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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9



The mining industry has once again

May, the FIMI had shot off a letter to
Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking
reform initiative for the mineral sector
that allows offering composite mineral
sought the government''s intervention to similar relief for existing miners. exploration licences to bidders. About
prevent denial of mining rights to existing 500 mineral blocks would be offered to
"...we gather from media reports that
mineral explorers under the new reform companies under this regime.The FIMI
Government intends to do away with Sec-
initiative that seeks to establish a seam- has said that while the reform initiative
tion 10A(2)(b) of the MMDR Act, 1957
less Composite Exploration-cum-Mining- for the mineral sector was welcome, it
wherein existing concessionaires (RP/PL
cum-Production License (CEMPL) re- should not come at the cost of existing
holders or reconnaissance permit and pro-
gime by amending the MMDR Act, 1957. investors and explorers who have have
specting license holders) have already
In a letter to Mines Secretary Sushil Ku- invested huge resources and long years to
been guaranteed seamless transition to the
mar, the Federation of Indian Mineral undertake risky exploration activities and
mining stage. This would amount to
Industries (FIMI) has sought the minis- have helped India to discover valuable
''robbing Peter to pay Paul''," it had said in
try''s intervention to ensure policy certain- mineral deposits.
its letter to the PM.
ty and security of existing vested rights "Hundreds of PL and RPs have been is-
"...we request you to kindly advise the
under Section 10A(2)(b) of the MMDR sued to mineral companies in India. The
Ministry of Mines to ensure/protect the
Act as it would go a long way in restoring 2015 amendment to the MMDR Act gave
rights of existing concessionaires by not
the investors'' confidence in the Indian them hope of getting mining leases of
removing or tweaking Section 10A(2)(b)
mineral sector. mineral bearing areas that have been ex-
and in fact bring in provisions where ex-
In this regard, the federation has asked the plored and prospected by them. But, if
isting concessionaires covered under Sec-
Mines Ministry to immediately organise a changes in the legislation makes every
tion 10A(2)(b) are immediately granted
stakeholders meeting where all those af- thing available prospectively without ben-
mining rights seamlessly," the letter
fected by the repealing of Section 10A (2) efit being extended to existing license
signed by FIMI Secretary General R.K.
(b) can make their submissions. holders", the FIMI had said in its letter to
Sharma had said.
the PM, "it will lead to irreparable loss of
Immediately after the announcement of As part of the Rs 20 lakh crore economic investor confidence in the Indian mineral
new reform initiative as part of package announced by the Finance Minis- sector, apart from multiple litigations in
''Aatmanirbhar Bharat package'' by Fi- ter, she had also announced a structural courts".
nance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, in

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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9


By Dr Amit Tripathi
COO & Director of Exploration MPXG Exploration Pvt Ltd

 “...The aim of National Mineral Poli- others are not. Classifying minerals from venture capitalists, private equi-
cy 2019 is to have a more effective, mean- into multiple artificial groups will be ty and stock market. Exploration
ingful and implementable policy that counterproductive to the policy ob- companies do not generate revenues
brings in further transparency, better jective. Need of the the hour is sim- but work on enhancing valuation and
regulation and enforcement, balanced plification of rules to create rapid capital gains through adding value to
social and economic growth as well as
growth in this declining industry. The the exploration property as it moves
sustainable mining practices...” - NMP
logical classification for special rules towards feasibility. Several share-
for special needs in Indian Conditions holders enter and exit the business
All policy suggestions are given keeping should be: along the way from greenfield pro-
in view the aforesaid stated objectives. spect to proved reserve mining lease.
 Coal
The beauty of this business is that the
1. Exploration industry is distinct from
 Uranium cycle time is typically three to five
mining industry and the regulatory
years (as opposed to eight to ten
requirements for exploration industry  Diamonds
years if tech sector). This high risk
is different from the mining indus-
 Building material and aggregates business (majority of these ventures
try.Worldwide, exploration is a sepa-
fail and all profit is made on the mi-
rate standalone business and is a  All other minerals
nority that succeed) is only possible
profit center in its own right and is 4. Clear All backlog of long pending when:
not just a subset of the mining indus- approvals of licenses under section
try. a. Entry cost is very low - cheap and
10A2B and 10A2C. All cases that
2. Worldwide standalone exploration is have not been granted till date should quick grant of concessions. Ideally
about $30billion industry and India’s be automatically deemed to be ap- through an online portal where the ap-
share in this is negligible despite the proved and executed under national plicant enters their details and select
perfect geology and a vibrant stock disaster management act immedi- area on map, files the exploration plan
market. Explorers worldwide consid- ately to provide a big boost to rural and investment commitment. If the area
is free RP, PL or CL gets allocated
er India as a large unexplored frontier economy and employment. Special
immediately as soon as the license fee
and lots of this investment will quick- tax relief of 50% tax be given to pro-
is paid online.
ly flow to India given a proper regu- jects that ramp up to full production
latory environment. In addition, a within one year of receiving all ap- b. Security of title and security of tenure
huge domestic industry will be creat- provals or those that employ more as long as the exploration plan is fol-
ed very rapidly that has a potential of than 100 people. lowed and investment criteria is met
adding 2% to the country’s GDP in a c. Clear Environmental / Infrastructure/
5. Lower the entry barriers: Make start-
very short time with strong employ- ing an exploration business EASY.
Social criteria - DOs and DONTs are
ment generation in rural areas. Sever- published in guidelines that get emailed
Exploration is not a revenue business,
al advanced countries like Canada to the lessee along with the tenement
it is a capital gains and valuation
and Australia have achieved that with documents.
business. Exploration is very similar
the industry contributing to 6% to 8% to technology startup business that 6. Liberalize rule 12
of their GDP. come about with a bright idea, great
7. Scrap rule 24 - This takes away all
3. In the Indian Jurisdiction minerals skills but no finance. Typically they
regular financing and fund raising tools
are being classified into several com- get financed through friends and fam-
practiced by the industry worldwide.
plex sets and with different laws. ily and as they move up the valuation
Some of these classes are justified chain finance progressively comes

Continued on Page 3

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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

Mineral Exploration is not a revenues international best practices and in ment owned PSUs (not listed) should
business. It is a Valuation business line with the stated objectives of be auctioned. All such auctions to have
and prepares the raw material for NMP2019. ALL required approvals included viz
mining business. These companies b. Joint Ventures to be permitted with- revenue, water, environment, forest etc
first acquire a prospecting conces- out any prior approval or interference and deemed to be executed so the auc-
sion, do the initial exploration work of regulators. Let market forces find tion winner can start work immediately
and then go out to the market to raise their own way. 9. CLs for exploration should be granted
funds for the next step of exploration.
7. In case of RP and PL deemed approval on First Come First Served basis.
The tools they use to raise funds are
share sales at discounted valuation, for the next staged should be automati- 10. Exploration is not a revenue business
warrants and options, joint ventures cally granted. “Time bound manner” and should not be taxed. Rather explo-
and pledging future production. Rule has not been honored by regulators so ration should be encourages with fiscal
24 is highly restrictive and goes far and delays have caused decline of measures so high risk capital be wel-
against the global best practices. the exploration industry to near extinc- comed and permitted to make windfall
tion. The lessee should be allowed to profits with successful ventures. These
6. Joint ventures and transfers: As sev-
select parts of the lease area for up- profits can be taxed at par with “capital
eral shareholders keep entering and
gradation and as soon as the lessee sub- gains” on stock market and listing of all
exiting the business at different valu-
ation levels enabling legal provisions mits the application it should be such ventures should be encouraged
are needed for this industry to take deemed approved and executed. The and facilitated.
root lessee will have the right to start the
next level of work as soon as he sub- 11. SEBI should consider a special
a. Allow full transfer of ALL leases mits the application. “VENTURES” exchange (equivalent to
whether RP, PL, ML or CL. Remove TSX - Ventures) where only high risk
prior approval requirement for trans- 8. Areas granted for exploration to private ventures to be listed with very easy
fers. The leases should be at par with companies should NEVER be auc- listing norms. Like TSX Ventures ex-
“private property” and full transfer tioned. change and all investors on these ex-
rights vested with the lessee. Even 9. Only areas fully explored to G2 level changes knowingly invest in these high
partial transfer, share sale of lessee and with reserves estimated by GOV- risk - high return businesses.
companies, share sales of holding ERNMENT agencies or 100% Govern-
companies be permitted - these are 12. Tax flow through to be permitted.

