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TRUCE COMMUNITY LTD | Opposite Old Nkwen Post Office, Bamenda | P.O.

Box 130 |
www.trucecommunity.com | +237 677 932 495 - 677 784 844
Facebook – Instagram – Twitter: Truce Community
Passion, hunger and a dream to make things right are the very bedrock of the Truce
Community. Mr. Ngu Franklin Atanga, after being involved with network marketing
and/or multi-level marketing companies for 12+ years, became fed-up with the
mixed experiences (of very unpredictable failures and very little successes) that both
he and others in his community went through because of their involvement. As a
dreamer and an empathic person, his visionary side could not let him stop thinking
of possible solutions that would be sustainable while his empathetic side couldn’t
help but be touched by the feeling of the misery that others experienced with the
network marketing and/or multi-level marketing companies.
While he was still thinking on possible solutions to eliminate this dilemma, the
“crypto-currency boom” happened. So from 2015, he embraced crypto-currency,
thinking it would be the end to the longstanding challenges that people faced with
network marketing companies. Everything went fine until 2018-2019 that he found
out that crypto-currency cannot be a sustainable solution, as some crypto-currency
platforms were crashing aggressively and people who had invested heavy sums of
money in them were suffering painful losses. The worst of it all was that these people
who were suffering losses had no one they could hold accountable for the platform
crashes and money losses, and no one showed up from these crypto-currency
platforms to take responsibility for the demise. This alone got some people indebted
and crushed some people’s dreams. His idealistic and visionary mind had no choice
at this point but to reactivate its search for a sustainable solution, while his
empathetic side burned with compassion for the people.
Mr. Ngu Franklin Atanga knew that was the height of it. So he placed even greater
demand on his visionary mind for a sustainable solution that people could trust. A
solution that will be accountable to the community and take responsibility if ever
things don’t go right. A solution that will heal the hurts that people had experienced
and make them forget the negatives of the past. Because of his strong belief in
human connections, he wanted this solution to be founded on people and
relationships. And because he understands that even though not everyone is
entrepreneurial in nature, no one should be limited by salary or wages; so he wanted
a solution that will support passive income through minimum financial commitment.
Then he also found out in his moments of brainstorming that every network

TRUCE COMMUNITY LTD | | Pathway to propel!

marketing/multi-level marketing company that people had been involved with were
foreign companies; so he wanted a solution that would be home-based – a solution
that would promote local development and growth, support local enterprisers and
boost our local economy. Mr. Ngu Franklin Atanga wanted a solution that values
people, understands them and plays an active role in helping them achieve their
So on August 31st 2019, Truce Community was born.
For those without understanding, Truce Community is just another network
marketing/multi-level marketing company with ventures in agriculture, fitness,
health, education, product manufacturing, house aides and table tennis academy. But
for those who have come to understand the core of Truce Community, they know it
is a community of people journeying together in armistice with the purpose of
achieving both common and individual success. It is a network community
company that transforms individuals into investors, empowers each one of its
members, and builds people and money into one big wealthy community. In Truce
Community, we’re all about success stories and we’re out to make everyone a
success story. This is not network marketing, this is community building.
Because Truce Community is a community, there are certain key factors that bind
us (every member of the community) together. They are a Shared Vision, Shared
Values, Shared Core Philosophies and Shared/Mutual Responsibility.

The only way for Truce Community to record any success in its lifetime is only if
everyone who identifies with Truce Community shares in the Truce Community
vision. Truce Community may have been Mr. Ngu Franklin’s idea; but the moment
he shared it with you and you accepted it, it became your vision as well. Your success
as a Trucian is directly proportionate to how personal you take the Truce Community
vision and consistently commit to actualize it in your sphere of contact.
The vision of Truce Community is to build a community of people journeying
together in armistice with the purpose of achieving both common and individual
success. It is a network community company with the mission to make everyone a
success story.

TRUCE COMMUNITY LTD | | Pathway to propel!

A true Trucian therefore, is one who is consistently committed to the progressive
journey of the entire Truce Community, for the purpose of contributing significantly
to both common and individual success. A true Trucian is on a mission to make
everyone he comes in contact with, a success story. A true Trucian finds pathways
for others to propel.

