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TYPE 3 2018: CREATIVE WITH MACHINES Ming Zhao 3160289

Stage one Concept 03

Stage two Typographic Structure 10
Stage three Exhibition Text 31
Stage four Exhibition Wall Graphics 44
Stage five Exhibition Brochure 70
Stage six Surprising Ending ! 107
Stage one

Concept: Maze

Maze is a path or multiple paths
led by different people from an
entrance to an exit.

A maze is like an adventure, we

may all start at the same point
and end at the same place, but
we can go through in different
ways. We see differently, think
differently, and feel differently.
In the end, we all can create
our own maze.

Through this concept, kids will

be able to go through the exhibit
by creating their own adventure.

Different types of maze
Interactive maze
3D maze
2D and type maze
Colour and Type inspiration
Space inspiration
Stage two

Type Choice: Urbane Rounded

My typeface choice for the
exhibition wall text is Urbane
Rounded. The reason I chose
this font was because it looked
very children friendly. It is also
a san serif font so it has a good
readability. This typeface has
various weights which means
the text can be very playful.

100pt 80pt 60pt 50pt 40pt 30pt 20pt 16pt 14pt






Light Painting
The Netherlands
World Premiere

Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. Control
speed, height, colour, and brightness to make your own unique patterns, captured in a
long-exposure picture. One to three people can each control different parameters to
create something even more complex.

Take your picture home by capturing your UNIQUE CODE !

Light Painting
The Netherlands
World Premiere

Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. Control
speed, height, colour, and brightness to make your own unique patterns, captured in
a long-exposure picture. One to three people can each control different parameters to
create something even more complex.

Take your picture home by capturing your UNIQUE CODE !

Light Painting
The Netherlands
World Premiere

Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. Control
speed, height, colour, and brightness to make your own unique patterns, captured in a
long-exposure picture. One to three people can each control different parameters to
create something even more complex.

Take your picture home by capturing your UNIQUE CODE !

Light Painting
The Netherlands
World Premiere

Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. Control
speed, height, colour, and brightness to make your own unique patterns, captured in a
long-exposure picture. One to three people can each control different parameters to
create something even more complex.

Take your picture home by capturing your UNIQUE CODE !

Light Painting
Frolic Studio
The Netherlands
World Premiere

Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. Control
speed, height, colour, and brightness to make your own unique patterns, captured in a
long-exposure picture. One to three people can each control different parameters to
create something even more complex.

Take your picture home by capturing your UNIQUE CODE !

Type Choice 2: Europa

After the group discussion,
we decided to explore more
different typefaces. We were
not very satisfied our first
round choices. I chose to try
out Europa (Light+Bold).

Funky Socks
Funky Socks
Funky Socks
Funky Socks
Funky Socks
Funky Socks
Funky Socks
Funky Socks
100pt 80pt 60pt 50pt 40pt 30pt 20pt 16pt 14pt

I like people who wear funky socks I like people who wear funky socks I like people who wear funky socks

I like people who wear funky socks I like people who wear funky socks I
like people who wear funky socks

I like people who wear funky socks I like people who

wear funky socks I like people who wear funky socks

I like people who wear funky socks I

like people who wear funky socks I like
people who wear funky socks

I like people who wear funky

socks I like people who wear
funky socks I like people who
wear funky socks





Light Painting
The Netherlands
World Premiere

Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. Control
speed, height, colour, and brightness to make your own unique patterns, captured in a
long-exposure picture. One to three people can each control different parameters to
create something even more complex.

Take your picture home by capturing your UNIQUE CODE !

Light Painting
The Netherlands
World Premiere

Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. Control
speed, height, colour, and brightness to make your own unique patterns, captured in a
long-exposure picture. One to three people can each control different parameters to cre-
ate something even more complex.

Take your picture home by capturing your UNIQUE CODE !

Light Painting
The Netherlands
World Premiere

Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. Control
speed, height, colour, and brightness to make your own unique patterns, captured in a
long-exposure picture. One to three people can each control different parameters to
create something even more complex.

Take your picture home by capturing your UNIQUE CODE !

Light Painting
Frolic Studio
The Netherlands
World Premiere

Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. Control
speed, height, colour, and brightness to make your own unique patterns, captured in a
long-exposure picture. One to three people can each control different parameters to
create something even more complex.

Take your picture home by capturing your UNIQUE CODE !

Stage Three

Exhibition Text: Light Painting

Our group decided to use
Futura PT and Europa for the
exhibition texts.

The Netherlands
World Premiere
Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together

to create a beautiful 3D light painting.
Control speed, height, colour, and brightness
to make your own unique patterns, captured
in a long exposure picture. One to three
people can each control different parameters
to create something even more complex.

Take your picture home by capturing

your unique code!

Exhibition text turn out

We went for a narrow column
width because we didn’t want
our text to be interfered with
our linear wall graphics. With FROLIC Studio
the fixed font size and column The Netherlands
width, Light Painting’s text World Premiere
had to give up a soft rag . Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together

After we printed our didactic to create a beautiful 3D light painting.
Control speed, height, colour, and brightness
text, we realized that our type to make your own unique patterns, captured
in a long exposure picture. One to three
sizes could be smaller, which people can each control different parameters
to create something even more complex.
would help solving the hard Take your picture home by capturing
rag issue in the text. your unique code!

Stage Four
Wall Graphics

Exhibition Wall Graphics:
Way Finding

At first, we were pretty much
designing wall graphics on our
own, until one point we realized
that nothing was related to our
theme. We created a system that
can incorporate the idea of “way
finding ” into our wall graphics.
In the end, our wall graphics turned
out like a mapping system.

We also went for a very bright

and childish colour palette.

15’ 8½”

7’ 7½”

14’ 14’

Light Painting
The Netherlands
World Premiere
Ages 7+

Grab the controls and work together

to create a beautiful 3D light painting.
Control speed, height, colour, and
brightness to make your own unique
patterns, captured in a long-exposure
picture. One to three people can each
control different parameters to create
something even more complex.

Take your picture home by capturing

your unique code!

Inner North Wall Inner West Wall

Inner North Wall

Inner North Wall

Inner North Wall
Inner North Wall
Inner North Wall
Inner North Wall
Inner West Wall
Inner West Wall
Inner East Wall
Inner East Wall
Inner East Wall
Inner East Wall
Inner East Wall
Inner East Wall
Column Wraps
Light Painting Final
Start Here!
Thanks for Coming!

Floor Plan

Stage Five

Exhibition Brochure:

To match the way finding theme
of the exhibition, I will integrate
some linear elements and part of
the wall graphics into the design
of my brochure. Struggled with
folding method a bit at first but
turned our alright.

Folding Method 1
Folding Method 1
Rough Sketch

Exhibition Brochure Feedback 1

The way I folded was too
complicated for visitors to
fold back. Going back to the
initial folding method but
double sided.

Folding Method 2
Exhibition Brochure Feedback 2

Work on consistency
Make the AR pictures dynamic
Here is the typographic hierarchy:
Title: 30pt
Subtitle: 12pt (B/M)
Paragraph Title: 9.5 (B/M)
Paragraph: 9
Detail: 7.5 (B/M+colour)

Light Painting Mimic Nifty Fish Virtual Growth
Light Painting Mimic Nifty Fish Virtual Growth FROLIC Studio Design I/O Art & Science Lieven van Velthoven

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition
The Netherlands USA Canada The Netherlands
World Premiere World Premiere Ages 3+ North American Premiere
FROLIC Studio Design I/O Art & Science Lieven van Velthoven
Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Ages 7+ Ages 8+ Ages 3+

The Netherlands USA Canada The Netherlands
World Premiere World Premiere Ages 3+ North American Premiere In this interactive installation, participants grab the controls Mimic is a playful interactive installation that allows visitors Spawned in the Art & Science Studio Lab, Nifty Fish isa 60” digital Watch virtual ‘life’ overgrow the real world! Starting from one
Ages 7+ Ages 8+ Ages 3+ and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. to engage in a dialogue with a robot arm through gesture. aquarium that allows anyone with a smartphoneto design a unique or two spots in the environment, it will slowly but surely spread
They control speed, height, colour, and brightness of a light The robot arm tracks people moving in the space, building up fish, and “fling” it fromtheir phone into the tank. out and trace the world. It can only grow over edges, meaning
In this interactive installation, participants grab the controls Mimic is a playful interactive installation that allows visitors Spawned in the Art & Science Studio Lab, Nifty Fish isa 60” digital Watch virtual ‘life’ overgrow the real world! Starting from one hanging from the ceiling, which is set in motion by a motor individual impressions of each person and reacting to their that certain areas may remain untouched. This is where crowd
and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. to engage in a dialogue with a robot arm through gesture. aquarium that allows anyone with a smartphoneto design a unique or two spots in the environment, it will slowly but surely spread and propeller. As it flies around in a circle, unique patterns actions accordingly. These impressions are broken down into With 12 options each for each part, there are almost 800 species interaction comes in. People can use their body to carry the
They control speed, height, colour, and brightness of a light The robot arm tracks people moving in the space, building up fish, and “fling” it fromtheir phone into the tank. out and trace the world. It can only grow over edges, meaning are created, captured in a long-exposure picture. One to three different robot feelings: trust, interest, and curiosity which of Nifty Fish to create and discover. The different body parts light to new places, from where it will then spread further.
hanging from the ceiling, which is set in motion by a motor individual impressions of each person and reacting to their that certain areas may remain untouched. This is where crowd people can each control different parameters to create in turn affect how cautious or playful the robot arm is in its come from drawings made by the Art & Science staff: from project It can also be wiped out, but unless this is done completely
and propeller. As it flies around in a circle, unique patterns actions accordingly. These impressions are broken down into With 12 options each for each part, there are almost 800 species interaction comes in. People can use their body to carry the something even more complex. responses. Mimic can interact with many people simultaneously managers to developers, everyone was invited to sketch and colour it will grow right back again...
are created, captured in a long-exposure picture. One to three different robot feelings: trust, interest, and curiosity which of Nifty Fish to create and discover. The different body parts light to new places, from where it will then spread further. changing its behavior and playfulness based on its feelings a few fish on a template that indicated the general size and
people can each control different parameters to create in turn affect how cautious or playful the robot arm is in its come from drawings made by the Art & Science staff: from project It can also be wiped out, but unless this is done completely Once created, the picture is uploaded to towards each person. placement of body parts. Then we scanned in the sketches and
something even more complex. responses. Mimic can interact with many people simultaneously managers to developers, everyone was invited to sketch and colour and a unique code is given to the participant so that they can recreated the drawings in software, re-interpreting everyone’s
it will grow right back again...
changing its behavior and playfulness based on its feelings a few fish on a template that indicated the general size and find it on the website, download it and even share it. Commissioned by TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival). artwork in a consistent, comic book style.
towards each person. placement of body parts. Then we scanned in the sketches and Mimic was developed through an artist residency at
Once created, the picture is uploaded to Artist Bio: the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie
and a unique code is given to the participant so that they can recreated the drawings in software, re-interpreting everyone’s I like to do cool stuff with computers and explore new forms Mellon University. This project was developed with
find it on the website, download it and even share it. Artist Bio: artwork in a consistent, comic book style. of interaction. My award-winning work includes a mixed reality openFrameworks, and makes use of the ofxRobotArm and
Design IO LLC is a creative studio specializing in the design and racing game, ‘living’ light that traces buildings and people, a ofxURDriver libraries for robot control developed at the
Artist Bio: development of cutting edge, immersive, interactive installations. Artist Bio: game which only smokers can play, real-time 3D stereoscopic STUDIO by Madeline Gannon and Dan Moore.
FROLIC studio explores the potential of technology, and makes Design I/O develops installations for events, galleries, museums, Art & Science Digital Experience Design is a team of creative VJ software and much more. After my BSc. Computer Science
products that aren’t just functional but also meaningful to the exhibitions and public space and specializes in creating engaging, technologists who don’t see art and science as two separate things. at Delft University of Technology, I went to Leiden University Created by Design I/O:
people that use them. We specialize in the new so it’s a bit tricky meaningful interaction with the public. With more than 15-years where I received my MSc. degree with first class honours. Theo Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman
to pin point exactly what it is that we do but, simply put, we’re experience in interactive media, Design I/O and its partners have Our designers are as analytical as our coders, and our coders are Additional Robot Control Software: Dan Moore
an innovation and design consultancy. We work with you on and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the as creative as our designers. We’re “technology agnostic”, meaning During my time there I built various interactive demos and Additional Assistance: Ben Snell, John Choi
R&D to help you visualize, experience and explore undiscovered intersection between design and technology. that we don’t play favourites. The best technology solution is the prototypes, many of which were later invited to festivals, Production Management: Thomas Hughes
opportunities in your business and products then turn one that’s right for the job. exhibitions and museums. Executive Producer: Golan Levin
these into products. Team: Theodore Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman, UR5 Robot courtesy of Universal Robots and
and Anna Cataldo We have a ten-year history of creating digital experiences for Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.
Team: Andrew Fritz and Ruben Van Der Vleuten some of the biggest brands in Canada, launching new brands
Commissioned by TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival). designed from the ground up, and helping new businesses get Production Partners:
Mimic was developed through an artist residency at off the ground with proven customer-centric strategies. TIFF, The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry
the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie at Carnegie Mellon University, Universal Robots,
Mellon University. This project was developed with With the recent acquisition of Maple North, we’ve added a Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.
openFrameworks, and makes use of the ofxRobotArm and robust mix of services to our offering to help our clients build
ofxURDriver libraries for robot control developed at the their site traffic, test their messaging and ultimately surpass
STUDIO by Madeline Gannon and Dan Moore. their lead-generation and sales objectives.