About The Author

Dr Amit Tripathi is a professional explorer with specialization in establishing structural controls of
mineralization. He is Founder and Director of MPXG Exploration, India and also Founder and Presi-
dent of Geo exploration LLC, USA. Previously he has been part of senior management of many inter-
national junior companies, prominent being VP Exploration for Sunward Resources, Canada, Explora-
tion Manager for Goviex Uranium, Niger and Exploration Manager for Goviex Gold, Australia. In over
20 countries he has managed successful exploration projects from reconnaissance to resource stages in
a variety of occurrences of gold, base metals, uranium, diamonds, COLTAN etc. His major exploration
successes are 14 Moz Au-Cu Porphyry discovery in Colombia, +170Mlb Uranium discovery in Niger,
gold discovery in Tanzania and a major lateritic iron ore discovery in Guinea. He is currently explor-
ing Silver and Lead in Morocco, Gold in Guinea, Copper in Peru and Gold in French Guyana.


It’s been five years since DMF was By Saurabh Priyadarshi 22 July 2020
founded in March 2015. Incidentally M.Sc. (Geology), B.Sc. (Hons) Geology, LLB MEAI, MGMI, ASCI, QCI, SME
COVID-19 pandemic too struck India in Executive Director & Chief Geologist ,Geoexplorers Consulting Services
March 2020. Surprisingly both have a
potent multiplier effect. While DMF kitty and slightest carelessness. COVID -19 relentlessly. However the Indian govern-
swells with every tonne mined, COVID- has economically impacted India 360 ments foresight of amending the MMDR
19 too spreads its tentacles with alacrity degrees and has been draining its resource
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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

Act(2015) to incorporate DMF to im- interest to state governments to use only mining companies shall also contribute to
prove the quality of mining communities 30% of unused Rs 23,511 crores DMF District Mineral Foundation (DMF) &
has also proved to be a boon in disguise- fund which is Rs.7,000 crores to tackle National Mineral Exploration Trust.
as the government has thought of using the COVID-19 crisis. The announcement
Mining companies shall make payments
30% of the unspent DMF funds to tackle that DMF funds will be a component of
directly to the DMF Trust of the district/
and save lives by combating COVID- 19 the government’s coronavirus relief pack-
state they operate in at the following
pandemic. age has generated a lot of discussion. In
the light of this , it will be interesting to
This article has been written with a view
know as what the DMF funds were meant 1. 10 per cent of royalty for leases grant-
to achieving three objectives.
for and how they can be used effectively. ed on or after 12 January 2015.
1. First is to re-introduce and provide a
Background 2. Payment to be made for major minerals
one stop reference to the 5W’s (What,
(e.g. coal, iron ore and bauxite):
When, Where, Ironically India’s mineral rich districts are
also those where some of the country’s 3. 30 per cent of royalty for leases grant-
Why, Who) of DMF to the young geo-
poorest live. ed before 12th January 2015
scientists, investors, mining companies,
stakeholders Mining has mostly benefitted the mining DMF Objective
companies, individual miners and govern- The objective of DMF is to work in the
and policy monitors.
ments, but not the communities there who interest of and for the benefit of
2. Second is to discuss the objective of suffer displacement, loss of land, housing,
DMF and its overall administration & agriculture, pollution etc. to name a few 1. People/families/communities affected
management. and are seldom adequately compensated. by mining operation;
3. Third is to understand the background This creates a deep economic and social 2. People having legal and occupational
for allocation of Unspent DMF funds to divide between the mining companies and rights over the land being mined;
combat inhabitants where mining operations are
3. People having ‘usufruct’ (user rights)
carried out. Such conditions warranted
COVID -19 pandemic in India. and ‘traditional rights’.
introduction of a suitable nature to bridge
Fighting COVID -19 the divide between Rich Miners & Poor Affected families
With the outbreak of COVID-19 pan- People Affected families are those as defined in
demic India’s finance minister Nirmala Rollout of DMF Section 3(c) of Land Acquisition, Reha-
Sitharaman on March 26 announced that bilitation and
1. In order to bridge the big gap between
healthcare would also be funded by a mining companies and mining project Resettlement Act, 2013.
specific percentage of unused DMF affected families and areas India’s Central
funds. 1. Families whose land or other immova-
mining law, the Mines and Minerals ble property has been acquired for mining
These funds would help in supplement- (Development and Regulation) Act activity;
ing healthcare facilities, screening and (MMDR) of 1957, DMF was incorporated
testing requirements, and any other sup- under India’s central mining law,the 2. Families that do not own any land but a
port that might be required. Mines and Minerals (Development and member/members may be:

DMF Funds So Far Regulation) Act (MMDR) of 1957, a. Tenants (including anyform of tenan-
through an amendment in 2015. cy), or holding usufruct rights over the
As per the Ministry of Mines1 a total of land,
Rs. 35,925 crores have accrued in the 2. DMF is a non-profit trust founded to
pan India DMF out of which 35% or Rs. receive a specific percentage of royalty b. Agriculture labourers,
12,414 crores have been spent till Janu- from the mining companies with the sole
c. Sharecroppers
ary 2020. The MoM anticipates receipt objective of improving the quality of life
of persons/families/areas affected by min- or artisans working in the affected area
Of Rs. 6,000 crores per annum from
ing operations. for three years prior to the acquisition of
mining companies through this route.
the land, whose primary source of liveli-
DMF Funds for COVID 19 3. On 16 September 2015, Central Gov-
hood has been affected by land acquisi-
ernment issued a notification directing
Although DMF administration is in the tion.
states to set up DMF.
ambit of districts and states, the Ministry 3. Scheduled Tribes, other traditional
of Mines under Section 20 of the Source of DMF
forest dwellers who have lost any of their
MMDR Amendment Act has issued di- Indian mining industry accounts for 1.8% forest rights as recognized under the
rectives on March 28, to all state Chief of GDP through payment of royalties and
Secretaries to use DMF funds in national taxes. Through this amendment the

Continued on Page 5

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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

