studies, they
research studies, these techniques have been used noted behaviors such as relating the task to prior
by school psychologists to screen individual chil- knowledge, requesting clarification, and using
dren in both typical and special needs popula- analogies as measures of cognitive engagement.
tions, especially those at risk for disengagement The prime advantage of using observation
and academic failure (Shapiro, 2004). techniques to study engagement is that they can
One concern with these types of observations provide detailed and descriptive accounts of the
is that they can be time consuming to administer, contextual factors occurring with higher or lower
and observers may need to collect data across engagement levels. These descriptions enhance
various types of academic settings (i.e., group our understanding of unfolding processes within
768 J.A. Fredricks and W. McColskey

contexts. Observational methods also can be used American’s Families (NSAF)], (5) did not have
to verify information about engagement collected enough published information on the measure,
from survey and interview techniques. The major (6) adapted from other instruments already
disadvantages of observations are that they are included in the list, or (7) developed for use in
labor intensive, and they usually involve only a nonacademic subject areas (e.g., physical educa-
small number of students and contexts. This raises tion). This resulted in a total of 21 measures (14
concerns about the generalizability to other set- self-report, 3 teacher report, and 4 observation
tings. Finally, the quality of descriptive observa- methods) which had been used with upper ele-
tions depends heavily on the skills of the observer mentary to high school years.
and on his or her ability to capture and make sense By way of describing the substantial variation
of what was observed (Turner & Meyer, 2000). that exists across engagement measures, in this
chapter, we describe 11 of these self-report mea-
sures. The 11 self-report measures in this chapter
Comparison of Self-report Measures are for illustrative purposes and should not be
considered an exhaustive list but rather are
In the next section, we describe survey measures included to show the types of self-report instru-
that have been developed and used in prior ments available. We compared these 11 self-
research on student engagement and compare report surveys on several dimensions including:
these surveys on several dimensions. This chap- definition of engagement, usage, samples, and
ter builds on a literature review conducted to psychometric information. The self-report mea-
identify measures of student engagement avail- sures ranged in length from a 4-item scale [School
able for use in the upper elementary through high Engagement Scale Questionnaire (SEQ)] to the
school years (Fredricks & McColskey, 2010). We High School Survey of Student Engagement
focus on student self-report measures because (HSSSE), a broad 121-item questionnaire. In
this is the most common method for assessing some cases, the engagement items are a subset of
engagement and most likely to be of interest to a longer self-report instrument that assesses con-
researchers. As a first step toward identifying stu- structs other than student engagement.
dent engagement instruments, a literature search Table 37.1 lists the names of the 11 self-report
was conducted by members of the research team measures and the availability of the measure (i.e.,
using terms that were broad enough to capture journal article, website, and contact person). Eight
both subject-specific and general measures of measures are either available in a published
student engagement. The search was restricted to source, can be accessed online, or are available by
studies published between 1979 (which was contacting the developer. Three of the instruments
selected to predate the earliest emergence of have commercially available services for pur-
engagement studies in the early 1980s) and May chase (School Success Profile [SSP], High School
2009 and resulted in 1,314 citations. Survey of Student Engagement [HSSSE], and the
The research team systematically reviewed Motivation and Engagement in Schools Scale
the 1,314 citations to identify named instruments [MES]). This cost covers questionnaire materials,
used to measure student engagement. A total of administration of surveys, data preparation, indi-
156 instruments were identified from the cita- vidual and school reports, and other technical
tions. From this initial list of 156 instruments, we assistance related to the use of the information.
excluded measures for a variety of reasons includ-
ing (1) developed and used only with college age
samples, (2) used only with special education What Is Measured
populations, (3) measured a construct other than
engagement (e.g., school bonding, attitudes Table 37.2 lists the student self-report measures,
toward school), (4) based on items from a larger the subscales/domains measured, and sample
national dataset [e.g., National Education items for each of the subscales. Some of these
Longitudinal Study (NELS), National Survey of survey instruments were explicitly designed to
37 The Measurement of Student Engagement… 769

