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At the Intersection of Health, Health Care and Policy

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Jonathan Cylus and Mauricio Avendano

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Receiving Unemployment Benefits May Have Positive Effects On The Health Of
The Unemployed
Health Affairs 36, no.2 (2017):289-296
doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2016.1040

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Unemployment Insurance & Health

By Jonathan Cylus and Mauricio Avendano

doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2016.1040

Receiving Unemployment Benefits

NO. 2 (2017): 289–296
©2017 Project HOPE—
The People-to-People Health

May Have Positive Effects On The Foundation, Inc.

Health Of The Unemployed

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Jonathan Cylus (J.D.Cylus@
ABSTRACT Research suggests that job loss can cause illness and premature is a research fellow
at the London School of
death. This raises the question of whether unemployment benefit Economics and Political
programs, which are intended to alleviate the financial stress of job loss, Science and at the European
Observatory on Health
can protect the health of the unemployed. To investigate this question, Systems and Policies, in
we analyzed data for the period 1984–2009 from the Panel Study of England.

Income Dynamics. We found that receiving unemployment benefits Mauricio Avendano is an

significantly reduced the probability of reporting poor health in the year associate professor in the
Department of Global Health
after job loss, by around 5 percentage points. The health-promoting and Social Medicine at King’s
effects of receiving the benefits were robust across multiple model College London and an adjunct
associate professor in the
specifications and after we accounted for preexisting differences between Department of Social and
benefit recipients and nonrecipients. Our results add to the growing body Behavioral Sciences at the
Harvard T. H. Chan School of
of literature that suggests that social policies can have unanticipated Public Health, in Boston,
health effects. Massachusetts.

n increasing amount of evidence state operates its own unemployment program
suggests that job loss can lead to but must follow certain general rules established
increased probability of illness by the federal government that relate to coverage
and premature death.1–7 Unemploy- and eligibility. Most research on this program
ment benefit programs, which are has focused on its impacts on earnings, con-
intended to alleviate the financial stress of job sumption, and unemployment duration.12–14 Few
loss, could have unintended positive effects on studies have examined the potential health con-
health. If the detrimental health effects of unem- sequences of receiving unemployment benefits.
ployment are in part due to income loss and Identifying the effect of unemployment bene-
financial insecurity, unemployment benefits fits on health is challenging for a number of
may be a mechanism to prevent or reduce some reasons. First, people in poor health are more
of the negative health effects of job loss. Al- likely than healthier workers to experience an
though unemployment benefit programs are unemployment spell.15,16 Second, because there
not explicitly designed to improve health, a num- are strict eligibility requirements to qualify for
ber of recent studies have demonstrated that benefits, recipients of the benefits are likely to
social policies not motivated by health con- differ from unemployed nonrecipients in a num-
cerns—such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, ber of key characteristics associated with health,
welfare reform, and the Supplemental Nutrition such as income and education.17,18
Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as While some studies have suggested that unem-
food stamps)—have both positive and negative ployment benefits may ameliorate some of the
consequences for health.8–11 negative health effects of job loss,19–21 they did
The US Federal-State Unemployment Insur- not fully account for preexisting differences be-
ance Program provides temporary wage replace- tween benefit recipients and nonrecipients. Re-
ment for eligible workers who become unem- cipients are often a priori in comparatively better
ployed through no fault of their own. Each health than their nonrecipient counterparts, a

F eb r u a ry 2 0 1 7 36:2 H e a lt h A f fai r s 289

Unemployment Insurance & Health

factor that is hard to control for in an analysis. receive unemployment benefits: They must meet
In this study we used twenty survey waves of several monetary and nonmonetary eligibility
the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for the pe- criteria.27 People who have lost their jobs must
riod 1984–2009 to investigate the impact of re- also file claims with state unemployment benefit
ceiving unemployment benefits on the probabil- agencies to receive benefits. Because of these
ity of reporting poor health after job loss. We various steps, not all eligible unemployed people
tested this hypothesis under various model spec- actually claim benefits. In fact, unemployment
ifications that attempted to adjust for the bias benefit programs in the United States have his-
introduced by preexisting differences between torically had low take-up rates, with 34.8 percent
benefit recipients and nonrecipients.While none of the unemployed applying for benefits in 2005

