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Darkside Revived
( Running time - 145 mins approx )

So I hoping we’ve all seen “Rise of Skywalker” and it was a movie; to say the least (I
personally thought it is was alright but hey i thought the highest grossing movie of all time is
shit , so what do I know) but it has left a sour taste in many fans mouth so yeah ; EPISODE
X has to happen (oh and also MONNEYYYY)

So obviously we start with the title and the text scrolling which is as always a lot of gibberish
but the main takeaways from the text are :

1. Rey is the leader of the New Republic

2. Finn is heading the Army and Po is heading the Air Force
3. The Jedi’s have been replaced by the Special “Skywalker” warriors
4. A small army of the Darkside is being headed by Commander Zog
So we cut to Tatooine , where the new main base of the Republic has been built and we see
Rey (wearing a robe) walking around the building as many people greet her (just casual
greetings). Then we cut to Rey just finishing up a motivational speech to the new batch
selected for becoming the future “Skywalker” warriors of the future and at the end of a brief
question answer session , a girl asks her “What makes the ‘Skywalker’ warriors different
from the Jedi?” And after a couple of seconds of thinking she replies “That’s a great
question! ; You see when a kid who had anger inside of him or someone who had a troubled
mind used to go for the Jedi training ; the council would dismiss them saying they had
weakness in them and that their anger would lead to the darkside. But a ‘Skywalker’ warrior
is someone who overcomes his anger , someone who fights every trouble whether in his
mind or the real world; A ‘Skywalker’ warrior is not someone who is perfect but someone
who strives to become perfect.” And everyone starts applauding. Then while Rey is smiling
and thanking all the kids we hear “Great speech!” from behind and it’s Finn and she says
“May I have some of your time , supreme leader?” And Rey approaches him (all smiling) and
then Finn says “Po wants a meeting right now. He has found some information on
Commander Zog and his whereabouts.” And then they start walking towards a room (like a
meeting room or Rey’s office;anything works)

Then Rey , Finn and two of Rey’s personal security team members (Scylla and Wayne) walk
into this meeting room and on the other side of the table is Po and he informs Rey about a
temporary base of Commander Zog and his troops on this planet called “Tenebris” and Rey
says (with epic background music ) “Prepare the troops!”. Then we cut to Tenebris and it’s
the middle of the night night and we see the New Republic troops landing on Tenebris and
this teenage boy watches this scenes of the troops landing as he is returning home and just
as he opens the door he sees two masked hooded figure with Red lightsabers killing his
family and he runs towards the New republican troops and he clashed into Po and after
falling Po says “What’s the hurry kid ? Where are you running off to ?” And in fright he is
pointing in the direction of his house and after 2-3 secs words come out of his mouth as he
says “There are two evil Jedi’s killing my parents!!” And hearing Po calls for small group of
troops to follow him towards this kids house and While this is happening we see Finn leading
the troops into the base of Commander Zog and then we get a big 3-5 min army fight scene
with lasers flying in all the direction as Commander Zog runs away in ships while his troops
are attacking the New Republic and at the end of this scene …. ROSE dies after Zog shoots
at her with his ship lasers or something which makes Finn very angry against zog. We cut to
Po and a small amount of troops going into the boys house and as they enter they see two
people running out of the house as Po and one other soldier chase them and after a little
chase scene just before they disappear Po shoots one of them in the back just ripping off a
little bit ho yeh cloth of the personnel and as he takes the piece of cloth in the hand he sees
that the other side of the cloth is the same pattern as the “Skywalker Warriors” uniform. And
after a while of thinking he returns to the boy’s house as he sees the boy crying over his
dead parents and he tries to console him and he asks him “what’s your name kid?” The boy
replies “Will Methuselah” and Po says “you’re going with us will; don’t worry everything will
be fine” as he takes the boy with him on his ship.

