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Lesson 9:

The Discipline of Communication

Part I. Learning Module Information

Content disciplines of communication

demonstrate a high level of understanding of the basic concepts of
communication through a group presentation of a situation in which
Performance practitioners of communication work together to assist individuals, groups,
Standards or communities involved in difficult situations (e.g., post disaster, court
hearing about separation of celebrity couple, cyber bullying)

Most Essential 1.identify the goals and scope of communication

Learning 2.explain the principles of communication
Competencies 3. describe the elements and levels of the communication processes
Duration Q1 Week 7

Part II. Learning Explorations


True or False: Indicate in the space provided if the following statements are true or false.

_____1. Praying is a form of communication.

_____2. People communicate only through words.

_____3. Communication leads to certain effect.

_____4. Children learn the social values of society like love of country through communication
that takes place in families.

_____5. Birthday celebrations are form of a communication.

_____6. Through communication people are mobilized to take part in political process such as
_____7. When messages are sent to large audiences by an institution, mass communication is
taking place.

_____8. Mass communication usually involves standardized content.

_____9. The absence of visual cues is a characteristics of computer-mediated communication.

_____10. Communication involves a sender sending a message to a receiver


The early definitions of communication regard it as a process by which message is moved or

transmitted from one point to another. These definitions fall under the so-called transmission
model of communication and contain all or most of the following elements:

1. Sender/Source – person, group or institution that create or produce the message

2. Message – is transmitted from the source to the receiver
a. Verbal Message – use words to convey meaning
b. Non Verbal Message – express meaning through codes such as facial expression

3. Channel – the medium, such as radio or television, used to transmit the message
4. Receiver – the person, group or institution to whom message is intended (decoder)
5. Noise – interference that prevents the message from being accurately understood or
6. Feedback – the response or reaction of the receiver to the message received
7. Effect – consequence or result of a communicative act (cognitive or affective effect)
As a pervasive component of our personal and social lives, communication fulfills many
functions. Five main functions are usually attributed to communication in society, namely:
surveillance, interpretation, socialization, entertainment and mobilization (Laswell, 1948; Wright,
1960, 1974; McQuail, 2010)

 Surveillance – refers to the news and information role of communication media such as
the news media.

 Interpretation - refers to analysis, commentary, context and other meanings which are
found in a message. This function relates to persuasion or the influence of attitudes or

 Socialization – refers to the transmission of values and culture within a society and also
to the education functions of communication and the media. We learn and imbibe the
culture of our society through communication process taking place in our families,
among our friends, in school and in church.

 Entertainment – refers to functions related to relaxation, rewards, diversion and

reduction of tension. These functions which may be performed through variety shows,
drama, music, novels and many other forms.

 Mobilization – refers to the communication and media’s ability to generate public action
about a social issue, for instance, in relief efforts after a disaster.


Communication is also described along so-called “levels”. The distinctions between levels are
based on characteristics such as the number of people involved in the communication act (one,
two, many, etc.); location of the communicators (proximity to each other); immediacy of the
communication exchange (live, delayed) ; communication context (face to face, mediated); the
sensory channels involved (auditory, visuals, etc.)

1. Intrapersonal Communication – is an internal communication process taking place

within the individual. This includes thought processes, speaking aloud or writing to
oneself as when one is writing in a diary, prayer or meditation.

2. Interpersonal Communication – involves two persons or a small group such as a

family. The number of participants define interpersonal communication and hence
this may be further classified as:
 Dyadic communication – when two persons are involved.
 Group communication – when there are three or more persons communicating
face to face and able to give immediate responses or feedback.
 Public communication – involves a large group such as public lecture or church

3. Mass Communication – involves transmission of messages to large audiences using

technology of communication. The communication act is mediated by a mass
medium or technology such as radio or television.

4. Computer-mediated communication – refer to any communication taking place using

the computer and internet-based technologies such as email, message board,
personal websites, voice conferencing, chat rooms and social media.

What did you learn?

1. In what ways can interpersonal communication be more effective than mass

2. Discuss some advantages and disadvantages of computer-mediated communication.

Part III. Assessment Tasks

Activity #1: Essay

Answer the following accordingly:

1. Many children have parents who are OFW. Discuss how these children communicate
with their parents. In your discussion, use the concepts learned in this lesson, for
example, the different levels and functions of communication.

Activity #2: My Communication Activities

Recall the communication activities you have been engaged in from the time you woke up. In
the two-column table below, list down these activities and classify each of them according to the
level of communication and the functions of the communication activity to you. Add rows if


Level of Function of
Time Communication Activity
Communication Communication
6:00 AM woke up and pray intrapersonal socialization
6:00 AM – 7:30 check my phone/facebook computer-mediated entertainment

Time Communication Activity Level of Communication Function of Communication

Match the item in column B with those in Column C. Indicate your answers by writing the letter
in column A.

Column A Column B Column C

1. Transmission model of a. Meditation, prayer, diary
2. Ritual of model of communication b. Sharing of meanings such as
values, cultures & traditions
3. Surveillance c. Involves the use of technology
such as telephone or internet
4. Socialization d. Mass
5. Intrapersonal Communication e. When meaning expressed
through codes, such as color,
pitch of a sound
6. The audience of mass f. Communication as a process of
communication transmission of messages from
one point to another.
7. Computer-mediated g. News and information role of
communication communication
8. Mediated interpersonal h. Communication’s ability to trigger
communication mass action
9. Effect i. The process of transmissions of
values in society
10. Non-verbal messages j. The consequence/result of
k. Interference that prevents a
message from being understood
l. Occurs using computer or
internet-based technologies

Part IV. Internet Links

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