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OPSC 2019 Odisha Public Service Commission Civil Engineering Objective Practice Sets Engineering Hydrology SI. Topic Page No. 1. Introduction 2 2. Precipitation 8 3. Abstraction from Precipitation 18 4, Streamflow Measurement 26 ter Hydrology (Runoff) 6. Hydrographs 7. Floods a7 8. Flood Routing 5 8. Groundwater 88 10. Erosion and Reservoir Sedimentation 6 lator re lab to be legilyprvected a4 a2 Qs a4 as Gh obese Practice st Enos Introduction The percentage of earth covered by oceansis Q.6 A watershed has an area of 300 ha. Due to a about 10 em rainfall event over the watershed a stream (@) 31% (o) 51% flow is generated and at the outlet of the {c) 71% (d) 97% watershed it lasts for 10 hours, Assuming a The percentage of toa! quanity of water inthe runofffrainfall ratio of 0.20 for this event, the vials that saline is abe average stream flow rate at the outlet in this to rit iy oo% period of 10 hours is (co) 67% (d) 97% (@) 1.33m%s tb) 16.7 ms (c)_100m*/minute _(d) 60000 m*/h ‘The percentage of total quantiy of fresh water in the world available in the liquid from is about @-7 _ Rainfall of intensity of 20 mmh occurred over a fa) 30% () 70% watershed of area 100 ha for a duration of 6h om ears measured direct runoff volume in the stream draining the watershed was found to b Ifthe average annual rainfall and evaporation 20,000 m-Thé precistaton not available torunot over land masses and oceans of the earth are in this case is considered it would be found that fa gem (0) 30m (@) over the land mass the annual evaporation OME is the same as the annusl precipitation (b) about 9% more water evaporates fromthe @.8 Acatchment of area 120 km? has three distinct oceans than what falls back on them as zones as below: precipitation | {c) over the ocean about 19% more rain falls zene [aren rt) (Aneto fer than what is evaporated A ° 8 (2) over the oceans about 19% more Water ac ® evaporates than what falls back on them as Precipitation ‘The annual runoff from the catchment, is Inthe hycrological eyce the average residence (@) 12606m —(b) 420m time of water inthe global (©) 454m (@ 730m (a) atmospheric moisture is larger than thatin — @.g Match List-! with List-l and select the correct tne global rivers answer using the codes given below the lists: (b) oceans is smaller than that of the global tt ground ‘A. Double mass curve technique {c) rivers is larger than that of the global ‘dh B. Hyetograph groundwat . ©. Mass curve of a storm (d) oceans is larger than that of the global ass curve 1 a Stor D._ Isopluvial map groundwate MADE EASE ) MADE EASY 10 Publlostions List! 1. Plot of accumulated precipitation against time in chronological order 2, Estimation of missing rainfall data 8. Checking the consistency of rainfall records 4, Plot of intensity of rainfall against time 5, Lines of equal depth of rainfall of given duration and frequency Codes: ABCD @ 4135 ) 42145 ©3415 @) 35 42 Maton List-I (Plot of) with Listl (Name) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-! A. Accumulated precipitation vs time in chronological order B. Rainfall intensity vs time . Streamflow vs time in chronological order D. Stream discharge vs percent time the flow is equaled or exceeded E. Cumulative discharge vs chronological order List-tl 1. Hydrograph 2. Hyetograph 3. Flow duration curve 4. 5. time in Flow-mass curve . Mass curve of rainfall Codes: ABCDE @25148 52148 @s2134 @52431 Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? 1. Isochrone- Travel time 2. Isonif- Snowfall amount 3. _Isotherms - Atmospheric temperature a2 ats a4 as a6 a7 ats Engineering Hydrology | 3 4, Isobath - Sunshine hours 5. Isohyet - Rainfall depth Codes: (@) 1,2,3andS are correct (b) 2, 3and 5 are correct (©) 1,2,4andS are correct (d) 1,3andS are correct he average annual rainfall over whole of india is estimated as, (a) 189cm (©) 89cm (b) 319m (@) 196m If for a given basin in a given period, P= precipitation, E = evapotranspiration, R= total runoff and AS = increase in the storage of water in the basin, the hydrological water budget equation states (@) P=R-ELAS (b) R=P+E-as (c) P=R+EtAS (d) None ofthese When the density of snowfall is not known, itis usual to assume the water equivalent of snowfall as (@) 10% (b) 30% (©) 50% (a) 90% An isoniff is a line joining points having equal (@) rainfall (b) sunshine (c) .windvelocity” (d)_ snowfall Which area of India receives the least rainfall? (@) Leh (b) Eastern Rajasthan (©) Gujarat (4) Southern Tamil Nadu Under identical conditions, the evaporation from seawater is (a) about 2-3% less than that from fresh water (b) the same as that from fresh water (c) about 2-3% more than that from fresh water (a) 8-9% more than that from fresh water. he intensity of rainfall and time interval of a ‘ypical storm are ( Objective Practice Sets 4l 19 2.20 OPSC » Ci Engineering Time interval] Intensity of rainfall (minutes) (eum/minute) 0-10 o7 1020 14 20:30 22 30-40 15 40-50 12 50-60 13 60-70 09 70-20 04 The maximum intensity of rainfall for 20 minutes duration of the storm is (@)1.5mmiminute(b)-1.85mm/minute (c) 22mmminute (d) 3.7 mm/minute Match List-! with Listll and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-! ‘A. 26-50% decrease in seasonal precipitation from the normal B. Marked depletion of surface water and groundwate C. Soil moisture and rainfall deficiency with aridity (Al) anomaly 26 to 50% D. More than 50% decrease in seasonal precipitation from the normal List-ll 1, Severe meteorological drought 2, Moderate-arid Agricultural drought 3. Hydrological drought 4, Moderate meteorological drought LS eee sn ano nan-0 Compactness coefficient of a basins defined as a2t Q22 a23 24 2s 26 ubllaallona The characteristics of the drainage net can be described by 1. order of streams 2. the length of tributaries 3. the stream density 4, drainage density The correct answer is (@) both1and3 —(b) both 1 and 4 (©) 1,.2and4 — @) 1,2, and4 Virgin flow is (@)_ the flowin the river downstream of a gauging station (b)_ the flow in the river upstream of a gauging station (©) the flow unaffected by works of man (A) the flow that would existin the streamifthere were no abstractions to the precipitation In-India,-a-meteorological subdivision is considered to be affected by moderate drought ifit receives a total seasonal rainfall which is (@)_ less than 25% of normal value (b). between 25% to 49% of normal value (6) between 50% to 74% of normal value (d)_ between 75% to 99% of normal value An area's classified as a drought prone area if the probability Pof occurrence of a drought is @)04

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