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BME Capstone Final examination _ Solution

a) What is the main difference between an Open-loop control system and a

Closed-loop control system? Give an application for each type of controllers
- Open-loop control system: no feedback from the output (1 pt)
- Closed-loop control system: feedback from the output (1 pt)
Give an application (2 pts)
b) Graphically describe the differences among the responses of On/Off
controller, P controller, PI controller and PID controller.

Question 1
(10 pts)

Each graph = 1 pt
- On/Off Controller has oscillation (0.5 pt)
- P Controller has no oscillations stationary error. (0.5 pt)
- PI Controller has no stationary error but slow convergence (0.5 pt)
- PID Controller faster convergence and reduced oscillation (0.5 pt)
PID controller has:
- High precision

- Fast response

- High variety in desired outputs

However, it is:
- Expensive

- Complicated to tune
a) Draw the lumped model of the membrane of a nerve (known as Hodgkin and Huxley
Question 2
model. Why is inside of the cell more negative than outside?
(10 pts)
-Lump model: (2pts)
- Explain about the corresponding with real system : (2pts)
b) Why is inside of the cell more negative than outside? (2pts)
As more K+ moves out of the cell, the outside becomes increasingly more positive and
the inside more negative.
c) Plot the graph which indicates the transition between two stages of
membrane from the resting state to action potential. Explain briefly all phases
in the graph.
- Graph : (2pts)

- Resting potential: No response from the brain the nerve cell in the resting state, inside the
cell (-) charge having K+ ions outside (+) charge have Na+. The potential is -70mV. (0.5 pt)
-Depolarization :the membrane becomes less polarized; the inside becomes less negative
than at resting potential; with the potential moving closer to 0 mV (0.5 pt)
- Repolarization (more negative) (0.5pt)
-Hyperpolarization the membrane becomes more polarized; the inside of the cell becomes
more negative than at resting potential; with the potential moving farther from 0 mV (-70 to -
80 mV) (0.5 pt)
a) Draw the electrical model of axon including membrane resistance, axial resistance
Question 3
and membrane capacitance. Indicate the units of membrane resistance, axial
(10 pts)
resistance and membrane capacitance in the model.
Graph (2.5 pts)
Cm: membrane capacitor (F/ cm2). (0.5 pt)
Rm = membrane resistance permitted length ( Ω/cm) (0.5 pt)
Ra= axial resistance (Ωcm) (0.5 pt)
b) Describe the Temporal Summation Process and Saltatory Conduction Process.
-Temporal Summation process (2pts): is the process in which several excitatory
postsynaptic potential occurring very close together in time because of successive firing of
single presynaptic neuron. This adding brings the membrane to threshold and initiates an
action potential in the postsynaptic neuron
-Saltatory conduction process (2pts): The ions responsible for conducting the signal
cannot cross the myelin sheaths. Consequently, in a myelinated fiber, the impulse
jumps from node to node, skipping over the myelinated sections of the axon. This
process fastens the transfer of the impulse
c) What is Refractory period? Indicate why an action potential is propagated
only in one direction. (2pts)
After generating action potential, the membrane will fall into refractory period, in which it
cannot generate any other action potential until the resting potential is restored. Therefore,
the action potential cannot go backwards and can only be propagated forwards to new
inactive region

The ion concentrations of a typical neuron in the squid axon are something like:
[Na+] [K+] [Cl+]
Cytoplasm 40 mM 250 mM 16 mM
Extracellular 400 mM 2.5 mM 160 mM
Use the Nerst Equation and Goldman’s Equation to solve the following problems
a) Calculate the equilibrium potential for each ion in the squid axon. Indicate
which direction each permeable ion will be flowing.
Nerst Equation:
Question 4
[K + ]o 2.5
(10 pts) EK = 58 log + = 58 log = −116mV (𝟏𝐩𝐭) → K flows out of the cell(𝟏𝐩𝐭)
[K ]i 250
[Na+ ]o 400
ENa = 58 log +
= 58 log = 58 mV (𝟏𝐩𝐭) → Na flows into the cell(𝟏𝐩𝐭)
[Na ]i 40
[Cl− ]o 160
ECl = −58 log − = −58 log = −58mV (𝟏𝐩𝐭) → Cl flows out of the cell(𝟏𝐩𝐭)
[Cl ]i 16

