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The Necklaces of Brazilían Quimbanda

Fio de Contas ("Beaded Wires originally translated to english) are Necklaces

wrongly called 'guias (guides). Fio de Contas are objects of protection, power and
ascension used in the Cult of Quimbanda. This is not an ornament, but an element
that carries the blessings of spirits and protects the energetic shield of the adept
during their rituals and daily practices.
Beads are small rounded objects made of glass, crystal or porcelain with a central
hole. They are the basis for the making of the religious wires. They have different
colors, sizes and shapes, but our tradition initially chooses to use opaque colors in
size '6/0.

Glass beads
The Fio are made according to the need of the adepts. As the Brazilian Quimbanda
is a religious expression that respects the formation of the Cult of Exu, it not only
builds its Fios with glass beads. We usually use seeds, bones, coral, crystals, shells,
wood and metals in our wires, as our ancestors did. However, we believe that the
ascension within the cult is what determines the use of these elements.
The adept who is starting their practices do not have the same knowledge, energetic
sharing and ritual practice than a more experienced one. Certain forces must be
edified through the experiences and individual effort. The wires will certainly follow
this Jrelonment through the addition or multiplication of new elements. The
Omhanda is not like the Candomblé where the Fios represent the years and the
eans because we understand that personal development is not tied to years
of practice, but the intensity and committal experienced by the adept. Obviously,
the years of practice symbolize much knowledge about the cult, but this does not
mean intensity and absorption of the essence of the cult. Thinking in this way,
we understand that the reception of the first wire from the Temple symbolizes an
initiation, or rather the opening of the initiatory path through the Cult of Your
Holiness Maioral.

The first Necklace'

According to our tradition, the first Necklace of the adept should be done with
beads of red and black colors. The use of these colors is related to every historical
plot described in other chapters. We do not like to use nylon wires in our ritual
necklaces, because they do not absorb the juice of herbs, blood and other elements,
however, we do not condemn the use of it. We give preterence to cotton wire
called cordone. Failing that, the nylon wire can be used, because when the object is
Consecrated, their mundane characteristics are transmuted, becoming sacred.
we do not recommend the adepts to buy finished wires. The manual process of
wire making requires magical intention and personal energy bestowal, especlauy
close the wire with seven knots. Malicious people can charge the wire with low vibrations and this is not
healthy for the beginner adept. There is no such
Possibility when the adept buy or win the wire from a trustworthy Priest/rriestess
of Quimbanda.

The first wire must follow a standard of "seven. If the adept is a man, his wire
begins with seven black beads and if the adept is a woman, the wire starts with
seven red beads. Thus, the wire will have with 25 sets of 7 black beads and 25 sets
of 7 red beads.
to close the wire, the adept will use a conventional "firma (black-Exu / red-
rombagira). Firmas are small cylindrical objects of glass or porcelain that stana
out because they are a mark for the beginning and the end of the Necklaces.

Finished Necklace
The JMaking of the first Necklace'
The making of the first Necklace requires 175 black beads and 175 red beads.
The closing firma will be chosen by the adept himself following the intuition.
Remember that the cult of Exu does not require any ostentation. Thus, we prioritize
the discretion in the first wire. A piece of cordoné or other strong cotton wire with
an approximate length of 1.30Om is required.
Before to start the making the wire, the adept should bathe with herbs, wear clean
clothes and prepare a suitable place for a small ritual. The following steps must to
be performed:

1. Greet the Kingdom of Maioral and light a red and black candle while you cry
out to Exus and / or Pombagiras, asking for their support and blessing for the
making of this necklace of strength.
2 Place a small amount of drink in your mouth and blow over the objects so that
they are free from all impregnated mundane energies.
3. Recite the "Prayer of Exu" while you put the first beads on the wire. After the
prayer, continue vibrating the desired strength through the "Chants"
When the 50 sets of beads are on the 'cordone wire, the adept put the frma
and start the procedure of closing the Necklace through the 'seven sacred
knots. For each knot, the adept will vibrate the correct energy. On the first
knot, the adept glorifies the Magnitude of Maioral and the Seven Primordial
Kings and Queens. On the second knot, glorify the formation of the Seven
Kingdoms of Quimbanda. On the third knot, glorify the Kingdom of the
Dead. On the fourth knot, glorify the power of the elements (fire, air, water
and earth). On the fifth knot, glorify the dark side of the nature. On the sixth
node glorify the ancestry of Exu and on the last node, the adept will make
the following prayer:

