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P: Good morning nurse
N: Good morning
P: I'm from ward number 404.
N: Oh, you are Mrs. Amelia's family?
P: Yes, right.
N: What can I do for you?
Q: When is the next doctor's visit?
N: If it's a gastroenteritis sufferer, then it is Dr. Murphy.
P: When Dr. Murphy's coming to visit?
N: Please wait for today. He will visit around 5pm to 7pm or you can tell me later.
Q: I think I have a fever, can you help me?
N: okay, I am your temperature now
P: yes nurse
N : first, clean the armpits. do you want i help you to clean or clean it yaourself?
P: I can do it
N: hold this thermometer for 5 minutes
P: okay
N: your temperature is 38 degrees
Q: what should I do nurse?
N: later I will prescribe febrifuge
N: can I help you again miss?
P: no, thanks nurse
N: You're welcome

2. Encouraging
N: Good morning miss
P: Good morning Ms. Dwi.
N: Let me introduce my self. My name is Dwi Septiyaningsih, you can call me nurse dwi.
I'm a nursing student from Fatmawati Nursing Academy Jakarta, I'm going to be your
nurse today and I'II be taking care of you from 7 am until 2 pm
N : Can I see your ID band Miss? Can you tell me about your name and date of birth?
P: Yes of course, My name isAmelia Sri Rezeki and I was born on……
N: Okay, it’s suitable with your ID band Miss
P: Oh ya, did you press the nurse call button, mrs. amelia ?
N: Yes, I did
N: How are you feeling today?
P: I’m feeling good. My fever has gone, but I’m a bit weak.
N: Have you eaten yet?
P: Yes, I’ve eat this morning and take my medicine.
N: That’s great. Do you feel nausea?
P: Yes, I feel nausea when I’m eating but it’s get better after I take the medicine.
N: Let’s wait for a day and you will get better. I’ll get you blood preasure first okay?
P: Oh okay. thanks a lot nurse
N : Okay. You're welcome

3. Apoligizing
KP: Good night nurse
N : Good nigt
N: is there anything I can help you with?
KP: I want to visit my mother
N: The visiting hours are over, miss
N: what number is your room, miss?
KP: my mother is in room 3B.
N: Sorry, you have to come back tomorrow morning.
N: And leave him alone overnight?
KP: I'm worried
N: That's the policy of the hospital, miss
KP: What if he needs me at night?
N: Don't worry, we'll take care of it. she just needs rest
KP: Tomorrow some friends want to see it too. When can they come?
N: Visit time is from 9 to 11 am and 4 am to 7 pm, but I worry when your mother is
resting. because the doctor requested that only close family members come to see him.
KP: oh okay, allow me to meet my mother and sister first. after that I'll be home soon
N: please cooperate, miss
KP: Yes, I know it was all for the sake of his recovery.
N: Thank you for understanding.
KP : Okay, You’re welcome
4. Convicing
N: Good morning miss
P: Good morning Mrs.amelia.
N: Let me introduce myself. My name is Amelia Sri Rezeki, you can call me . I am a
student nurse from Fatmawati Nursing Academy Jakarta, I will be your nurse today and I
will take care of you from 7 am to 2 pm.
N: Can I see your band ID Miss? Can you tell us your name and date of birth?
P: Yes of course, my name is Amelia Sri Rezeki and I was born on ……
N: Okay, it matches your band ID
P: Oh yes, I pressed the nurse call button, ma'am. amelia?
N: Yes, I did
P: Nurse, I think I have a fever. It's so cold in here!
N: Here, let me check your forehead.
P: What do you think?
N: You feel a little warm. Let me get a thermometer to check.
N: Yes, you have a little fever. I thought I would take your blood pressure too.
P: Is there anything to worry about?
N: No, no. All good. It's normal for a little fever after surgery like you did!
P: Yes, I am very happy that everything is going well.
N: do you have any else complaint?
P: no, nurse. thank you nurse amelia
N: you're welcome

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