Truce Community is built on uncompromising values. These values are the ideals
that we hold dear and put first in our dealings with people and the world.
Truce Community was designed to be a network of people supporting people for
advancement. And for people to support people, people must value people. In Truce
Community, we believe that people – their dreams, ideas, gifts, talents, inspiration –
are what make the world a better place. So if we must build our world, we must value
in people, for they are the ones who are in custody of our advancement.
A true Trucian therefore believes in and values people. A true Trucian puts people
first. A true Trucian is in the business of promoting people, knowing that without
people, there will be no advancement and no need for advancement.
Truce Community is all about finding a better way; a better way to live, a better way
to interact, a better way to eat, a better way to work, a better way to play, a better to
sleep, etc. That’s why the very core of Truce Community’s DNA is innovation.
A true Trucian therefore is someone who is always finding a better way to serve
his/her community. A true Trucian refuses to settle for less or for average, and is
always on a quest for better solutions, better outcomes, better experiences, better
results and better lifestyles for people.
Truce Community was created to be a safe haven for people who have experienced
losses with network marketing and other passive income schemes, and also to heal
a hurting people by holding their hands to the pinnacle of success.

TRUCE COMMUNITY LTD | | Pathway to propel!

A true Trucian therefore is one who understands people, understands what it means
to be in their shoes, puts himself/herself in their shoes and can feel exactly what they
are feeling (going through) per time. A true Trucian is moved with compassion
towards the hurting, and this compassion forces solutions out of him/her to alter the
experiences of hurting people for the better.
Truce Community was built to gain back the trust of a people whose trust have been
betrayed time and time again, either through network marketing, some passive
income scheme, or the society in which they find themselves.
A true Trucian therefore is one who trusts others and who is trustworthy
himself/herself. A true Trucian takes people for their word and has demonstrated
trustworthiness so much so that others take him/her for his/her word.


Truce Community as has been emphasized from the beginning of this document is a
people with a purpose. And for us to achieve this grand purpose, we all must share
common beliefs or philosophies about how we see life. These shared beliefs are as
Networking for Truce Community is a major pillar to how it operates and long term
success. Human beings are interdependent beings by nature, and hence are always
interconnected. Truce Community has leveraged this natural phenomenon of human
existence to build its entire community on it. Someone even said “you are always 5
persons away from what you need”. That’s networking.
A true Trucian is a firm believer in the idea of networks. A true Trucian works to
build networks and commits to foster them. To a Trucian, networking is not just an
ideology, it is a lifestyle.
In Truce Community, we think and live investment. We believe that no one’s income
or lifestyle should be limited only by salaries or wages. We believe that money ought
to work for us and not us working for money.

TRUCE COMMUNITY LTD | | Pathway to propel!

A true Trucian therefore is one who either has his/her life founded on passive income
or is working towards it. A true Trucian is an advocate for profits over pay, and
revenue over remuneration.
Truce Community was founded to promote the welfare and growth of every
community it reaches, by putting the resources, potentials and strengths of that
community first. In Truce Community we believe that every community carries in it
the seed of its own greatness, good, welfare and growth, and we are out to make that
a reality.
A true Trucian therefore is one who believes in his community, that it has the power
and potential to change the lives of its members. A true Trucian sees solutions for a
community in the midst of its challenges and moves to realize it.

Truce Community is a community. That means it is a group of people who commune
in unity. And for that to happen, each individual member of the community owes to
both the community in general and each member in particular, significant
contribution towards both general and individual success. In the same vein, every
single member of the community must share in the responsibilities of the
A true Trucian therefore is someone who takes responsibility for other Trucians (is
a brother’s keeper to each member) and someone who shares in the common
responsibilities of Truce Community in general.

TRUCE COMMUNITY LTD | | Pathway to propel!