Forest Rights Act, 2006 because of land 1. Areas where the local population is Mainly government officials.
acquisition; adversely affected by economic, social
Key Roles
4. Family whose primary source of live- and environmental consequences of min-
ing-related operations. 1. Oversee the day-to-day functioning of
lihood for three years has been depend-
the DMF, ensuring timely collection and
ent on forest or water bodies prior to 2. These include deterioration of water,
administration of funds;
land acquisition; soil and air quality, reduction in stream
flows and depletion of groundwater, con- 2. Coordinate and develop the annual
5. A family member whom the Central
gestion and pollution due to mining oper- plan and projects to be undertaken by
or state government has assigned land
ations, transportation of minerals and in- DMF money;
under any of its schemes and such land
is under acquisition. creased burden on existing infrastructure 3. Approving the lists of work under pri-
and resources. ority and other priority-area beneficiaries
6. Displaced families as given under
DMF Administration as identified by the Committee;
Section 3(k) of the Land Acquisition,
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, The State Government where the mining 4. Distributing monetary benefits to the
which include any family displaced, re- operations are carried out shall have be beneficiaries (those living under the pov-
located or resettled from the affected responsible for management of DMF erty line, orphans, widows, single moth-
area to a resettlement area because of funds. ers, physically challenged persons, senior
land acquisition for mining activity. citizens etc.) under extreme cases on ap-
DMF Funds for Administration
proval of the Governing Council;
7. People who have legal and occupa- As per the law no more than 5 per cent of
tional rights, and also usufruct and tradi- 5. Prepare work reports, maintaining ac-
DMF funds can be used for administrative
tional rights over the land being mined. counts etc.;
8. Any other as appropriately identified 6. Prepare and present audit reports for
DMF Management
by the gram sabha. ratification to the Governing Council.
The DMF Trust shall be managed by (a)
Mining Affected Areas Recommendation of Pradhan Mantri
Governing Council and (b) Managing
Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojna
Mining affected areas are classified into Committee both of which will be headed
(PMKKKY) for usage of DMF
two types,viz directly and or indirectly. by the Deputy Commissioner.
Directly affected areas include: To implement and utilise the DMF funds
(a) Governing Council Members
properly, the Central government
1. Areas with direct mining-related oper- Besides officials, it will include political launched the Pradhan Mantri Khanij
ations, such as excavation, mining, blast- and community representatives. Kshetra Kalyan Yojna (PMKKKY) in
ing, beneficiation and waste disposal
Key roles September 2015 which recommends us-
(overburdened dumps, tailing ponds,
age of DMF to achieve the following
transport corridors etc.); 1. Coordinate in annual planning of DMF three objectives
2. Villages and gram panchayats within 2. Cconstitute sub-committees like a plan- 1. Implement various developmental and
which mines are situated; ning committee for such purpose welfare projects/programmes in mining-
3. Areas that fall within a radius (defined 3. Review activities undertaken by the affected areas, and these will complement
by the state government) from a mine or Trust; existing ongoing schemes/ projects of the
cluster of mines. Such directly affected state and Central government;
4. Conduct social audits of development
areas can extend to neighbouring villag-
schemes/works of gram sabhas; 2. Minimize/mitigate the adverse impacts
es, blocks, districts or states;
during and after mining on the environ-
5. Sanction appointments of officers and
4. Villages in which families displaced ment, health and socio-economic status of
by mines have resettled/been rehabilitat- people;
ed by project authorities; 6. Power to file a complaint/register an
3. Ensure long-term sustainable liveli-
offence against any member of the Man-
5. Villages significantly dependent on hoods for mining-affected people.
aging Committee (including the chairper-
mining areas to meet their economic
son); can remove any/all members of the Procedure for Usage of DMF fund
needs and have usufruct (user rights) and
Managing Committee (except the chair- 1. The Trust will make an annual plan
traditional rights over the project areas.
person); every year;
For e.g. where grazing lands or lands
from which forest produce is collected 7. The Council has to meet at least once 2. Members of the DMF will prepare the
are affected by mining. in three months. annual plan taking into account the
Indirectly affected areas include: (b) Managing Committee Members

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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

inputs/plans as received from respective Areas where DMF funds cannot be the Managing Committee after verifying
gram sabhas; used prospective activities. The quorum of the
3. The final plan will detail out the type 1. Environmental pollution control from gram sabha meeting where a resolution
and quantum of development schemes/ mining activities: It is the responsibility will be passed shall not be less than 50
works to be implemented within a defi- of the mining company/individual to per cent of all members. It should include
nite time frame; spend on pollution control (according to members from scheduled castes, sched-
the environmental clearance(s), environ- uled tribes, other backward classes, wom-
4. To execute the plan, the Trust will en (at least one third of the members pre-
mental management plan(s) and mining
allocate money to the concerned authori- sent);
plan conditions). Once this is done a frac-
tion of DMF money can supplement this. d. If the Managing Committee has any
Areas where DMF funds can be used objection to the list of required works as
2. Afforestation: As there are funds avail-
Welfare programs and activities can vary able to the state under forestry submitted, it shall send it back to the
between mining districts however 60% schemes such as Compensatory Affor- gram sabha with appropriate reasons and
of the DMF funds must be used in the estation Fund Management and Planning specific comments in writing. Once the
following High Priority Areas specified Authority (CAMPA), Green India Mis- gram sabha forwards a revised list, it shall
by law. sion etc. be approved and passed by the Managing
1. Facilities for drinking-water supply, 3. Major sanitation infrastructure: As it is
such as centralized purification systems, also under the Swachh Bharat Mission e. The Managing Committee can verify
water treatment plants and permanent/ and other urban and rural development but cannot override the activities to be
temporary water distribution networks, programmes. DMF money should supple- carried out as proposed.
including standalone facilities for drink- ment these initiatives and not be the pri- 3. Monitor developmental schemes/works
ing water, piped-water supply etc. mary source of money for these activities.
a. The gram sabha will receive a report on
2. Proper infrastructure for sanitation, 4. Big infrastructure projects such as road the works undertaken in their respective
such as ensuring collection, transporta- building, railways and bridges: State gov- villages after each financial year.
tion and disposal of waste, cleaning of ernments have money earmarked for
public places, provision of proper drain- DMF Information in Public Domain
these. The law also specifies that no more
age and sewage treatment (sewage treat- than 40 per cent of DMF money should All information pertaining to DMF shall
ment plants), disposal of faecal sludge, be spent on making roads, bridges, rail- be hosted in a web site which shall be
provision of toilets etc. ways, waterways projects, irrigation and created, maintained and updated by the
3. Creation of primary and secondary alternative energy sources. DMF money respective district administration receiv-
healthcare facilities in affected areas and should be complementary to state funds ing DMF payments. Information, at a
maintaining necessary infrastructure. available for infrastructure projects. minimum of but not limited to the follow-
Also, instituting a group insurance health ing shall be put up on the web site:
Role of Gram Sabha
scheme for mining affected people. 1. Detailed composition of the DMF—the
1. Identify beneficiaries
4. Educational institutes and vocational Governing Council and Management
a. Approval of gram sabha is required to Committee;
training centres and supporting infra-
identify beneficiaries in affected villages.
structures. 2. Quarterly details of all contributions
2. Identify works to be carried out in af- received from lessees and others.
5. Welfare of women and children
fected areas
through special efforts for addressing 3. A list of areas and people affected by
problems of maternal and child health, a. Gram sabhas in consultation with the mining.
malnutrition etc. mukhiya/up-mukhiya will identify the
4. All meeting agenda, minutes of meet-
required work to be done in affected are-
6. Welfare of aged and disabled people. ings and action-taken reports.
7. Skill development for livelihood sup- 5. Annual plans and budget.
b. Prepare annual plans based on the mon-
port, income generation and other eco-
ey estimate provided to them by the Man- 6. Work orders and progress reports of all
nomic opportunities. This can involve
aging Committee that is available from the projects/programmes being undertak-
training programs, developing skill-
DMF Trust (the committee has to give an en. description of work, estimated cost,
development centre, providing self-
estimate to the gram sabha at the begin- expenditure, name of implementing agen-
employment schemes, supporting self-
ning of the fourth financial quarter for the cies, expected date of commencement and
help groups and entrepreneurship etc.
new financial year); completion of work etc.
8. Environmental pollution control and
c. Pass a resolution and forward plan to
mitigation measures.