So we’re on the ship of the New republic as we see Po observing the piece of cloth for a
while and wondering how it could be as he sees Will sleeping. Then we return to tatooine at
the new republic base as Rey welcomes both Finn and Po as Finn goes and hugs Rey and
tells her about Rose’s death and Tey tries to consoled Finn after this he attends to Po who
introduces her to Will and as will looks at Rey and her two security guards and Rey puts her
hand in his hair and shakes it and says “This is your new home now” as she sends Will with
a guard to show his new room.Po asks Rey if he can see her alone for a bit as a stare down
happens between all four people for 2-3 secs and then Po and Rey go into a room alone. Po
shows Rey the cloth as he says “I got this off one of the killers of Will’s parents” and Rey is
shocked to see the cloth and she just goes speechless as she angrily lips “Tonto” and Po
asks her what she just said and she just avoids the question and says “But how can this be ;
all the Skywalker warriors in the universe still report to me and the force has never given me
any of this sort of energy about anyone” and Po replies “I don’t know what to tell ya ; I
wouldn’t believe it either if I wasn’t the one who shot this” and they decide to discuss and
resolve this issue privately without telling anyone in the New Republic as it would cause

We return to the New Republic base on the next day as Will is wandering around the base
as he sees a photo of Ben Solo and lightsaber which is kept in contained glass box and he
puts his hand over the glass container and he just gets sudden visions of Ben screaming as
he retracts his hand and at the same time Rey is walking by as she sees this and walks up
to Will and tells him about Ben solo the hero and not Kylo Ren and she tells him this whole
story (obviously a montage) as Will is listening very enthusiastically and at the end of the
story watching Will’s enthusiasm ; Rey asks will if he’d like to be a part of “The Skywalker
Warrior” training program and Will just shakes his head in excitement and Rey takes him to
class and introduces him to everyone. Just when she doing this Po joins her and asks if they
can talk alone again and again brings up the issue of the cloth and Rey tells him “Look Po , I
know you’re worried but we have other priorities; Commander Zog is still out there free and
he have to find him” and Po replies “But these could be more Jedi’s from the Darkside!” And
Rey just shouts “You don’t know that!” And Po just looks at her in silence and Rey calms him
down and assures him that they’ll look into this matter.

Now we see a small montage of Po following a few “Skywalker” warriors as he watches who
they’re meeting , where they’re going and etc as he looks at all of the “Skywalker” warriors
with suspicion.

Now we are at the “Skywalker” warrior training facility and Rey is giving another speech to
the new batch (one in which Will’s training) and again another one of the kid asks Rey “What
makes a “Skywalker” warrior different from the Jedi”?? But this time just as the question is
finished Will puts his hand up and Rey asks Will “Will , do you want to say something?” And
Will stands up and gives the same answer that Rey gave at the beginning as he says “A kid
with anger or hate is mind would never allowed to be a Jedi but being a “Skywalker” warrior
is about conquering one’s inner anger and hate and overcoming it” and the whole batch
along with Rey starts applauding Will with Rey looking at Will with just a tad bit of doubt.

When class is dismissed Rey takes Will to one side and asks him how he knows what he
said and Will replies “My dad used to have these journals which had a lot of stuff written
about the Jedi’s ; he used to read these to me while telling me stories about his Jedi friend.”
Then Rey asks him if he knows the name of his dad's Jedi friend and Will replies “Um ..
No,my dad never told me his name even though I asked many times. He said it was to keep
his friend safe” and Rey just walks away from Will as he returns with the other kids.

Then we see Finn walk into Rey’s office and he walks in. He sees Rey is talking to Scylla
and Wayne as they stop talking as soon as Finn walks in and Rey asks Finn “What's the
matter?” And Finn replies “We’ve found the ammunition’s storage of Commander Zog and
you’ll never believe where it is” and Rey asks “Where?” And Finn replies “Jakku” (With some
slightly epic background music) and Rey (who’s only a little surprised ) replies “Get Po and
the troops ready” and after Finn walks out ; both Scylla and Wayne just look at Rey as she
just says “Time to go i guess!”