Table 37.1 Overview of 11 instruments [Attitudes Toward Math (ATM), Engagement vs.
Instrument name Availability Disaffection with Learning (EvsD), Motivated
Attitudes Toward Miller, Greene, Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ),
Mathematics Montalvo, Ravindran, and School Engagement Questionnaire (SEQ)].
Survey (ATM) and Nichols (1996) The self-report measures also differ in whether
Engagement vs. Disaffection Skinner, Kindermann, and
and how they conceptualize disengagement. Some
with Learning – Student Furrer (2009b) or www.
Report (EvsD) of the measures include subscales that assess the
High School Survey of opposite of engagement, which has been referred
Student Engagement (HSSSE) ~ceep/hssse/ to as disengagement, disaffection, and alienation
Identification with School Voelkl (1996) (Skinner et al., 2009a, 2009b). For example, three
Questionnaire (ISQ) instruments have subscales measuring the extent
Motivated Strategies Pintrich and
for Learning DeGroot (1990)
of negative engagement (disengagement in the
Questionnaire (MSLQ) MES, trouble avoidance in the SSP, and behav-
Motivation and www.lifelongachievement. ioral disaffection and emotional disaffection in
Engagement Scale (MES) com Engagement vs. Disaffection with Learning).
Research Assessment Other measures imply that negative engagement
Package for Schools publication_pdfs/RAPS_
is simply a low engagement score indicating a
(RAPS) manual_entire_1998.pdf
School Engagement Measure Fredricks, Blumenfeld,
lack of engagement (Appleton et al., 2006).
(SEM) – MacArthur Friedel, and Paris (2005) Finally, some of the measures blur the lines
School Engagement Scale/ Available by contacting between engagement and contextual precursors
Questionnaire (SEQ) Dr. Steinberg at Temple (e.g., quality of students’ social relationships). For
University example, the three Student Engagement Instrument
School Success Profile (SSP) www.schoolsuccessprofile.
(SEI) “psychological engagement” subscales
Student Engagement Appleton et al. (2006) include items about students’ relationships with
Instrument (SEI) teachers and peers and support for learning from
families that are not direct measures of engage-
ment but indirect measures. Other self-report
assess engagement, while other measures were measures include separate scales for the aspects
designed to assess constructs such as identifica- of classroom or school context that are assumed
tion with school, motivation, and self-regulation to influence or be related to engagement (e.g.,
and strategy use, but have been used in subse- Research Assessment Package for Schools).
quent studies as measures of engagement. For Another way to compare the self-report survey
example, the Motivated Strategies for Learning measures is in terms of the extent to which they
Questionnaire (MSLQ) was initially designed to represent the multidimensional nature of engage-
measure self-regulation and strategy use but has ment. Table 37.3 shows the various self-report
been used in some studies as an indicator of cog- measures in terms of whether they reflect behav-
nitive engagement (Pintrich & DeGroot, 1990). ioral, emotional, or cognitive aspects of engage-
Similarly, the Identification with School question- ment. In addition to differences in scale names
naire has been used in some studies as a measure used by developers (see Tables 37.2 and 37.4),
of student identification with school and in other there were differences in how the developers
studies as a measure of emotional engagement. aligned similar items within the behavioral, emo-
There are a variety of ways to compare these tional, and cognitive engagement constructs. For
measures. First, the surveys differ in terms of example, class participation was used as an indica-
whether they focus on general engagement or tor of both behavioral and cognitive engagement,
subject- or class-specific engagement. Seven of and students’ valuing of school was used as an
the measures have items worded to reflect general indicator of both emotional and cognitive engage-
engagement in school, while 4 of the self-report ment. Below we describe the subscales and items
instruments are worded for use at the class level, found across the 11 instruments by behavioral,
in particular classes, or in particular skill areas emotional, and cognitive engagement.
770 J.A. Fredricks and W. McColskey

Table 37.2 Self-report subscales with sample items

Name of measure Subscales Sample items
Attitudes Toward Self-regulation (12 items) “Before a quiz or exam, I plan out how to study the
Mathematics material”
Survey (ATM) Deep cognitive strategy use “I work several examples of the same type of problem
(9 items) when studying mathematics so I can understand the
problems better”
Shallow cognitive strategy use “I find reviewing previously solved problems to be a
(5 items) good way to study for a test”
Persistence (9 items) “If I have trouble understanding a problem, I go over
it again until I understand it”
Engagement vs. Behavioral engagement (5 items) “When I am in class, I listen very carefully”
Disaffection with Behavioral disaffection (5 items) “When I am in class, I just act like I am working”
Learning (EvsD) Emotional engagement (5 items) “I enjoy learning new things in class”
Emotional disaffection (7 items) “When we work on something in class, I feel
High School Survey Cognitive/intellectual/academic Thinking about this school year, how often have you
of Student Engagement engagement (65 items) done each of the following?
(HSSSE) (A) Asked questions in class; (B) contributed to class
discussions; (C) made a class presentation; (D)
prepared a draft of a paper or assignment before
turning it in; (E) received prompt feedback from
teachers on assignments or other class work
Social/behavioral/participatory Thinking about this school year, how often have you
engagement (17 items) done each of the following? (a) had conversations or
worked on a project with at least one student of a race
or ethnicity different from your own; (b) picked on or
bullied another student
Emotional engagement How do you feel about the following statements
(39 items) related to your high school?
Overall, (a) I feel good about being in this school; (b)
I care about this school; (c) I feel safe in this school;
(d) I have a voice in classroom and/or school decisions
Identification with School Belongingness (9 items) “School is one of my favorite places to be”
Questionnaire (ISQ) Valuing of school (7 items) “Most of the things we learn in class are useless”
Motivated Strategy Self-regulation (9 items) “I outline the chapters in my book to help me study”
and Learning Use Cognitive strategy use (13 items) “I ask myself questions to make sure I know the
Questionnaire (MSLQ) material that I have been studying”
Motivation and Self-belief (4 items) “If I try hard I believe I can do my schoolwork well”
Engagement Learning focus (4 items) “I feel very happy with myself when I really
Scale (MES) understand what I am taught at school”
Valuing school (4 items) “Learning at school is important”
Persistence (4 items) “If I cannot understand my schoolwork, I keep trying
until I do”
Planning (4 items) “Before I start a project, I plan out how I am going
to do it”
Study management (4 items) “When I do homework, I usually do it where I can
concentrate best”
Disengagement (4 items) “I have given up being interested in school”
Self-sabotage (4 items) “Sometimes I do not try at school so I can have
reason if I do not do well”
Failure avoidance (4 items) “The main reason I try at school is because I do not
want to disappoint my parents”
Anxiety (4 items) “When I have a project to do, I worry a lot about it”
Uncertain control (4 items) “When I do not do well at school, I do not know how
to stop that happening next time”
37 The Measurement of Student Engagement… 771