Production Partners: Team: Adam Green, Kirk Clyne, Tom Auger, Margaret Kwan,
TIFF, The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie and Amanda Wright
Mellon University, Universal Robots, Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.

Created by Design I/O:

Theo Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman
Additional Robot Control Software: Dan Moore
Additional Assistance: Ben Snell, John Choi
Production Management: Thomas Hughes
Executive Producer: Golan Levin Download HP Reveal to see some exciting moments!
UR5 Robot courtesy of Universal Robots and
Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.

Artist Bio:
Artist Bio:
FROLIC studio explores the potential of technology, and makes
Art & Science Digital Experience Design is a team of creative
products that aren’t just functional but also meaningful to the
technologists who don’t see art and science as two separate things.
people that use them. We specialize in the new so it’s a bit tricky
to pin point exactly what it is that we do but, simply put, we’re
Our designers are as analytical as our coders, and our coders are
an innovation and design consultancy. We work with you on
as creative as our designers. We’re “technology agnostic”, meaning
R&D to help you visualize, experience and explore undiscovered
that we don’t play favourites. The best technology solution is the
opportunities in your business and products then turn
one that’s right for the job.
these into products.
We have a ten-year history of creating digital experiences for
Team: Andrew Fritz and Ruben Van Der Vleuten some of the biggest brands in Canada, launching new brands
designed from the ground up, and helping new businesses get
off the ground with proven customer-centric strategies.

With the recent acquisition of Maple North, we’ve added a

robust mix of services to our offering to help our clients build
their site traffic, test their messaging and ultimately surpass
their lead-generation and sales objectives.

Team: Adam Green, Kirk Clyne, Tom Auger, Margaret Kwan,

and Amanda Wright Artist Bio:
Artist Bio:
I like to do cool stuff with computers and explore new forms
Design IO LLC is a creative studio specializing in the design and
of interaction. My award-winning work includes a mixed reality
development of cutting edge, immersive, interactive installations.
racing game, ‘living’ light that traces buildings and people, a
Design I/O develops installations for events, galleries, museums,
game which only smokers can play, real-time 3D stereoscopic
exhibitions and public space and specializes in creating engaging,
VJ software and much more. After my BSc. Computer Science
meaningful interaction with the public. With more than 15-years
at Delft University of Technology, I went to Leiden University
experience in interactive media, Design I/O and its partners have
where I received my MSc. degree with first class honours.
and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the
intersection between design and technology.
During my time there I built various interactive demos and
prototypes, many of which were later invited to festivals,
Team: Theodore Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman, exhibitions and museums.
and Anna Cataldo
te – selecting this means we will contact you for payment information

Other $150 $75 $50 $20 sed

x if you wish to remain annonymous

*Last Name:


5: Virtual Growth (Close to the Exit)

4: Nify Fish
Thank you !
3: Mimic
2: Light Painting
1: Curatorial Statement (Close to the Entrance )

On behalf of the Board:

See accompanying notes

Before and after

568,473 613,358
498,094 537,259 Total fund balances
233,837 250,297 Endowment Fund [note 7]
253,402 271,819 Restricted Fund [note 6]
Director 10,855 15,143 General Fund
Fund balances
[notes 4[c] and 10[d]]
On behalf of the Board: Contingencies and commitments
See accompanying notes 70,379 76,099 Total liabilities
27,199 26,192 Deferred revenue [note 10[d]] our work would not be possible.

568,473 613,358 3,212 3,183 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Without the support of these institutions,
39,968 46,724 Due to Exhibition Foundation, net [note 13[f]] special thanks to the following companies.
498,094 537,259 Total fund balances
Liabilities Type3 Exhibitions would like to provide a
233,837 250,297 Endowment Fund [note 7]
Liabilities and fund balances
253,402 271,819 Restricted Fund [note 6]
10,855 15,143 General Fund Thank You
568,473 613,358
Fund balances 7,847 5,678 Other assets [note 5]
487,056 512,028 Investments [note 4]
Contingencies and commitments [notes 4[c] and 10[d]] 1,440 1,305 Accounts receivable
Total liabilities
Deferred revenue [note 10[d]]
Cash and cash equivalents [note 3]
and Kjetil Trædal Thorsen
Bjarke Ingels, Elizabeth Scofidio, Tadao Ando, Craig Edward Dykers
3,212 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,183
Louis Kahn, David Adjaye, Thomas Heatherwick, Daniel Libeskind,
39,968 Due to Exhibition Foundation, net [note 13[f]] 46,724 [in thousands] Rodchenko, Dieter Rams, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Sir Jonathan Ive,
Liabilities and fund balances
BYE BYE AND Balance sheet Ray Eames, Philippe Starck, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Aleksandr
Antoni Gaudi, Saul Bass, James Dyson, Marcel Breuer, Charles and
Tier 6 Sponsors (Under $5,000)
As at March 31
568,473 613,358 Buckaroo Banzai, Darth Vader, Shack, Cigaret Carradine, No. 1
7,847 5,678 Other assets [note 5] Exhibitions by the Numbers Exhibition Map Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, Norma Desmond, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo,
487,056 512,028 Investments [note 4] Indiana Jones, Sidney J. Mussburger, Eve Harrington, Snake Plissken,
von Shaft, Santanico Pandemonium, Donnie Darko, Charles Foster Kane,
1,440 1,305 Accounts receivable our work would not be possible. Cosmo Brown, C.C. Baxter, Barton Fink, Sugar Kane Kowalczyk, Broomhilda
72,130 94,347 Cash and cash equivalents [note 3] Without the support of these institutions, Mr. Hand, Vincent Vega, Otis B. Driftwood, Lili Von Shtupp, Mister Shhh,
2016 2017 Assets Borans, Verbal Kint, Lancaster Dodd, Dr. Chase Meridian, Sy Snootles,
special thanks to the following companies. Kempe, Rick Von Sloneker, Max Christmas, Vince Majestyk, Stathis
Hannah, Lee Christmas, Dr. Christmas Jones, Archer Maggot, Will
[in thousands] Type3 Exhibitions would like to provide a Pressure Maxwell, Cole Trickle, Phillip Vandamm, Elle Driver, Daryl
Balance sheet Rick Blaine, Blane McDonnagh, Stacker Pentecost, John Matrix,
Light Painting Mimic Nifty Fish Virtual Growth
Light Painting Mimic Nifty Fish Virtual Growth FROLIC Studio Design I/O Art & Science Lieven van Velthoven

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition
The Netherlands USA Canada The Netherlands
World Premiere World Premiere Ages 3+ North American Premiere
FROLIC Studio Design I/O Art & Science Lieven van Velthoven
Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Ages 7+ Ages 8+ Ages 3+

The Netherlands USA Canada The Netherlands
World Premiere World Premiere Ages 3+ North American Premiere In this interactive installation, participants grab the controls Mimic is a playful interactive installation that allows visitors Spawned in the Art & Science Studio Lab, Nifty Fish isa 60” digital Watch virtual ‘life’ overgrow the real world! Starting from one
Ages 7+ Ages 8+ Ages 3+ and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. to engage in a dialogue with a robot arm through gesture. aquarium that allows anyone with a smartphoneto design a unique or two spots in the environment, it will slowly but surely spread
They control speed, height, colour, and brightness of a light The robot arm tracks people moving in the space, building up fish, and “fling” it fromtheir phone into the tank. out and trace the world. It can only grow over edges, meaning
In this interactive installation, participants grab the controls Mimic is a playful interactive installation that allows visitors Spawned in the Art & Science Studio Lab, Nifty Fish isa 60” digital Watch virtual ‘life’ overgrow the real world! Starting from one hanging from the ceiling, which is set in motion by a motor individual impressions of each person and reacting to their that certain areas may remain untouched. This is where crowd
and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting. to engage in a dialogue with a robot arm through gesture. aquarium that allows anyone with a smartphoneto design a unique or two spots in the environment, it will slowly but surely spread and propeller. As it flies around in a circle, unique patterns actions accordingly. These impressions are broken down into With 12 options each for each part, there are almost 800 species interaction comes in. People can use their body to carry the
They control speed, height, colour, and brightness of a light The robot arm tracks people moving in the space, building up fish, and “fling” it fromtheir phone into the tank. out and trace the world. It can only grow over edges, meaning are created, captured in a long-exposure picture. One to three different robot feelings: trust, interest, and curiosity which of Nifty Fish to create and discover. The different body parts light to new places, from where it will then spread further.
hanging from the ceiling, which is set in motion by a motor individual impressions of each person and reacting to their that certain areas may remain untouched. This is where crowd people can each control different parameters to create in turn affect how cautious or playful the robot arm is in its come from drawings made by the Art & Science staff: from project It can also be wiped out, but unless this is done completely
and propeller. As it flies around in a circle, unique patterns actions accordingly. These impressions are broken down into With 12 options each for each part, there are almost 800 species interaction comes in. People can use their body to carry the something even more complex. responses. Mimic can interact with many people simultaneously managers to developers, everyone was invited to sketch and colour it will grow right back again...
are created, captured in a long-exposure picture. One to three different robot feelings: trust, interest, and curiosity which of Nifty Fish to create and discover. The different body parts light to new places, from where it will then spread further. changing its behavior and playfulness based on its feelings a few fish on a template that indicated the general size and
people can each control different parameters to create in turn affect how cautious or playful the robot arm is in its come from drawings made by the Art & Science staff: from project It can also be wiped out, but unless this is done completely Once created, the picture is uploaded to towards each person. placement of body parts. Then we scanned in the sketches and
something even more complex. responses. Mimic can interact with many people simultaneously managers to developers, everyone was invited to sketch and colour and a unique code is given to the participant so that they can recreated the drawings in software, re-interpreting everyone’s
it will grow right back again...
changing its behavior and playfulness based on its feelings a few fish on a template that indicated the general size and find it on the website, download it and even share it. Commissioned by TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival). artwork in a consistent, comic book style.
towards each person. placement of body parts. Then we scanned in the sketches and Mimic was developed through an artist residency at
Once created, the picture is uploaded to Artist Bio: the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie
and a unique code is given to the participant so that they can recreated the drawings in software, re-interpreting everyone’s I like to do cool stuff with computers and explore new forms Mellon University. This project was developed with
find it on the website, download it and even share it. Artist Bio: artwork in a consistent, comic book style. of interaction. My award-winning work includes a mixed reality openFrameworks, and makes use of the ofxRobotArm and
Design IO LLC is a creative studio specializing in the design and racing game, ‘living’ light that traces buildings and people, a ofxURDriver libraries for robot control developed at the
Artist Bio: development of cutting edge, immersive, interactive installations. Artist Bio: game which only smokers can play, real-time 3D stereoscopic STUDIO by Madeline Gannon and Dan Moore.
FROLIC studio explores the potential of technology, and makes Design I/O develops installations for events, galleries, museums, Art & Science Digital Experience Design is a team of creative VJ software and much more. After my BSc. Computer Science
products that aren’t just functional but also meaningful to the exhibitions and public space and specializes in creating engaging, technologists who don’t see art and science as two separate things. at Delft University of Technology, I went to Leiden University Created by Design I/O:
people that use them. We specialize in the new so it’s a bit tricky meaningful interaction with the public. With more than 15-years where I received my MSc. degree with first class honours. Theo Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman
to pin point exactly what it is that we do but, simply put, we’re experience in interactive media, Design I/O and its partners have Our designers are as analytical as our coders, and our coders are Additional Robot Control Software: Dan Moore
an innovation and design consultancy. We work with you on and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the as creative as our designers. We’re “technology agnostic”, meaning During my time there I built various interactive demos and Additional Assistance: Ben Snell, John Choi
R&D to help you visualize, experience and explore undiscovered intersection between design and technology. that we don’t play favourites. The best technology solution is the prototypes, many of which were later invited to festivals, Production Management: Thomas Hughes
opportunities in your business and products then turn one that’s right for the job. exhibitions and museums. Executive Producer: Golan Levin
these into products. Team: Theodore Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman, UR5 Robot courtesy of Universal Robots and
and Anna Cataldo We have a ten-year history of creating digital experiences for Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.
Team: Andrew Fritz and Ruben Van Der Vleuten some of the biggest brands in Canada, launching new brands
Commissioned by TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival). designed from the ground up, and helping new businesses get Production Partners:
Mimic was developed through an artist residency at off the ground with proven customer-centric strategies. TIFF, The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry
the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie at Carnegie Mellon University, Universal Robots,
Mellon University. This project was developed with With the recent acquisition of Maple North, we’ve added a Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.
openFrameworks, and makes use of the ofxRobotArm and robust mix of services to our offering to help our clients build
ofxURDriver libraries for robot control developed at the their site traffic, test their messaging and ultimately surpass
STUDIO by Madeline Gannon and Dan Moore. their lead-generation and sales objectives.

