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Online Test1 KH2233: Engineering Hydrology and Water Resources

Answer all questions

(Time: 10:30 to 2:00 pm Malaysian Time. Email answer to

1. Hydrologic Cycle:
a) Of the 8 components of Hydrologic Cycle, which one is the most important to Hydrologist? (2 marks)
b) Explain why it is the most important one. (2 marks)
c) List and explain the 8 most significant human interference with the Hydrologic Cycle. (4 marks)
d) Explain in detail how we determine the Catchment Boundary? (4 marks)

2. The watershed at a site has an area of 70,000 ha. Mean annual precipitation at this place is 900mm
a) If 30% of rainfall reaches the basin outlet as streamflow, estimate the mean annual flowrate of the
stream in m3/s. (5 marks)
b) If watershed treatment, including afforestation (adding forest), causes the runoff rate to reduce to 10%.
What is the increase in the volume of abstraction from all causes for the same mean annual rainfall of 900
(5 marks)

3. A watershed has an area of 300 ha. Due to 10 cm rainfall event over the watershed, a streamflow is
generated, and at the outlet of the watersheds, it last for 5 hours. Assuming a runoff/rainfall ration of 0.20
for this event, the average stream-flow rate at the outlet in this period of 5 hours is what? (10 marks)

4. List 3 very specific information (with values or data) that you can get from this Figure 2.1.
(6 marks)
5. Consider the statement. “The 50 year – 24 hour maximum rainfall in Kuwait is 100 mm”.
What do you understand of the given statement? (10 marks)

6. The probability of a 10 cm rain in 1 hour occurring at a station B is found to be 1/50. What is the
probability that a 1-hour rain of magnitude 10 cm or larger will occur in station B once in 25 successive
years. (10 marks)

7. List 6 most important information that are very specific (with values or data) we can get from the Figure
2.9 below. (12 marks)

8. Abstraction
a) What is Abstraction and what are components of abstraction? (5 marks)
b) When we urbanize an area, abstraction value will increase or decrease? (2 marks)
c) Explain the reason for that. (3 marks)

9. Streamflow:
a) What is a Rating Curve? (1 marks)
b) How do you produce a Rating curve? (5 marks)
c) List the steps you will take to determine streamflow in a river that is about 10 m wide and 1 m deep.
(4 marks)

10. Compute the runoff from a 2000 ha watershed due to 15 cm rainfall in a day.
The watershed has 35% group A soil, 40% group B soil and 25% group C soil.
The landuse is 70% residential that is 65% impervious and 30% paved roads. Assume AMCII conditions
(10 marks)

‘Good Luck’

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