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Project Number:
Release Date:
Business Sponsor:

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Project Closure Document


1. Instructions.....................................................................................................................................3
1.1. Purpose 3
1.2. Methodology 3
1.3. Procedure 3

2. Version History...............................................................................................................................4

3. Project Closure Approval.............................................................................................................4

4. Project Closure Report Summary................................................................................................5

4.1. Executive Summary 5
4.2. Success Factors 5
4.3. Project Closure Reason 5

5. Project Performance......................................................................................................................5
5.1. Project Objectives 6
5.2. Project Milestones & Deliverables 6
5.3. Project Schedule Performance 6
5.4. Project Budget Performance 6
5.5. Customer Satisfaction 6

6. Project Closure Tasks....................................................................................................................6

6.1. Issue & Risk Management 6
6.2. Project Team & Key Resource Closure 8
6.3. Project Documentation 8

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Project Closure Document

1. Instructions
This section provides instructions for how to complete this form. You may delete the entire page(s) from the final version.

1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to close off and evaluate a project that is coming to/has ended.

Objectives of the Project Closure Document;

 Review & document project outcome against original objectives.

 Review & document lessons learned.
 Ensures stakeholders are happy and sign off on the final outcome.
 Bring closure to the project team, releasing project resource for new projects.
 Sign off & Communicate project completion.

The detail that is contained here will depend on the project, but should be sufficient to allow project closure.

1.2. Methodology
The content of this report should be obtained from all of or a combination of the following project resources:

 Discussions with the Users.

 Discussions with the stakeholders
 Published documents, standards and requirements, Issues log.

1.3. Procedure

Once the project closure document is completed, the document should be sent out for review. A minimum review team
should be the project team (including the Users) plus stakeholders.

The stakeholders and the Sponsor, Business Liaison and project manager must sign-off the Project Closure document.

The objectives and project schedule must now be reviewed to identify any significant changes to the original baseline.

Inform all stakeholders of the location of the Project Closure document in this communication.

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Project Closure Document

2. Version History

Version Author Date Comments Sign Off

3. Project Closure Approval

Department/Role Name Signature Date

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Project Closure Document

4. Project Closure Report Summary

4.1. Executive Summary

Provide a brief description of the project. List the main points the summary will cover in the same order as they appear in
the main report;

 Purpose
 Message
 Key Recommendations

Add any supporting or explanatory sentences as needed, avoiding unnecessary technical material or jargon

4.2. Success Factors

List demonstrated success factors


 Project Team commitment

 Accurate Initial estimates
 Project Team skills and capabilities
 Subject Matter Expert commitment
 Effective Communication Strategy
 Effective planning and control
 Minimum start up difficulties
 Clear criteria for success

4.3. Project Closure Reason

Please tick the appropriate box

 Completion of project objectives & deliverables.

 Partial completion of project objectives & deliverables.
 Loss of funding
 Change in Strategy

Other Reason:

5. Project Performance
For further guidance or larger projects refer to Post Implementation Review;



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Project Closure Document
5.1. Project Objectives

 Did the project satisfy the project statement?

 How well were the project objectives met?
 If not all objectives were achieved, what was the reason? Are these expected to be achieved at a later date?
 Were any requirements not met? Why weren’t they met and what contingency/work arounds are in place? Are
these expected to be achieved at a later date?

5.2. Project Milestones & Deliverables

 Were all milestones & deliverables achieved?

 If not, what was the reason?
 Are these expected to be achieved at a later date?

5.3. Project Schedule Performance

 Compare the actual schedule to baselined schedule.

 Where the actual schedule was different to the baselined schedule provide reasons and corrective actions taken to
manage the variances

5.4. Project Budget Performance

 Compare the actual budget to baselined budget.

 Where the actual budget was different to the baselined budget provide reasons and corrective actions taken to
manage the variances

5.5. Customer Satisfaction

 How satisfied were the stakeholders and end users with the project?
 Where stakeholders and end users were not satisfied, provide details of how this was managed?

6. Project Closure Tasks

6.1. Issue & Risk Management

Complete the table of any issues or risks outstanding at the end of the project. Provide the mitigation and/or contingency
plan for resolving the issue and assign responsibility to each.

Note: There should be no go live critical issues listed as project should not have gone live with critical issues outstanding

Issue ID Issue Description Mitigation/Contingenc Assigned To


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Project Closure Document

Risk ID Risk Description Mitigation/Contingenc Assigned To


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Project Closure Document

6.2. Project Team & Key Resource Closure

 List the Project Working Group & Key Resources on the project.
 Provide dates when they are rolling off the project.

Responsibilities Names End Date on Project

Project Manager
Business Analyst

6.3. Project Documentation

Refer to Project Documentation used throughout the project.

Document Title Document Author Description Location


 Actual expenses versus baseline budget

 Lessons Learned
 Complete Project Plans and notes
 Complete Risk Log/Issues Log

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