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of the approaches could definitively establish and only 23.9 percent actually receiving benefits,
that unemployment benefits had a causal effect according to data from the Current Population
on health, these methodological approaches Survey.18 Of the unemployed who did not apply
partly addressed selection concerns that were for unemployment benefits, 51.9 percent re-
present in earlier studies, and the results are ported that they did not apply because they be-
useful for policy makers and health practitioners lieved themselves to be ineligible; 17.8 percent
considering reforms to unemployment benefit did not apply because of reasons related to atti-
programs and similar social protection policies. tude, lack of understanding, or other barriers;
and 5.3 percent did not apply because they were
retired, sick, or disabled.
Background Because of eligibility rules and the need to
Unemployment benefit programs may affect the apply for benefits, several important differences
health of people who lose their jobs, through arise between unemployed people who receive
several mechanisms. In the short term, benefits benefits and those who do not. Compared to non-
compensate for the loss of earnings resulting recipients, recipients are more likely to be edu-
from job loss and help maintain consumption cated, to have been earning more money, and to
levels during unemployment spells.12 This may have previously received benefits.17 This makes it
enable workers to purchase health-promoting particularly challenging to establish whether un-
goods and services such as healthy food and employment benefits alone affect health, and it
health insurance, as well as reduce some of the introduces the concern that benefit recipients
psychosocial stress associated with financial may have been in better health than their non-
losses. However, unemployment benefits may recipient counterparts before receiving benefits.
reduce the marginal incentive to search for a Recent studies have circumvented this prob-
job, increasing the incidence and duration of lem by exploiting variations in the designs of
nonemployment.14,22–24 This could lead to skill state unemployment benefit programs.28,29 How-
depreciation and negative career effects, which ever, these studies did not incorporate informa-
may be detrimental for health in the long run. tion on receipt of benefits at the individual level,
A few studies have examined the impact of which makes it difficult to discern whether re-
unemployment benefits on health, and most of ceiving unemployment benefits plays a critical
them have found a positive association. Eunice role in the causal pathway linking job loss and
Rodriguez19 analyzed data from the United health. The present study was intended to shed
States, Germany, and Britain and found that un- light on this question and address some of the
employed workers who received different types limitations from previous studies by applying
of government entitlement benefits (including multiple modeling strategies and using a longi-
unemployment benefits) reported health status tudinal sample of the US population.
that was similar to that of full-time-employed
workers, which suggests that such support pro-
grams can buffer the health effects of job loss. Study Data And Methods
Other studies have reported protective effects of Data We used data from the Panel Study of In-
government entitlement benefits for depression come Dynamics, the longest-running longitudi-
symptoms among unemployed women,25 poor nal household survey in the world, which collects
self-rated health among workers having jobs that data on employment status, demographic char-
require minimum and medium skills,21 and poor acteristics, and health.30 Data were collected an-
mental health among unemployed workers in nually until 1997, after which the study shifted to
Spain.26 However, as noted above, these studies a biennial design. Our analysis was based on the
did not fully account for preexisting differences sample of unemployment spells experienced by
between benefit recipients and nonrecipients. working-age (ages 18–65) heads of household
Such preexisting differences occur because un- from the 1984–2009 survey waves (health mea-
employed people do not automatically qualify to sures were introduced in the survey in 1984).

290 H e a lt h A f fai r s Fe br uary 201 7 36 :2

Observations with missing data were excluded In the first alternative modeling approach,
from the analysis, which gave us a final sample of we implemented a one-to-one nearest-neighbor
4,247 unemployment spells; for 875 of these propensity score matching model.35 Propensity
spells, the unemployed person received unem- score matching is a statistical matching tech-
ployment benefits (an analysis of a sample of all nique that creates treatment and control groups
unemployment spells yielded similar results). that comprise individuals who have comparable
The Panel Study of Income Dynamics mea- observable characteristics. We matched each un-
sures health using the self-rated health item, a employment benefits recipient in the Panel
subjective indicator that captures individuals’ Study of Income Dynamics sample of unemploy-
perceptions of their health using Likert scales. ment spells to an unemployed nonrecipient who

