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Learning activity 4

Evidence: Wisdom comes with experience

Fuente: SENA

I do not always remember what I dream but I have very much in mind a day in
which I dreamed of my neighbor Doña Consuelo who had died a few days ago
from Cancer; I remember seeing her in the park, she sat next to me and talked to
me about my mother, in each sentence she repeated to me "Daughter, don't fight
with your mother anymore, she knows what is best for you" .. without me touching
the subject she told me that He said that I believed in his words, there I would
have the answer to my doubts and the solution to my problems. I was in a
somewhat heavy relationship and I always thought that my mother did not love my
partner out of jealousy, she always warned me that this man was not the one.
When I got up I wanted to go see my mother because she didn't live with her, I
talked to her all afternoon and I felt that I should believe her. Days later I received
photos of my partner with another woman and they already had a home and
apparently I was always the other one ... That's why we always have to listen to
our mothers over whoever it is, they will always want the best for us .
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
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3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
Informa lo dicho por una o varias personas utilizando la estructura gramatical y
el vocabulario requerido.

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