Journal 3 Dec 27 2020 1

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The progress I have made during this past week:

Over this past week, I have completed some of the goals that I set for myself last week. I have
been able to do all 20 jump squats without resting, and I have increased my reps for biceps
curls to 20 reps, however, I forgot to record a video for that but, I will do so for my next session
where I work out my legs and arms. I have completed one of my blog posts, but I need to read it
over before I post it, and I have also started some of my research for my second blog post.

Dec 21: 2hrs 30 min (workout)
Dec 23: 2hrs 30 min (workout)
Dec 23: 1hr 30 min (writing a blog post)
Dec 25: 2hrs 30 min (workout)
Dec 27: 2hrs 30 min (workout)
Dec 27: 1hr (doing research for the second blog post)

What I need to move forward with my Capstone:

To move forward, I will continue to work on my research and finish writing my blog posts for this
month. I also need to start adding more to the My Journey tab on my blog where I would be
writing just about what I have done and what challenges I faced.

Obstacles I have encountered and how I’ve moved forward:

This week, as it was Christmas, trying to eat clean during that week and the month was difficult.
I still managed to eat clean by telling myself that I had Christmas day off and that if I didn’t eat
clean, I wouldn’t get to enjoy Christmas, and I was successfully able to eat clean and eat
whatever I wanted on Christmas.

Obstacles I can foresee in my next steps:

I think that trying to add more to my blog about my journey will be difficult since there is a lot I
have to say so, trying to find a way to format the posts to be easy to read and not be boring will
be a challenge, but I am excited to approach a new style of writing.

The skills I’ve used and what I’ve learned:

I have been using my creative skills to create a poster for my Instagram. I have also used my
critical thinking skills as I do research to make sure to analyze the information I am adding to my
blog post as I want it to be accurate and true.

My goals and deadlines for next week:

My goal is to finish my blog posts before the 31st and to add more to the My Journey section of
my blog where I hope to post at least 2 blog posts. I also want to increase my weight for hip
thrust. Currently, I am lifting 22 pounds and when I finish all my sets I hold it for 2 minutes and I
hope by next to be able to lift 32 pounds and hold it for 2 minutes.

Blog Post On Muscle development

Research For Calorie Deficit vs Surplus
My Poster

Total Hours
Last Journal: 38 hrs 30 mins
This Week Hours: + 12 hours 30 minutes
Total = 51 hours

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