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Prof. Jatinder Singh Abhishek Narang (306/07)

Amandeep Singh (305/07)

Pranav Sharma (357/07)

Sanampreet Singh(360/07)

Our Project “Network Management System (NMS)” is a combination

of hardware and software used to monitor and administer a network. Network management refers to the
activities, methods, procedures, and tools that pertain to the operation, administration, maintenance,
and provisioning of networked systems. Operation deals with keeping the network (and the services that
the network provides) up and running smoothly. It includes monitoring the network to spot problems as
soon as possible, ideally before users are affected. Administration deals with keeping track of resources
in the network and how they are assigned. It includes all the "housekeeping" that is necessary to keep the
network under control. Maintenance is concerned with performing repairs and upgrades—for example,
when equipment must be replaced, when a router needs a patch for an operating system image, when a
new switch is added to a network. Maintenance also involves corrective and preventive measures to
make the managed network run "better", such as adjusting device configuration parameters. rovisioning is
concerned with configuring resources in the network to support a given service. For example, this might
include setting up the network so that a new customer can receive voice service.

The purpose of this project is to the activities, methods, procedures, and tools that pertain to
the operation, administration, maintenance, and provisioning of networked systems.

 Operation deals with keeping the network (and the services that the network provides) up and
running smoothly. It includes monitoring the network to spot problems as soon as possible, ideally
before users are affected.
 Administration deals with keeping track of resources in the network and how they are assigned. It
includes all the "housekeeping" that is necessary to keep the network under control.
 Maintenance is concerned with performing repairs and upgrades—for example, when equipment
must be replaced, when a router needs a patch for an operating system image, when a new switch is
added to a network. Maintenance also involves corrective and preventive measures to make the
managed network run "better", such as adjusting device configuration parameters.
 Provisioning is concerned with configuring resources in the network to support a given service.
For example, this might include setting up the network so that a new customer can receive voice

A common way of characterizing network management functions is FCAPS—Fault, Configuration,

Accounting, Performance and Security.

Functions that are performed as part of network management accordingly include controlling, planning,
allocating, deploying, coordinating, and monitoring the resources of a network, network
planning, frequency allocation, predetermined traffic routing to support load balancing,cryptographic
key distribution authorization, configuration management, fault management, security
management, performance management,bandwidth management, Route analytics and accounting

Data for network management is collected through several mechanisms,

including agents installed on infrastructure, synthetic monitoring that simulates
transactions, logs of activity, sniffers and real user monitoring. In the past network
management mainly consisted of monitoring whether devices were up or down;
today performance management has become a crucial part of the IT team's role
which brings about a host of challenges—especially for global organizations.

The study of this project make us understand the today’s companies invest more heavily in
enterprise network infrastructure than in any other type of IT solution. In fact, IDC has claimed that
enterprise network spending has historically outpaced IT spending in general, accounting for as much as
seven percent of a corporation’s total IT budget. And, the analyst firm expects this trend to continue for at
least the next five years.

Network management software is designed to enhanced the operation, administration, and provisioning of
networks and related assets within the network. These powerful, comprehensive applications allow
businesses to better control and maintain their IT networks by centralizing and automating all activities
related to tracking, monitoring, servicing, and fine-tuning its components.

With network management tools in place, companies can monitor – in real-time – all aspects of their
network assets, including bandwidth, storage space, software installation and usage, and anti-virus
protection. As a result, they can tap into the full potential of their infrastructures and maximize return on
their network investments by:

• Performing network IT audits to accurately log and track all related inventory, and facilitate
software license compliance
• Identifying the location and configuration of network components
• Diagnosing and troubleshooting problems and issues that may impact network performance
• Conducting ongoing monitoring of servers and other network assets – even from remote or off-
site locations
How does network management software accomplish all this? With a broad array of robust features to
enhance end-to-end network IT asset management, such as:
• Comprehensive network mapping, for in-depth insight into network structure
• Automated network auditing, for more precise hardware and software asset management
• Centralized monitoring of all network components
• A complete suite of network diagnostic tools
• Configuration and change management capabilities, to reduce the time and complexity of
network-wide modifications
• Dynamic alerts that instantly notify network administrators when critical events occur

A small number of accessories methods exist to support network and network device management.
Access methods include the SNMP,command-line interface (CLIs), custom XML, CMIP, Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI), Transaction Language 1, CORBA,NETCONF, and the Java
Management Extensions (JMX).

Schemas include the WBEM, the Common Information Model, and MTOSI amongst others.

Medical Service Providers provide a niche marketing utility for managed service providers; as HIPAA
legislation consistently increases demands for knowledgeable providers. Medical Service Providers are
liable for the protection of their clients confidential information, including in an electronic realm. This
liability creates a significant need for managed service providers who can provide secure infrastructure for
transportation of medical data.


Team Structure

The team of this project is comprises of four members and all members contribute
equally to the project .After collecting all the requirements for the project we divide module
among us and worked on the project as a team. The project team includes:

• Abhishek Narang

• Amandeep Singh

• Pranav Sharma

• Sanampreet Singh


Development Schedule


 S/W requirement specifications(SRS)

 Design and Coding
 Testing
 Implementation
1. Study, Analysis and Requirement Specifications: The study of the
existing system and its drawback gave an idea about what kind of interface was
required. The study was conducted through information gathering and studying the
existing system.

2. Design of the proposed system: The next step was to design the screen,
windows and reports for the inputs and outputs. The concerned authorities consulted
during the design phase to ensure user acceptances and not to miss out on any vital
information. In the same phase, the project was broken down into various modules.

3. Coding of the design system: A modular approach was followed, where, in

each module, a well-defined procedure was developed independently. These modules
were developed to use the same database file structure to ensure integrity.

4. System documentation: This stage consists of documenting the layout of

entire system. It indicated the purpose of interlinking of different modules along with
the integration of the entire system.

5. Testing and Debugging: Preliminary test were done with the self-
generating dummy data. After identifying and removing errors, it was tested for all
activities together.


Data Communications and Networking - Behrouz A Forouzan.


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