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Is the Menorah Actually Phallus Worship?

I say that the menorah is actually phallus worship, because the shape of the
menorah is exactly shaped like a large penis and can be seen clearly is the
older reliefs. Modern versions have been stylized, thus it is not so obvious.

I'm not the first to point this out. Freud did. Freud understood this, he
invented psychoanalysis as a technique to discover how our subconscious
sexual desires manifest into art forms. Especially repressed sexual desires.
So is it surprising that a militant patriarchal tribal culture obsessed
with supremacy attached itself to a multi-phallus emblem as a primary
expression of itself? A extra large penis represents the ultimate symbol
of male power.

(wikipedia: Sigmund Freud ... founded the psychoanalytic school of

psychology.[1] Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind
and the defense mechanism of repression and for creating the clinical
practice of psychoanalysis for curing psychopathology through dialogue
between a patient and a psychoanalyst.

Freud is also renowned for his redefinition of sexual desire as the primary motivational
energy of human life
(note right click on charts then select properties to find source)

The oversized penis of the donkey would be a prime symbol for fertility
symbol or dominance.

What primitive man is not jealous of the oversized donkey dong? Even out
modern culture is obsessed with penis enlargement and drugs for permanent
The donkey penis inverted is the exact size, shape, curvature, thickness of
the menorah.

Animals with large penises have trouble maintaining erection so the curved
semi-erect donkey penis that seems flaccid is inverted to represent ultimate
male power.
My other essays detail Jewish deception. But who is being deceived?
Primitive man worshipped fertility symbols, and I say it is perfectly obvious
to someone with an artists eye that the menorah is a phallus shaped fertility
prop. I think it is very funny that the reverent hold the menorah as the
"holiest" of Judaic symbols.
Hotdogs over the fire. Cooking meat on a stick is how primitive man existed
for a long time.

Possibly the first menorah was a donkey penis attached to a stick, then
because of competition for females, two dongs were attached to a forked
stick and so on until the 7 headed menorah became the ultimate fertility

The Jews are obsessed with the number 6 and the number 7. Believing these
numbers to have magical qualities they create holy symbols with 7
phalluses, one in the center and 6 splayed out to the sides. (Also 9 phalluses
is modernized version)

As a shaman that seems likely to me. Men are obsessed with their penises
and a patriarchal culture is very obsessed with controlling women through
their dicks. An erect penis is a perfect visual for the life force and vitality,
only a healthy male can achieve an erection.
carved wooden lingam, multi-phallus artform

A repressed male often associates with the lingam as a way to outwardly

express sexual desire. If the suppressant is from religious indoctrination,
then the holy symbols become a symbol of the repression unknowingly by
the holy man or Rabbi. They unknowingly worship the dick on a stick.

Modern self empowered Jewish women often have menorahs throughout

their homes. If they were truly empowered why would a woman have
symbols of male erection and dominance all throughout their living space?

I would even speculate the origin of the menorah is not even Hebrew, it
could of easily been appropriated from another nearby pagan culture or one
tribes fertility symbol adopted by the group. It became the primary symbol,
no doubt, because of sexual repression and obsession with male dominance
within the Hebrew tribe.

Treblinka Memorial: a large penis shape stone monument with "holy" Menorah engraved
on the head. So even on a modern memorial, the overtly large phallus shape is obvious:

The ultimate expression of the phallus and supremacy is the nuclear tipped
missile. Surely we are at the end of the age, we are going to have to shift to a
male-female balance in order to survive.

13 Feb 2009

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