Production Partners: Team: Adam Green, Kirk Clyne, Tom Auger, Margaret Kwan,
TIFF, The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie and Amanda Wright
Mellon University, Universal Robots, Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.

Created by Design I/O:

Theo Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman
Additional Robot Control Software: Dan Moore
Additional Assistance: Ben Snell, John Choi
Production Management: Thomas Hughes
Executive Producer: Golan Levin Download HP Reveal to see some exciting moments!
UR5 Robot courtesy of Universal Robots and
Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.

Artist Bio:
Artist Bio:
FROLIC studio explores the potential of technology, and makes
Art & Science Digital Experience Design is a team of creative
products that aren’t just functional but also meaningful to the
technologists who don’t see art and science as two separate things.
people that use them. We specialize in the new so it’s a bit tricky
to pin point exactly what it is that we do but, simply put, we’re
Our designers are as analytical as our coders, and our coders are
an innovation and design consultancy. We work with you on
as creative as our designers. We’re “technology agnostic”, meaning
R&D to help you visualize, experience and explore undiscovered
that we don’t play favourites. The best technology solution is the
opportunities in your business and products then turn
one that’s right for the job.
these into products.
We have a ten-year history of creating digital experiences for
Team: Andrew Fritz and Ruben Van Der Vleuten some of the biggest brands in Canada, launching new brands
designed from the ground up, and helping new businesses get
off the ground with proven customer-centric strategies.

With the recent acquisition of Maple North, we’ve added a

robust mix of services to our offering to help our clients build
their site traffic, test their messaging and ultimately surpass
their lead-generation and sales objectives.

Team: Adam Green, Kirk Clyne, Tom Auger, Margaret Kwan,

and Amanda Wright Artist Bio:
Artist Bio:
I like to do cool stuff with computers and explore new forms
Design IO LLC is a creative studio specializing in the design and
of interaction. My award-winning work includes a mixed reality
development of cutting edge, immersive, interactive installations.
racing game, ‘living’ light that traces buildings and people, a
Design I/O develops installations for events, galleries, museums,
game which only smokers can play, real-time 3D stereoscopic
exhibitions and public space and specializes in creating engaging,
VJ software and much more. After my BSc. Computer Science
meaningful interaction with the public. With more than 15-years
at Delft University of Technology, I went to Leiden University
experience in interactive media, Design I/O and its partners have
where I received my MSc. degree with first class honours.
and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the
intersection between design and technology.
During my time there I built various interactive demos and
prototypes, many of which were later invited to festivals,
Team: Theodore Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman, exhibitions and museums.
and Anna Cataldo

e at
onate – selecting this means we will contact you for payment information

Other $150 $75 $50 $20 closed

box if you wish to remain annonymous

ion Title:
*Last Name: e:

n Card

5: Virtual Growth (Close to the Exit)

4: Nify Fish
Thank you !
3: Mimic
2: Light Painting
1: Curatorial Statement (Close to the Entrance )

On behalf of the Board:

See accompanying notes

568,473 613,358
498,094 537,259 Total fund balances
233,837 250,297 Endowment Fund [note 7]
253,402 271,819 Restricted Fund [note 6]
Director 10,855 15,143 General Fund
Fund balances
[notes 4[c] and 10[d]]
On behalf of the Board: Contingencies and commitments
See accompanying notes 70,379 76,099 Total liabilities
27,199 26,192 Deferred revenue [note 10[d]] our work would not be possible.
568,473 613,358 3,212 3,183 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Without the support of these institutions,
39,968 46,724 Due to Exhibition Foundation, net [note 13[f]] special thanks to the following companies.
498,094 537,259 Total fund balances
Liabilities Type3 Exhibitions would like to provide a
233,837 250,297 Endowment Fund [note 7]
Liabilities and fund balances
253,402 271,819 Restricted Fund [note 6]
10,855 15,143 General Fund Thank You
568,473 613,358
Fund balances 7,847 5,678 Other assets [note 5]
487,056 512,028 Investments [note 4]
Contingencies and commitments [notes 4[c] and 10[d]] 1,440 1,305 Accounts receivable
Total liabilities
Deferred revenue [note 10[d]]
Cash and cash equivalents [note 3]
and Kjetil Trædal Thorsen
Bjarke Ingels, Elizabeth Scofidio, Tadao Ando, Craig Edward Dykers
3,212 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,183
Louis Kahn, David Adjaye, Thomas Heatherwick, Daniel Libeskind,
39,968 Due to Exhibition Foundation, net [note 13[f]] 46,724 [in thousands] Rodchenko, Dieter Rams, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Sir Jonathan Ive,
Liabilities and fund balances
BYE BYE AND Balance sheet Ray Eames, Philippe Starck, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Aleksandr
Antoni Gaudi, Saul Bass, James Dyson, Marcel Breuer, Charles and
Tier 6 Sponsors (Under $5,000)
As at March 31

Layout: before and after

568,473 613,358 Buckaroo Banzai, Darth Vader, Shack, Cigaret Carradine, No. 1
7,847 5,678 Other assets [note 5] Exhibitions by the Numbers Exhibition Map Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, Norma Desmond, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo,
487,056 512,028 Investments [note 4] Indiana Jones, Sidney J. Mussburger, Eve Harrington, Snake Plissken,
von Shaft, Santanico Pandemonium, Donnie Darko, Charles Foster Kane,
1,440 1,305 Accounts receivable our work would not be possible. Cosmo Brown, C.C. Baxter, Barton Fink, Sugar Kane Kowalczyk, Broomhilda
72,130 94,347 Cash and cash equivalents [note 3] Without the support of these institutions, Mr. Hand, Vincent Vega, Otis B. Driftwood, Lili Von Shtupp, Mister Shhh,
2016 2017 Assets Borans, Verbal Kint, Lancaster Dodd, Dr. Chase Meridian, Sy Snootles,
special thanks to the following companies. Kempe, Rick Von Sloneker, Max Christmas, Vince Majestyk, Stathis
Hannah, Lee Christmas, Dr. Christmas Jones, Archer Maggot, Will
[in thousands] Type3 Exhibitions would like to provide a Pressure Maxwell, Cole Trickle, Phillip Vandamm, Elle Driver, Daryl
Balance sheet Rick Blaine, Blane McDonnagh, Stacker Pentecost, John Matrix,

As at March 31
Thank You Hunt Stromberg, Grant, Dawn Day, Newt Lisard, Wilma McClatchie,
Tier 5 Sponsors ($5,000 – $14,999)

Giles Gilbert Scott, Ernö Goldfinger, Konstantin Grcic, Thomas Heatherwick
Exhibitions by the Numbers Coates, Christopher Dresser, Matali Crasset, Alan Fletcher, Abram Games,
Irma Boom, Tord Boontje, R. Buckminster Fuller, Achille Castiglioni, Wells
Mathias Bengtsson, Sebastian Bergne, Flaminio Bertoni, Derek Birdsall,
Wright, Michael Young, Pascal Anson, Assa Ashuach, Luis Barragán,
Westwood, Robert Wilson, Ben Wilson, Philip Worthington, Frank Lloyd
Richard Sweeney, Philip Treacy, Verner Panton, Phyllis Pearsall, Vivienne
Rogers, Jerszy Seymour, Peter Saville, Stefan Sagmeister, Ed Swan,
O’Shea, Ernest Race, Dieter Rams, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Richard
Morrison, Marc Newson, Isamu Noguchi, David Mellor, Jean Muir, Chris
Marriott, Jonathan Ive, Ross Lovegrove, Alexander McQueen, Jasper
Gray, Martí Guixé, Zaha Hadid, Alec Issigonis, Arne Jacobsen, Michael
Davis, Christian Dior, Tom Dixon, John Galliano, Norman Foster, Eileen
Matthew Carter, Hussein Chalayan, Luigi Colani, Joe Colombo, Joshua
Elizabeth Scofidio, Tadao Ando, Craig Edward Dykers and Kjetil Trædal Thorsen
Blahnik, Robert Brownjohn, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Sam Buxton,
Sir Jonathan Ive, Louis Kahn, David Adjaye, Thomas Heatherwick, Daniel Libeskind, Bjarke Ingels, Alvar Aalto, Ron Arad, Jonathan Barnbrook, Saul Bass, Manolo
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Aleksandr Rodchenko, Dieter Rams, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Tier 4 Sponsors ($15,000 – $29,999)
Antoni Gaudi, Saul Bass, James Dyson, Marcel Breuer, Charles and Ray Eames, Philippe Starck,
Tier 6 Sponsors (Under $5,000) ($30,000), McCulloch International Arts Council Ltd. ($30,000).
Graphic Foundations Foundation ($30,000), Art Matters
Darth Vader, Shack, Cigaret Carradine, No. 1 Hidden Leaf Foundation ($30,000), Encore Division ($30,000),
Snake Plissken, Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, Norma Desmond, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Buckaroo Banzai, Kids Foundation ($35,000), Art with Machines ($35,000),

TYPE 3 2018
Donnie Darko, Charles Foster Kane, Indiana Jones, Sidney J. Mussburger, Eve Harrington, ($72,000), Cultural DesignFoundation ($55,000), TYPE3
C.C. Baxter, Barton Fink, Sugar Kane Kowalczyk, Broomhilda von Shaft, Santanico Pandemonium,
Foundation ($75,000), Another Made Up Foundation
Sy Snootles, Mr. Hand, Vincent Vega, Otis B. Driftwood, Lili Von Shtupp, Mister Shhh, Cosmo Brown,
Adobe Canada Foundation ($75,000), Campea Family
Max Christmas, Vince Majestyk, Stathis Borans, Verbal Kint, Lancaster Dodd, Dr. Chase Meridian,
Daryl Hannah, Lee Christmas, Dr. Christmas Jones, Archer Maggot, Will Kempe, Rick Von Sloneker, BMO Canada ($85,000), Apple Canada Inc. ($80,000) ,
Stacker Pentecost, John Matrix, Pressure Maxwell, Cole Trickle, Phillip Vandamm, Elle Driver, Tier 3 Sponsors ($30,000 – $99,999)
Hunt Stromberg, Grant, Dawn Day, Newt Lisard, Wilma McClatchie, Rick Blaine, Blane McDonnagh,
Tier 5 Sponsors ($5,000 – $14,999) ($105,000),Wolfgang Weingart ($100,000)
($105,000),Peter Saville ($105,000), Bradbury Thompson
Exhibition Sponsors Curatorial Statement TYPE3 2018: Creative with Machines

Exhibition Sponsors Curatorial Statement TYPE3 2018: Creative with Machines Tier 1 Sponsors ($500,000+) Robots. Coding. Light. Movement. And of course, Type! Surround Staff
OCAD University (undisclosed), aftermodern.lab inc. yourself with a brilliant expression of typographic form and spaces Gallery Curator: Anthony Campea
($624,804), Canadian Council of the Arts ($560,089)
where art and technology work together to become educational.
Tier 1 Sponsors ($500,000+) Robots. Coding. Light. Movement. And of course, Type! Surround Staff
OCAD University (undisclosed), aftermodern.lab inc. ($624,804),
yourself with a brilliant expression of typographic form and spaces Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999) Design Team:
Canadian Council of the Arts ($560,089)
where art and technology work together to become educational. Gallery Curator: Anthony Campea David Carson ($450,000), Saul Bass ($450,000), Paula
Scher ($450,000),Michael Bierut ($450,000), Massimo
In our current world nothing is permanent. Robotics, automation, Fish Typography Design: Gabrielle Arguelles
AI (artificial intelligence), multiple realities, and worldwide networks.
Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999) Design Team: [insert the names and “titles” of Vignelli ($425,000), Milton Glaser ($425,000), Paul Rand
These innovations are impacting the way we work, how we relate
Robot Graphic Design: Maximilian Mernagh
David Carson ($450,000), Saul Bass ($450,000), Paula Scher ($450,000), ($425,000), Alan Fletcher ($425,000), Hermann Zapf Virtual Reality Design: Bobby Wickham
In our current world nothing is permanent. Robotics, automation, each person on your team] ($405,000), Lester Beall ($405,000) to each other, and the way we play and express our creativity.
Michael Bierut ($450,000), Massimo Vignelli ($425,000), Lightening Movements Design: Ming Zhao
AI (artificial intelligence), multiple realities, and worldwide networks. At TYPE3 2018, you can experience this new and ever-changing
Milton Glaser ($425,000), Paul Rand ($425,000), Alan Fletcher ($425,000),
These innovations are impacting the way we work, how we relate Copy Writing: Brittney Filek Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999)
Hermann Zapf ($405,000), Lester Beall ($405,000) Creative with Machines world through the expression of typography.
to each other, and the way we play and express our creativity. Featured Artists: [insert the names and titles of Claude Garamond ($385,000), Jan Tschichold ($375,000),
William Golden ($350,000), Jacqueline Casey ($350,000),
Copy Writing: Brittney Filek
Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999) At TYPE3 2018, you can experience this new and ever-changing
Claude Garamond ($385,000), Jan Tschichold ($375,000), William Golden ($350,000), the artists of each artist for your exhibits] Cipe Pineles ($350,000), Susan Kare ($350,000), Abram With four installations from around the world, TYPE3 2018 will
Featured Artists:
Jacqueline Casey ($350,000), Cipe Pineles ($350,000), Susan Kare ($350,000),
world through the expression of typography. Games ($350,000), Armin Hofmann ($350,000), Josef showcase the evolution of play and provide an environment for
Abram Games ($350,000), Armin Hofmann ($350,000), Josef Muller-Brockmann ($350,000), Muller-Brockmann ($350,000), Seymour Chwast ($350,000), growth, inspiration, learning, and knowledge. See the true creative Light Paiting by FROLIC Studio
Seymour Chwast ($350,000), Chip Kidd ($300,000), Alexey Brodovich ($300,000), With four installations from around the world, TYPE3 2018 will Chip Kidd ($300,000), Alexey Brodovich ($300,000), Herb potential of young minds as they explore a new world. Mimic by Design I/O
Herb Lubalin ($300,000), Max Miedinger ($250,000), April Greiman ($250,000), Lubalin ($300,000), Max Miedinger ($ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ) , April
showcase the evolution of play and provide an environment for growth, Greiman ($250,000), John Maeda ($250,000), El Lissitzky
Nifty Fish by Art & Science
John Maeda ($250,000), El Lissitzky ($250,000), Ladislav Sutnar ($200,000),
Alvin Lustig ($200,000), Muriel Cooper ($175,000), Lucian Bernhard ($175,000), inspiration, learning, and knowledge. See the true creative potential ($2500,00), Ladislav Sutnar ($200,000), Alvin Lustig ($200,000), Virtual Growth by Lieven van Velthoven
Otl Aicher ($150,000), Erik Nitsche ($150,000), Neville Brody ($125,000), of young minds as they explore a new world. Muriel Cooper ($175,000), Lucian Bernhard ($175,000), Otl
Ivan Charmayeff ($105,000), Adrian Frutiger ($105,000),Peter Saville ($105,000), Aicher ($150,000), Erik Nitsche ($150,000), Neville Brody
Bradbury Thompson ($105,000),Wolfgang Weingart ($100,000) ( $125,000),Ivan Charmayeff ($105,000), Adrian Frutiger
($105,000),Peter Saville ($105,000), Bradbury Thompson
Tier 3 Sponsors ($30,000 – $99,999)
BMO Canada ($85,000), Apple Canada Inc. ($80,000), Adobe Canada Foundation ($75,000),
Campea Family Foundation ($75,000), Another Made Up Foundation ($72,000),
SHIT STUFF ($105,000),Wolfgang Weingart ($100,000)