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7. List of prospective beneficiaries and 8. Annual report, including accounts and 1.Source: Ministry of Mines, Government
those who have benefitted from such audit records. of India, DMF fund status up to January
measures. Other related information. 2020


Development of the NMI, as done for all auctions will generate a healthy revenue methodology of tabulation has always
the channels in coal (regulated and un- stream and create multiple livelihood op- been observed as that of a narrow one.
regulated) can provide a one-stop solu- portunities. NCI has provided us with the fundamen-
tion for a number of concerns. On similar lines, the mining sector is ea- tals wherein transactions from all chan-
The mining sector is poised to play a gerly waiting for the implementation of nels are properly captured and principals
crucial role in the revival of the econo- the already announced mining sector re- of periodic publication (every two
my. It will form the foundation of all our forms, like the introduction of a single- months) allow all the bidders to bid judi-
efforts towards the much-needed eco- stage seamless auction of exploration cum ciously with a transparent process in
nomic recovery dented by the pandemic. mining cum production regime. This will place clearly defining the mineral valua-
The changing market scenario and oper- attract best-in-class technology providers tion, the extent of revenue share and sub-
ation dynamics require extensive mining from around the globe for partnering and sequent payment of royalty and other
reforms to overcome this situation and investing in India with a surety of getting taxes. Acknowledging the nature and
turbocharge the economy. the right to produce once the discovery is consumption of the Indian coal, which is
established. different from the global consumption
Hitting the bulls-eye, and when it was
Joint auction of bauxite and coal will be a pattern, the index has rightly refrained
needed the most, the prime minister an-
big booster for the aluminium sector from linking it to international indices
nounced a well-structured Covid relief
where today we fulfil 60% of the coun- showing that the think tank involved have
package, clubbed with a visionary call of
try’s demand from imports even when the applied their minds and have provided a
Atmanirbhar Bharat to make India a self-
domestic production capacity of 4.1 mil- fair and judicious solution.
reliant nation. The concept is not to iso-
late from globalisation, but to look in- lion tonnes (MT) is over and above the Without reinventing the wheel, the NMI
side, harness our strengths and make national requirement of 4 MT. To be self- could also adopt the strong suits of the
India a global trade superpower. reliant in this strategic metal we need to NCI capturing details from all price
improve the competitiveness of domestic sources such as captive and non-captive
To execute the above, it is paramount to
production. A competitive domestic alu- mines, etc. This methodology, just as in
cut unnecessary red tape, shake-off bu-
minium sector will save annual forex out- coal, will reflect the true and useful value
reaucratic/systemic lethargy and replace
go worth of around Rs 40,000 crore. In of the minerals, and will boost the attrac-
them with measures which will promote
addition, it will encourage investors to tap tiveness of the Indian mining sector.
trust, ease of doing business and attract
in the growing aluminium demand which A just and uniform system for the devel-
investments. The current central govern-
is expected to double to 8-10 MT in next opment of NMI for all minerals will en-
ment known for its big bang reforms and
the five years, and will attract fresh in- sure a competitive mining sector inviting
its transformative approach to develop-
vestment of Rs 1.8 lakh crore ($25 bn). healthy competition in auctions and ac-
ment has introduced a slew of legislative
With abundant reserves of bauxite and tive participation by smaller mining com-
reforms in coal & mining sector.
coal, we have the potential to be self- panies. Development of the NMI by in-
The decision to open the coal sector for sufficient, competitive and be the global cluding prices from captive and non-
commercial mining, implementation of alternative to China. captive mines, etc, as done for all the
National Coal Index (NCI) and com-
Formation of National Mineral Index channels in coal (regulated and unregulat-
mencement of the auction process of
(NMI), in line with the NCI, would per- ed) can provide a one-stop solution to a
commercial coal blocks, highlight the
haps be one of the most historic reforms number of concerns, resolve difficulties
seriousness and commitment of the gov-
for this sector. Over the years, multiple faced by miners and states in the auction
ernment to make India self-reliant. These
aspersions have been cast on the efficacy of limestone and bauxite (Metal-Grade)
initiatives will help the country save
of the tabulation of the average sale price blocks, resolve concerns of royalty on
around Rs 80,000 crore per year on ac-
of a mineral. Despite mineral concession royalty as done in the coal index where
count of coal import by augmenting pro-
rules providing for basic principles, the
duction in the country. In addition, the

Continued on Page 8

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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

prices considered are independent of be streamlined with the introduction of implementation of the mining reforms
royalty, DMF, NMET and other taxes. It the NMI. and accelerated unlocking of the nation’s
also shall provide a benchmark solution A well thought out system is already in mining potential which is so vital to PM’s
to current ambiguities in the average place for coal. Therefore, the time is ripe clarion call for Atmanirbhar Bharat.
sales price system and prevent illegal for the introduction of the NMI as imple-
mining. Royalty and other taxes can also mented in case of coal for expeditious


The author is Ex-CMD NALCO and Former Chairman, Public Enterprises Selection Board, GOI and
metals & mining expert. Views are personal
Source : Financial Express


Introduction The mining industry is liable to pay vari-
ous types of taxes - direct taxes
factor whether any event of default, force
majeure, frustration, change in law, mate-
Mining is one of the core sectors and (Corporate Income Tax or Minimum Al- rial adverse change has triggered in any
growth driver of Indian economy. Min- ternative Tax), indirect taxes (Custom of the agreements.
erals and ores provide basic raw materi- Duty, Service Tax, Value Added Tax etc.)
The finance documents are required to be
als to many important industries like and mining levies (Royalty or Dead Rent,
carefully considered for continuing repre-
power generation (thermal), iron and contribution to National Mineral Explora-
sentations, undertakings, covenants
steel, cement, petroleum and natural gas, tion Trust and District Mineral Founda-
(positive and negative) given by the bor-
petrochemicals, fertilisers, precious & tion, Surface Rent, etc., if applicable).
rowers to the lenders (Indian or foreign),
semi-precious metals/stones, electrical While these taxes and levies are a big
securities offered, guarantees, indemni-
and electronics equipment, glass, ceram- source of revenue for the Government,
ties, performance bonds, liquidated dam-
ics etc. they have added to the woes of the mine
ages. In fact, as a usual practice, the bor-
operators and developers.
The COVID 19 pandemic has adversely rowers are also required to maintain debt-
affected the mining of ferrous, non- Despite various steps taken by the Central equity ratios, manage cross default risk
ferrous and minor minerals. The opera- Government to encourage liquidity, for- and provide additional security in case the
tions of mines - iron ore, coking coal, eign investment and to remove policy and same is eroded.
thermal coal, limestone, dolomite, man- regulatory hurdles, the banks and NBFCs
Mine owners and operators as part of
ganese and chromite and running of ferro have always been wary of lending to min-
their contractual understanding are re-
alloy and pellet plants (which supply raw ing sector; primarily due high risk, large
quired to take insurance cover for which
material to steel plants) covered under exposure and small margins. The lock-
they pay hefty premium. The existing
"essential services" and exempted from down has further battered this ailing sec-
insurance policies need to be vetted to
the nation wide lockdown tor.
ascertain whether the same has adequate
The mine owners and operators are find- Legal Challenges force majeure clause, endorsements to
ing it difficult to carry mining activities. In light of the current COVID-19 pan- cover loss of profit, loss due to business
This is due to business disruptions and demic, the mine owners and operators are interruption - whether property damage or
operational difficulties (non-availability facing a new challenge. They need to as- even arising out of shutdown due to pan-
of requisite workforce, restriction on free certain their rights and obligation under demic or whether the policies exclude
movement of men and material, high risk the existing mining lease agreement, fi- coverage for virus, contagious disease or
of spread of pandemic, disruption of port nance documents, project and construc- bacteria.
operation), exacerbated by fall in de- tion finance, equipment lease, subcon- In this article, we have limited ourselves
mand from downstream industries and tracts of various mining operation, drill- to highlighting few areas of concern for
manufacturers of white goods. Stopping ing contracts, off take agreements, ad- mine owners and operators without delv-
production and shutting down the smel- vance purchase and sale agreement and ing into the meaning and concept or ana-
ters, blast furnace is a costly affair and other related contracts. They also need to lysing the application and consequences
generally not a viable option.

