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Graph Analysis Sample-1

The table below shows the figures for imprisonment in five countries between 1930 and
1980. Describe the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer: The above graph shows the rates for imprisonment in the five mentioned
countries in ten-year intervals between 1930 and 1980. The horizontal axis indicates the time
period and the vertical axis shows the number of prisoners per 100,000 of population. It is
evident that the United States and Canada had the highest/second highest rate of incarceration
throughout the period, ranging from about 95 prisoners per 100,000 in 1970 to about 135 in 1980
for the United States, and from around 80 prisoners in 1970 to 120 in 1930 for Canada. In Great
Britain the numbers in prison have increased steadily from 30 000 in 1930 to 80,000 in 1980. On
the other hand in Australia, and particularly in New Zealand the numbers fell markedly from
1930 to 1940. Since then they have increased gradually, apart from in 1980 when the numbers in
prison in New Zealand fell by about 30,000 from the 1970 total. The reasons for the higher rates
of imprisonment in the United States and Canada may be due to more variation and inequality in
their populations as a result of a mostly immigrant population, with perhaps more scope for
crime and conflict. Great Britain’s lower rates in general may be due to a more stable social
order, while the steady rise in its prison population may be due to the increasing rates of
immigration. Overall there seems to be a trend towards higher prison populations in majority of
the countries in the period, which is a cause for concern.
(250 words)

Graph Analysis Sample-2

The charts below show the reasons why people travel to work by bicycle or by car.
Describe and analyze the information, and make comparisons where relevant.
You should write at least 150 words.
Sample Answer: The first chart shows the reasons why some people in the UK prefer to cycle to
work. Conversely, the second chart gives reasons for those who choose to go to work by car. The
highest percentage of those who favour cycling say that this is because riding a bicycle to work
is healthier than driving. 30% of them gave this as a reason. The same amount of people, 30%
say that they cycle to work because it causes less pollution. 13% of people cycle to work because
it is cheaper than driving. Surprisingly, a similar amount of people said that they cycled to work
because it is faster than travelling by car. In contrast to this, the percentage who prefer to travel
by car because it is more comfortable is 40%. The two least important reasons for going to work
by car, with 14% and 11% respectively, is that people need to carry things to work and that it is
safer than cycling to work. Finally, 16% say they prefer driving because it is faster than cycling.
This contrasts with the cyclists who ride to work because it is faster than driving. In general, it
seems that the majority of people who cycle to work do this for health and environmental
reasons. By contrast, those who travel by car want to have a more comfortable journey over
longer distances.

(229 words)

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