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Respondents are asked to rate their own health had similar individual-level characteristics (de-
on a scale ranging from 1 to 5. We collapsed the scribed above) in the year before job loss and was
scale into a binary variable, in which the first unemployed under comparable state labor-
three categories (“excellent,” “very good,” and market conditions (for more details on the
“good”) indicated good health and the last two matching approach, see the online Appendix).36
categories (“fair” and “poor”) indicated poor Yet even matched estimates may be biased by
health. This binary indicator has been shown unobserved individual-level differences. To fur-
to be a strong predictor of objective measures ther test the robustness of our results, in the
of health, including the risk of death.31–33 second alternative modeling approach, we esti-
We extracted data on employment status from mated two-stage least squares (instrumental var-
each survey wave. Based on available informa- iable) models that exploited variation in the like-
tion, we constructed binary variables that indi- lihood of receiving unemployment benefits
cated whether an unemployment spell had oc- based on whether or not job loss resulted from
curred at some point in the previous year, and a business closure. The rationale was that busi-
whether the person had received unemployment ness closures are generally unrelated to the char-
benefits during that spell. acteristics of an individual worker. Since unem-
Other variables included age, sex, race (white, ployment insurance program rules require
black, or other), education (high school or less, benefit recipients to have lost their jobs through
college, or postgraduate), marital status (mar- no fault of their own, people who experience job
ried, single, separated, divorced, or widowed), loss resulting from a business closure are more
and household size. Two other individual-level likely to receive unemployment benefits than
variables were lagged by two years: the binary people who lost their jobs for other reasons.
indicator of poor health and the natural log of We therefore estimated the health effects of
household income. Income was lagged to avoid receiving unemployment benefits among a sub-
simultaneity with job loss. Both variables were sample of unemployed people who had a greater
lagged by two years to keep the models consis- probability of receiving unemployment benefits
tent when the survey changed from an annual to for reasons that were presumably unrelated to
a biennial design. Lagging income and health their previous health. We employed a two-stage
was important in our attempt to account for least squares modeling approach in which we
some preexisting individual characteristics that estimated the likelihood of receiving unemploy-
predict both health and receipt of unemploy- ment benefits by using information on whether
ment benefits. To control for state-specific labor- or not job loss was due to a business closure as an
market conditions that may affect employment instrumental variable. We used this approach
and health,34 we also used the state unemploy- first on the full sample of unemployment spells
ment rate for the working-age population, calcu- experienced by heads of household in the Panel
lated from the Current Population Survey. Study of Income Dynamics during our study pe-
Analysis We used linear probability models riod, and then on the propensity score matched
(results were similar when we used logistic re- sample (for more details on the two-stage least
gression models) to estimate the effects of receiv- squares approach, see the Appendix).36
ing unemployment benefits on self-reported Limitations There are a number of limitations
health among the pool of unemployed work- in our study. First, our estimated effects of un-
ing-age respondents, controlling for individual employment benefits are generalizable only to
characteristics (including health status and the sample of heads of household in the analysis.
household income before job loss) and state Second, while the propensity score matching
characteristics. To test the robustness of our re- and two-stage least squares analyses provided
sults, we estimated alternative models that were additional evidence on whether receiving bene-
intended to further account for preexisting dif- fits played a role in the causal pathway linking
ferences between recipients and nonrecipients job loss to health, neither method could estab-
of unemployment benefits. lish causality. In the case of the propensity score

F eb r u a ry 2 0 1 7 36:2 H e a lt h A f fai r s 291

Unemployment Insurance & Health

matching models, either the treatment or con- Study Results

trol groups could have been biased by unmea- We found important differences between recipi-
sured factors that were correlated with both ents and nonrecipients of unemployment bene-
health and receiving unemployment benefits. fits. Compared to nonrecipients, recipients were
Similarly, the two-stage least squares analysis more likely to be married, white, and male and to
estimated the effect of receiving benefits specifi- have had higher household incomes (Exhibit 1)—
cally among those whose probability of receiving all of which is consistent with evidence from
them was altered by having lost a job because of a official government sources.17 By contrast, non-
business closure. The estimates therefore re- recipients were more likely than recipients to be
flected the so-called local average treatment ef- single and black. Unemployed people were more

