Rhetorical Devices

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reffhetorical Jovially to deliver message

persuasive convincing
clearly emphasis clarity effectively
1 Alliteration
consonant sound repitinon of initial letter

2 Consonance
consonant sound i tepitition Of last letter

3 Assonance
Repetition of Vowel or non rhyming syllables

4 Sibilance
repetition of s sound

5 Metonomy
Referring to something else rather than actual
ex White House Presidential house USA
Starbucks Coffee

6 Synecdoche
When a part Is used for mole whenwhole is used as part
e India won match against Pakistan

7 litotes meiosis
Understatement double negative
ex not unpleasant

8 logos
Appeal to logic

g Pathos
Appeal to emotion

10 Kairos
the most appropriate time to do say something

11 Ethos
to credibility trustworthiness

12 Anaphora
tepitition in thebeginning of clause or phrase
Yes we can yes we can heal this nation yes we can repair this world
13 Epiphora
repitition in the end of a clause or phrase

14 Hypophora
When a person asks a question answers himself
Is Varied Sentence length
formed sentence
syntax arrangement of words to create well

16 Tricolor
List or three
Ex Eye It try it buy it
17 Allusion
An Indirect reference to something or someone

18 polysyndeton
7 When you use conjunchon one after the other
ex We have ships and men and money and stores

19 Parallelism
phrases in a sentence have similar or same grammatical structure

ex to strive to seek to find yoyield

Aggressive dog barked noisily
Unique metre rhythm beat

20 Chiasmus for lo 0 contrasting phrases

reversing Of order of words or two parallel phrases or sentences

ex Oneshould live to eat not live to eat

21 Crescendo
Arrangement of
words In order of increasing importance

22 Anticlimax Bathos
Used to create hunger
ex They came they saw they did abit Of Shopping

23 Zeugma
to modify two
using one word other words
ex she wore a hat a smile

24 Euphemism
usage Of soft word for
harsh word
ex tie compromise the truth

25 Transferred Epithet
Transferred from noun Its meant to describe to another noun in the statement

ex He slept a restless night

She has an unhappy marriage
William Morris
Artist writer
And science with artolscience
we lovedher well Followed herdiligently

anything that restores balance

Art Architecture

pose preserve natural beauty


retaining O
environment Consumerism as a result of
adequate waste Industrialization would overwhelm
managements sensitivities aesthetics

Hideous his thoughts on science

AA shouldnot be confined to selectfe

luxury more persuasive Art is another word for creativity
exploitation facility creativity
neat tidy
privelege declaration
art is supposed tobe
It should be by everyone

Concept originate from specific Contexts

Free uninterepted
Work is difficult People misunderstood art
hotgood life weary dullwork Art is that give pleasure
shift in tone fromgood wordsto badwords rest
life is not well organized or well balanced
science Art TO

The audience comprises traders guilt

learning implies change progress better approach
Most people are in favour of science
narrow stereotype of arts

degradation of arts in modern society

Modesty tobe wealth

Artis a more abstract idea

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