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By: Sem. Gabert I. Ricafranca

During the time when the Novel Corona Virus started to inflict its deadly wrath to the
Filipion people, there was this idea that suddenly popped out of my head. I don’t know if this
was only caused by my imagination or it has something to do with the promptings of the
Holy Spirit. Anyways, it came to my mind that maybe this Covid-19 is an instrument used by
the devil because he wants to weaken our relationship with God.
We are all aware that by 2021, the Church will celebrate the 500th year of Christianity here
in the Philippines, and since 2021 is fast approaching, the Church formulated themes that will
help us to deepen our understanding and relationship with our Lord. This liturgical year, the
theme of the Catholic Church is “YEAR OF ECUMINISM AND INTERRELIGIOUS
DIALOGUE”. If we will try to reflect on this theme, we can say that it aims for peace and for
the greater good. However, this plan of reaching-out to our brothers and sisters of different
faiths was disrupted because of the sudden emergence of the 2019 Novel Corona Virus. Due
to these circumstances, the idea that this Covid Pandemic is a weapon used by Satan entered
into my head.
If we will try to ponder more deeply, it is likely very possible. Why? Because Satan is evil
and he wants to destroy persons or things that will lead us to goodness or holiness. A
Religious dialogue aims for peace, reconciliation, and unity. Satan does not like peace, but
division. He does not like the Church to do certain steps in order to achieve the possibility of
uniting all of God’s children into one body. He wants division and hatered among us, and in
order to fulfill his wicked desire, he allowed this virus to spread not only here in the
Philippines, but through out the whole world.
Aside from mitagating Filipinos from having negotiations with other religions, Satan might
have used this virus to prevent all the Catholics and some protestant denominations to
celebrate the season of lent, most especially the Holy Week. He wants to prevent us from
thanking and giving adoration to God for the gift of Salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ have
given us. However, I firmly believed that his plans only made a small impact to all Catholics
because the Holy Mother Church was able to find alternative ways in order for us to continue
participating the Holy masses and to celebrate the Holy Week.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, in spite of this Global crisis that we are facing, let us
not lose faith. We should be courageous enough to show to Satan that we are not afraid of
him, and God is more powerful than him. Let us continue to pray to God that He will help the
world to recover from the alarming effects of this Covid-19 Pandemic. May He also guide
those in medical fields to find the solution and cure to this Pandemic. May God continue to
bless and protect us. Amen.

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