Table 37.2 (continued)

Name of measure Subscales Sample items
Research Assessment Ongoing engagement (5 items) “I work hard on my schoolwork”
Package for Schools Reaction to challenge (6 items) “When something bad happens to me in school, I say
(RAPS) the teacher did not cover the things on the test”
School Behavioral engagement (5 items) “I pay attention in class”
Engagement Measure Emotional engagement (6 items) “I am interested in the work at school”
(SEM)-MacArthur Cognitive engagement (8 items) “When I read a book, I ask myself questions to make
sure I understand what it is about”
School Engagement School engagement scale “How much time do you put into homework each
Scale/Questionnaire (4 items in 3 subject areas) week, including reading assignments?”
School Success Profile School engagement (3 items) “I find school fun and exciting”
(SSP) Trouble avoidance (11 items) “I turned in a homework assignment late or not at all”
Student Engagement Affective engagement: teacher- “Adults at my school listen to the students”
Instrument (SEI) student relationships (9 items)
Affective engagement: peer “I have some friends at school”
support for learning (6 items)
Affective engagement: family “My family/guardian(s) are there for me when
support for learning (4 items) I need them”
Cognitive engagement: control “The tests in my classes do a good job of measuring
and relevance of schoolwork what I am able to do”
(9 items)
Cognitive engagement: future “I am hopeful about my future”
aspirations and goals (5 items)

Table 37.3 Dimensions of engagement assessed by ble avoidance) assess the extent of negative
instruments behavioral engagement (pretending to work, not
Instrument Behavioral Emotional Cognitive turning in homework, and cutting class). A third
Multidimensional self-report instruments subscale (disengagement subscale of the MES)
includes items assessing both behavioral disen-
SEM    gagement (e.g., each day I try less and less) and
Bidimensional student self-report instruments emotional disengagement (I have given up being
ATM    interested in school). Across the various behav-
EvsD   ioral engagement scales/subscales, individual
items ask students to report on their attention,
attendance, time on homework, preparation for
Unidimensional student self-report instruments class, class participation, concentration, partici-
ISQ    pation in school-based activities, effort, adher-
MSLQ ence to classroom rules, and risk behaviors.

Emotional Engagement

Behavioral Engagement Eight subscales, either by subscale name or items,

appear to reflect aspects of emotional engagement.
Eight measures have scales that seem to reflect Some subscales assess emotional reaction to class
(either by the subscale name or the sample items) or school, while others assess the quality of stu-
aspects of behavioral engagement (see dents’ relationships with peers and teachers as an
Tables 37.2, 37.3 and 37.4). Two of the behav- indicator of emotional engagement. Two subscales
ioral subscales (behavioral disaffection and trou- (emotional disaffection and disengagement)
772 J.A. Fredricks and W. McColskey

Table 37.4 Scales and subscales by each engagement dimensiona

Behavioral Emotional Cognitive
Instrument subscales/ Behavioral disaffection Anxiety Cognitive engagementc
subscale name Behavioral engagementc Belonging Cognitive/intellectual/
Disengagement Emotional engagementc academic
Persistenceb, c Emotional disaffection Cognitive strategy use
Social/behavioral/ Failure avoidance Deep cognitive strategy use
participatory engagement Affective engagement – Learning focus
School Engagement family support for learning Control and relevance of
Questionnaire Affective engagement – peer schoolwork
Trouble avoidance support for learning Future aspirations and goals
Affective engagement – Planning
teacher-student relationships Self-regulationc
Reaction to challenge Shallow cognitive strategy use
School engagement Study management
Uncertain control
Disengagement could also be listed under the Emotional engagement column, as they contain items reflecting both
Persistence is also considered an aspect of Cognitive engagement
These subscale/scale names were used by more than one instrument