Tier 3 Sponsors ($30,000 – $99,999)

Cultural Design Foundation ($55,000), TYPE3 Kids Foundation ($35,000), BMO Canada ($85,000), Apple Canada Inc. ($80,000) ,
Art with Machines ($35,000), Hidden Leaf Foundation ($30,000), Encore Division ($30,000), Adobe Canada Foundation ($75,000), Campea Family
TYPE 3 2018
Graphic Foundations Foundation ($30,000), Art Matters ($30,000),
McCulloch International Arts Council Ltd. ($30,000).
WELCOME AND Foundation ($75,000), Another Made Up Foundation
($72,000), Cultural DesignFoundation ($55,000), TYPE3
Kids Foundation ($35,000), Art with Machines ($35,000),
Tier 4 Sponsors ($15,000 – $29,999) Hidden Leaf Foundation ($30,000), Encore Division ($30,000),
Alvar Aalto, Ron Arad, Jonathan Barnbrook, Saul Bass, Manolo Blahnik, Robert Brownjohn, Graphic Foundations Foundation ($30,000), Art Matters
Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Sam Buxton, Matthew Carter, Hussein Chalayan, Luigi Colani, ($30,000), McCulloch International Arts Council Ltd. ($30,000).
Joe Colombo, Joshua Davis, Christian Dior, Tom Dixon, John Galliano, Norman Foster, Eileen Gray,
Martí Guixé, Zaha Hadid, Alec Issigonis, Arne Jacobsen, Michael Marriott, Jonathan Ive,
Tier 4 Sponsors ($15,000 – $29,999)
Ross Lovegrove, Alexander McQueen, Jasper Morrison, Marc Newson, Isamu Noguchi, David Mellor,
Jean Muir, Chris O’Shea, Ernest Race, Dieter Rams, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Richard Rogers,
Alvar Aalto, Ron Arad, Jonathan Barnbrook, Saul Bass, Manolo
Jerszy Seymour, Peter Saville, Stefan Sagmeister, Ed Swan, Richard Sweeney, Philip Treacy, Blahnik, Robert Brownjohn, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Sam Buxton,
Verner Panton, Phyllis Pearsall, Vivienne Westwood, Robert Wilson, Ben Wilson, Philip Worthington, Matthew Carter, Hussein Chalayan, Luigi Colani, Joe Colombo, Joshua
Frank Lloyd Wright, Michael Young, Pascal Anson, Assa Ashuach, Luis Barragán, Mathias Bengtsson, Davis, Christian Dior, Tom Dixon, John Galliano, Norman Foster, Eileen
Sebastian Bergne, Flaminio Bertoni, Derek Birdsall, Irma Boom, Tord Boontje, R. Buckminster Fuller, Gray, Martí Guixé, Zaha Hadid, Alec Issigonis, Arne Jacobsen, Michael
Achille Castiglioni, Wells Coates, Christopher Dresser, Matali Crasset, Alan Fletcher, Abram Games, Marriott, Jonathan Ive, Ross Lovegrove, Alexander McQueen, Jasper
Giles Gilbert Scott, Ernö Goldfinger, Konstantin Grcic, Thomas Heatherwick Morrison, Marc Newson, Isamu Noguchi, David Mellor, Jean Muir, Chris
O’Shea, Ernest Race, Dieter Rams, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Richard
Tier 5 Sponsors ($5,000 – $14,999) Rogers, Jerszy Seymour, Peter Saville, Stefan Sagmeister, Ed Swan,
Hunt Stromberg, Grant, Dawn Day, Newt Lisard, Wilma McClatchie, Rick Blaine, Blane McDonnagh,
Richard Sweeney, Philip Treacy, Verner Panton, Phyllis Pearsall, Vivienne
Stacker Pentecost, John Matrix, Pressure Maxwell, Cole Trickle, Phillip Vandamm, Elle Driver,
Westwood, Robert Wilson, Ben Wilson, Philip Worthington, Frank Lloyd
Daryl Hannah, Lee Christmas, Dr. Christmas Jones, Archer Maggot, Will Kempe, Rick Von Sloneker,
Max Christmas, Vince Majestyk, Stathis Borans, Verbal Kint, Lancaster Dodd, Dr. Chase Meridian, Wright, Michael Young, Pascal Anson, Assa Ashuach, Luis Barragán,
Sy Snootles, Mr. Hand, Vincent Vega, Otis B. Driftwood, Lili Von Shtupp, Mister Shhh, Cosmo Brown, Mathias Bengtsson, Sebastian Bergne, Flaminio Bertoni, Derek Birdsall,
C.C. Baxter, Barton Fink, Sugar Kane Kowalczyk, Broomhilda von Shaft, Santanico Pandemonium, Irma Boom, Tord Boontje, R. Buckminster Fuller, Achille Castiglioni, Wells
Donnie Darko, Charles Foster Kane, Indiana Jones, Sidney J. Mussburger, Eve Harrington, Coates, Christopher Dresser, Matali Crasset, Alan Fletcher, Abram Games,
Snake Plissken, Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, Norma Desmond, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Buckaroo Banzai, Giles Gilbert Scott, Ernö Goldfinger, Konstantin Grcic, Thomas Heatherwick
Darth Vader, Shack, Cigaret Carradine, No. 1
Tier 5 Sponsors ($5,000 – $14,999)
Tier 6 Sponsors (Under $5,000) Hunt Stromberg, Grant, Dawn Day, Newt Lisard, Wilma McClatchie,
Antoni Gaudi, Saul Bass, James Dyson, Marcel Breuer, Charles and Ray Eames, Philippe Starck,
Rick Blaine, Blane McDonnagh, Stacker Pentecost, John Matrix,
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Aleksandr Rodchenko, Dieter Rams, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius,
Pressure Maxwell, Cole Trickle, Phillip Vandamm, Elle Driver, Daryl
Sir Jonathan Ive, Louis Kahn, David Adjaye, Thomas Heatherwick, Daniel Libeskind, Bjarke Ingels,
Elizabeth Scofidio, Tadao Ando, Craig Edward Dykers and Kjetil Trædal Thorsen Hannah, Lee Christmas, Dr. Christmas Jones, Archer Maggot, Will
Kempe, Rick Von Sloneker, Max Christmas, Vince Majestyk, Stathis
Borans, Verbal Kint, Lancaster Dodd, Dr. Chase Meridian, Sy Snootles,
Mr. Hand, Vincent Vega, Otis B. Driftwood, Lili Von Shtupp, Mister Shhh,
Cosmo Brown, C.C. Baxter, Barton Fink, Sugar Kane Kowalczyk, Broomhilda
von Shaft, Santanico Pandemonium, Donnie Darko, Charles Foster Kane,
Indiana Jones, Sidney J. Mussburger, Eve Harrington, Snake Plissken,
Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, Norma Desmond, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Exhibition Map Exhibitions by the Numbers
Buckaroo Banzai, Darth Vader, Shack, Cigaret Carradine, No. 1
As at March 31
Tier 6 Sponsors (Under $5,000)
Antoni Gaudi, Saul Bass, James Dyson, Marcel Breuer, Charles and
Ray Eames, Philippe Starck, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Aleksandr Balance sheet
Rodchenko, Dieter Rams, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Sir Jonathan Ive, [in thousands]
Exhibitions by the Numbers

Thank You
Louis Kahn, David Adjaye, Thomas Heatherwick, Daniel Libeskind,
Bjarke Ingels, Elizabeth Scofidio, Tadao Ando, Craig Edward Dykers
Assets 2017 2016
As at March 31 and Kjetil Trædal Thorsen
Cash and cash equivalents [note 3] 94,347 72,130
Accounts receivable 1,305 1,440
Balance sheet Investments [note 4] 512,028 487,056
Type3 Exhibitions would like to provide a [in thousands] Other assets [note 5] 5,678 7,847
special thanks to the following companies. 613,358 568,473
Assets 2017 2016 Thank You
Without the support of these institutions, Cash and cash equivalents [note 3] 94,347 72,130 Liabilities and fund balances
our work would not be possible. Accounts receivable 1,305 1,440 Type3 Exhibitions would like to provide a Liabilities
Investments [note 4] 512,028 487,056 special thanks to the following companies. Due to Exhibition Foundation, net [note 13[f]] 46,724 39,968
Other assets [note 5] 5,678 7,847 Without the support of these institutions, Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,183 3,212
613,358 568,473 our work would not be possible. Deferred revenue [note 10[d]] 26,192 27,199


Total liabilities 76,099 70,379
Liabilities and fund balances Contingencies and commitments
Liabilities [notes 4[c] and 10[d]]
Due to Exhibition Foundation, net [note 13[f]] 46,724 39,968

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,183 3,212 Fund balances
Deferred revenue [note 10[d]] 26,192 27,199 General Fund 15,143 10,855
Total liabilities 76,099 70,379 Restricted Fund [note 6] 271,819 253,402
Contingencies and commitments [notes 4[c] and 10[d]] Endowment Fund [note 7] 250,297 233,837
Total fund balances 537,259 498,094
Fund balances 613,358 568,473
General Fund 15,143 10,855
See accompanying notes
Restricted Fund [note 6] 271,819 253,402
On behalf of the Board:
Endowment Fund [note 7] 250,297 233,837
Total fund balances 537,259 498,094
613,358 568,473 Director
See accompanying notes 1: Curatorial Statement (Close to the Entrance )
On behalf of the Board: 2: Light Painting
3: Mimic

Thank you ! 4: Nify Fish
5: Virtual Growth (Close to the Exit)

Donation Card

*First Name: *Last Name:

Organization Title:
Check this box if you wish to remain annonymous

Amount Enclosed $20 $50 $75 $150 Other

Amount to Donate – selecting this means we will contact you for payment information
Donate online at

and Anna Cataldo

exhibitions and museums. Team: Theodore Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman,
prototypes, many of which were later invited to festivals,
During my time there I built various interactive demos and
intersection between design and technology.
and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the
where I received my MSc. degree with first class honours.
experience in interactive media, Design I/O and its partners have
at Delft University of Technology, I went to Leiden University
meaningful interaction with the public. With more than 15-years
VJ software and much more. After my BSc. Computer Science
exhibitions and public space and specializes in creating engaging,
game which only smokers can play, real-time 3D stereoscopic
Design I/O develops installations for events, galleries, museums,
racing game, ‘living’ light that traces buildings and people, a
development of cutting edge, immersive, interactive installations.
of interaction. My award-winning work includes a mixed reality
Design IO LLC is a creative studio specializing in the design and
I like to do cool stuff with computers and explore new forms
and Amanda Wright Artist Bio:
Artist Bio:
Team: Adam Green, Kirk Clyne, Tom Auger, Margaret Kwan,

their lead-generation and sales objectives.

their site traffic, test their messaging and ultimately surpass
robust mix of services to our offering to help our clients build
With the recent acquisition of Maple North, we’ve added a

off the ground with proven customer-centric strategies.

designed from the ground up, and helping new businesses get
some of the biggest brands in Canada, launching new brands Team: Andrew Fritz and Ruben Van Der Vleuten
We have a ten-year history of creating digital experiences for
these into products.
one that’s right for the job.
opportunities in your business and products then turn
that we don’t play favourites. The best technology solution is the
R&D to help you visualize, experience and explore undiscovered
as creative as our designers. We’re “technology agnostic”, meaning
an innovation and design consultancy. We work with you on
Our designers are as analytical as our coders, and our coders are
to pin point exactly what it is that we do but, simply put, we’re
people that use them. We specialize in the new so it’s a bit tricky
technologists who don’t see art and science as two separate things.
products that aren’t just functional but also meaningful to the
Art & Science Digital Experience Design is a team of creative
FROLIC studio explores the potential of technology, and makes
Artist Bio:
Artist Bio:

Layout: before and after Download HP Reveal to see some exciting moments!