Now just as they’re getting ready to leave , Will goes up to Po and says “Woah cool ship ; do
you pilot it?” And Po replies “I do” and then Will says “Must be very difficult to pilot such a
complicated ship” and Po says “Oh you know about it” and Will just shakes his head saying
yes and then Po says “I’ll tell you what ; you keeping doing good in class and maybe I’ll
teach you to fly it one day” and just Will gets happy starts jumping in excitement and then
asks Po where he’s going and Po tells him about the situation in a friendly manner and Will
just tells him “Po,be safe and please come back!” And Po just runs his hand in Wills hair and
says “Of course I will kid!” (With a. Smile on his face)

Now we are on the ship with Rey , Po and Finn as they are waiting to reach Jakku and Finn
says to Rey “Wow they made Jakku a storage camp for weapons ; all those years you lived
there could you have imagined it ?” And Rey just replies “After the year we’ve just had , very
few things surprise me these days.” (This was written in 2020 so you get it now ) and there’s
this look of slight anger and slight disappointment on Rey’s face as they reach Jakku. The
base it at the same place Rey used collect those metal parts in exchange for food (in Ep 7)
and it’s this big underground building (similar to the one they had in Rogue one ) and Then
we have ourselves a big laser army fight scene between the New republic and Zog’s troops.
After a good 2-4 mins of that ; at the end of the scene we see Po spot the Two Evil Jedi
hooded figures in the distance and he goes after them and watching Po go alone in that
direction Finn also runs behind him and after a 30 secs chase the two hooded figures take
out their red Lightsabers and start or attacking Po and just as their about to kill him after
getting the better of him Finn makes the save by Shooting one of the them and knocking out
their shoulder pad and as he follows up with another shot the evil Jedi just stops the beam
with the Force (yup it’s here just like Kylo ren in ep 7 ) and shoots it back at Finn which hits
him in the heart and then the other hooded figure just pushes him and says (in a disfigured
voice) “the hell you doin ??” And they just run off. Po gets up and picks up Finn on the
shoulder and just as he’s about to take him to the other troops he just looks at the shoulder
pad and just leaves it there, choosing to help his friend instead. Po goes to Rey in the middle
of battlefield with Finn on his shoulders as he calls for help ; Rey seeing this helps Po and
takes Finn to her ship and they start to leave early to get Finn help and just as there about to
leave, the commander of the army asks Rey what to do with all the weapons they found and
Rey angrily replies “destroy them all” and the commander hesitantly asks “Mam , you sure?”
And Rey just looks at him with rage.(this conversation happens while Rey and Po are
holding Finn on their shoulders). The commander returns to the battlefield as a Ship with
Rey, Po , Finn starts to leave.


We return from the plane ride where Po told Rey how Finn got injured (which we didn’t see
obviously ) and Rey and Po are taking Finn on a stretcher to receive medical help and just
as there about to enter Rey just pushes Po away with the force and Po is just asks her (in
surprise) “What you doin?” And Rey just shouts at him “Stay away , you are at fault for this , I
told you to stay focused on Commander Zog but you had to go for those evil Jedi’s and what
was your plan after you caught them?? Die or get others killed?? . STAY AWAY PO , this is
your fault!!” And Po just leaves from there with his head down.

Po just goes and sits down in the and after a while Will sees him sitting alone and
approaches him and asks him “Hey Po ; what happened?” And po just says (in a low voice)
“Almost got one of my best friend killed” and Will just sits next to him and tells him “I’m sure
you didn’t do it purpose ,you could never do anything to hurt anyone ; that’s not you” and Po
just looks up to Will while Will is still saying “I remember I was scared so bad when I saw
those People attacking my parents and I was hopelessly running through the field asking for
help and the only one who helped me was you Po ; I know you could never hurt anyone
knowingly” (while Will is saying this we get a slow motion flashback of Will running in the
battlefield in Tenebris which we didn’t see in the start of the movie) and then Po just smiles
a little and says “Thanks Will , Thank you for reminding me who I am” and after a while Will
just says “Hey Po , can I tell you something ??” And Po replies “Yeah sure” and Will says
“Since I started the Skywalker Warrior training; there’s a man who I see in my dreams and
he’s just am screaming out of anger , fear and what seems as shock (as Will just shakes a
bit thinking about it)” and Po asks Will “Who is this man you see?” And after a 3-5 secs
pause he cut to black.