Continued on Page 9

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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

of the same. well as global players to help ramp up which was earlier given to captive miner
You may read other Articles authored by coal production in India. but also allows the captive mine owners
our Firm on force majeure here. A composite exploration-cum-mining- to sell their output in the open market.
cum-production regime has been intro- The Government has taken initiatives in
Economic Stimulus the right direction and has paved the way
duced in mineral sector and 500 blocks
The Government of India has taken sev- are proposed to be auctioned through an forward amid challenges.
eral steps to help industries brave the open and transparent auction process. Conclusion
aftermath of the pandemic. On May 16, Joint auction of bauxite and coal mineral
2020, the Finance Minister of India has, The reforms initiated by the Government
blocks has also been introduced to en- are aimed to impact the sectors which are
in continuation to the economic stimulus hance the competitiveness of aluminum
package in light of COVID-19, an- considered new horizons of growth, with
industry. The Cabinet Committee on Eco- the aim to unleash new investment, boost
nounced certain structural reforms in nomic Affairs has approved the methodol-
relation to cola and other minerals. production and creat jobs. During these
ogy for auction of coal and lignite mines. challenging times it is essential that the
The decision to permit commercial coal Even the distinction between captive and mine owners and operators take steps to
mining on revenue sharing basis, with noncaptive mining has been abolished. carefully analyse and effectively navigate
easy entry and exit norm is viewed as an the legal challenges and propel the min-
attempt to attract and allow domestic as This not only removes the preference
ing industry towards a new dawn.

By Shisham Priyadarshini and Mayur Shetty Of Rajani Associates

Originally published July 3, 2020
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.


investments totalling at least 10 percent
of the national Gross Domestic Product
(GDP). It contains a slew of measures
designed to boost the infrastructure sec-
tor, while liberalising the mines and min-
erals sector, including coal mining. How-
ever, unless such infrastructure boosting
measures are balanced through environ-
mental safeguards, they could further
erode India’s biological diversity, under-
mine the country’s climate commitments,
 It is estimated that more than half of The COVID-19 pandemic has under- and abet with trends that trigger infec-
household incomes in India are linked to scored the link between health, economy tious diseases like COVID-19.
natural resources and natural-resource de- and nature in no uncertain terms. One of
pendent sectors. This underscores the im- the allegations over the past few months More than half of household incomes in
portance of how we utilise our land for main- India are linked to natural resources and
taining livelihoods of the poor communities has been that the coronavirus transferred
from wildlife to humans in the meat mar- natural-resource dependent sectors. Fur-
and biological diversity and forests while also
mining in ways that are sensitive to both kets of Wuhan province in China. This is thermore, mapping exercises have shown
these needs. not an isolated instance as health scien- significant overlap between India’s re-
tists have documented that in recent times maining forests, mineral rich-sites and
 The time has come when civil society tribal populations. This underscores the
should broaden its approach and start engag- nearly 70 percent of new infectious dis-
ing directly with the industry leaders interest- eases have arisen from the transfer of importance of how we utilise our land for
ed in finding “win-win” solutions for the pathogens from wildlife to humans. Man- achieving seemingly conflicting goals –
environment and development, argues Seema that is, maintaining livelihoods of the
Paul in this commentary. kind’s exploitation of nature, along with
climate change, are structural causes aid- poor communities, maintaining biological
 India can learn from Mongolia where ing this trend. diversity and forests while also mining in
the national government worked with civil
society organisations to scientifically identify To respond to the economic crisis arising
areas where mining can take place and areas from the pandemic, the Indian govern-
that are needed to be protected keeping in ment has announced a package of
mind their ecological importance.
Continued on Page 10

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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

ways that are sensitive to both these Mongolia has since replicated this land without compromising on the environ-
needs, and the climate imperative. planning process in the Gobi Desert, as ment.
well as its northern and western regions, Rather than shying away from doing
The draft Environment Impact Assess-
creating a seamless land-use plan that is business in Mongolia because of its EIA
ment (EIA) notification 2020, which will
leading to the creation of 177,000 square law, mining corporations have been hap-
replace the EIA notification 2006, at-
kilometres of new areas that are demar- py because the law provides them with
tempts to rationalise the process and
cated as protected areas, while keeping businesses certainty around their invest-
make it more transparent. However,
nearly as much land available for mining, ments. The chief advisor for biodiversity
some stakeholders have complained that
on par with the investments in protected and ecosystem services for Rio Tinto, for
the proposed notification, if adopted,
areas. example, has stated that a tool like De-
will dilute the process and standards for
environmental clearances for industries Mongolia’s ‘Development by Design’ velopment by Design allows companies
such as mining, infrastructure develop- approach entailed working collaboratively to assess the pros and cons of individual
ment and large townships. with businesses such as the Rio Tinto investments and avoid unnecessary risks.
mining corporation, local communities Can India adopt a similar approach?
While efforts to persuade the govern-
and civil society to scientifically identify
ment to strengthen its regulations to Taking a leaf out of Mongolia’s book, a
areas where mining could take place; are-
manage the environmental impacts will few civil society organizations in India,
as that should be off-limits for mining
continue, the time has come when civil notably the Center for Study of Science,
because of their ecological or local com-
society should broaden its approach and Technology and Policy (CSTEP) and
munity values; and areas that if used for
start engaging directly with the industry Vasudha Foundation, collaborated with
mining, would require the impact to be
leaders interested in finding “win-win” The Nature Conservancy in India to cre-
offset. Companies mining in this third
solutions for the environment and devel- ate a tool called ‘SiteRight’ which ena-
category were required to make financial
opment. The government is also likely to bles wind and solar energy developers to
contributions towards “offsets,” which
be more supportive of approaches that site their projects in areas that are low
could be utilised to restore degraded sites
enable the industry to “self-regulate” in conflict from environmental and social
or develop and implement management
favour of the environment. standpoints. The tool provides an assess-
plans for the newly established protected
Lessons from Mongolia areas. ment of potential sources of conflicts
across ecological and social variables for
A noteworthy example in this regard All of this was laid out in an EIA law that a user-defined area and helps identify
comes from Mongolia’s mining industry, the Mongolian government passed. A key low conflict land parcels to meet wind
a sector which has received significant component of this law was a national mit- and solar energy goals.
concessions as part of India’s recent eco- igation design tool that equipped compa-
nomic package. Mongolia has globally nies to both identify areas in which min- The aim of SiteRight tool is to “de-risk”
significant biodiversity, mainly grass- ing was permitted, and not, as well as business investments by reducing local
lands in its Eastern Steppes and the Gobi areas where it was permitted with pay- conflicts that hold up projects and in-
Desert. With 40 percent of the Mongoli- ment towards “offsets.” The tool also crease the investment costs for business-
an population living as nomadic herders, helped the companies calculate the offset es. If adopted, it could encourage proac-
the grasslands support livelihoods and price which was based on the impact of tive planning that helps identify ways to
traditional lifestyles as well. their mining activities measured in terms meet our environmental and develop-
of area, magnitude and duration of impact ment goals in tandem. The initial re-
In 2008-09 when the government of
on the biodiversity values. sponse of businesses to this tool has been
Mongolia wanted to open up its mining
encouraging. At the moment, the tool is
sector for investments, it looked for While India already has many well- only designed for Madhya Pradesh and
ways in which it could find balanced established protected areas, they are in- Maharashtra but could be easily expand-
solutions. It worked with civil society sufficient for conserving our wildlife and ed across the country, as well as being
(The Nature Conservancy) on a land- ensuring the environmental balance for adapted for use by infrastructure sectors
planning approach called “Development the country. It is indeed important for including mining.
by Design (DbD)”. The results of this India to conserve the corridors between
effort speak for themselves today: as a the protected areas if the local communi- Significantly, a peer-reviewed analysis
result of this work, Mongolia created 39 ties and wild creatures are to thrive into that accompanies the SiteRight tool, pub-
new protected areas in its eastern grass- the future. However, the pertinent lesson lished in the journal Sustainabil-
lands. And yet, the country’s mining from Mongolia is not that India needs ity, found that India has more than 10
sector has continued to grow, accounting more protected areas, but that it is possi- times the needed land for achieving its
for 23 per cent of the country’s GDP ble to find win-win approaches that bal-
today! ance development with the environment
and promote ease of doing business