87 Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd. Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.
at Carnegie Mellon University, Universal Robots,
UR5 Robot courtesy of Universal Robots and
Executive Producer: Golan Levin TIFF, The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry
Production Management: Thomas Hughes Production Partners:
Additional Assistance: Ben Snell, John Choi
Additional Robot Control Software: Dan Moore Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.
UR5 Robot courtesy of Universal Robots and
Theo Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman
Executive Producer: Golan Levin
Created by Design I/O:
Production Management: Thomas Hughes
Additional Assistance: Ben Snell, John Choi
Mellon University, Universal Robots, Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd. Additional Robot Control Software: Dan Moore
and Amanda Wright TIFF, The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Theo Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman
Team: Adam Green, Kirk Clyne, Tom Auger, Margaret Kwan, Production Partners: Created by Design I/O:

their lead-generation and sales objectives. STUDIO by Madeline Gannon and Dan Moore. STUDIO by Madeline Gannon and Dan Moore.
their site traffic, test their messaging and ultimately surpass ofxURDriver libraries for robot control developed at the ofxURDriver libraries for robot control developed at the
robust mix of services to our offering to help our clients build openFrameworks, and makes use of the ofxRobotArm and openFrameworks, and makes use of the ofxRobotArm and
With the recent acquisition of Maple North, we’ve added a Mellon University. This project was developed with Mellon University. This project was developed with
Exhibition Sponsors
Exhibition Sponsors Curatorial Statement TYPE3 2018: Creative
Tier 1 Sponsors ($500,000+)
OCAD University (undisclosed), aftermodern.lab inc.
Tier 1 Sponsors ($500,000+) ($624,804), Canadian Council
Robots. of the Light.
Coding. Arts ($560,089)
Movement. And of course, Type! Surround
OCAD University (undisclosed), aftermodern.lab inc. ($624,804), Staff
yourself with a brilliant expression of typographic form and spaces
Canadian Council of the Arts ($560,089) Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000
David Carson ($450,000),
– $499,999)
where artSaul
Paulatogether to become educational. Gallery Curator: Anth
Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999)
Scher ($450,000),Michael Bierut ($450,000), Massimo
Vignelli ($425,000), Milton Glaser ($425,000), Paul Rand Design Team: [insert t
David Carson ($450,000), Saul Bass ($450,000), Paula Scher ($450,000), In Fletcher
our current world Hermann
nothing Zapf
is permanent. Robotics, automation,
Michael Bierut ($450,000), Massimo Vignelli ($425,000),
($425,000), Alan ($425,000),
($405,000), Lester Beall ($405,000)
each person on your t
AI (artificial intelligence), multiple realities, and worldwide networks.
Milton Glaser ($425,000), Paul Rand ($425,000), Alan Fletcher ($425,000),
Hermann Zapf ($405,000), Lester Beall ($405,000) These –innovations
Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 $499,999) are impacting the way we work, how we relate Copy Writing: Brittney
Claude Garamond to($385,000),
each other, and the ($375,000),
Jan Tschichold way we play and express our creativity.
Creative with Machines
Featured Artists: [inse
Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999) William Golden ($350,000), Jacqueline Casey ($350,000),
At TYPE3 2018, you can experience this new and ever-changing
Cipe Pineles ($350,000), Susan Kare ($350,000), Abram the artists of each art
Claude Garamond ($385,000), Jan Tschichold ($375,000), William Golden ($350,000),
Jacqueline Casey ($350,000), Cipe Pineles ($350,000), Susan Kare ($350,000), Games ($350,000), world through
Armin Hofmannthe($350,000),
expression of typography.
Abram Games ($350,000), Armin Hofmann ($350,000), Josef Muller-Brockmann ($350,000), Muller-Brockmann ($350,000), Seymour Chwast ($350,000),
Chip Kidd ($300,000), Alexey Brodovich ($300,000), Herb
Seymour Chwast ($350,000), Chip Kidd ($300,000), Alexey Brodovich ($300,000), With four installations from around
Lubalin ($300,000), Max Miedinger ($ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ) , April the world, TYPE3 2018 will
Herb Lubalin ($300,000), Max Miedinger ($250,000), April Greiman ($250,000), showcase
Greiman ($250,000), the evolution
John Maeda ($250,000),ofElplay and provide an environment for growth,
John Maeda ($250,000), El Lissitzky ($250,000), Ladislav Sutnar ($200,000), ($2500,00), Ladislav
Alvin Lustig ($200,000), Muriel Cooper ($175,000), Lucian Bernhard ($175,000),
Sutnar ($200,000),
inspiration, Alvin and
learning, Lustigknowledge.
($200,000), See the true creative potential
Muriel Cooper ($175,000), Lucian Bernhard ($175,000), Otl
Otl Aicher ($150,000), Erik Nitsche ($150,000), Neville Brody ($125,000), Aicher ($150,000),of Erik
young minds
Nitsche as theyNeville
($150,000), explore a new world.
Ivan Charmayeff ($105,000), Adrian Frutiger ($105,000),Peter Saville ($105,000), ( $125,000),Ivan Charmayeff ($105,000), Adrian Frutiger
Bradbury Thompson ($105,000),Wolfgang Weingart ($100,000) ($105,000),Peter Saville ($105,000), Bradbury Thompson
($105,000),Wolfgang Weingart ($100,000)
Tier 3 Sponsors ($30,000 – $99,999)
BMO Canada ($85,000), Apple Canada Inc. ($80,000), Adobe Canada Foundation ($75,000),
Campea Family Foundation ($75,000), Another Made Up Foundation ($72,000),
SHIT STUFF Tier 3 Sponsors ($30,000 – $99,999)
BMO Canada ($85,000), Apple Canada Inc. ($80,000) ,
Cultural Design Foundation ($55,000), TYPE3 Kids Foundation ($35,000), Adobe Canada Foundation ($75,000), Campea Family
Foundation ($75,000), Another Made Up Foundation
YPE 3 2018
Art with Machines ($35,000), Hidden Leaf Foundation ($30,000), Encore Division ($30,000),
($72,000), Cultural DesignFoundation ($55,000), TYPE3
Graphic Foundations Foundation ($30,000), Art Matters ($30,000),
McCulloch International Arts Council Ltd. ($30,000).
WELCOME AND Kids Foundation ($35,000), Art with Machines ($35,000),
Hidden Leaf Foundation ($30,000), Encore Division ($30,000),
Graphic Foundations Foundation ($30,000), Art Matters
Tier 4 Sponsors ($15,000 – $29,999)
($30,000), McCulloch International Arts Council Ltd. ($30,000).
Alvar Aalto, Ron Arad, Jonathan Barnbrook, Saul Bass, Manolo Blahnik, Robert Brownjohn,
Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Sam Buxton, Matthew Carter, Hussein Chalayan, Luigi Colani,
Tier 4 Sponsors ($15,000 – $29,999)
Joe Colombo, Joshua Davis, Christian Dior, Tom Dixon, John Galliano, Norman Foster, Eileen Gray,
Alvar Aalto, Ron Arad, Jonathan Barnbrook, Saul Bass, Manolo
Martí Guixé, Zaha Hadid, Alec Issigonis, Arne Jacobsen, Michael Marriott, Jonathan Ive,
Blahnik, Robert Brownjohn, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Sam Buxton,
Ross Lovegrove, Alexander McQueen, Jasper Morrison, Marc Newson, Isamu Noguchi, David Mellor,
Jean Muir, Chris O’Shea, Ernest Race, Dieter Rams, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Richard Rogers, Matthew Carter, Hussein Chalayan, Luigi Colani, Joe Colombo, Joshua
Jerszy Seymour, Peter Saville, Stefan Sagmeister, Ed Swan, Richard Sweeney, Philip Treacy, Davis, Christian Dior, Tom Dixon, John Galliano, Norman Foster, Eileen
Verner Panton, Phyllis Pearsall, Vivienne Westwood, Robert Wilson, Ben Wilson, Philip Worthington, Gray, Martí Guixé, Zaha Hadid, Alec Issigonis, Arne Jacobsen, Michael
Frank Lloyd Wright, Michael Young, Pascal Anson, Assa Ashuach, Luis Barragán, Mathias Bengtsson, Marriott, Jonathan Ive, Ross Lovegrove, Alexander McQueen, Jasper
Sebastian Bergne, Flaminio Bertoni, Derek Birdsall, Irma Boom, Tord Boontje, R. Buckminster Fuller, Morrison, Marc Newson, Isamu Noguchi, David Mellor, Jean Muir, Chris
Achille Castiglioni, Wells Coates, Christopher Dresser, Matali Crasset, Alan Fletcher, Abram Games, O’Shea, Ernest Race, Dieter Rams, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Richard
Giles Gilbert Scott, Ernö Goldfinger, Konstantin Grcic, Thomas Heatherwick Rogers, Jerszy Seymour, Peter Saville, Stefan Sagmeister, Ed Swan,
Richard Sweeney, Philip Treacy, Verner Panton, Phyllis Pearsall, Vivienne
Tier 5 Sponsors ($5,000 – $14,999) Westwood, Robert Wilson, Ben Wilson, Philip Worthington, Frank Lloyd
Hunt Stromberg, Grant, Dawn Day, Newt Lisard, Wilma McClatchie, Rick Blaine, Blane McDonnagh, Wright, Michael Young, Pascal Anson, Assa Ashuach, Luis Barragán,
Stacker Pentecost, John Matrix, Pressure Maxwell, Cole Trickle, Phillip Vandamm, Elle Driver, Mathias Bengtsson, Sebastian Bergne, Flaminio Bertoni, Derek Birdsall,
Daryl Hannah, Lee Christmas, Dr. Christmas Jones, Archer Maggot, Will Kempe, Rick Von Sloneker, Irma Boom, Tord Boontje, R. Buckminster Fuller, Achille Castiglioni, Wells
Max Christmas, Vince Majestyk, Stathis Borans, Verbal Kint, Lancaster Dodd, Dr. Chase Meridian, Coates, Christopher Dresser, Matali Crasset, Alan Fletcher, Abram Games,
Sy Snootles, Mr. Hand, Vincent Vega, Otis B. Driftwood, Lili Von Shtupp, Mister Shhh, Cosmo Brown, Giles Gilbert Scott, Ernö Goldfinger, Konstantin Grcic, Thomas Heatherwick
C.C. Baxter, Barton Fink, Sugar Kane Kowalczyk, Broomhilda von Shaft, Santanico Pandemonium,
Donnie Darko, Charles Foster Kane, Indiana Jones, Sidney J. Mussburger, Eve Harrington, Tier 5 Sponsors ($5,000 – $14,999)
Snake Plissken, Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, Norma Desmond, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Buckaroo Banzai, Hunt Stromberg, Grant, Dawn Day, Newt Lisard, Wilma McClatchie,
Darth Vader, Shack, Cigaret Carradine, No. 1 Rick Blaine, Blane McDonnagh, Stacker Pentecost, John Matrix,
Pressure Maxwell, Cole Trickle, Phillip Vandamm, Elle Driver, Daryl
Tier 6 Sponsors (Under $5,000) Hannah, Lee Christmas, Dr. Christmas Jones, Archer Maggot, Will
Antoni Gaudi, Saul Bass, James Dyson, Marcel Breuer, Charles and Ray Eames, Philippe Starck, Kempe, Rick Von Sloneker, Max Christmas, Vince Majestyk, Stathis
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Aleksandr Rodchenko, Dieter Rams, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Borans, Verbal Kint, Lancaster Dodd, Dr. Chase Meridian, Sy Snootles,
Sir Jonathan Ive, Louis Kahn, David Adjaye, Thomas Heatherwick, Daniel Libeskind, Bjarke Ingels, Mr. Hand, Vincent Vega, Otis B. Driftwood, Lili Von Shtupp, Mister Shhh,
Elizabeth Scofidio, Tadao Ando, Craig Edward Dykers and Kjetil Trædal Thorsen Cosmo Brown, C.C. Baxter, Barton Fink, Sugar Kane Kowalczyk, Broomhilda
von Shaft, Santanico Pandemonium, Donnie Darko, Charles Foster Kane,
Indiana Jones, Sidney J. Mussburger, Eve Harrington, Snake Plissken,
Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, Norma Desmond, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo,
Buckaroo Banzai, Darth Vader, Shack, Cigaret Carradine, No. 1