include items assessing the extent of negative engagement incorporate aspects of motivation,
emotions (discouragement when working on self-regulated learning, and strategy use.
something, given up being interested in school).
Overall, emotional engagement scales include
questions about a myriad of topics related to emo- Purposes and Uses
tional reactions to school such as being happy or
anxious; expressing interest and enjoyment; report- The measures included in this chapter were
ing fun and excitement; reacting to failure and developed from a range of disciplinary perspec-
challenge; feeling safe; having supportive or posi- tives and for a variety of purposes. A number of
tive relationships with teachers and peers; having the measures were developed by psychologists
family support for learning; expressing feelings of studying motivation, cognition, and engagement.
belonging; and perceiving school as valuable. For example, one widely used measure, the
Engagement versus Disaffection with Learning
scale, was part of a larger instrument that was ini-
Cognitive Engagement Subscales tially developed to test the self-system model of
student engagement. According to this model, the
Six surveys include subscales measuring cognitive relation between classroom context (i.e., struc-
engagement, though there is large variation in how ture, autonomy support, and involvement) and
this is defined and measured. Cognitive engage- patterns of action (cognitive, behavioral, and
ment is used as a broad umbrella term for (1) emotional engagement) is mediated through self-
beliefs about the importance or value of schooling, system processes (competence, autonomy, and
learning goals, and future aspirations; (2) cognitive relatedness) (Connell, 1990; Connell & Wellborn,
strategy use (how deeply students study material); 1991). The Engagement versus Disaffection scale
(3) self-regulatory or meta-cognitive strategies has been most recently used in research by
(how students manage the learning processes such Skinner and her colleagues (see Furrer & Skinner,
as planning and seeking information); and (4) 2003; Skinner et al., 2008, Skinner et al., 2009b,
doing extra work and going beyond the require- for examples). In 1998, Connell and others at
ments of school. These measures of cognitive the Institute for Research and Reform in
37 The Measurement of Student Engagement… 773

Education ( revised the original Lehr, 2004). The Student Engagement Instrument
instruments to provide a shorter set of instru- (SEI) is currently being used to evaluate the effec-
ments (RAPS) for use in evaluating school reform tiveness of district initiatives to improve student
efforts based on the same theoretical framework. engagement in the Gwinnett County Public
Two of the survey measures identified in the Schools (this volume). The Identification with
review (Attitudes Toward Mathematics Survey School questionnaire was developed to assess the
[ATM] and the Motivated Strategies for Learning extent to which students identify with or disen-
Questionnaire [MSLQ]) were developed as part gage from school, and was based on the theory
of research exploring the relationships between that school identification is a crucial factor in the
students’ self-regulation, cognitive strategy use, prevention of school dropouts (Finn, 1989).
and achievement outcomes. Research in this area Other measures have been developed to help
examines the use of cognitive, meta-cognitive, schools and districts monitor engagement and to
and self-regulatory strategies that foster active assist schools in identifying areas in need of
cognitive engagement in learning (Corno & improvement. For example, the High School
Mandinach, 1983; Meece et al., 1988). Survey of Student Engagement (HSSSE) was
Other measures were developed by researchers developed to provide descriptive and compara-
studying the relationship between context and tive data on high school students’ views about
engagement. For example, the Student Engage- their schoolwork, the school learning environ-
ment Measure (SEM) – MacArthur was developed ment, and interactions with the school commu-
for a longitudinal study of the relationship between nity, relative to the responses of other schools
classroom context and engagement in urban minor- (Yazzie-Mintz, 2007). Each school that partici-
ity youth in the upper elementary grades (Fredricks pates receives a customized report that compares
et al., 2005). In addition, the School Engagement the students’ responses to that of other schools.
Scale/Questionnaire (SEQ) was developed as part Similarly, the School Success Profile (SSP) was
of a large study in nine high schools that reported developed to provide insight into how students
on ways that parents, peers, and communities perceive themselves and their environments and
influence students’ commitment to, or engagement to compare school scores relative to a national
with, school (Steinberg et al., 1996). This scale has sample (Bowen, Rose, & Bowen, 2005).
subsequently been used by researchers trying to Finally, one survey measure [the Motivation
understand factors that explain differences in voca- and Engagement Survey (MES)] was developed
tional attitudes and career development behaviors to diagnose and identify students who are strug-
among subgroups of high school students (Perry, gling or at risk for disengagement and academic
2008; Wettersten et al., 2005). failure. The MES creates profiles for individual
Increasing student engagement is the primary students based on responses to 11 different
goal of many interventions to reduce dropout rates subscales reflecting a multidimensional model of
(Appleton et al., 2008; Finn, 1989). Two measures motivation and engagement. This measure has
were developed in the context of this work on been used to diagnose students with low motiva-
dropout prevention [Identification with School tion and engagement, in studies evaluating the
Questionnaire (ISQ) and Student Engagement effectiveness of interventions and in studies exam-
Instrument (SEI)]. For example, the Student ining demographic differences in engagement and
Engagement Instrument (SEI) was developed to motivation (Fredricks & McColskey, 2010).
measure affective (formerly psychological) and
cognitive engagement and to expand on the behav-
ioral and academic indicators that were collected Samples
as part of Check & Connect, an intervention model
designed to improve student engagement at The surveys included in this chapter have been
school, reduce dropouts, and increase school used with students from the upper elementary
completion (Anderson, Christenson, Sinclair, & school years (third to fifth grades) through the
774 J.A. Fredricks and W. McColskey