Downloaded from by Health Affairs on February 7, 2017 by HW Team

fect among this particular group and may not be likely to receive benefits if they were jobless in
generalizable to the broader unemployed popu- states and years with high unemployment rates.
lation. Nevertheless, we believe that both alter- Nonrecipients were also more likely than re-
native approaches serve as important tests of the cipients to report poor health, both in the year
relationship between benefit receipt and health. before job loss (21.2 percent compared to
Third, although self-rated health has been 15.3 percent, t-value = 3.99) and in the year after
shown to be a strong predictor of objective mea- job loss (25.8 percent compared to 18.4 percent,
sures of health, including the risk of death,31–33 t-value = 4.72) (Exhibit 2). Compared to recipi-
data on other indicators of health would have ents, a slightly higher percentage of nonreci-
provided a more nuanced analysis of the poten- pients who did not report poor health in the year
tial mechanisms linking receiving benefits to before job loss reported it in the year after job
health. Unfortunately, the Panel Study of Income loss (12.0 percent versus 10.9 percent; t-value:
Dynamics did not collect detailed information on 0.94) (data not shown).
the incidence and timing of other health out- The results from simple unadjusted linear
comes for a sufficiently long period. probability models that controlled only for poor

Exhibit 1

Selected characteristics of heads of household, ages 18–65, who experienced an unemployment spell in 1984–2009, by
whether or not they received unemployment benefits
Person received
unemployment Person did not receive All unemployment
benefitsa unemployment benefitsb spells
Characteristic Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Male 69.0% 0.5 56.2% 0.5 58.8% 0.5
Age (years) 40.4 11.2 39.5 13.2 39.7 12.8
Marital status
Married 44.1% 0.5 31.4% 0.5 34.0% 0.5
Single 27.6 0.4 38.4 0.5 36.2 0.5
Widowed 3.4 0.2 5.1 0.2 4.8 0.2
Divorced 17.6 0.4 16.8 0.4 17.0 0.4
Separated 7.3 0.3 8.2 0.3 8.0 0.3
White 51.6% 0.5 39.4% 0.5 41.9% 0.5
Black 41.1 0.5 56.2 0.5 53.1 0.5
Other 6.9 0.3 3.7 0.2 4.3 0.2
High school or less 72.8% 0.4 76.9% 0.4 76.1% 0.4
College 26.3 0.4 21.5 0.4 22.5 0.4
Postgraduate 0.8 0.1 1.6 0.1 1.4 0.1
Household size 2.9 1.6 2.7 1.7 2.8 1.7
Household income in year before
unemployment spell $38,149 $31,121 $30,133 $43,496 $31,783 $41,377
Working-age state unemployment
rate in year of unemployment spell 5.1% 1.6 4.7% 1.6 4.8% 1.6

SOURCE Authors’ analysis of data for 1984–2009 from the sample of unemployment spells in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and
from the Current Population Survey. NOTES All income amounts are in 1999 dollars. SD is standard deviation. a20.6% of the
unemployment spell sample. b79.4% of the unemployment spell sample.

292 H e a lt h A f fai r s Fe br uary 201 7 36 :2

Exhibit 2 ing poor health (95% confidence interval: −7.5,
−1.8) (Exhibit 3) (full results from all models can
Percentages of recipients and nonrecipients of
unemployment benefits who reported poor health before
be found in Appendix Exhibit A1).36
and after job loss A potential concern is that ex ante differences
between recipients and nonrecipients of unem-
ployment benefits could have biased the results,
even after observable individual- and state-level
characteristics were controlled for. We therefore
estimated propensity score matching models.
This left us with a matched sample of unemploy-

Downloaded from by Health Affairs on February 7, 2017 by HW Team

ment spells that did not reveal significant differ-
ences between recipients and nonrecipients in
observable individual characteristics in the year
before job loss (Appendix Exhibit A2).36 The
standardized bias was reduced considerably
across the sample and across all covariates (Ap-
pendix Exhibits A3 and A4).36
When we estimated the effects of receiving
unemployment benefits based on the propensity
score matched sample, the fully adjusted linear
probability model (model 2) indicated that re-
ceiving unemployment benefits reduced the
probability of reporting poor health by 3.0 per-
centage points (95% CI: −6.6, 0.5) (Exhibit 3).
SOURCE Authors’ analysis of data for 1984–2009 from the sam-
ple of unemployment spells in the Panel Study of Income Dynam-
We found no significant difference in the esti-
ics. mated effects of receiving benefits between the
two models shown in Exhibit 3, since the 95 per-
cent confidence intervals estimated from the
health in the year before job loss suggested that propensity score matched sample overlapped
receiving unemployment benefits was associated with those estimated from the full sample.
with a significant reduction of 4.6 percentage As an additional robustness check, we estimat-
points in the probability of reporting poor health ed two-stage least square models that examined
(data not shown). Those results were consistent the effect of receiving unemployment benefits
with the results from model 1—a linear probabil- among those whose likelihood of receiving ben-
ity model that controlled for poor health in the efits was influenced by the fact that they had lost
year before job loss and other factors (marital their jobs because of a business closure. Results
status, race, education, age, sex, household size, from the first stage indicated that workers who
and household income in the year before job lost their jobs because of a business closure were
loss; state unemployment rates; and state and significantly more likely than others to receive
year fixed effects). The results from model 1 in- benefits. Among the sample of all unemploy-
dicated that receiving unemployment benefits ment spells, when we controlled for individual
was associated with a significant 4.7-percent- characteristics, we found that losing a job be-
age-point reduction in the probability of report- cause of a business closure increased the proba-