Tier 6 Sponsors (Under $5,000)

Antoni Gaudi, Saul Bass, James Dyson, Marcel Breuer, Charles and
Ray Eames, Philippe Starck, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Aleksandr
Rodchenko, Dieter Rams, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Sir Jonathan Ive,
Louis Kahn, David Adjaye, Thomas Heatherwick, Daniel Libeskind,
Bjarke Ingels, Elizabeth Scofidio, Tadao Ando, Craig Edward Dykers
and Kjetil Trædal Thorsen

Exhibitions by the Numbers

Thank You Thank You

As at March 31

Balance sheet
Type3 Exhibitions would like to provide a Type3 Exhibitions would like to provide a [in thousands]
special thanks to the following companies.
special thanks to the following companies. Without the support of these institutions,
Without the support of these institutions, our work would not be possible.
Cash and cash equivalents [n
our work would not be possible. Accounts receivable
Investments [note 4]
Other assets [note 5]

BYE BYE AND Sponsors: before and after

Liabilities and fund balance
Due to Exhibition Foundation

Accounts payable and accrue
Deferred revenue [note 10[d]]

88 Total liabilities
Contingencies and commitme

Fund balances
General Fund
Restricted Fund [note 6]
Endowment Fund [note 7]

Thank you !
Total fund balances
Financial: before and after
Curatorial Statement: before and after
Introduction: before and after
Thank you: before and after
Map: before and after
Full size: before and after
Exhibition Sponsors Curatorial Statement TYPE3 2018: Creative with Machines
Tier 1 Sponsors ($500,000+) Robots. Coding. Light. Movement. And of course, Type! Surround
OCAD University (undisclosed), aftermodern.lab inc. ($624,804), Staff
yourself with a brilliant expression of typographic form and spaces
Canadian Council of the Arts ($560,089) Gallery Curator: Anthony Campea
where art and technology work together to become educational.
Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999) Design Team: [insert the names and “titles” of
David Carson ($450,000), Saul Bass ($450,000), Paula Scher ($450,000), In our current world nothing is permanent. Robotics, automation,
Michael Bierut ($450,000), Massimo Vignelli ($425,000), each person on your team]
Milton Glaser ($425,000), Paul Rand ($425,000), Alan Fletcher ($425,000),
AI (artificial intelligence), multiple realities, and worldwide networks.
Hermann Zapf ($405,000), Lester Beall ($405,000) These innovations are impacting the way we work, how we relate Copy Writing: Brittney Filek
Exhibition Sponsors Curatorial Statement TYPE3 2018: Creative with Machines
to each other, and the way we play and express our creativity. Featured Artists: [insert the names and titles of
Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999) At TYPE3 2018, you can experience this new and ever-changing
Claude Garamond ($385,000), Jan Tschichold ($375,000), William Golden ($350,000), the artists of each artist for your exhibits]
Tier 1 Sponsors ($500,000+) Robots. Coding. Light. Movement. And of course, Type! Surround Staff world through the expression of typography.
Jacqueline Casey ($350,000), Cipe Pineles ($350,000), Susan Kare ($350,000),
OCAD University (undisclosed), aftermodern.lab inc. yourself with a brilliant expression of typographic form and spaces Gallery Curator: Anthony Campea Abram Games ($350,000), Armin Hofmann ($350,000), Josef Muller-Brockmann ($350,000),
($624,804), Canadian Council of the Arts ($560,089)
where art and technology work together to become educational. Seymour Chwast ($350,000), Chip Kidd ($300,000), Alexey Brodovich ($300,000), With four installations from around the world, TYPE3 2018 will
Herb Lubalin ($300,000), Max Miedinger ($250,000), April Greiman ($250,000), showcase the evolution of play and provide an environment for growth,
Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999) Design Team: John Maeda ($250,000), El Lissitzky ($250,000), Ladislav Sutnar ($200,000),
David Carson ($450,000), Saul Bass ($450,000), Paula In our current world nothing is permanent. Robotics, automation, inspiration, learning, and knowledge. See the true creative potential
Fish Typography Design: Gabrielle Arguelles Alvin Lustig ($200,000), Muriel Cooper ($175,000), Lucian Bernhard ($175,000),
Scher ($450,000),Michael Bierut ($450,000), Massimo AI (artificial intelligence), multiple realities, and worldwide networks. of young minds as they explore a new world.
Robot Graphic Design: Maximilian Mernagh Otl Aicher ($150,000), Erik Nitsche ($150,000), Neville Brody ($125,000),
Vignelli ($425,000), Milton Glaser ($425,000), Paul Rand
($425,000), Alan Fletcher ($425,000), Hermann Zapf These innovations are impacting the way we work, how we relate Ivan Charmayeff ($105,000), Adrian Frutiger ($105,000),Peter Saville ($105,000),
Virtual Reality Design: Bobby Wickham Bradbury Thompson ($105,000),Wolfgang Weingart ($100,000)
($405,000), Lester Beall ($405,000) to each other, and the way we play and express our creativity.
Lightening Movements Design: Ming Zhao
At TYPE3 2018, you can experience this new and ever-changing Tier 3 Sponsors ($30,000 – $99,999)
Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999) world through the expression of typography. BMO Canada ($85,000), Apple Canada Inc. ($80,000), Adobe Canada Foundation ($75,000),
Claude Garamond ($385,000), Jan Tschichold ($375,000), Copy Writing: Brittney Filek Campea Family Foundation ($75,000), Another Made Up Foundation ($72,000),
Creative with Machines
William Golden ($350,000), Jacqueline Casey ($350,000),
With four installations from around the world, TYPE3 2018 will Cultural Design Foundation ($55,000), TYPE3 Kids Foundation ($35,000),
Cipe Pineles ($350,000), Susan Kare ($350,000), Abram

Featured Artists: Art with Machines ($35,000), Hidden Leaf Foundation ($30,000), Encore Division ($30,000),
Games ($350,000), Armin Hofmann ($350,000), Josef showcase the evolution of play and provide an environment for Graphic Foundations Foundation ($30,000), Art Matters ($30,000),
Muller-Brockmann ($350,000), Seymour Chwast ($350,000), growth, inspiration, learning, and knowledge. See the true creative Light Paiting by FROLIC Studio McCulloch International Arts Council Ltd. ($30,000).
Chip Kidd ($300,000), Alexey Brodovich ($300,000), Herb potential of young minds as they explore a new world. Mimic by Design I/O
Lubalin ($300,000), Max Miedinger ($ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ) , April Tier 4 Sponsors ($15,000 – $29,999)
Greiman ($250,000), John Maeda ($250,000), El Lissitzky
Nifty Fish by Art & Science Alvar Aalto, Ron Arad, Jonathan Barnbrook, Saul Bass, Manolo Blahnik, Robert Brownjohn,

($2500,00), Ladislav Sutnar ($200,000), Alvin Lustig ($200,000), Virtual Growth by Lieven van Velthoven Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Sam Buxton, Matthew Carter, Hussein Chalayan, Luigi Colani,
Muriel Cooper ($175,000), Lucian Bernhard ($175,000), Otl Joe Colombo, Joshua Davis, Christian Dior, Tom Dixon, John Galliano, Norman Foster, Eileen Gray,
Aicher ($150,000), Erik Nitsche ($150,000), Neville Brody Martí Guixé, Zaha Hadid, Alec Issigonis, Arne Jacobsen, Michael Marriott, Jonathan Ive,
Ross Lovegrove, Alexander McQueen, Jasper Morrison, Marc Newson, Isamu Noguchi, David Mellor,
( $125,000),Ivan Charmayeff ($105,000), Adrian Frutiger
Jean Muir, Chris O’Shea, Ernest Race, Dieter Rams, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Richard Rogers,
($105,000),Peter Saville ($105,000), Bradbury Thompson Jerszy Seymour, Peter Saville, Stefan Sagmeister, Ed Swan, Richard Sweeney, Philip Treacy,
($105,000),Wolfgang Weingart ($100,000) Verner Panton, Phyllis Pearsall, Vivienne Westwood, Robert Wilson, Ben Wilson, Philip Worthington,
Frank Lloyd Wright, Michael Young, Pascal Anson, Assa Ashuach, Luis Barragán, Mathias Bengtsson,
Tier 3 Sponsors ($30,000 – $99,999) Sebastian Bergne, Flaminio Bertoni, Derek Birdsall, Irma Boom, Tord Boontje, R. Buckminster Fuller,
BMO Canada ($85,000), Apple Canada Inc. ($80,000) , Achille Castiglioni, Wells Coates, Christopher Dresser, Matali Crasset, Alan Fletcher, Abram Games,
Adobe Canada Foundation ($75,000), Campea Family Giles Gilbert Scott, Ernö Goldfinger, Konstantin Grcic, Thomas Heatherwick
Foundation ($75,000), Another Made Up Foundation
Tier 5 Sponsors ($5,000 – $14,999)
($72,000), Cultural DesignFoundation ($55,000), TYPE3
Hunt Stromberg, Grant, Dawn Day, Newt Lisard, Wilma McClatchie, Rick Blaine, Blane McDonnagh,

TYPE 3 2018
Kids Foundation ($35,000), Art with Machines ($35,000), Stacker Pentecost, John Matrix, Pressure Maxwell, Cole Trickle, Phillip Vandamm, Elle Driver,
Hidden Leaf Foundation ($30,000), Encore Division ($30,000), Daryl Hannah, Lee Christmas, Dr. Christmas Jones, Archer Maggot, Will Kempe, Rick Von Sloneker,
Graphic Foundations Foundation ($30,000), Art Matters Max Christmas, Vince Majestyk, Stathis Borans, Verbal Kint, Lancaster Dodd, Dr. Chase Meridian,
($30,000), McCulloch International Arts Council Ltd. ($30,000). Sy Snootles, Mr. Hand, Vincent Vega, Otis B. Driftwood, Lili Von Shtupp, Mister Shhh, Cosmo Brown,
C.C. Baxter, Barton Fink, Sugar Kane Kowalczyk, Broomhilda von Shaft, Santanico Pandemonium,
Tier 4 Sponsors ($15,000 – $29,999) Donnie Darko, Charles Foster Kane, Indiana Jones, Sidney J. Mussburger, Eve Harrington,
Alvar Aalto, Ron Arad, Jonathan Barnbrook, Saul Bass, Manolo Snake Plissken, Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, Norma Desmond, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Buckaroo Banzai,
Darth Vader, Shack, Cigaret Carradine, No. 1
Blahnik, Robert Brownjohn, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Sam Buxton,
Matthew Carter, Hussein Chalayan, Luigi Colani, Joe Colombo, Joshua Tier 6 Sponsors (Under $5,000)
Davis, Christian Dior, Tom Dixon, John Galliano, Norman Foster, Eileen Antoni Gaudi, Saul Bass, James Dyson, Marcel Breuer, Charles and Ray Eames, Philippe Starck,
Gray, Martí Guixé, Zaha Hadid, Alec Issigonis, Arne Jacobsen, Michael Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Aleksandr Rodchenko, Dieter Rams, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius,
Marriott, Jonathan Ive, Ross Lovegrove, Alexander McQueen, Jasper Sir Jonathan Ive, Louis Kahn, David Adjaye, Thomas Heatherwick, Daniel Libeskind, Bjarke Ingels,
Morrison, Marc Newson, Isamu Noguchi, David Mellor, Jean Muir, Chris Elizabeth Scofidio, Tadao Ando, Craig Edward Dykers and Kjetil Trædal Thorsen
O’Shea, Ernest Race, Dieter Rams, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Richard
Rogers, Jerszy Seymour, Peter Saville, Stefan Sagmeister, Ed Swan,
Richard Sweeney, Philip Treacy, Verner Panton, Phyllis Pearsall, Vivienne
Westwood, Robert Wilson, Ben Wilson, Philip Worthington, Frank Lloyd
Wright, Michael Young, Pascal Anson, Assa Ashuach, Luis Barragán,
Mathias Bengtsson, Sebastian Bergne, Flaminio Bertoni, Derek Birdsall,
Irma Boom, Tord Boontje, R. Buckminster Fuller, Achille Castiglioni, Wells
Coates, Christopher Dresser, Matali Crasset, Alan Fletcher, Abram Games,
Giles Gilbert Scott, Ernö Goldfinger, Konstantin Grcic, Thomas Heatherwick
Tier 5 Sponsors ($5,000 – $14,999)
Hunt Stromberg, Grant, Dawn Day, Newt Lisard, Wilma McClatchie,
Rick Blaine, Blane McDonnagh, Stacker Pentecost, John Matrix, Exhibitions by the Numbers
Pressure Maxwell, Cole Trickle, Phillip Vandamm, Elle Driver, Daryl
Hannah, Lee Christmas, Dr. Christmas Jones, Archer Maggot, Will
Kempe, Rick Von Sloneker, Max Christmas, Vince Majestyk, Stathis As at March 31
Borans, Verbal Kint, Lancaster Dodd, Dr. Chase Meridian, Sy Snootles,
Mr. Hand, Vincent Vega, Otis B. Driftwood, Lili Von Shtupp, Mister Shhh,