Table 37.5 Samples

Instrument name Samples
Attitudes Toward Original sample 297 suburban, southeastern high school students in their math courses
Mathematics Survey Versions of the cognitive engagement items also have been used with high school English
(ATM) students in a Midwestern high school and college-level samples (educational psychology
students, preservice teachers, and students in statistics classes)
Engagement vs. Sample of 1,018 elementary school students in grades 3–6 in suburban and rural schools
Disaffection with The items have also been used with samples of elementary, middle, and high school White
Learning – Student and low-income minority youth in urban and suburban districts
Report (EvsD)
High School Survey of Original sample 7,200 students from four high schools
Student Engagement Survey has been administered to 200,000 students from across the nation. Students are
(HSSSE) ethnically and economically diverse and attend rural, suburban, and urban schools
Identification with Original sample 539 eighth grade students from 163 schools in rural, urban, suburban, and
School Questionnaire inner-city settings (25% Black, 75% White)
(ISQ) Survey has been used with racially diverse samples including Black, Hispanic, Asian, and
American Indian students, and with low-income students in the middle and high school grades
Motivated Strategies for Original sample 173 primarily White middle and working class seventh graders across 15
Learning Questionnaire classrooms
(MSLQ) Survey has been used in both English- and non-English-speaking countries across the world
Motivation and The Junior High version normed with 1,249 students in Australia, aged 9–13, across 63
Engagement Scale classes in 15 schools. The High School version normed with 21,579 students, aged 12–18,
(MES) across 58 schools
Samples were from urban, rural, and suburban areas of Australia, and predominately middle
class students
Research Assessment Large populations of Black, White, Hispanic, and low-income youth in urban districts
Package for Schools engaged in comprehensive school reform
School Engagement Original sample 641 urban, low-income, primarily Black and Hispanic students in grades 3
Measure to 5 attending neighborhood schools
(SEM) – MacArthur Survey also used with other low-income ethnically diverse upper elementary school students
School Engagement Original sample 12,000 ethnically and economically diverse students in nine high schools in
Scale/Questionnaire Wisconsin and Northern California
(SEQ) Items also used with racially diverse high school students in rural and urban areas in the
Northeast and Midwest
School Success Profile Original sample 805 middle school students in 26 schools in North Carolina totaling
(SSP) approximately 805 students
Survey also used with racially diverse and low-income students in middle and high schools
Student Engagement Original sample 1,931 ninth grade students from an ethnically diverse, majority low income,
Instrument (SEI) urban school district
Survey also used with students in grades 6 through 12

high school years. Two of the measures were ini- was modeled after the National Survey of Student
tially developed for use with upper elementary Engagement (NSSE), a widely used measure of
school populations [Engagement vs. Disaffection student engagement at the college level.
with Learning and MacArthur (SEM)]. On the Table 37.5 shows that the majority of measures
other end of the spectrum, the Motivated have been used with ethnically and economically
Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) diverse samples. In addition, four of the measures
was originally developed for use with college have been translated into other languages [MSLQ,
samples, but a version was adapted for use with MacArthur measure, SSP, and SEI]. For example,
middle school students. In addition, the High the MSLQ has been translated into multiple lan-
School Survey of Student Engagement (HSSSE) guages and has been used in English-speaking
37 The Measurement of Student Engagement… 775

and non-English-speaking countries all over the Table 37.6 Reliability information
world (Garcia-Duncan & McKeachie, 2005). The Internal Test-retest
SSP and the MacArthur measure have been trans- Instrument name consistency interrater
lated into Spanish. Sections of the SSP have also Attitudes Toward .63–.81 –
been translated into Hebrew, Lithuanian, Mathematics Survey (ATM) –
Engagement vs. Disaffection .61–.85 .53
Romanian, and Portuguese (Fredricks &
with Learning (EvsD) –.68
McColskey, 2010). Finally, the SEI has been High School Survey – –
translated into Portuguese and Mandarin (Moreira, of Student Engagement –
Vaz, Dias, & Petracchi, 2009). (HSSSE)
Identification with .54–.84 –
School Questionnaire (ISQ) –
Motivated Strategies .63–.88 –
Psychometric Information for Learning Questionnaire –
Technical information on reliability and validity Motivation and Engagement .70–.87 .61–.81
was found on all but one self-report measure, Scale (MES) –
though there were variations in the amount and Research Assessment package .68–.77 –
for Schools (RAPS)
types of technical information available (see
School Engagement Measure .55–.86 –
Fredricks & McColskey, 2010, for more detailed (SEM)-MacArthur –
information on psychometric properties). The one School Engagement Scale/ .74–.86 –
exception was the High School Survey of Student Questionnaire (SEQ) –
Engagement (HSSSE) which currently has no School Success Profile (SSP) .66–.82
published information on the psychometric prop- Student Engagement .72–.92 .60 –.62
erty of this measure. However, developers of this Instrument (SEI)
measure have indicated that a reliability and valid- Note: Ranges within cells indicate either differing results
for individual subscales, differing results based on age
ity study is currently underway. They also make
groups, or differing results from various researchers
reference to the reliability and validity reported
on the National Survey of School Engagement, a
widely used measure of engagement at the college measure ranged from .54 to .93, with most scales
level, from which the HSSSE was adapted. in the range of the .70 to .80 (see Table 37.6).
Because of the variation in alphas across mea-
sures and subscales, it is important to examine
Reliability the information on reliability more closely in
light of the particular sample and intended use.
Internal consistency is the extent to which indi- In addition, three of the measures [Motivation
viduals who respond in one way to items tend to and Engagement Survey (MES), Engagement vs.
respond the same way to other items intended to Disaffection with Learning (EvsD), and the
measure the same construct. A Cronbach’s alpha Student Engagement Instrument (SEI)] reported
of .70 or higher for a set of items is considered information on test-retest reliability, or the extent
acceptable (Leary, 2004). Cronbach’s alpha of the to which two different administrations of the
engagement scales/subscales was reported for all measure give the same results.
but one measure. The HSSSE was originally
reported on an item-by-item basis, but recently the
developers began grouping the 121 items in the Validity
questionnaire by the three aspects of engagement.
However, no information on the internal consis- In this chapter, we summarize the information
tency of these subscales is currently available. available on these measures under the broad
The reliabilities of these scales reported umbrella of construct validity (see Fredricks &
by both the developers and other users of the McColskey, 2010, for more information on
776 J.A. Fredricks and W. McColskey

