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| SUBJECT : POL-101 | SECTION : 04 |

Submitted To
Prof. Dr. Mahbubur Rahman (Mbu)
Department of Political Science and Sociology
North South University

Zahidul Islam 1831086630
My life in this quarantine has changed totally both positively and negatively. I have noticed
that since people have been quarantined, they are closer to family, in the previous life we
realize that we young people were always occupied with the phone to do our thing. We didn’t
talk well with our parents or family, we never gave time in our personal life, we just preyed
on social life. With this change we can learn different things, or example now most people
give more importance to hygiene or those who were never with family now have the
opportunity to stay with them. The negative side: we do class in the morning in front of the
computer this act hurts our health. We can’t go out for a walk; we can't meet our friends and
many other things. At this time, I understood that we must be more responsible for our acts,
we must not always believe the news they give. We must always seek the true news and we
must not always believe the first word. If we want to help ourselves and the world then we
must respect the rules that will be given. Sometimes the organization of the country are not
very useful to feel good, therefore we must be intelligent and act correctly. In these times we
must help each other, we must fight together with our heroes. They’re out there fighting the
virus to save us. We must be safe, always disinfected and stay as clean as possible. We young
people must respect the rules that are given to us, so at least we take the first step towards the
future of our world.

"Political culture is the arrangement of perspectives, convictions, and opinions, which

provide request and importance to a political procedure and which give the fundamental
suppositions and decides that administer conduct in the political framework". A Political
Culture is a lot of mentalities and practices held by a people that shapes their political
conduct. It incorporates moral decisions, political legends, convictions, and thoughts
regarding what makes for a decent society. A political culture is an impression of a
legislature; however, it likewise fuses components of history and custom that may originate
before the present system. Political societies matter since they shape a populace's political
recognitions and activities. Governments can help shape political culture and general feeling
through training, open occasions, and remembrance of the past. Political societies shift
incredibly from state to state and in some cases even inside a state. As a rule, be that as it
may, political culture stays pretty much the equivalent after some time. The first one is the
"Parochial Political Culture", where the individuals have no comprehension of 'he national
political framework, don't have any propensity to take an interest in the info forms and have
no awareness of the yield forms, such a sort of political culture is called parochial political
culture. African clans and Eskimos fall in this class. Such sorts of individuals have no task to
carry out in the political culture. The second one is the "Subject political Culture", who
speaks of this kind of political culture is found in the subject nations and governments. There
the individuals know about the legislative framework regardless. They likewise know the job
of the legislature with respect to law making, requirement of laws and expense assortment
and so forth. In this kind of culture individuals are not educated to partake in the info
capacities. Some of the time they are not permitted to do as such, so the individuals think that
its troublesome how to impact the functioning of the political framework, in the end we have
"Participant political Culture "In this kind of political culture individual's mineral very quick
to take an interest in the political framework and impact it's working. They are consistently
bustling setting sensible expectations for the political framework and are associated with the
creation of choices. They build up a specific disposition towards the political framework.
Ideological groups and weight gatherings (intrigue gatherings) fall in this class and choose
for themselves what job they can play.

Coronavirus slaughters its first majority rules system," the Washington Post pronounced,
after the Hungarian parliament casted a ballot to give head administrator Viktor Orban the
power to control by declaration for the sake of battling COVID-19. Parliament is suspended
uncertainly, no new decisions can be held, and the enactment calls for as long as five years of
prison time for people the administration sees as spreading "misrepresentations" or
"misshaped facts" about endeavours to shield the general population from the pandemic. In
excess of 80 nations have proclaimed highly sensitive situations for the sake of pandemic
reaction, as indicated by the United Nations. The International Crisis Group cautioned the
emergency makes "abundant space for political pioneers to attempt to abuse COVID-19,
either to set force at home or seek after their inclinations abroad." While emotional
endeavours by governments—giving asylum at home requests, the end of superfluous
organizations, and travel limitations—have quickly adjusted lives the world over, yet in
nations like France, the UK, and Italy, these forces are transitory and identified with reaction
to the general wellbeing emergency. Decisions have been delayed or dropped in at any rate
52 nations or regions due to COVID-19, as indicated by the International Institute for
Democracy and Electoral Assistance. However over 66% of voters took an interest in South
Korea's national decisions on April 15, the most elevated turnout in more than 25 years.
Surveying stations were furnished with hand sanitizer and expendable gloves, voters wore
covers, stood six feet separated and had their temperatures checked at the passage, with
isolated democratic stations for those demonstrating side effects, driving the New York
Times to call the nation "a model for how an open society can face the hardship of a

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