b) If the relative permeability of K+ to Na+ at rest is 100 to 1, what is the actual

resting potential of this neuron? (At no chloride permeability)
Goldman’s equation:
pK [K + ]o + pNa [Na+ ]o 100 × 2.5 + 400
Em = 58 log + +
= 58 log = −91.97𝑚𝑉 (𝟐𝐩𝐭𝐬)
pK [K ]i + pNa [Na ]i 100 × 250 + 40
c) If the Cl- relative permeability to Na+ is 10 to 1, what is the new resting
potential? (taking into account K+ and Na+ permeability in part b.)
Goldman’s equation:
pK [K + ]o + pNa [Na+ ]o + pCl [Cl− ]i 100 × 2.5 + 400 + 10 × 16
Em = 58 log + + −
= 58 log
pK [K ]i + pNa [Na ]i + +pCl [Cl ]o 100 × 250 + 40 + 10 × 160
= −87.99𝑚𝑉 (𝟐𝐩𝐭𝐬)
In the circuit model of a neuron, channels are represented as conductance, the
electromotive forces as batteries and the cell membrane as a capacitance.
a) Draw the equivalent circuit for a neuron containing Sodium and Potassium

Question 5
(10 pts)

(4 pts)
b) Calculate the resting potential of the cell in the steady state. Given that
-6 -6
gNa+=0.5x10 S ; gK+=10x10 S ; ENa= 55mV ; Ek= -75mV
ENa = VDB = +55 mV
EK = VDC = -75 mV
KCL: INa= IK (2 pts)
g Na (VAD − VBD ) = g K (VCD − VAD ) (𝟐 𝐩𝐭𝐬)
0.5 × (VAD + 55) = 10 × (75 − VAD )
VAD = 68.8𝑚𝑉
The resting potential is
VDA = −VAD = −68.8𝑚𝑉(𝟐 𝐩𝐭𝐬)
a) Indicate the location and role of the SA node and the AV node.
SA node
+Location: at the top of the right atrial wall near the opening of the superior vena cava
Question 6
(10 pts)
+Roles: generating heart rhythm, known as the pacemaker of the heart. (1pt)
AV node
+Location: at the plate between the atrium and ventricular. (1pt)
+Roles: conducting the electrical impulses from atria to ventricle, receiving and
generating the heart rhythm from SA node to bundle of His and Purkinje fiber. (1pt)
b) Sketch the ECG waveform. List the names of all waves and explain their origins.

- P wave = atrial depolarization (0.5 pt)

- PR segment = AV nodal delay (0.5 pt)
- QRS complex = ventricular depolarization and atria repolarization (0.5 pt)
- ST segment = ventricles are contracting and emptying (0.5 pt)
- T wave = ventricular repolarization (0.5 pt)
- TP interval = ventricles are relaxing and filling. (0.5 pt)
a) Describe the differences between a natural pacemaker and an artificial
- The concentration of pacemaker cells in the sinoatrial (SA) node is the natural
pacemaker, and the resultant rhythm is a sinus rhythm. (1.25 pts)
- Artificial pace maker is a small battery-operated device that helps the heart beat in a
regular rhythm. It produces the electrical impulses that stimulate the heart to beat. The
generator may be implanted under the skin through a small incision. (1.25 pts)
b) What is Korotkov sound? Briefly describe the principle of Oscillometric method
used in the Department tele-Sphygmomanometer.
- Korotkov sound: (1 pt)
Question 7 If the cuff of a sphygmomanometer is placed around a patient's upper arm and inflated to a
(10 pts) pressure above the patient's systolic blood pressure, there will be no sound audible. This is
because the pressure in the cuff is high enough such that it completely occludes the blood
flow. This is similar to a flexible tube or pipe with fluid in it that is being pinched shut.