We come back to see Po and Will standing in front of the photo of Ben solo and the
Lightsaber of Ben solo and then Will points at Ben and says “Him , that’s the guy I see in my
dreams and it’s gives me headaches” as Will starts shaking and Po just hugs him and says
“It’s okay ; there’s nothing to be scared of. Ben was a good guy in the end.” And Will just
asks “In the end ?” And then Po tells Will the whole story of Ben solo (including the Kylo Ren
part) as we see flashbacks from the new trilogy. Just as Po’a story ends Wayne and Scylla
walk by in a distance and Will just pints and asks “Who are those two? Why are they always
with Rey?” And Po says “They are Wayne and Scylla ; they’re Rey’s personal security; they
were the first two “Skywalker” warriors and since completing their training ; they’ve been
beside Rey- Protecting her”. Then we cut to Wayne and Scylla walking into the room Finn is
being kept with Rey beside him and just as they walk in ; Rey just shouts “WHAT THE HELL
YOU DOING HERE? Didn’t I give you a job ??” And after a pause Rey calms down and all
three go into a room to talk.
The next day we see Rey walking into the Air Force base of the new republic as she sees Po
talking to the soldiers as they try and make up a new plan to capture Commander Zog and
as she approaches Po , he says “You were right, We do have responsibilities and I was
wrong , selfish and foolish and it hurt my friend; now I wanna try and make up for it”. Hearing
this Rey just smiles a bit and after a while of Po talking to the soldiers and he turns to Rey
and just says “So how is he ?” And Rey replies (In low and sad tone) “He's still critical” and
they both stand there looking worried. After 3-5 seconds Rey asks Po “So do we have a plan
for Zog” and Po replies “Still no final plan but I might have something up my sleeve. (Rey
curiously stares at him ) This was gonna be my last resort - Oh well.”

Then we see Po standing in front of a door hesitating to go in but after a while ; he goes in
the room with his head down as he says “Listen , umm I don’t how to say this but I kinda
need your help” and as he looks up there a guy (let’s call him Steve) standing and staring at
Po and Steve says “Chief Po … How May I assist you ?” And Po just asks “Where’s zori??”
And Steve says “Madam zori has gone to the desert of Tatooine. There were a lot of
complaint from the residents about a parasite causing property damage” and Po just says
“Alright then” as he walks out of the room.

Then it’s night time and we zori in the desert hiding behind a house wearing a protective
police suit (fireproof and all) and just as she makes eye contact with an officer and starts
moving forward she feels a hand on her back and she turns around and points a gun as she
sees it only Po. She asks “What the hell are you doing here ??” Po replies “Look I need to
talk to you” and she says “Not right now, we need to protect these people from the threat”
and Po says “What threat ? ; these desert minions (the ones in Ep 4 ; come on mine is more
important.” And just as the finishes saying this we hear a big roaring noise and the ground
shaking as they see - It’s a big parasite (like we’re talking size of a Polar bear) and this
parasite just moves by flipping over in any direction and consuming whatever it lands on and
seeing this zori orders the officers to shoot at it and they try and kill the parasite but nothing
is working. After a while zori moves behind another as Po is trying to talk to her and she just
says “Look not right now don’t you see we’re trying to kill a parasite ; to kill the parasite and
then we’ll talk” and then trying to kill the parasite Po just looks to zori and says “Zori give me
a grenade!” And she throws one at him and he catches it and then he just stands in the way
of the parasite ; the parasite consumes him as Zori and all the officers look at the parasite
shocked that PO is dead and after 2-3 secs ; the parasite just explodes and there’s just po
standing previously inside of him with the remains of the parasite on his body as he stands
there disgusted.