Continued on Page 11

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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9
2022 wind and solar targets in areas that all stakeholders from “development ver- sector and issue area by issue area. This
have low biodiversity value! Such “win- sus environment” to a “development and takes time and a commitment to provid-
win” for the environment and develop- environment” approach! For this to hap- ing practical, pragmatic tools and ap-
ment is possible for many other sectors. pen, stakeholders need to join hands to proaches, such as the “Development by
What’s needed is a mindset shift among find collaborative solutions, sector by Design” approach.

The author is the Managing Director of The Nature Conservancy – India.

Source: Mongabay


India must become ‘Atma Nirbhar’ in
coal production. If govt auctions CIL’s
loss-making mines, pvt sector can ensure
the national exchequer adequately gains.
here come moments in a nation’s jour-
ney when leaderships turn adversities
into opportunities. Like in 1991, the pre-
sent Narendra Modi government recently
announced a series of reforms as part of
the welcome “Atma Nirbhar Bharat Ab-
hiyan”, which, I believe, will act as a
booster shot for India as the nation bat-
tles the Covid-19 pandemic and the re-
sultant economic crisis. The various re-
forms will also help India realise the $ 5 around 251 out of a total of some 364. producing only 600 million tonnes which
trillion economy vision if implemented is about 0.35% of total resource.
well. The private sector will ensure that the
national exchequer adequately gains, lat- CIL has 364 operating mines with
As part of the overall reform package, est technologies are employed, efficien- around 96 opencast (OC) mines, 230
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman cies increased and workers’ interests pro- underground mines and around 38 mixed
announced the liberalisation of the coal tected. CIL can at the same time focus on mines (opencast plus underground). Sig-
sector — long overdue, in my opinion. its large profitable mines. The mission to nificantly, 75% of CIL production is
Reforming and liberalising the coal sec- rebuild India will, thus, gather momen- achieved from 35 OC mines, whereas
tor have been playing on the govern- tum. 230 underground mines contribute only
ment’s mind for a while. Prime Minister There is a consensus that India’s depend- 5–6% of CIL’s production.
Narendra Modi, in one of his overseas ence on coal will continue for the next Increased dependence on opencast min-
media encounters last year, talked about few decades. India, the second-largest ing, however, has many negative conse-
encouraging coal gasification, it being coal producer in the world, has 326 bil- quences — severely impacting the envi-
environment-friendly. With the latest lion tonnes of coal reserves, fifth-largest ronment, to name one. Also, higher-
announcements, the statement of intent in the world. We are, however, still the grade coal is available only deep down,
has a policy stamp. We’ve always be- second-biggest importer of coal, import- and the decline of underground coal pro-
lieved that this is the way forward in ing around 240 MT worth $ 22 billion. duction, seen over the years, should con-
judiciously using our coal resources in It’s akin to Qatar importing natural gas! cern us. The reasons why underground
an environment-friendly manner. The mines have not performed well are high-
government set the coal auction process So, it’s high time we become “Atma
Nirbhar” in coal production. India needs er costs of mining, difficult geo-mining
in motion with 41 mines with reserve of conditions, lack of skill-sets, etc.
17 BT on offer in the first phase. 1.5 BT coal per year to meet the demand
of various sectors. We will need to pro- Almost 90 per cent of mines of Eastern
While it’s a welcome move, I would duce additional 500 MT coal to replace Coalfields Limited, a CIL subsidiary,
argue that the government should also 240 MT of imported high CV coal. having superior-grade coal, are under
consider auctioning the loss-making losses. Almost 100 per cent underground
Coal India Limited mines, said to be Currently, CIL has about 54 per cent of
the country’s total coal resource. But it’s

Continued on Page 12

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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

mines of Bharat Coking Coal Limited, making mines, bring in latest technolo- With successful commercial mining, coal
another CIL subsidiary, are incurring gies, increase efficiencies, and protect the will be available economically, and in
huge losses. workers’ interests, thus increasing coal abundance, which will fuel India’s on-
availability. ward march for the next few decades.
About 230 CIL underground mines pro-
duce just 5–6 per cent coal and are the Globally, top expertise is available in We could then expect power generation
biggest drag on its balance-sheet. CIL underground coal mining. Due to declin- to cost less than Rs 2 per KWH and in-
has been trying to shut them down for ing interest for coal in western countries, dustry and households could get it for Rs
nearly two decades. such technological knowhow can be 3 per unit. Power consumption will thus
brought in here if these mines are offered double to 5–6 KWH per person per day
The Covid-19 crisis has added to the
to global players. from 3 at present, thus greatly improving
woes of CIL. The government can turn
The government could consider offering their quality of life.
this crisis into an opportunity for CIL by
offering the loss-making mines for pri- the shortlisted mines through auction to It’s here that the private sector can play
vate participation through auctioning interested entities. This will ensure an the role of an able catalyst, and it can
them or having a MDO contract .( mine increase in high-grade & coking coal pro- thus power the India growth story.
development and operation ). duction in the country which will save us
crucial forex.
Private players will turn around the loss-

With inputs from Kapil Dhagat. Data from CMPDI website, presentations on CIL, and news feeds.
Naveen Jindal is Chairman- Jindal Steel and Power Limited and a former Parliamentarian. Views are personal.
Source : The Print


 Mining dependent communities in represents mining dependents, lauded accelerating relief efforts towards protec-
Karnataka have implored to remove Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 'Vocal tion of lives and livelihoods for the
restriction son iron-ore mining, citing for Local' campaign and appealed to the COVID-affected communities across the
that it will create over a lakh jobs in government to adopt similar policies for state, KGAV said in a statement. The
the state iron-ore mining in Karnataka. Karnataka government in July 2010 had
imposed a blanket ban on exports, which
Welcoming Karnataka Chief Minister B S
 The funds generated will be used in Yediyurappa's recommendation for allow- was subsequently upheld by the Supreme
restoring lives and livelihoods in the Court in 2011. Due to the ban, iron-ore
ing the sale of eight million tonnes of iron
region, said the association in a state- ore that had been extracted before the mined from Karnataka cannot be sold
ment outside India. As a result of unfair policy
Supreme Court ruling on cancellation of
the ‘C’ class mining leases, KGAV also -level restrictions, the livelihood of lakhs
The community of mining dependents in
of mining dependents in the state is get-
Karnataka on Monday urged the govern- make a plea to the state government to
expedite the process of seeking clearances ting affected because the workers cannot
ment to remove restrictions on iron-ore
mine beyond a certain limit which has
sale from the state, saying it will help from the relevant authorities. The initia-
tive will provide much required impetus been imposed by the authorities, the
create additional one lakh jobs in the
KGAV said.
mining sector and bring great relief to the economy and fight Covid-19. The
amidCOVID-19 crisis. Karnataka Gani funds generated can also be used for Source: Live mint
Avalambithara Vedike (KGAV), which


