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How Does Marketing Resemble Art?

Imagine you went to watch a movie and the promos and trailers
started up. What if you saw an advertisement for shampoos but
the art of marketing had been removed? Now the shampoos
have names like AB150, RQS9, and MT04! What if the
advertisements simply listed the ingredients of the three
shampoos and some other factual information? In this scenario,
unless you were copiously taking notes in the movie theatre,
you would probably have no recollection of the names of the
shampoos and their contents and probably no specific
motivation to go and buy any one of them.

Marketing is what helps to connect products to people and

that's an art! Marketing gives each shampoo a name, a brand
personality, and a promise to the audience – that you will look
beautiful, or become popular, or someone will fall in love with
you. Marketing helps to distinguish one product from another
and motivates people to make a specific choice.

How Does Marketing Resemble Science?

As far as the science or data aspects of marketing are
concerned, there are new developments practically every day.
Before the internet and mobile phones became key aspects of
marketing, marketing data was limited to demographic data,
macroeconomic data, sales figures, and possibly some market
research studies. This has changed completely with digital
technologies – today your target audience, users, potential
users, and competitors generate data practically every moment.
As a marketer, you need to be able to collate and analyze this
data to carve out a competitive edge.
Marketing is Where Art and Science Meet :
Let's consider that you have a travel portal. If you choose to
drive traffic to your portal from a social media site such as
Instagram or Facebook, you will start with budgeting and
audience targeting – which is science and numbers. Next, you
need an ad creative. What headline, what image, or what video
will interest your target audience? How can you motivate them
to click through to your site and remember your brand? What
should your ad contain that will help you stand out from the
competition? These are challenging questions that need
creative responses, or let's just say that making good ad
creatives is an art. Once your ad is running, you need to
monitor the metrics, such as how many people engaged with
your ad and what was your ROI, so we come back to science.

Look around you and consider some successful marketing
strategies and campaigns. It probably strikes you that they are
based on insights gleaned from hard numbers and data. Then
creative imagination has been put to use to make an emotional
connection with the audience. This is what makes marketing
such a uniquely challenging and rewarding area of work – the
elegant juxtaposition of analysis and creativity. This is why
marketers really need to get both the art and the science right. 


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