Thank You Balance sheet

Cosmo Brown, C.C. Baxter, Barton Fink, Sugar Kane Kowalczyk, Broomhilda Type3 Exhibitions would like to provide a [in thousands]
von Shaft, Santanico Pandemonium, Donnie Darko, Charles Foster Kane,
Indiana Jones, Sidney J. Mussburger, Eve Harrington, Snake Plissken, special thanks to the following companies.
Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, Norma Desmond, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Exhibition Map Exhibitions by the Numbers Assets 2017 2016
Buckaroo Banzai, Darth Vader, Shack, Cigaret Carradine, No. 1 Without the support of these institutions, Cash and cash equivalents [note 3] 94,347 72,130
As at March 31 our work would not be possible. Accounts receivable 1,305 1,440
Tier 6 Sponsors (Under $5,000)
Antoni Gaudi, Saul Bass, James Dyson, Marcel Breuer, Charles and
Investments [note 4] 512,028 487,056
Ray Eames, Philippe Starck, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Aleksandr Balance sheet Other assets [note 5] 5,678 7,847
Rodchenko, Dieter Rams, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Sir Jonathan Ive, [in thousands] 613,358 568,473
Louis Kahn, David Adjaye, Thomas Heatherwick, Daniel Libeskind,
Bjarke Ingels, Elizabeth Scofidio, Tadao Ando, Craig Edward Dykers
Assets 2017 2016 Liabilities and fund balances
and Kjetil Trædal Thorsen
Cash and cash equivalents [note 3] 94,347 72,130 BYE BYE AND Liabilities
Accounts receivable 1,305 1,440 Due to Exhibition Foundation, net [note 13[f]] 46,724 39,968
Investments [note 4] 512,028 487,056 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,183 3,212
Other assets [note 5] 5,678 7,847 Deferred revenue [note 10[d]] 26,192 27,199
613,358 568,473 SHIT STUFF Total liabilities 76,099 70,379
Thank You Contingencies and commitments [notes 4[c] and 10[d]]
Liabilities and fund balances
Type3 Exhibitions would like to provide a Liabilities Fund balances
special thanks to the following companies. Due to Exhibition Foundation, net [note 13[f]] 46,724 39,968 General Fund 15,143 10,855
Without the support of these institutions, Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,183 3,212 Restricted Fund [note 6] 271,819 253,402
our work would not be possible. Deferred revenue [note 10[d]] 26,192 27,199 Endowment Fund [note 7] 250,297 233,837
Total liabilities 76,099 70,379 Total fund balances 537,259 498,094
Contingencies and commitments 613,358 568,473
[notes 4[c] and 10[d]]
See accompanying notes
Fund balances On behalf of the Board:
General Fund 15,143 10,855
Restricted Fund [note 6] 271,819 253,402 Director
Endowment Fund [note 7] 250,297 233,837
Total fund balances 537,259 498,094 Director
613,358 568,473
See accompanying notes
On behalf of the Board:
1: Curatorial Statement (Close to the Entrance )
2: Light Painting
3: Mimic
4: Nify Fish
Thank you ! 5: Virtual Growth (Close to the Exit)
Donation Card
*First Name: *Last Name:
Organization Title:
Check this box if you wish to remain annonymous
Amount Enclosed $20 $50 $75 $150 Other
Amount to Donate – selecting this means we will contact you for payment information
Donate online at
and Anna Cataldo
exhibitions and museums. Team: Theodore Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman,
prototypes, many of which were later invited to festivals,
During my time there I built various interactive demos and
intersection between design and technology.
and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the
where I received my MSc. degree with first class honours.
experience in interactive media, Design I/O and its partners have
at Delft University of Technology, I went to Leiden University
meaningful interaction with the public. With more than 15-years
VJ software and much more. After my BSc. Computer Science
exhibitions and public space and specializes in creating engaging,
game which only smokers can play, real-time 3D stereoscopic
Design I/O develops installations for events, galleries, museums,
racing game, ‘living’ light that traces buildings and people, a
development of cutting edge, immersive, interactive installations.
of interaction. My award-winning work includes a mixed reality
Design IO LLC is a creative studio specializing in the design and
I like to do cool stuff with computers and explore new forms
and Amanda Wright Artist Bio:
Artist Bio:
Team: Adam Green, Kirk Clyne, Tom Auger, Margaret Kwan,
their lead-generation and sales objectives.
their site traffic, test their messaging and ultimately surpass
robust mix of services to our offering to help our clients build
With the recent acquisition of Maple North, we’ve added a
off the ground with proven customer-centric strategies.
designed from the ground up, and helping new businesses get
some of the biggest brands in Canada, launching new brands Team: Andrew Fritz and Ruben Van Der Vleuten
We have a ten-year history of creating digital experiences for
these into products.
one that’s right for the job.
opportunities in your business and products then turn
that we don’t play favourites. The best technology solution is the
R&D to help you visualize, experience and explore undiscovered
as creative as our designers. We’re “technology agnostic”, meaning
an innovation and design consultancy. We work with you on
Our designers are as analytical as our coders, and our coders are
to pin point exactly what it is that we do but, simply put, we’re
people that use them. We specialize in the new so it’s a bit tricky
technologists who don’t see art and science as two separate things.
products that aren’t just functional but also meaningful to the
Art & Science Digital Experience Design is a team of creative
FROLIC studio explores the potential of technology, and makes
Artist Bio:
Artist Bio:
Download HP Reveal to see some exciting moments! Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.
UR5 Robot courtesy of Universal Robots and
Executive Producer: Golan Levin
Production Management: Thomas Hughes
Additional Assistance: Ben Snell, John Choi
Additional Robot Control Software: Dan Moore
Theo Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman
Created by Design I/O:
Mellon University, Universal Robots, Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.
and Amanda Wright TIFF, The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie
Team: Adam Green, Kirk Clyne, Tom Auger, Margaret Kwan, Production Partners:
their lead-generation and sales objectives. STUDIO by Madeline Gannon and Dan Moore.
their site traffic, test their messaging and ultimately surpass ofxURDriver libraries for robot control developed at the
Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd. robust mix of services to our offering to help our clients build openFrameworks, and makes use of the ofxRobotArm and
at Carnegie Mellon University, Universal Robots, With the recent acquisition of Maple North, we’ve added a Mellon University. This project was developed with
TIFF, The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie
Production Partners: off the ground with proven customer-centric strategies. Mimic was developed through an artist residency at
designed from the ground up, and helping new businesses get Commissioned by TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival).
Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd. some of the biggest brands in Canada, launching new brands Team: Andrew Fritz and Ruben Van Der Vleuten
UR5 Robot courtesy of Universal Robots and We have a ten-year history of creating digital experiences for and Anna Cataldo
Executive Producer: Golan Levin Team: Theodore Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman, these into products.
Production Management: Thomas Hughes exhibitions and museums. one that’s right for the job. opportunities in your business and products then turn
Additional Assistance: Ben Snell, John Choi prototypes, many of which were later invited to festivals, that we don’t play favourites. The best technology solution is the intersection between design and technology. R&D to help you visualize, experience and explore undiscovered
Additional Robot Control Software: Dan Moore During my time there I built various interactive demos and as creative as our designers. We’re “technology agnostic”, meaning and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the an innovation and design consultancy. We work with you on
Theo Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman Our designers are as analytical as our coders, and our coders are experience in interactive media, Design I/O and its partners have to pin point exactly what it is that we do but, simply put, we’re
Created by Design I/O: where I received my MSc. degree with first class honours. meaningful interaction with the public. With more than 15-years people that use them. We specialize in the new so it’s a bit tricky
at Delft University of Technology, I went to Leiden University technologists who don’t see art and science as two separate things. exhibitions and public space and specializes in creating engaging, products that aren’t just functional but also meaningful to the
STUDIO by Madeline Gannon and Dan Moore. VJ software and much more. After my BSc. Computer Science Art & Science Digital Experience Design is a team of creative Design I/O develops installations for events, galleries, museums, FROLIC studio explores the potential of technology, and makes
ofxURDriver libraries for robot control developed at the game which only smokers can play, real-time 3D stereoscopic Artist Bio: development of cutting edge, immersive, interactive installations. Artist Bio:
openFrameworks, and makes use of the ofxRobotArm and racing game, ‘living’ light that traces buildings and people, a Design IO LLC is a creative studio specializing in the design and
Mellon University. This project was developed with of interaction. My award-winning work includes a mixed reality artwork in a consistent, comic book style. Artist Bio: find it on the website, download it and even share it.
the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie I like to do cool stuff with computers and explore new forms recreated the drawings in software, re-interpreting everyone’s and a unique code is given to the participant so that they can
Mimic was developed through an artist residency at Artist Bio: placement of body parts. Then we scanned in the sketches and towards each person. Once created, the picture is uploaded to
artwork in a consistent, comic book style. Commissioned by TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival). find it on the website, download it and even share it.
and a unique code is given to the participant so that they can a few fish on a template that indicated the general size and changing its behavior and playfulness based on its feelings
recreated the drawings in software, re-interpreting everyone’s it will grow right back again... something even more complex.
Once created, the picture is uploaded to managers to developers, everyone was invited to sketch and colour responses. Mimic can interact with many people simultaneously
placement of body parts. Then we scanned in the sketches and towards each person. It can also be wiped out, but unless this is done completely people can each control different parameters to create
come from drawings made by the Art & Science staff: from project in turn affect how cautious or playful the robot arm is in its
a few fish on a template that indicated the general size and changing its behavior and playfulness based on its feelings light to new places, from where it will then spread further. are created, captured in a long-exposure picture. One to three
it will grow right back again... something even more complex. of Nifty Fish to create and discover. The different body parts different robot feelings: trust, interest, and curiosity which
managers to developers, everyone was invited to sketch and colour responses. Mimic can interact with many people simultaneously interaction comes in. People can use their body to carry the
It can also be wiped out, but unless this is done completely people can each control different parameters to create With 12 options each for each part, there are almost 800 species actions accordingly. These impressions are broken down into and propeller. As it flies around in a circle, unique patterns
come from drawings made by the Art & Science staff: from project in turn affect how cautious or playful the robot arm is in its that certain areas may remain untouched. This is where crowd
light to new places, from where it will then spread further. are created, captured in a long-exposure picture. One to three individual impressions of each person and reacting to their hanging from the ceiling, which is set in motion by a motor
of Nifty Fish to create and discover. The different body parts different robot feelings: trust, interest, and curiosity which out and trace the world. It can only grow over edges, meaning
interaction comes in. People can use their body to carry the and propeller. As it flies around in a circle, unique patterns fish, and “fling” it fromtheir phone into the tank. The robot arm tracks people moving in the space, building up They control speed, height, colour, and brightness of a light
With 12 options each for each part, there are almost 800 species actions accordingly. These impressions are broken down into
that certain areas may remain untouched. This is where crowd hanging from the ceiling, which is set in motion by a motor or two spots in the environment, it will slowly but surely spread aquarium that allows anyone with a smartphoneto design a unique to engage in a dialogue with a robot arm through gesture. and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting.
individual impressions of each person and reacting to their
out and trace the world. It can only grow over edges, meaning They control speed, height, colour, and brightness of a light Watch virtual ‘life’ overgrow the real world! Starting from one Spawned in the Art & Science Studio Lab, Nifty Fish isa 60” digital Mimic is a playful interactive installation that allows visitors In this interactive installation, participants grab the controls
fish, and “fling” it fromtheir phone into the tank. The robot arm tracks people moving in the space, building up
or two spots in the environment, it will slowly but surely spread aquarium that allows anyone with a smartphoneto design a unique to engage in a dialogue with a robot arm through gesture. and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting.
Watch virtual ‘life’ overgrow the real world! Starting from one Spawned in the Art & Science Studio Lab, Nifty Fish isa 60” digital Mimic is a playful interactive installation that allows visitors In this interactive installation, participants grab the controls Ages 3+ Ages 8+ Ages 7+
North American Premiere Ages 3+ World Premiere World Premiere
Ages 3+ Ages 8+ Ages 7+ The Netherlands Canada USA The Netherlands

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition
Art in the Exhibition
North American Premiere Ages 3+ World Premiere World Premiere Lieven van Velthoven Art & Science Design I/O FROLIC Studio
The Netherlands Canada USA The Netherlands

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition
Art in the Exhibition
Lieven van Velthoven Art & Science Design I/O FROLIC Studio
Virtual Growth Nifty Fish Mimic Light Painting
Virtual Growth Nifty Fish Mimic Light Painting
Light Painting AR Images
Mimic AR Images
Nifty Fish AR Images
Virtual Growth AR Images
Thanks you, yes you, for the glue tip
Special thanks to Rahul for holding the paper
Almost getting there.......
Victims : (