At Truce Community, our driving forces will always be to create opportunities, build
wealth and promote healthy living for those who become a part of our community
(Trucians). To satisfy our drive, we have ventured into 7 core areas of community
building, namely; Investment, Agriculture, Production, Fitness, House Aiding,
Table Tennis and Leadership Training.
Investment, which we define as “laying out money and/or other capital in an
enterprise with the expectation of profit or some specific result in the future”, is at
the helm of our company. It is the only way we know, that can give someone
certainty about tomorrow, and release him/her from the bondage of salary-defined
and wage-limited income.
For this reason, Truce Community has created two investment opportunities for its
community as follows;
At Truce Community, we have created an opportunity for you to earn and grow your
income simply by referring people to join our community. For every new person
who joins our community through you, you make a whopping 3,500 FCFA, and for
every generational stage you complete, you make 1,000 FCFA per head.
With significant tweaks in our networking platform like the auto-placement (which
no other network marketing company offers), Truce Community is standing out from
other network marketing companies by making sure that everyone in the community
grows together. Auto-placement automatically places people you did not refer under
you to grow your network, so that at the very least, you can make extra passive
income by earning a Growth Stage Bonus.
Truce Community boasts of a well-structured trading platform, one with returns that
no bank or banking system in the entire world can rival. With a 55% to 80% return
on capital over a one year period, you will be proud of an extra passive income with
no work done.

TRUCE COMMUNITY LTD | | Pathway to propel!

Our Agriculture Department was created with the following goals in focus:
 Sustain our community through food safety and security
 Promote healthy living by upgrading crop and livestock quality
 Feed our production department with organic raw materials
 Empower a sustainable community through organic agricultural training and
coaching services.
We understand that feeding is essential to every life and every community, and the
quality of food you eat determines the quality of life you live. That’s why through
Truce Community’s Agriculture Department, we are committed to your health and
wellbeing by making available organically grown crops and livestock only, for your
The Production Department of Truce Community has one goal; to produce high-
quality, health-sensitive organic and antiseptic products for the communities of the
world. The range of our products are limitless, from natural organic juices, antiseptic
detergents, organic cosmetic products, and the list goes on. At Truce Community we
value people, and people are almost nothing without good health.
Our Fitness Department has been put in place to cater for the fitness and health needs
of our community through exercise and physical therapy. From weight loss and
health improvement (for those with diabetes, heart issues, stroke and other health
issue) to optimal body performance and functioning, our fitness department is
expertly trained to produce desired results.
At Truce Community, we understand that your home is your safe haven. But if it is
not in the hands of a trustworthy and dependable person, then it becomes a
nightmare. That’s why the House Aiding Department of Truce Community is
committed to raising up and making available professional House Aides, to cater for
the everyday needs of your home. Our house aides are expertly trained in cookery,
child care, domestic sanitation and home management, at your service.

TRUCE COMMUNITY LTD | | Pathway to propel!

The Truce Community Table Tennis department is our strategy for community
engagement and development. It is how we provide recreation to our community
with an opportunity to improve the intelligence of our children. This department is
organized in two categories namely The Friends’ Table Tennis Club and the Truce
Table Tennis Academy For Kids.
The Friends’ Table Tennis Club of Truce Community is a membership-oriented
club, established with the purpose of bringing our community together around a
common activity that excites, refreshes and revitalizes.
With so many aged people in our society facing health challenges and others having
fewer social interactions, we at Truce Community thought it wise to engage them in
an activity that will be beneficial to the improvement of their health and also give
them the opportunity to socialize. We also noticed that it would also be a great
advantage for youths to relax themselves from their daily and weekly commitments,
while learning from the wisdom of the old ;-), all in a positive light. This gave birth
to Truce Community’s Friends’ Table Tennis Club.
At Truce Community, we believe in the adage that “children are the future”, and if
we invest in them, we invest in the future. That’s the premise on which our Truce
Table Tennis Academy For Kids is founded.
Table Tennis, with the advantage of being a non-contact sport (meaning no physical
contact with other players and therefore limited probability of injuries as compared
to other sports), has been scientifically proven to naturally improve brain
functioning, mental acuity, cognitive awareness, focus, hand-eye coordination,
reflexes and sense of balance.
Our Truce Table Tennis Academy For Kids therefore, is how we help develop the
aptitude of children in an engaging and exciting way, by leveraging all the amazing
benefits of table tennis to our advantage. We have come to believe that if we get to
do this, we will be positively influencing the overall intelligence quotient of our
wider society.

TRUCE COMMUNITY LTD | | Pathway to propel!

Our vision for our community is to raise a people who are visionary and passionate
about ethically serving their societies through leadership. Born in a society with
questionable leadership, we are committed to change the narrative by intentionally
instilling true leadership knowledge, qualities and character in the lives of the
members of our community, hence our leadership training program.

TRUCE COMMUNITY LTD | | Pathway to propel!

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