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HKMUN 2011 Security Council: China–Nuclear Disarmament

Nuclear warfare is one of the greatest threats facing mankind. Nuclear weapons

have the capacity to unleash enormous destruction of life and infrastructure. China

maintains that, in order to further push forward the multilateral arms control and

non-proliferation process in a fair and effective way, the international community

should embrace a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit,

equality and coordination, fully respect and accommodate the legitimate security

concerns of countries, establish state-to-state relations of mutual understanding

and mutual trust, adhere to multilateralism, consolidate the collective security

system with the United Nations (UN) at its core and attain the goal of security for all

through mutually beneficial means.

China has always shown support of a world without nuclear weapons. In 2004,

China maintained the smallest nuclear arsenal of nuclear weapon states. China

completed its first nuclear weapon detonation on in 1964. China maintains an

arsenal numbering approximately 400 warheads. China undertakes not to use or

threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-

weapon-free zones at any time or under any circumstances. China also reports any

import and export of nuclear material and the export of any nuclear equipment to

the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). China is the only nuclear weapon

state to do so.

China supports the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear

weapons. China strongly encourages that nuclear-weapon states abide by Article VI

of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Nuclear-weapons

states should also follow China’s example in abandoning nuclear deterrence and

The Mission of the People’s Republic of China 1

HKMUN Security Council: China–Nuclear Disarmament

adopting a no-first-use policy with regards to nuclear weapons. China, in the vision

of a world without fear of nuclear weapons, would support a resolution enforcing a

limit to the nuclear arsenals of nuclear-weapon states. Further, these reductions

should result in the elimination of warheads, not storage of these warheads. China

also supports the expedited implementation of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

China also recognizes the value of nuclear technology in the production of energy.

China supports the proliferation of nuclear energy technology under IAEA

safeguards to ensure the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. China also supports

dialogue as a means to resolve concerns about nuclear energy technology being

used for the purpose of nuclear weapons. The international community must also

strive for impartiality regarding non-nuclear weapon states nuclear technology

programs; all non-nuclear weapon states must be engaged with to ensure nuclear


China believes that the Security Council can coalesce around the following

principles in its resolution: first, universal and impartial pursuit of nuclear non-

proliferation beyond nuclear weapon states; second, pursuit of a world without

nuclear weapons by means of reducing the arsenals of nuclear weapon states,

including China’s arsenal; third, implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear

Test Band Treaty; fourth, commitment not to use or threaten use of nuclear

weapons against non-nuclear weapon states and nuclear weapon free zones; finally,

commit to a goal of a nuclear weapon free world.

The Mission of the People’s Republic of China 2

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