Digital Final
Exhibition Sponsors Curatorial Statement TYPE3 2018: Creative with Machines
Tier 1 Sponsors ($500,000+) Robots. Coding. Light. Movement. And of course, Type! Surround Staff
OCAD University (undisclosed), aftermodern.lab inc. yourself with a brilliant expression of typographic form and spaces Gallery Curator: Anthony Campea
($624,804), Canadian Council of the Arts ($560,089)
where art and technology work together to become educational.
Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999) Design Team:
David Carson ($450,000), Saul Bass ($450,000), Paula In our current world nothing is permanent. Robotics, automation, Fish Typography Design: Gabrielle Arguelles
Scher ($450,000),Michael Bierut ($450,000), Massimo AI (artificial intelligence), multiple realities, and worldwide networks.
Vignelli ($425,000), Milton Glaser ($425,000), Paul Rand Robot Graphic Design: Maximilian Mernagh
($425,000), Alan Fletcher ($425,000), Hermann Zapf These innovations are impacting the way we work, how we relate
Virtual Reality Design: Bobby Wickham
($405,000), Lester Beall ($405,000) to each other, and the way we play and express our creativity.
Lightening Movements Design: Ming Zhao
At TYPE3 2018, you can experience this new and ever-changing
Tier 2 Sponsors ($100,000 – $499,999) world through the expression of typography.
Claude Garamond ($385,000), Jan Tschichold ($375,000), Copy Writing: Brittney Filek
Creative with Machines
William Golden ($350,000), Jacqueline Casey ($350,000),
Cipe Pineles ($350,000), Susan Kare ($350,000), Abram With four installations from around the world, TYPE3 2018 will
Games ($350,000), Armin Hofmann ($350,000), Josef showcase the evolution of play and provide an environment for Featured Artists:
Muller-Brockmann ($350,000), Seymour Chwast ($350,000), growth, inspiration, learning, and knowledge. See the true creative Light Paiting by FROLIC Studio
Chip Kidd ($300,000), Alexey Brodovich ($300,000), Herb potential of young minds as they explore a new world. Mimic by Design I/O
Lubalin ($300,000), Max Miedinger ($ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ) , April
Greiman ($250,000), John Maeda ($250,000), El Lissitzky
Nifty Fish by Art & Science
($2500,00), Ladislav Sutnar ($200,000), Alvin Lustig ($200,000), Virtual Growth by Lieven van Velthoven
Muriel Cooper ($175,000), Lucian Bernhard ($175,000), Otl
Aicher ($150,000), Erik Nitsche ($150,000), Neville Brody
( $125,000),Ivan Charmayeff ($105,000), Adrian Frutiger
($105,000),Peter Saville ($105,000), Bradbury Thompson
($105,000),Wolfgang Weingart ($100,000)
Tier 3 Sponsors ($30,000 – $99,999)
BMO Canada ($85,000), Apple Canada Inc. ($80,000) ,
Adobe Canada Foundation ($75,000), Campea Family
Foundation ($75,000), Another Made Up Foundation
($72,000), Cultural DesignFoundation ($55,000), TYPE3

TYPE 3 2018
Kids Foundation ($35,000), Art with Machines ($35,000),
Hidden Leaf Foundation ($30,000), Encore Division ($30,000),
Graphic Foundations Foundation ($30,000), Art Matters
($30,000), McCulloch International Arts Council Ltd. ($30,000).
Tier 4 Sponsors ($15,000 – $29,999)
Alvar Aalto, Ron Arad, Jonathan Barnbrook, Saul Bass, Manolo
Blahnik, Robert Brownjohn, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Sam Buxton,
Matthew Carter, Hussein Chalayan, Luigi Colani, Joe Colombo, Joshua
Davis, Christian Dior, Tom Dixon, John Galliano, Norman Foster, Eileen
Gray, Martí Guixé, Zaha Hadid, Alec Issigonis, Arne Jacobsen, Michael
Marriott, Jonathan Ive, Ross Lovegrove, Alexander McQueen, Jasper
Morrison, Marc Newson, Isamu Noguchi, David Mellor, Jean Muir, Chris
O’Shea, Ernest Race, Dieter Rams, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Richard
Rogers, Jerszy Seymour, Peter Saville, Stefan Sagmeister, Ed Swan,
Richard Sweeney, Philip Treacy, Verner Panton, Phyllis Pearsall, Vivienne
Westwood, Robert Wilson, Ben Wilson, Philip Worthington, Frank Lloyd
Wright, Michael Young, Pascal Anson, Assa Ashuach, Luis Barragán,
Mathias Bengtsson, Sebastian Bergne, Flaminio Bertoni, Derek Birdsall,
Irma Boom, Tord Boontje, R. Buckminster Fuller, Achille Castiglioni, Wells
Coates, Christopher Dresser, Matali Crasset, Alan Fletcher, Abram Games,
Giles Gilbert Scott, Ernö Goldfinger, Konstantin Grcic, Thomas Heatherwick
Tier 5 Sponsors ($5,000 – $14,999)
Hunt Stromberg, Grant, Dawn Day, Newt Lisard, Wilma McClatchie,
Rick Blaine, Blane McDonnagh, Stacker Pentecost, John Matrix,
Pressure Maxwell, Cole Trickle, Phillip Vandamm, Elle Driver, Daryl
Hannah, Lee Christmas, Dr. Christmas Jones, Archer Maggot, Will
Kempe, Rick Von Sloneker, Max Christmas, Vince Majestyk, Stathis
Borans, Verbal Kint, Lancaster Dodd, Dr. Chase Meridian, Sy Snootles,
Mr. Hand, Vincent Vega, Otis B. Driftwood, Lili Von Shtupp, Mister Shhh,
Cosmo Brown, C.C. Baxter, Barton Fink, Sugar Kane Kowalczyk, Broomhilda
von Shaft, Santanico Pandemonium, Donnie Darko, Charles Foster Kane,
Indiana Jones, Sidney J. Mussburger, Eve Harrington, Snake Plissken,
Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, Norma Desmond, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Exhibition Map Exhibitions by the Numbers
Buckaroo Banzai, Darth Vader, Shack, Cigaret Carradine, No. 1
As at March 31
Tier 6 Sponsors (Under $5,000)
Antoni Gaudi, Saul Bass, James Dyson, Marcel Breuer, Charles and
Ray Eames, Philippe Starck, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Aleksandr Balance sheet
Rodchenko, Dieter Rams, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Sir Jonathan Ive, [in thousands]
Louis Kahn, David Adjaye, Thomas Heatherwick, Daniel Libeskind,
Bjarke Ingels, Elizabeth Scofidio, Tadao Ando, Craig Edward Dykers
Assets 2017 2016
and Kjetil Trædal Thorsen
Cash and cash equivalents [note 3] 94,347 72,130
Accounts receivable 1,305 1,440
Investments [note 4] 512,028 487,056
Other assets [note 5] 5,678 7,847
613,358 568,473
Thank You
Liabilities and fund balances
Type3 Exhibitions would like to provide a Liabilities
special thanks to the following companies. Due to Exhibition Foundation, net [note 13[f]] 46,724 39,968
Without the support of these institutions, Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,183 3,212
our work would not be possible. Deferred revenue [note 10[d]] 26,192 27,199
Total liabilities 76,099 70,379

Donate online at

Contingencies and commitments
[notes 4[c] and 10[d]]
Fund balances
General Fund 15,143 10,855

Amount to Donate – selecting this means we will contact you for payment information
Restricted Fund [note 6] 271,819 253,402
Endowment Fund [note 7] 250,297 233,837
Total fund balances 537,259 498,094
613,358 568,473
See accompanying notes
On behalf of the Board:

Other $150 $75 $50 $20 Amount Enclosed

1: Curatorial Statement (Close to the Entrance )
2: Light Painting
3: Mimic
4: Nify Fish
Thank you ! 5: Virtual Growth (Close to the Exit)
Donation Card

Check this box if you wish to remain annonymous

*First Name: *Last Name:
Organization Title:
Check this box if you wish to remain annonymous

Amount Enclosed $20 $50 $75 $150 Other
Amount to Donate – selecting this means we will contact you for payment information
Donate online at
Download Zapper to see some exciting moments!

Organization Title:
and Anna Cataldo
exhibitions and museums. Team: Theodore Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman,
prototypes, many of which were later invited to festivals,
During my time there I built various interactive demos and
intersection between design and technology.
and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the
where I received my MSc. degree with first class honours.
experience in interactive media, Design I/O and its partners have
at Delft University of Technology, I went to Leiden University
meaningful interaction with the public. With more than 15-years

*Last Name: *First Name:

VJ software and much more. After my BSc. Computer Science
exhibitions and public space and specializes in creating engaging,
game which only smokers can play, real-time 3D stereoscopic
Design I/O develops installations for events, galleries, museums,
racing game, ‘living’ light that traces buildings and people, a
development of cutting edge, immersive, interactive installations.
of interaction. My award-winning work includes a mixed reality
Design IO LLC is a creative studio specializing in the design and
I like to do cool stuff with computers and explore new forms
and Amanda Wright Artist Bio:
Artist Bio:
Team: Adam Green, Kirk Clyne, Tom Auger, Margaret Kwan,
their lead-generation and sales objectives.
their site traffic, test their messaging and ultimately surpass
robust mix of services to our offering to help our clients build
With the recent acquisition of Maple North, we’ve added a
off the ground with proven customer-centric strategies.
designed from the ground up, and helping new businesses get

Donation Card
some of the biggest brands in Canada, launching new brands Team: Andrew Fritz and Ruben Van Der Vleuten
We have a ten-year history of creating digital experiences for
these into products.
one that’s right for the job.
opportunities in your business and products then turn
that we don’t play favourites. The best technology solution is the
R&D to help you visualize, experience and explore undiscovered
as creative as our designers. We’re “technology agnostic”, meaning
an innovation and design consultancy. We work with you on
Our designers are as analytical as our coders, and our coders are
to pin point exactly what it is that we do but, simply put, we’re
people that use them. We specialize in the new so it’s a bit tricky
technologists who don’t see art and science as two separate things.
products that aren’t just functional but also meaningful to the
Art & Science Digital Experience Design is a team of creative
FROLIC studio explores the potential of technology, and makes
Artist Bio:
Artist Bio:
Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.
at Carnegie Mellon University, Universal Robots,
TIFF, The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry
Production Partners:
Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.
UR5 Robot courtesy of Universal Robots and
Executive Producer: Golan Levin
Production Management: Thomas Hughes
Additional Assistance: Ben Snell, John Choi
Additional Robot Control Software: Dan Moore
Theo Watson, Emily Gobeille, Nick Hardeman
Created by Design I/O:
STUDIO by Madeline Gannon and Dan Moore.
ofxURDriver libraries for robot control developed at the
openFrameworks, and makes use of the ofxRobotArm and
Mellon University. This project was developed with
the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie
Mimic was developed through an artist residency at
artwork in a consistent, comic book style. Commissioned by TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival). find it on the website, download it and even share it.
recreated the drawings in software, re-interpreting everyone’s and a unique code is given to the participant so that they can
placement of body parts. Then we scanned in the sketches and towards each person. Once created, the picture is uploaded to
a few fish on a template that indicated the general size and changing its behavior and playfulness based on its feelings
it will grow right back again... managers to developers, everyone was invited to sketch and colour responses. Mimic can interact with many people simultaneously something even more complex.
It can also be wiped out, but unless this is done completely come from drawings made by the Art & Science staff: from project in turn affect how cautious or playful the robot arm is in its people can each control different parameters to create
light to new places, from where it will then spread further. of Nifty Fish to create and discover. The different body parts different robot feelings: trust, interest, and curiosity which are created, captured in a long-exposure picture. One to three
interaction comes in. People can use their body to carry the With 12 options each for each part, there are almost 800 species actions accordingly. These impressions are broken down into and propeller. As it flies around in a circle, unique patterns
that certain areas may remain untouched. This is where crowd individual impressions of each person and reacting to their hanging from the ceiling, which is set in motion by a motor
out and trace the world. It can only grow over edges, meaning fish, and “fling” it fromtheir phone into the tank. The robot arm tracks people moving in the space, building up They control speed, height, colour, and brightness of a light
or two spots in the environment, it will slowly but surely spread aquarium that allows anyone with a smartphoneto design a unique to engage in a dialogue with a robot arm through gesture. and work together to create a beautiful 3D light painting.
Watch virtual ‘life’ overgrow the real world! Starting from one Spawned in the Art & Science Studio Lab, Nifty Fish isa 60” digital Mimic is a playful interactive installation that allows visitors In this interactive installation, participants grab the controls
Ages 3+ Ages 8+ Ages 7+
North American Premiere Ages 3+ World Premiere World Premiere
The Netherlands Canada USA The Netherlands
Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition

Art in the Exhibition
Art in the Exhibition
Lieven van Velthoven Art & Science Design I/O FROLIC Studio
Virtual Growth Nifty Fish Mimic Light Painting
Stage Six
Ending !

Surprising Ending

The AR is going to trigger
the exhibition pictures to
give visitors a quick glance.

I finished making the brochure

before I got notified to use
ZapWorks, so I did not get a
chance to modify the physical
version. The best solution is
to print out a Zapper Code
and paste it onto the book,
so the trigger images will pop.
Somehow it did not work in
the actual size. The trigger
image doesn’t expand and kept
“dancing” while I am scanning on
the physical book.

AR View
TYPE 3 2018: CREATIVE WITH MACHINES Ming Zhao 3160289

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