validity). One way to investigate construct techniques to examine how survey items load onto
validity is to examine whether the correlations the engagement constructs. Seven of the instru-
between the engagement scales and the other ments reported results from either exploratory or
related constructs are in the hypothesized direc- confirmatory factor analyses. However, because
tion based on theory and prior empirical work. of large differences in both the number and types
The following three examples from the surveys of items, it is challenging to compare the resulting
illustrate these relations. First, the engagement scales from these analyses. The following three
scales in the School Success Profile (SSP) were examples illustrate this variability. Voelkl (1997)
positively correlated with teacher, parent, and used confirmatory factor analysis with 16 items
peer support variables (Bowen, Rose, Powers, & on the Identification with School Questionnaire
Glennie, 2008). Additionally, the three engage- (ISQ) on a sample of 3,539 urban eighth graders.
ment subscales (i.e., behavioral, emotional, and These analyses confirmed two subscales: belong-
cognitive) in the MacArthur measure (SEM) were ing and value. Martin (2008, 2009a, 2009b) used
moderately correlated with students’ perceptions confirmatory factor analyses on 44 items of the
of aspects of the academic and social context, Motivation and Engagement Survey with large
school value, and school attachment (Fredricks samples of Australian middle and high school stu-
et al., 2005). Finally, the cognitive strategy use dents. These analyses resulted in 11 subscales
and self-regulation scales of the MSLQ were (self-belief, learning focus, valuing of school, per-
positively correlated with students’ self-reports sistence, planning, study management, disengage-
of interest, efficacy, and task value (Pintrich, ment, self-sabotage, anxiety, failure avoidance,
1999; Pintrich & DeGroot, 1990). and uncertain control). Finally, Appleton et al.
We also found evidence of criterion-related (2006) used confirmatory factor analysis with 56
validity, or the extent to which a measure is asso- items from the Student Engagement Instrument
ciated with a key behavior or outcome (Leary, on a sample of 1,931 ninth graders. These analy-
2004) on the majority of measures. Eight out of ses resulted in six subscales (teacher-student rela-
the 11 measures reported positive correlations tionships, peer support, family support, control
between engagement and indicators of academic relevance of schoolwork, future aspirations, and
performance. For example, several studies using extrinsic motivation). A more recent confirmatory
the MSLQ have documented that cognitive strat- factor analysis of the Student Engagement
egy use and self-regulation scales are positively Instrument (SEI) showed evidence of the validity
related to course assignments, exams, and grades of five subscales, dropping extrinsic motivation as
(Pintrich & DeGroot, 1990; Wolters & Pintrich, a subscale (Betts, Appleton, Reschly, Christenson,
1998; Wolters, Yu, & Pintrich, 1996). Similarly, & Huebner, 2010).
the two engagement scales of the RAPS were Finally, construct validity can be assessed by
positively correlated with indicators of perfor- examining the correlations between engagement
mance (Institute for Research and Reform in measured by different methodological approaches.
Education, 1998). In addition, Appleton, Reschly, Three of the measures (EvsD, RAPS, and SEM)
and Martin (under review) documented signifi- reported correlations of scores from student self-
cant differences between affective and cognitive report measures with other techniques to assess
engagement data and academic performance; stu- engagement (teacher ratings, external observers,
dents with the lowest reports of engagement had and interviews). For example, the student and
the lowest scores on state tests and the lowest teacher versions of the Engagement versus
graduation rates. Finally, three of the measures Disaffection with Learning scale were moderately
(SSE, ISQ, and SEM) reported correlations correlated with each other. In addition, teacher
between engagement and indicators of participa- reports of behavioral and emotional engagement
tion (i.e., attendance, teacher ratings of participa- correlated with external observations of on and off
tion) (Fredricks & McColskey, 2010). task behavior, but student self-reports did not cor-
Another way to assess construct validity is to relate with external observations of engagement
use exploratory or confirmatory factor analyses (Skinner et al., 2008). Similarly, the developers of
37 The Measurement of Student Engagement… 777

