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Learning Guide
2nd Quarter: Week 5-6

 Understanding the concept of thriftiness
 Identify situations which show or does not show thriftiness
 identifying and appreciating persons in the Bible whom they can consider as inspiration of being thrifty.
 Memorizing and reciting the definition of Thriftiness and its 5 I will.
 Memorizing verses from the Holy Bible that remind them to be thrifty.

Virtue: Thriftiness definition
Biblical Story: Nehemiah Did Not Waste Time
Wasting Money Will Lead to Poverty

Memory Verses
Philippians 4:13
“I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me.”
Proverbs 28: 22
“A stingy man is eager to get rich and is unaware that poverty awaits him.

Learning Guide, workbook, PPT presentation and video

Learning Activities

Synchronous Class Asynchronous Class

Week 5 Week 5
December 23, 2020 Monday: 8:00 -9:00 AM
Time: 9:00 – 10:00 AM Tuesday: 8:00 – 9:00 AM

 Review the meaning of thriftiness.  Memorize the meaning of thriftiness and its I
will, also the memory verses and be prepared
 Sharing Time: Allow the learners to share to recite them on December 07, 2020 during
their ideas or understanding about the 5 I will synchronous class.
of thriftiness.

 Read the story of Nehemiah Did not waste

Time on page 48-49.

 Answering the comprehension Check-up

orally on page 49.

Week 6 Week 6
December 07, 2020 December 07, 2020
Time: 9:00-10:00AM
 Do page 56 C and D and color the picture on
page 57.
 Oral recitation about thriftiness meaning, 5 I
will and memory verses. Submit your finish tasks on December 08, 2020.

 Read the story “Wasting Money will Lead to

Poverty” Luke 15:11-32 on page 54. Reminders:
Review the lessons in your LGs, week 1-6
 Answering the Comprehension Check-up and be ready for the 2nd Periodic Exam on
December 14, 2020 @9:00-10:00 via Zoom.
 Answering on line exercises prepared by

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