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Treasure Hunt

Are you ready for a new adventure?

As resident assistants, we are planning to organize a new event that hopefully will attract
many students. We all know about Treasure Hunt and how challenging and interesting it can
be. It will be held in Edinburgh in open air and anyone interested is free to join after signing
up. We are preparing a well-known type of treasure hunt this time, which is geocaching.
Geocaching is “a real world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices.
Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the
geocache (container) hidden at that location”.
We will carefully plan the adventure in order to be captivating and enjoyable for attendants
and choose the area of the game accordingly. We expect to keep them engaged for a few hours
and we’ll make sure there are no unexpected problems such that the event goes smoothly.
In terms of marketing, we are going to advertise it on social media, on groups with students
from our university as well as put posters with the event around the campus and especially at
the entrances in university accommodations. We will have a meeting where we will discuss
with other RA’s in detail the strategy for an efficient marketing.
It is my personal belief that treasure hunts are a form of immersive experience, with great
excitement and implication from the participants. Moreover, there will be a prize for the
winners which will attract students even more, not to mention the chance to begin or
consolidate great friendships with other people.

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