If the pressure is dropped to a level equal to that of the patient's systolic blood pressure, the
first Korotkoff sound will be heard.

- Oscillometry method: (2 pts)

• Cuff round the arm
• Pressurise cuff (> systolic)
• Allow pressure to drop slowly to zero
• Measure pressure in the cuff during deflation
• Oscillation with greatest amplitude at mean arterial pressure.
• Systolic blood pressure is associated with a marked increase in amplitude of
• Diastolic blood pressure is associated with the point at which oscillations level off
c) Draw the respiratory volume and capacity diagram.

(2 pts)
d) What kinds of diseases it can detect?
- Function : estimate lung function (1 pts)
- Detected diseases : (list at least 3 diseases) (1.5 pts)
* Asthma
* Bronchitis
* Emphysema, …

a) What is the Eindhoven’s triangle? Indicate how the cardiac vector can be

Question 8 Einthoven's triangle is an imaginary formation of three limb leads in a triangle

used in electrocardiography, formed by the two shoulders and the pubis. The shape
(10 pts)
forms an inverted equilateral triangle with the heart at the center that produces zero
potential when the voltages are summed. (3pts)

⃗⃗⃗ and three lead

b) Given the Einthoven’s Triangle with the Cardiac Vector 𝐌
vectors ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐋𝟏, ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐋𝟐, ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
A 3-lead ECG measurement gives the amplitude of vector Lead 1 is 0.5mV and
the amplitude of vector Lead 2 is 1.5mV. Let L1, L2, L3 and M respectively be the
amplitude of each of three lead vectors ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐋𝟏, ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐋𝟐, ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗ . Find
𝐋𝟑 and the Cardiac Vector 𝐌
the amplitude of the ECG vector and the amplitude of vector Lead 3.

-We have:

L1 = M cos α; L2 = M cos β and 𝛼 − 𝛽 = 60𝑜


L2 cos 𝛽 cos(𝛼 − 60𝑜 ) cos 𝛼 cos 60𝑜 + sin 𝛼 sin 60𝑜

= = =
L1 cos 𝛼 cos 𝛼 cos 𝛼
⃗⃗⃗ is in the direction of 55.28o from Lead 1).
1.75 = cos 60𝑜 + sin 60𝑜 tan 𝛼 = > 𝛼 ≈ 55.28𝑜 (M

M= cos 𝛼
≈ 1.756 𝑚𝑉 (amplitude of cardiac vector) (2pts)

-To calculate L3, we have γ = 120𝑜 − 55.28 = 64.72 and L3 = M cos 𝛾 ≈ 0.75(3pts)
a. Indicate roles of the modeling and simulation in a system. Draw the diagram
to indicate the method of modeling and simulation.
- Role (1d)
- Model : 1 wrong  -0.5pts
b. Describe step by step the diagram of Research methodology. Explain the meaning
of each step.
Question 9
(10 pts)

Input goals -> collect data (1pt)
• Design devices (stimulators) and stimulation methods
• Establish experimental design
• Run experiments
Transfer function (1pt)
Output goals -> understand the data (1pt)
• Process data
• Modelling
• Simulation
• Matching with the physiology

Briefly describe your Capstone project by indicating:

a) What are the goals and biomedical problems to be solved in your project?
Answer that syncs with project report will be accepted. (3 pts)
b) Engineering methods or techniques or tools you used to solve these
Question 10
issues ( indicates in 3 aspects : hardware, firmware and software)
(10 pts)
Answer that syncs with project report will be accepted.(4 pts)
c) How your capstone project affect healthcare in: a global, economic,
question environmental and social context.
Indicate specifically in 4 ideas : (3 pts)
- Global
- Economic
- Environmental
- Social context

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