Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species

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a. The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species is
the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of
animals, fungi and plant species.
b. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species.
c. Golden Bamboo Lemur, Hapalemur aureus, Madagascar Forest wetlands, Agriculture,
aquaculture, hunting and trapping, conservationists protect the water and the land in parts
of the legal legislation.
2. Currently the biggest invasive species problem is mussels, specifically zebra and quagga
mussels. The adults of these species harm aquatic ecosystems and Fisheries by disrupting the
food web and taking out the competition. They are also a major problem to humans by damaging
agriculture, industrial equipment, and plugging up water reservoirs. Once an infection starts they
are nearly impossible to eradicate so they become very costly annoyance. Last year Colorado
lawmakers made rigorous inspections of incoming ships mandatory. So they could make sure no
more can come in.
3. Mangroves protect coastlines from oncoming storms, sea life, and absorb carbon dioxide.
They are an essential part of the ecosystem, tearing them down would increase the damage of
storms, marine life habitats and cause global warming to grow faster and more uncontrollable.
4. Biodiversity is the variety of living things in an area. Three kinds of diversity that are essential
to preserving ecosystems are ecological functions are genetic diversity, species diversity and
ecological diversity.

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