Exhibit 3

Estimated effects of receiving unemployment benefits on the probability of poor health

Linear probability model 1 Linear probability model 2
All unemployment Propensity score
spells SE matched sample SE
Received unemployment benefits −0.0466*** (0.0147) −0.0304* (0.018)
Poor health in the year before job loss 0.437*** (0.0184) 0.383*** (0.0327)
Observations 4,247 1,750
R-squared 0.237 0.197

SOURCE Authors’ analysis of data for 1984–2009 from the sample of unemployment spells in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and
from the Current Population Survey. NOTES The models included marital status, race, education, age, sex, number in household, and
logged real household income; state unemployment rates; and state and year fixed effects. The matched sample is explained in the text,
along with details about the linear probability model. SE is robust standard error. *p < 0:10 ***p < 0:01

F eb r u a ry 2 0 1 7 36:2 H e a lt h A f fai r s 293

Unemployment Insurance & Health

bility of receiving unemployment benefits nonrecipients are themselves of concern, as they

significantly—by 15.8 percentage points (Appen- suggest that unemployment benefits dispropor-
dix Exhibit A5).36 However, workers who lost tionately favor socioeconomically advantaged
their jobs because of a business closure did not workers more than vulnerable workers with low-
differ markedly from workers who lost their jobs er socioeconomic status.
for other reasons, in terms of health before job Unemployment benefits may affect health
loss and other observable characteristics (Ap- through income (by helping maintain consump-
pendix Exhibit A6).36 tion patterns or reducing financial stress) or
In line with our original models, receiving un- through time (by subsidizing leisure). Income
employment benefits significantly reduced the is a well-known health determinant,38 and there

Downloaded from by Health Affairs on February 7, 2017 by HW Team

probability of poor self-reported health in results are a multitude of ways by which it could affect
from the second-stage estimates (Exhibit 4). Al- health. For example, income may allow people to
though the point estimates were large in magni- consume healthy goods and services, such as
tude, the estimates were less precise than and did fruit and vegetables that are often more expen-
not differ significantly from those in our original sive than unhealthy food.39 Income derived from
two models (Exhibit 3). Given the lack of preci- unemployment benefits may also enable unem-
sion, the magnitude of the estimated effect
should be interpreted cautiously, and emphasis
should be placed on the direction of the effect. Exhibit 4
Estimates also might not be generalizable to the
broader unemployed sample, since they reflect Estimated effects of receiving unemployment benefits on
the local average treatment effect among the the probability of reporting poor health
business closure subsample of unemployment
spells. Overall, however, results from two-stage
least squares models are consistent with those
from the other modeling approaches and sug-
gest that receiving unemployment benefits was
associated with better health among workers
experiencing job loss.

Estimating the health effects of receiving unem-
ployment benefits is challenging because benefit
recipients are often a priori better off than non-
recipients. Inferring causal effects by comparing
the health of recipients to that of nonrecipients
requires great care. In this study we used a variety
of modeling strategies to examine the impact of
receiving unemployment benefits on the health
of the unemployed. Although we still cannot con-
firm that there is a causal link between receiving
benefits and health, our estimates consistently
indicated that, compared to unemployed people
who did not receive benefits during their unem-
ployment spell, those who did receive benefits
were at lower risk of reporting poor health in the
year following job loss.
Our objective was to examine whether receiv-
ing unemployment benefits might influence the
health of the unemployed. Yet the preexisting
differences between benefit recipients and non- SOURCE Authors’ analysis of data for 1984–2009 from the sam-
recipients in health, wealth, and education are ple of unemployment spells in the Panel Study of Income Dynam-
ics and from the Current Population Survey. NOTES The full sam-
policy relevant, as they indicate significant in- ple (all unemployment spells) and propensity score matched
equalities in access to benefits. Unemployment sample are explained in the text, along with details of the linear
benefits help maintain recipients’ consumption probability model and two-stage least squares model. Error bars
indicate 95 percent confidence intervals. The models included
levels and provide an opportunity to search for
marital status, race, education, age, sex, number in household,
new employment.12,37 Therefore, the observed so- and logged real household income; state unemployment rates;
cioeconomic differences between recipients and and state and year fixed effects.

