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Masks of Lebanon

Prepared by

Raheef El Chaar 201701760

Presented To: Dr. Salma Maroun- Assistant professor in Strategic Management

Due to the sudden widespread of the Corona Virus pandemic all countries have been negatively
affected by this virus at various levels. One of these countries is my home country Lebanon.
Lebanon was already suffering at various levels even before the Corona Virus such as at the
economical level where there are high levels of poverty and unemployment. Corona virus made
the circumstances in Lebanon even worse than they already were before. Therefore, I had the idea
for this project “Masks of Lebanon”. Face masks are essential in the battle against The Corona
virus because they help keep people safe by reducing the risk of the virus entering their respiratory
system. But due to several factors not all people are able to afford the masks.

Some reasons are:

• The sudden increase of the mask price due to high demand (from an initial price of 250
LBP to 3,000-17,000 LBP depending on the type of the mask).
• The lack of governmental control and oversight over these sellers.
• The high level of poverty which reaches 25% of all citizens.
• The high level of unemployment which is also at almost 25% although officially stated at

So, a high number of Lebanese citizens can not afford to buy the mask which puts their health at
that of others such as their families at risk. Also, the corona virus lead to an increase in the already
high levels of poverty and unemployment.

This is where Masks of Lebanon steps in. After research and inquires I have found the approximate
expense of making homemade face masks which is much cheaper than buying them. By
implementing this project masks of Lebanon can provide the Lebanese population with low cost
masks that would be made by men and woman working at the comfort of their own home and they
would receive money according to the number of masks that they make. Many men and women in
Lebanon know how to sew. Using this knowledge these men and women can help in reducing the
risk of corona virus in Lebanon while earning extra income for their families to able to survive in
the current economic situation in Lebanon. For example, taxi drivers in Lebanon are not allowed
to pick up more than one to two passengers at a time which reduces both income and profit. If the
wife of this taxi driver knows how to sew she can work with us in making these face masks thus
earning extra income for the family to compensate in the sudden decrease of income of her husband
from the comfort of her own home. The required material for making these masks would be
delivered directly to her home.

Also, these masks would be made up of washable cotton because not everyone can buy a new
mask everyday such as a taxi driver. This project would benefit Lebanon at a socioeconomic level
where it provides extra income for families that are already suffering and have no one to help them
not even the government and by providing people with washable masks at a reasonable price which
would increase the overall protection of the people in society facing the corona virus.
Marketing Plan

My customers are all the people that live in Lebanon. This is a universal product that everyone
needs and can benefit from.

This product can be easily promoted in Lebanon using several methods:

• Using online platforms and social media such as WhatsApp and Instagram to let the public
know about this product.
• Using my student contacts to get the word out between students that would also inform
their friends and other family members.
• Work with the already existing charities in Lebanon which are a lot. These charities can
help in marketing this product.
• Due to the serious risk of the corona virus media outlets such as television and radio stations
are constantly focusing on the Corona Virus. So, any of these stations would be more than
ready and eager to help promote this project.
Financial plan

After contacting several pharmacies, the range of the price of the face mask is between 3,000 LBP
and 17,000 LBP.

After research I found out what materials are needed to make these face masks and their cost.

Materials needed:

• Two 25 centimeters by 15-centimeter cotton rectangle fabrics.

• 100 centimeters of thread to sew them.
• Two thin 15-centimeter elastic bands.


• One meter of cotton costs 2,000 LBP and has dimensions of 100 centimeters by 110
centimeters which makes 8 of the required rectangles for the mask so 250 LBP per mask.
• A thread cone of 250,000 centimeters costs 4000 LBP which is enough for 2,500 masks so
1.6 LBP per mask.
• 1000 centimeters of elastic band cost 1,500 LBP which is enough for 33 masks so 45.4 per

Total mask cost= 250+1.6+45.4= 297 LBP approximately 300 LBP

The mask would be then sold for 2,000 LBP which is under market price and unlike those at the
pharmacy this mask is washable.

The men and women sewing these masks would receive 1,000 LBP per mask and they can make
between 20-60 masks per day depending on their level of skill thus making an extra income of
20,000-60,000 LBP per day.

The remaining 700 LBP would be put back into the project to cover expenses such as petrol used
for any car or motorbike and for any future expenses.

The initial investment for such a project is very low where to make the first 8 masks 8,000 LBP is required
and can be sold for 16,000 LBP with most of the material still retained for further production.
Team Members

For a project like this I would enlist the help of my friends and family members as well of those
that work in charities. The people mentioned above can help me find men and women that know
how to sew and need a job. Also, they would help me get the word out about this project thus
increasing the reach and growth of “Masks of Lebanon”.

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