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The challenges of cultural diversity not only influence the way we conduct the business but it
also impacts the cost of running business overseas. It may cause negative impact when doing
the business. For example, Walmart. The company wanted to expand their business in India
by buying the local farms and stores. Walmart had sold vegetables in lower price. Although
they thought opening Walmart there is a good idea but the locals stopped buying from
Walmart when the found out that the business cut the local jobs in India. Thus, we can see
that the Indians care more about their morals and ethics and their people rather than buying
things for the cheapest price. We have to understand cultural diversity in the business.
Besides, we can take a look at Japanese culture. Japanese believes that it is the best to
employed their citizens rather than employed outsiders. Japanese culture believes that it is
the best if their corporation, employees and stockholders benefit from doing business

2. Yes. The differences in culture between a Muslim country and the US would cause a
dramatic difference in business practice. For Islamic country, the focus on their religious
values and traditions of the region. Moreover, family matters the most in Islamic country
rather than to show technical or managerial competence. Meanwhile, the united states are
more likely to show technical or managerial competence. They will judge you according on
your performance at business environment. Muslims are stewards of property for God,
rather than owners, so, they tend to use their resources carefully.

3. Differences in dominant religion will affect the relationships, attitudes towards business and
the economic development. Differences in religion leads to intercultural sensitivity such as
how interpersonal relationship may be different between believer and non-believers
because they all will be treated differently. Next, a country's attitude towards industry, jobs,
and entrepreneurship can be significantly influenced by religious beliefs. It can be
considered a great accomplishment in one country to defeat a rival successfully, while in
another it can be thought of as displaying a lack of humanity and disruption to the
environment and individuals concerned, both views that can be derived from underlying
religious values. The overall competitiveness and economic growth potential of a nation can
be influenced by different dominant religions.

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