294 Health Affai rs Feb ruary 2017 36 :2

ployed people to obtain health care. In our sam- ing that receiving unemployment benefits im-
ple, most people who experienced job loss were proved self-rated health suggests that income
also likely to lose access to their employer-based losses and financial uncertainty are potential
health insurance. Although people who lose mechanisms through which this occurs. In the
their jobs are able to keep their employer-spon- absence of benefits, some unemployed people
sored coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus may feel distressed or be unable to pay for
Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), they are health-promoting goods and services. Alterna-
responsible for paying the full premium, which tively, receiving unemployment benefits may
makes insurance accessible only to those with help the unemployed cope with some of the
financial liquidity. One study found that only stress associated with financial insecurity.

Downloaded from by Health Affairs on February 7, 2017 by HW Team

14 percent of eligible people maintained their
employer-based insurance coverage in 2010,
while 57 percent became uninsured.40 Conclusion
Alternatively, income-related health effects of We found evidence that receiving unemployment
receiving unemployment benefits may occur benefits may have positive effects on the health
through a pathway that is not related to con- of unemployed people. Policy makers should use
sumption but is still a result of the short-term these results to increase the uptake of unemploy-
income subsidy provided by benefits. For exam- ment benefits. One recent policy reform intro-
ple, it is possible that unemployment benefits duced in many states aimed to increase access to
may have an independent psychological effect the benefits by altering the base period used to
by providing comfort and security to job losers. calculate eligibility, but that reform had limited
In addition to income, there are alternative impacts on take-up of benefits.42 This may be
explanations for the impact of receiving unem- partly because the stigma associated with claim-
ployment benefits on health. Michael Gross- ing unemployment benefits makes many eligible
man’s canonical model of demand for health people choose not to apply—a choice that high-
posits that demand for time-intensive health- lights the need to change attitudes about bene-
promoting activities will increase as the price fits. In addition, about half of unemployed peo-
of engaging in these activities decreases.41 Time ple are unaware of their eligibility for benefits.18
spent working increases income, which allows Increasing awareness of benefit rules would be
people to purchase health inputs such as healthy crucial to ensuring that the program reaches
food. But at the same time, working reduces the those in greatest need.
time available to invest in health-promoting ac- As unemployment rates rose during the Great
tivities such as exercise, and it may even harm Recession in the last decade, the US government
health as a result of exposure to adverse working responded with an unprecedented extension of
conditions. However, people who are not work- the standard twenty-six-week duration of un-
ing may have more leisure time available that can employment benefits to a maximum of ninety-
be used for health-promoting, time-consuming nine weeks.43 This Emergency Unemployment
activities such as exercise. Unemployment ben- Compensation program expired at the end of
efits may therefore protect health by subsidizing 2013. There was considerable debate in Congress
time out of work and providing the unemployed around the time of expiration about whether to
with additional time to engage in health-promot- continue the extension, but there is no evidence
ing leisure activities. This notion is consistent that the health effects of maintaining unemploy-
with research suggesting that unemployment ment benefits were taken into account.44 Our
benefits may lengthen unemployment duration findings suggest that policy makers should con-
by underwriting leisure time.22,23 sider the potential health consequences of future
Our results also offer insight into the potential extensions of unemployment benefits and of
mechanisms linking job loss to health. The find- benefit cuts and program reforms. ▪

This work was primarily supported by on Aging (Grant Nos. R01AG037398 and a seed grant from the Robert Wood
the European Research Council (Grant R01AG040248) and the McArthur Johnson Foundation.
No. 263684). Mauricio Avendano was Foundation Research Network on Aging.
also supported by the National Institute Part of this work was also supported by

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