Now while Po and Zori are returning back to the base ; we see Rey walking by and just as
she walks by the photo of Ben solo she sees Will standing in front of the photo and she
walks up to him and says “Hey wil , what are you doing here at this time of the night” and
Will says “Nothing just couldn’t sleep” as he stares the photo continuously. Rey asks him
“What are you looking at ?” And Will replies “This man ..” ; Rey says “Yeah why about him?”
(with real interest) and Will just says “it’s nothing” and starts to walk off and Rey goes behind
him and says “Hey hey Will , you know if there’s something bothering you ; you can talk to
me!” And after some hesitation Will says “I don’t know what’s happening but I see this man
in my dreams and he keeps screaming in them and in Some he just says “the Dark is within”
and I don’t what any of it is supposed to mean and it just is stuck in my mind and I can’t get it
out of my head” and after listening Rey says “Look don’t worry I help come on!”. Both of
them go to Will’s room and Will lies on his bed ; then Rey just puts his hand on wills head
and then puts him to sleep (you know doing some force hand gesture or something like that)
and while returning to her room she just stares at the photo of Ben solo.

We see Po and Zori return to zori’s office and Po says “Listen I need to talk to your insider in
the Zog’s army ; we have to attack soon or they will” And after 1-2 minutes of argument Zori
agrees to Po’s demand. Now we cut to ship with Zori and Po going towards a planet called
Rian where Zori has set up the meeting with the republics insider in the DarkSide army. So
they both walk into a restaurant and Po says “so who is it??” and Zori replies “It’s obviously
the lone stormtrooper, who else would it be” and they walk up to a table in the corner where
a stormtrooper is sitting and Zori says “ Hey , so you got the location of the base?” And after
2-3 of the guy not replying; Po
just says “Somethings wrong” and the guy just takes off his helmet and looks in Po in the
eye (his eyes being red and everything) he just goes “They got me” and just as he says this
we hear the DarkSide spaceships land , surrounding the restaurant and a Superior Officer
named Hag (or something) speaks in a megaphone as he says “Republic officers you are
surrounded by all the sides , Surrender and you might live to see another day.” And as he is
saying this everyone apart from Zori , Po and the insider is getting out of the restaurant. Now
Zori and Po are thinking what to do and after 3-6 secs we just hear a laser gun sound from
the inside. After 2-3 more secs the restaurant door just opens and The stormtrooper comes
out with his gun pointing at Zori’s head and he says “Here you go master” and Hag just
shakes his head and signals him to take Zori away. Now we see Zori and 2 other
stormtrooper (another one along with the one from the restaurant) in a ship and just as they
are about to take off ; a stormtrooper (not from the restaurant) says to the other one (one
from the restaurant) “Hurry , what’s taking so long” and as he turns behind Zori is pointing a
gun at him as the other stormtrooper takes his helmet off and it’s Po. So they throw the other
stormtrooper out of the window as they return to the Republic Base on Tatooine with the
Darkside army ship. Now while taking control of the ship Po just says “You know you didn’t
have to kill him” and Zori says “And that’s why I’m police and you’re Army Po”. So they’re
plan is to take the ship back to the base and find the location of the base of the darkside
from the GPS device on the ship. They return to Tatooine and they give the GPS device to
the intelligence guys and they detect the location of the Darkside base and Po runs to Rey’s
office to tell her and as he reaches her office he sees Rey with Sycalla and Wayne and they
stop talking and wait for Po to talk and Rey just says to Po “what?” And Po says “It’s Endor ;
the darkside Base is on Endor”

We cut to Po and Rey walking in a hallway as everyone is getting ready to attack Endor as
Rey says “Endor huh ; ah screw it” as she looks very annoyed and just before they leave for
Endor , Rey just goes to see Finn in his unconscious state. She just watches him through the
glass and she just leaves.

We cut to Endor and we see the whole Darkside base for the first time and it’s something
else. (Even though it’s not as big as the one in excegol it’s still dangerous) We see a few
troops in a room looking at the radar screen as they detect something. And soon enough
they realise that it’s the New republic attacking them. One troop is sent to inform General
Zog about this invasion. Then it's just like the episode 9 final battle, everything is flying
everywhere, ships being destroyed , blasts and all that good stuff.
(After 5 mins of that)

We cut to a vision that Will’s is having and once again it’s Ben Solo and he says something
like “The dark is within ; Use the force to heal it” and this will suddenly wakes up but this
sentence keeps echoing in his brain and after a while it’s start to pain and Will runs out of his

We return back to the Battlefeild to see that Rey and Po have gotten out of their ships and
are going for Zog and on the way we get Po killing troopers with blasters and Rey killing
troopers with her lightsaber and the force as they make their way towards Zog. (MORE

We cut back to Will just bumping around in the new republic base holding his head as the
phrase “Use the force to heal” is being repeated again again and after a while Will just falls
down in front of a Door.