Many of the Multilateral Environmental period of public consultation on the draft principles of public participation in envi-
Agreements to which India is a party of the Environment Impact Assessment ronmental governance. The EIA Notifi-
contain a requirement to have a prior (EIA) notification 2020, released by the cation 2020, which will supersede 2006
EIA in situations having a significant Ministry of Environment, Forests and notification, has come under severe
threat to the environment. Climate Change, until August 11.
The Delhi high court has extended the The extension reiterates the established Continued on Page 13

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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

criticism from environmentalists who The World Bank, which has been funding consultations before seeking environ-
have demanded its early withdrawal. solar projects in India, insists on an effec- mental clearance. As a result, the contro-
Indeed, the draft notification’s regression tive EIA as a prerequisite. The Rewa versial Central Vista project will not
and dilution of environmental criteria Solar Park in Madhya Pradesh, which have to undergo public scrutiny. The
conflict with the established principles of Prime Minister Modi inaugurated on July absence of effective environmental scru-
international law. 10, is funded by the World Bank and was tiny of an area that, according to the
The new notification exempts a list of commissioned after a comprehensive Delhi Pollution Control Committee, ac-
EIA. The EIA report revealed a signifi- counts for 30% of air pollution is be-
projects from prior requirements, nota-
bly renewable energy projects, solar cant impact on the drainage system, and yond legal justification.
thermal power projects, solar parks, and recommended measures to mitigate the Nonconformity to international obliga-
coal and non-coal mineral prospecting. problem. The World Bank and other mul- tions
The rationale seems to be the notion that tilateral development banks are expected
to ask for an EIA even under the terms of The dilution of environmental standards
solar energy projects reduce our depend- in the EIA needs to be evaluated in the
ence on fossil fuels and are better for the the new notification (if it is implement-
ed). background of the robust environmental
climate. However, such simple assump- principles operating at the national and
tions overlook the manifold environ- This is to illustrate that the environment international levels. The country is a
mental and social concerns, like require- ministry’s decision to exempt solar pro- party to the Rio declaration adopted by
ment of large land area, diversion of jects – and others on the list – in the new the United Nations Conference on Envi-
agricultural land and changes to drain- notification are out of sync with the best ronment and Development (UNCED) in
age patterns brought on by the construc- international practices, and could even 1992, which enunciated a catalogue of
tion and operation of solar parks. discourage investment. In contrast, pri- environmental principles including sus-
The undertaking of an EIA is a mini- vate or similar government-assisted pro- tainable development, precautionary
mum environment and social safeguard, jects may be commissioned without an principle, and environmental impact
at the project level of the proposed ac- EIA with fewer consequences. assessment.
tivity, and is intended to facilitate sys- Public participation Many of the MEAs to which India is a
tematic consideration of environmental Numerous provisions of the new EIA party, including the Convention on Bio-
issues as part of development decision- Notification also endanger the basic ten- logical Diversity (CBD) and United Na-
making. Whether an activity requires an ets of public participation. The period for tions Framework on Climate Change
EIA or not is essentially a policy deci- public consultation has been reduced (UNFCCC), contains a requirement to
sion – but it’s essential to apply the from 30 days to 20 days. Considering the have a prior EIA in situations having a
same criteria to policies, plans and pro- socio-political context of the vulnerable significant threat to the environment.
grammes as well. population typically affected by Following the Rio Conference 1992,
For example, the National Environmen- ‘development’ projects, this reduction EIA became part of the formalised legal
tal Policy Act (NEPA) in the US pro- could literally exclude some groups of framework in India in 1994.
vides for ‘categorical exclusion’ people from consultation. The principle of sustainable develop-
(CATEXs) categories that don’t individ- The reduction period is also against di- ment and precautionary principle be-
ually or cumulatively have a significant came part of India’s domestic legal
rections in 2000 of the Gujarat high court
effect on the environment. However, the in Centre for Social Justice v. Union of framework when in Vellore Citizens
government won’t issue a CATEX in Welfare Forum v. Union of India, the
India, when it insisted on a minimum of
case of extraordinary circumstances, 30 days for public hearing. The notifica- Supreme Court of India declared those
including even public controversy. principles part of the law of the land.
tion also exempts projects with “strategic
The EIA Notification 2020, including its considerations as determined by the gov- With the enactment of the National
listed exemptions, don’t disclose the ernment” from the stricter purview of Green Tribunal Act in 2010, the princi-
criteria for exemption and operate EIA and public hearings. Here, the blan- ple of sustainable development, precau-
against the basic tenets of administrative ket authority provided to the government tionary principle, and polluter pays prin-
law, which requires exceptions to be to categorise projects as strategic and ciple became an explicit part of India’s
culled out based on sound reasons. And elimination of public hearings under- legislative framework.
while exempting the solar projects from mines the very fabric of India’s interna- However, given the indeterminacy asso-
the EIA’s ambit, the government has tional commitment under numerous mul- ciated with the threshold and contours of
overlooked the best institutional practic- tilateral agreements. both these principles, EIA emerges as a
es as well as created ground for possible The draft notification also exempts mas- prominent and significant regulatory
conflicts between projects. sive construction projects under category mechanism for the environmental policy
B2 from the need to conduct public as a tool for informed decision-making

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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

towards sustainable development and and is declared as a fundamental prereq- and lack of access to essential infor-
application of the precautionary princi- uisite for the achievement of sustainable mation to the public. The judiciary, in a
ple. EIA’s role as a tool in the achieve- development. Initially adopted through catena of cases, has stressed the signifi-
ment of sustainable development has soft law declarations such as Agenda 21 cance and has specified the key modali-
been endorsed by the United Nations and the Rio Declaration, the idea found ties of public participation in EIA.
Environment Programme (UNEP) in its specific expression in a wide range of In the case of Adivasi Majdoor Kisan
guidelines of EIA. environmental conventions. Ekta Sanghatan v Union of India, the
EIA’s significance stems from the fact The public participation and modalities in court declared the faulty public hearing
that the achievement of sustainable de- EIA have been elaborated at the Interna- to be a nullity in the eye of law. It is
velopment is a legal obligation of con- tional level in the Convention on Envi- worth noting that, in the wake of the
duct under environmental law, EIA, and ronmental Impact Assessment in a Trans- controversy associated with the intro-
the public consultation are the possible boundary Context (“Espoo Convention”). duction of genetically modified foods,
requirements for the fulfilment of this The procedure has been highlighted as an the risk assessment and public consulta-
duty. The point is that it is difficult to exemplary standard for the process to be tion were undertaken with the then envi-
justify a project based on sustainable followed when conducting an EIA by ronmental minister, Jayaram Ramesh
development without recourse to the Justice Dalbeer overseeing the entire process. Effective
conduct of an effective EIA. Bhandari in Costa Rica v Nicaragua. public consultation can be instrumental
in upholding the legitimate concerns of
Thus, any dilution of the EIA and pub- It should also be emphasised that the the local communities and stakeholders
lic consultation is a move away from rights of the members of the public in affected by the project.
the legal obligation of conduct en- environmental matters has been given a
trenched in the principle of sustainable It should be stressed that for affected
new fillip by the Convention on Access
development. In spite of the focus on to Information, Public Participation in communities, the EIA remains the only
climate change at the international and Decision-Making and Access to Justice viable mechanism to ensure the disclo-
domestic level, the EIA notification has in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Con- sure of the details of the project, under-
not incorporated specific reference to vention). Though the ESPOO convention stand the impacts, and to ensure that
climate resilience, impact or vulnerabil- has been negotiated in the context of projects adhere to legal safeguards. The
ity from the scope of EIA study. This transboundary context, the principle significance of public participation has
contradicts the provisions of UNFCCC guiding the convention is relevant in the been elevated by the judiciary in Orissa
and Paris Agreement. domestic context of the operation of de- Mining Corporation Ltd. v.
velopment projects. MOEF (Vedanta) when it ruled that the
Additionally, meaningful opportunities
gram sabha would have to be considered
for public involvement constitutes a India’s experiments with public partici- before the MOEF grants environmental
pivotal determinant of EIA outcome pation in EIA have a chequered history. approvals for developmental projects
and is regarded as a procedural human Instances of flagrant violations include involving rights of individuals and com-
right recognised under Principle 10 of cases where the affected communities munities in scheduled areas.
the Rio Declaration. Over the past dec- have been physically prevented from
ades, state practice on public participa- Source : The Wire
participating in the hearings to inade-
tion has undergone rapid transformation quate provision of notice of the meeting


