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Comprehension Workshop

According the reading solve the next questions:

● What is a ghosts?
● What are some ancient beliefs about afterlife?
● Mention some type of ghost
● Why do the ghosts exist?
● Can we protect from ghosts?
● Why do you consider Spiritualism became popular on early ages?
● What is your opinion about seances and spiritual rituals? Are they actually real?
● Why today's modern ghost are fascinating for people?
● Mention one reference which include the appearance of Ghost or displays spiritual

Students will write a short story of 100 words where they display a spooky story that would
have happened to them if they had been practicing spiritualism.


1. It is said that ghosts are the souls of people who have died. and they are
usually invisible or translucent and usually have the form of a person.
2. During the history they have existed believes about it, in Egypt, people
believed about return through the spirits in the bodies after die, so they
mummified the bodies to keep them whole, the Greeks believed that food and
money had an specific uses through the dead.
3. Some types of ghosts are: poltergaist (invisibles), apparitions(can be seen),
wraith with an aspect of a dead person)
4. The ghosts exist because the spirits of people are between the life and death,
also because they have an specific and unfinished business depending the
reason of the person´s die.
5. Yes, we can, in few cases they could appear and can warn us of danger, it's a
way to protect us.
6. Spiritualism became popular because first, in agreement of the experience of
Fox sisters´ the people felt excited and it started to be more practice because
that inspired them.
7. Actually, I think that seances are scheming, the way to communicate of an
spirits that maybe we can´t see its terrifying because is different and unusual,
I think also they are real because exist test and testimonies about it, an
example can be the movies that show us things that few times happen,
obviously not all are real but investigations prove it.
8. Are fascinating because is unusual and just only a thing “paranormal” catch
our attention and it prove sometimes things that we think could not pass.
9. In a prison located on an island in the Bay of San Francisco (at present a
museum) have a lot of stories that house by they runniers because at the
night the Guards of the museum listen the cries that are supposed that are to
be from prisoners, heartbreaking kind cries, also sometimes the things
change place and they felt the shadow of someone through the corridor.

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