Laroyé Exu, Mighty Spirit, six knots consolidate my

commitmnent for not using this wire in a profane way, because I certainly
will be painfully punished. Six knots stabilize my evolutionary journey,
because a Wide Empire will support me. Six knots symbolize the balance
of my choice, made with emotional control. The seventh knot will attract
the forbidden powers and wisdoms, which will liberate me in all senses.
No noxiousness will take me down while I keep using this wire, because
this sacred necklace symbolizes the cloak, the fork and the eyes of Exu. Ifit
is broken, every noxious charge and any enemy intention will be broken.
May the big shadow of Exu hide me from my enemies and bring luck in my
paths and crossroads. May the Souls recognize me and do not send their
rage against me!

The Consecratíon

The first 'Necklace' should be consecrated along with the statue. t should be washed
in the same watery substance and then placed around of the neck of the image. As
this image is animated on the altar, the wire will receive concentrated forces, and
ater the ritual of consecration of the statue, the wire will be ready for use.

Necklace for Exu 7 Catacumbas or Maria 7 Catacumbas e necklace for Exu 7 Catacumbas or Maria 7
Catacumbas can be done in red and black colors, and it must have at least seven color “sections” and a
maximum of twenty one. Each section of the necklace has to be formed by seven stones of a single color.
We must arrange it so that seven black stones form a section of the necklace, followed by seven red
stones that form the next one, and so on. is sequence must be followed until the necklace reaches the
minimum number of seven or maximum of twenty one sections.

Necklace for Exu 7 Infernos e necklace for Exu 7 Infernos can be done in red and black color or only in
black. e necklace should be composed by seven sections, and each one of them must be separated from
the others by a small trident. If the necklace is done in a single color we must count seven stones and put
the seven tridents to complete the seven sections. If the collar is made in two colors, we put seven
straight black stones followed by seven red ones, with the seven tridents dividing the colors to complete
the seven sections.

Necklace for Linha das Almas (Line of Souls) e necklace for Linha das Almas can be done in red and black
colors. Each section should have three stones of a single color. It is important to know that three black
stones form one section of the necklace, followed by three red stones that form the next one. is sequence
must be followed until the necklace reaches the minimum number of twenty one, or maximum of forty
one sections.

Necklace for Dama do Sangue e necklace for Dama do Sangue should be done in red color and must have
a minimum of twenty-one stones. Unlike the other necklaces that are made up by a minimum and
maximum number of stones, this has only a minimum number; the necklace can be finished with the
quantity of stones desired by the adept. It is important to know that the necklace must be finalized with
an odd amount of stones.

Ritual of consecration of the necklace Aer the necklace is put together in the proper way, it must be
submitted to the ritual of consecration. e ritual of consecration of the necklace must be performed
according to the requirements of the priest or entity responsible. In order to consecrate the necklace, it is
usually placed within tronqueiras, temples, cemeteries, crossroads, etc, for a period that may vary
depending on the entity's needs or those of the Linhas/Reinos (line/kingdom) that the collar will be
associated with. Generally the period of confinement must be seven days, starting on a Friday and ending
on the next one, or on a Monday and ending on the next one.
The way to consecrate a necklace varies from entity to entity and Reinos/Linhas; for example, for the
entities from the Cemitérios (cemeteries), the necklace must remain in a cemetery for seven days, and we
can use elements such as bone meal, sulfur, graveyard soil, or flowers that are used for decorating graves.
Once a necklace is consecrated the adept must give a small offering to the entity/line/kingdom in the
form of candles, cigars and drinks. ere are rare cases where the entity determines that the adept must
give an offering consisting of meat or sacrifices.

It is very important to remember that the necklace is for the exclusive use of the adept and should be
stored in a place where no others have access to it. Aer the consecration of the necklace the adept may
make use of it at any time, but if the adept allows anyone else to use his necklace it loses its essence and
the adept may receive some sort of punishment from the entity or priest. is punishment can vary
according to the temple that the person attends to. Most of the time, the adept is removed from the
temple for a few days or months and should have to wait a period of seven to thirteen months in order to
consecrate a new necklace. If the necklace is touched by someone else by accident, the adept must
inform the priest and the entity. Most of the time the necklace will be replaced by another, and should be
re-consecrated. e broken necklace must be discarded at the cemetery, crossroads, etc.

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