By : Ramesh Venkataraman

A couple weeks ago, hearing a petition impact on poverty in the country.” objectives to converge?
seeking a ban on mining close to the Coming from the apex court of the coun- To understand if our environment is det-
Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary in try, this concern – also shared by other rimental to the economy, we need to un-
Assam, a bench of the Supreme Court of key stakeholders like policymakers, in- derstand the economic value of healthy
India observed, “We are conscious of dustry bodies, etc. – merits further exami- environments. The term used in environ-
the fact that our orders in favour of the nation. Put differently, we need to answer mental economics for this value proposi-
environment affect economic develop- two questions. First, does protecting the tion is ‘ecosystem services’. Water secu-
ment adversely. There has to be some environment adversely impact economic rity is one such ecosystem service. For
method by which economic develop- development? And is it possible for In-
ment is not retarded as this has a direct dia’s environmental and economic
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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

example, all rivers in peninsular India provides diverse benefits like better health a ‘land bank’ for industry out of these.
have their watersheds in the forests and and productivity of citizens, improved Second, we should incentivise industry
grasslands located in hilly regions, like quality of life for the poor, food and water to quickly move to environmentally
the Western Ghats. These forests absorb security, higher per capita incomes, etc. – friendly technologies. This includes ac-
rain water like huge sponges and release all of which play a key role in growing tivities like power generation, where we
them slowly, through the year. If these sustainably. should aim for three-fourths of our needs
forests are gone, rains will result in mas- That a healthy environment is the back- being met by renewable energy sources.
sive floods that reach the ocean in no bone of a resilient economy is not an exag- Third, we need to start building strong
time, leaving our rivers dry and the en- geration. The environment provides a wide ‘green’ economic models. Sikkim has
tire agrarian economy and our food se- range of services that in turn drive long- already shown the way with a mix of
curity at risk. In the scenario where our term economic growth. And this mecha- livelihoods like organic farming, fruticul-
organised economic sectors are looking nism far outweighs short-term gains that ture, eco-tourism, value-added food
at the rural economy as the next big can be derived by overlooking the envi- products, etc. This model can be replicat-
growth engine, the implications of this ronment. Importantly, the impact of envi- ed in all hilly regions. Combined with
are obvious. ronmental degradation is far greater on strengthening traditional agriculture, we
Disaster prevention is another key eco- India’s poor. This fact prompts the ques- have the potential to become value-added
system service. North Kerala and Coorg tion: Is the value of food product suppliers to the world. And
in Karnataka showed us how denuded ecosystem services included in our GDP? new options like ecological restoration of
hills cause major floods, resulting in the The answer is ‘no’ – and this is a part of degraded areas offer potential to generate
loss of human lives and property. With- the reason why environmental protection very high rural livelihoods and simulta-
out the protective shield of mangroves, is not a policy priority. Models of valua- neously help build our natural assets.
cyclones cause heavy damage not just in tion of ecosystem services are emerging All of these, in turn, can reinvigorate the
coastal areas but in the hinterland as globally, and it would be appropriate to economy, be major drivers of the GDP
well. The disappearance of lakes and take a bold step towards factoring this in and reduce migration to cities as well.
marshlands is resulting in intense flood- our GDP computations. Critics may point And to achieve all these, we need to start
ing in most of our cities every monsoon. to the issue of double-counting but we believing that the environment is an ally,
The financial and social cost of mitigat- certainly can find an answer to this. a benefactor, of the economy, and devel-
ing these disasters is significant, with Environment and economy together op the conviction to firmly implement
collateral impacts like crop losses. Apart environmental norms.
from stretching the scarce fiscal re- So how do we craft an economic model
that meets these twin objectives? One is reminded of an old American-
sources of our states, each disaster push-
Indian saying: “We do not inherit the
es the affected region a few years be- First, we need a formal land-use policy
Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it
hind on the economic timeline, with that protects environmentally fragile areas
from our children.” We have a moral
impairment of productive assets and and designates ‘safe’ zones for industry.
obligation to leave for our children an
disposable incomes. This, in turn, im- There is no dearth of uncultivated, fallow
Earth that is healthier than the one we
pacts the overall growth trajectory. On lands in India outside of ecologically sen-
were born into – and economically vi-
the positive side, a healthy environment sitive areas. It should be possible to build
brant as well.


Ramesh Venkataraman is a certified ecological restoration practitioner and a chartered accountant.


The coal ministry is devising a single document for coal block auction for com- bidders in obtaining different clearances.
window clearance mechanism for faster mercial mining, the coal ministry said, "A However, it will be the responsibility of
online application processing for vari- single window clearance is being devised the bidders to obtain clearances and ap-
ous approvals, including environmental for faster online processing of applications provals as per applicable laws, it added.
clearance, required for operationalisa- for clearances".
According to an official, the coal
tion of coal blocks. The ministry also said a project monitor-
On queries related to standard tender ing unit has been set up for assisting
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Geonesis Volume 7, Issue 9

facilitate coal mines allocatees to obtain

timely approvals for operationalising the
KPMG has been appointed as the con-
sultant in project monitoring unit (PMU)
through a transparent bidding process.
The government has put on 41 coal
mines for commercial mining. The
blocks are distributed across coal bearing
states: Chhattisgarh (9 mines), Odisha (9
mines), Jharkhand (9 mines), Madhya
Pradesh (11 mines) and Maharashtra (3
There are four coking coal mines on
sale: Urtan (Madhya Pradesh), Urtan
North (Madhya Pradesh), Brahmadiha
ministry is planning to take state gov- successful bidder after winning coal mine (Jharkhand) and Choritand Tiliaya
ernment departments on board for single often leads to deferment in production. (Jharkhand).
window clearance.
In order to attract bidders in auction of Coal Minister Pralhad Joshi had earlier
At least there will be a platform where commercial mines, the Centre recently said the auction process of commercial
the approvals would be available, peo- announced the launch of a project moni- coal mining witnessed a "very good
ple can log in and give their go ahead, toring unit to facilitate early operationali- start" and the response has been the best
the official added. sation of coal blocks. in domestic coal history. PTI SID BAL
Delays in getting approvals, including The government move aims to promote
environment and forest clearance, by the ease of doing business in India as it will

DISCLAIMER: This is a compilation of various news appeared in different sources. In this issue we have tried to do an honest
compilation. This edition is exclusively for information purpose and not for any commercial use. Your suggestions are most val-
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