the SEM-MacArthur measure correlated students’ of engagement used across studies. Although
self-reports with teachers’ reports of student scholars have used a broad range of terms for
behavior. In addition, students’ responses on the engagement, the two most common are student
survey were compared to interviews about engage- engagement and school engagement. Differences
ment with the same sample of students. They between the terms were raised in a prior review of
reported a positive correlation between the three the literature (see Appleton et al., 2006, for more
subscales of engagement (behavioral, emotional, discussion). We echo Appleton et al. (2006) point
and cognitive engagement) and numerical ratings that greater attention needs to be paid to the use of
given to interview responses (Blumenfeld et al., the terms student engagement and school engage-
2005; Fredricks et al., 2005). ment in future work and potential differences in
Overall, the psychometric information on the meaning of these constructs. Another concern
these measures suggests that student engagement is that many of the definitions of engagement
can be reliably measured through self-report overlap with other educational constructs (i.e.,
methods. In addition, the measures of engage- school bonding, belonging, and school climate). It
ment relate to both contextual variables and out- is important that researchers acknowledge this
come variables as expected. Moreover, the fact overlap with earlier literatures, many of which
that engagement has been shown to positively have stronger bodies of literature supporting the
correlate with achievement indicates that it could construct, and be clearer in terms of both research
serve as a worthwhile intermediate outcome to and practice about the “value added” from study-
monitor. Finally, the results of exploratory and ing engagement (Fredricks et al., 2004; Jimerson
confirmatory factor analyses demonstrate the et al., 2003).
variability in the different conceptualizations of Although there is some agreement that engage-
engagement and challenges in comparing across ment is a multidimensional construct, there is vari-
different survey measures. ation in both the number (i.e., 2–4) and types
(academic, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive)
of engagement dimensions. As can be seen in this
Conclusions and Future Directions chapter, different conceptualizations of engage-
ment have resulted in a variation in the content of
As evident from this chapter, there are a variety items used in instruments. Moreover, even within
of methods for assessing engagement, each with the same dataset, researchers sometimes use differ-
strengths and limitations and useful for particular ent variables to operationalize engagement, often
purposes. However, even when researchers use without a strong theoretical or conceptual frame-
the same methodology (i.e., self-report surveys), work guiding the choice of indicators. For exam-
there is variation in how engagement is defined ple, researchers have selected different items from
and measured. For example, some of the surveys large nationally representative datasets like the
in this chapter focus primarily on behaviors such National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS:88)
as effort, homework, and attendance. In contrast, to create different scales of engagement (Glanville
other surveys include items related to emotional & Wildhasen, 2007). This makes it difficult to
dimensions such as relationships with teachers compare findings concerning both the predictors
and cognitive dimensions such as strategy use. and outcomes of engagement. An additional prob-
Below we outline some of the key concerns lem is that similar items have sometimes been used
related to measurement. to assess different dimensions of engagement. For
example, student effort is used by some to describe
the degree of psychological investment in learning
Operationalization of Engagement (i.e., cognitive engagement) and by others to reflect
basic compliance with schoolwork (i.e., behavioral
As outlined in prior reviews (Appleton et al., engagement). In addition, students’ valuing of
2008; Fredricks et al., 2004; Jimerson et al., 2003), school has been used as part of both emotional and
there is considerable variation in the definitions cognitive engagement scales.
778 J.A. Fredricks and W. McColskey

Given the variations in the definitions and can range from liking school to a deeper attach-
measures of student engagement, one of the first ment and identification with the institution
steps to improving measurement is for research- (Fredricks et al.). Cognitive engagement can
ers to more clearly describe their particular defi- range from the use of shallow rote strategies to
nition of engagement. It will also be important as the use of deep processing strategies that promote
a field to come to a stronger consensus on the deep understanding (Greene, Miller, Crowson,
operationalization of engagement (Appleton Duke, & Akey, 2004). Future research should
et al., 2008; Fredricks et al., 2004). Currently, we explore qualitative differences in engagement
believe that the strongest empirical and theoreti- across different contexts (i.e., teacher directed as
cal support exists for a tripartite conceptualiza- compared to small group work).
tion of student engagement which includes a
behavioral, emotional, and cognitive subcompo-
nent. However, further empirical research is Developmental Differences
needed to determine what are the best indicators
of each subtype and the extent to which behav- Another important research area concerns devel-
ioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement are opmental differences in the measurement of
separate constructs. engagement. There may be different indicators of
engagement depending on the age of the child,
and these different types of engagement may
Assessing Malleability of Engagement change and evolve over time. For example, stu-
dents might not be cognitively engaged in learn-
Several scholars have argued that one of the ing until they are able to self-regulate and become
strengths of engagement is that it represents a intentional learners (Fredricks et al., 2004). There
shift from the focus on individual characteristics is a critical need for research that uses confirma-
toward an investigation of potentially malleable tory factor analytic techniques to validate surveys
contextual factors that can be targeted in inter- at different ages. One example of this is research
ventions (Appleton et al., 2008; Fredricks et al., using the Motivated Learning and Strategy Use
2004; Sinclair, Christenson, Lehr, & Anderson, Questionnaire (MSLQ). Exploratory and confir-
2003). Appleton (Chap. 35) presents an example matory factor analyses with this measure demon-
of how the Student Engagement Instrument (SEI) strated different factor structures in college and
is being used to guide intervention efforts aimed middle school classrooms. In college samples,
at improving student engagement and identifying analyses resulted in four cognitive strategy fac-
students who are at risk. Unfortunately, many of tors (rehearsal, elaboration, organization, and
the current measures make it difficult to test ques- meta-cognitive strategy use) (Pintrich, Smith,
tions of malleability. The majority of engagement Garcia, & McKeachie, 1993). In contrast, factor
measures tend to be general (i.e., I like school), analyses with younger students resulted in one
though there are a few examples of domain-specific general cognitive strategy use scale and one
measures (i.e., Kong et al., 2003; Wigfield et al., meta-cognitive strategy use scale, suggesting that
2008). Furthermore, measures are rarely worded younger students do not make as fine of distinc-
to reflect specific situations or tasks, making it tions between types of strategy use as older stu-
difficult to examine the extent to which engage- dents (Pintrich & DeGroot, 1990; Wolters,
ment varies across contexts. In addition, most Pintrich, & Karbenick, 2005).
current survey measures do not adequately
address qualitative differences in each of the
dimensions of engagement. For example, behav- Variation Across Groups
ioral engagement can range from basic compli-
ance with school rules to doing more than is Another important question is whether engage-
required (Finn, 1989). Emotional engagement ment can be measured similarly for all groups of
37 The Measurement of Student Engagement… 779