We cut back to Rey and Po making their way towards Zog as we get some more cool action
scenes of Rey and with the saber and Po with a blaster.

We cut back to Will waking up after a while and as he gets up on his feet he looks at the
door and sees that it’s the room Finns being kept in. He walks in and upto Finn as he hears
Ben solo’s voice slowing repeating the phrase. Will tears all the wires attached to Finn as he
opens up Finns wounds as the monitors start gonna bezerk. He just keeps his hand on Finns
wounds and as Finns is starting to lose his life , Will heals up all Finns wound with the “Life
force” (the one Rey used for that snake on Episode 9) as Finn wakes up and gets up on his
own to feet.

We cut back to the battlefeild ;Po and Rey have finally made their way to Zog. The door
opens and Zog sends the troops to attack them but they fight those off quite easily. Zog says
“So this is how it’s gonna be a Skywalker Warrior and A human against a Sith Lord” then
they start. Zog fight with two red lightsabers and he fends both Rey’s lightsaber attacks and
Po’s blaster attacks. After a while Zog gets Po in the shoulder and Po is just left lying. Then
it’s Rey V Zog and they just go ham on each other with the Lightsabers. After like 2-3 mins of
Rey is able to defeat Zog by cutting one of his hand and getting rid of the lightsaber in the
other and just as Po wakes up he sees that Rey has a her lightsaber to Zogs head and he
gets up quick and stops Rey as he says “Wait Rey don’t” and Rey says “why not I kill Him
and it’s all over ; there’s no more darkside “ and Po tells her that “it’s not about that , there’ll
always be a darkside but we have keep fighting it both on the battlefield and within and if you
do this you’ll lose the battle within” (after a pause of like 5-10 s) ; as Rey drops her
lightsaber. The Battle has been won , and The republic army is arresting Zog and just as
they are taking him we see Rey just trying to stretch her arm and put her lightsaber back by
pulling it back and suddenly Zog has a blaster in his hand and he shoots a beam at Po but
just as the beam reaches Po face Rey stops it with the force and sends it back through Zog
throat killing him ; as they both look on standing there.

We cut to everyone returning to Tatooine and Finn is there to greet everyone as Po runs and
hugs Finn and so does Rey as Finn tells them both about how Will healed him and all three
of them walk upto him as Rey says “Looks like yeh force is strong with this one” as Po hoists
Will high in the sky.


Oh no no it’s not over yet back in your seats boys..

We cut to celebrations in Tatooine as Po and Will are getting ready to go on their adventure
as Po wants to teach Will how to pilot (like he promised). We see Finn and po talking as Will
is loading their ship. Finn says “So you’re leaving ??” “Yeah I promised the kid, kinda have
to” Po replies. Finn smiles at Po as he watched the two of them takeoff.

While walking back Finn sees Rey and Rey says “Hey Finn , tell Wayne to get me my drive
that he’s got I need to check something on it”
As Finn goes to Wayne’s room and asks him for the drive and Wayne says “Oh it’s in the
wardrobe wait I’ll get it” and Finn just goes upto the wardrobe saying “Chill I got it” and Finn
opens the wardrobe and a lightsaber falls down and Finn says “You gotta keep this in better
place; (as he picks up the lightsaber) wait a min this isn’t the Jedi lightsaber” as he fires the
lightsaber up he sees that ……… It’s RED!!!
Finn points his blaster at Wayne as he’s moving backwards to the door and Wayne is trying
to calm Finn by shouting “Wait Finn Just relax , calm down” as Finns back bumps the door
and pushes the button to open it and just as the door opens ; A red lightsaber has gone
through Finns chest and as the lightsaber goes out of his chest we see that it’s


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