students. If measures of engagement behave dif- to assessing the dynamic nature of engagement is
ferently by race, SES, gender, and grade, and experience sampling methods which can track
these differences are not taken into account, com- fluctuations in engagement over time.
parisons in the level of engagement or effects In sum, although the construct of student
across groups are invalid (Glanville & Wildhagen, engagement has considerable promise, measure-
2007). For example, Glanville and Wildhagen ment issues should continue to be explored in
used confirmatory factor analyses to create a order to fully realize this promise (Glanville &
measurement model for school engagement using Wildhagen, 2007). We believe that a more system-
NELS:88 across White, African American, atic and thoughtful attention to the measurement
Latino, and Asian youth. They found that this of student engagement is one of the most pressing
measurement model was invariant across ethnic and imperative directions for future research.
groups, and it was therefore appropriate to com- First, it is important that researchers are clearer
pare the effects of disengagement across these about their definitions of student engagement and
groups. In addition, Betts et al. (2010) used con- how their conceptualizations of this construct
firmatory factor analysis to test model invariance relate to both other scholars’ operationalization of
across gender and grade. They found that the student engagement and to other related educa-
Student Engagement Instrument (SEI) had a sim- tional constructs. The field will benefit if research-
ilar factor structure across gender and grade-level. ers spent less time generating slight variations on
Further research should use confirmatory factor this construct and spent more time on theory
analytic techniques to validate existing instru- development and integration of the different con-
ments and factor structures across different groups ceptualizations of engagement. Greater consis-
of students (i.e., age, gender, race, and SES). tency in the use of measures across studies will
also make it easier to compare findings about the
outcomes and precursors of student engagement.
Use of Multiple Methods However, as our review has also highlighted, there
is large variation in the extent of psychometric
Finally, we recommend researchers use multiple evidence available on current measures. Future
methods to assess engagement. Qualitative meth- research testing the psychometric properties of
ods can help to supplement our understanding of these measures is critical. Finally, we strongly
the contextual factors that are associated with support the use of a wide range of methods to
engagement. In depth descriptions of context and assess engagement including observations, inter-
engagement are critical for knowing how and views, and experience sampling techniques.
where to intervene. Moreover, the measurement
of engagement is often related to the affordances
in the environment, and it may be difficult to References
assess cognitive engagement in classrooms where
tasks involve only superficial strategy use. Anderson, A. R., Christenson, S. L., Sinclair, M. F., &
Lehr, C. A. (2004). Check & Connect: The importance
Observational methods can be used to better
of relationships for promoting engagement with
understand variations in engagement across dif- school. Journal of School Psychology, 42(2), 95–113.
ferent contexts and how this variation may relate doi:10.1016/j.jsp. 2004.01.002.
to affordances within the context. Qualitative Appleton, J. J., Christenson, S. L., & Furlong, M. J.
(2008). Student engagement with school: Critical con-
methods also are a useful method for describing
ceptual and methodological issues of the construct.
how the different types of engagement evolve Psychology in the Schools, 45, 369–386. doi:10.1002/
and develop to help understand why some youth pits.20303.
begin to disengage from school (Fredricks et al., Appleton, J. J., Christenson, S. L., Kim, D., & Reschly,
A. L. (2006). Measuring cognitive and psychological
2004). Finally, most current methods do not ade-
engagement: Validation of the Student Engagement
quately capture the dynamic and interactive Instrument. Journal of School Psychology, 44, 427–445.
nature of engagement. One promising approach doi:10.1016/j.jsp. 2006.04.002.
780 J.A. Fredricks and W. McColskey

Appleton, J. J., Reschly, A. L., & Martin, C. (under review). Finn, J. D. (1989). Withdrawing from school. Review
Research to practice: Linking assessment of student of Educational Research, 59, 117–142. doi:10.3102/
cognitive and affective engagement to intervention. 00346543059002117.
Archambault, I. (2009). Adolescent behavioral, affective, Finn, J. D., Folger, J., & Cox, D. (1991). Measuring partici-
and cognitive engagement in school: Relation to drop- pation among elementary grade students. Educational
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