Ent 25 Exam

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.Which of the following is not a typical feature of malignant of otitis externa :. 1

a. caused by Pseudomonas organism

b. Patients are usually old

C. Mitotic figures are high

d. Patient is immune compromised

What is most common cause of Acute epiglottis in children .2

a. Para influenzae type l and ll

b. Haemophilus influenza type b

c. Respiratory syncytial virus

d. Stryptococcus pnemoniae

Where is primary source of infection in an adult presented with deep neck infection .3

a. Pharynx

b. Tonsils

C. Teeth

d. Nose

which virus is responsible for juvenile papillomatosis of the larynx .4

a. Cytomegalovirus

b. Epstein-Barr virus

C. Adenovirus

d. Papovirus

:Sensitization phase of allergic rhinitis does not include .5

a. Capturing of aeroallergen by Langerhans cells

b, Degranulation of mast cells and release of inflammatory me

c. Activation of T lymphocytes and release of chemical mediat

d . production of lgE by plasma cells

What is the main function of the larynx .6

a. Voice production

b. Airway protection

c. Assists in swallowing

d. Respiration
which subside of the larynx is least affected by primary cancer .7

a, Epiglottis

b. Supraglottic

C. Glottic

d. Subglottic

what is the most likely pathogenesis for Bell,s palsy .8

.a Epestein-Barr virus

b. Auto immune ischemic neuropathy

c. Herpes simplex virus(HSV)

.d, Varicella-zoster virus

In right middle ear pathology, the result of Weber's test will be .9

a Normal

b, Central

c Lateralised to right

d. Lateralised to left side

The following is the diagnostic feature for Lupus vulgaris .10

What is the most important step in management of a patient of acute laryngitis .11

a cough suppressant

b. Proton pump inhibitor

C. Voice rest

d. Antibiotics

Which of the following absent in Bat ear .12

a. Helix

b. Anti helix

C. Tragus

d. Lobule
: What is the defining symptom of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome .13

a. Fissured tongue

b. Bilateral facial paralysis

c Recurrent facial paralysis

d. Orofacial edem

What is the main pathological feature of achalasia .14

a. Presence of web

b, Rat tail appearance

c. Failure of lower oesophageal sphincter to relax

d. Diffuse oesophageal spasm

:The following is the diagnostic feature for Lupus vulgaris .15

a. More common in female

b. Nasal ulceration with granulorna formation

c, Apple Jelly nodules

d. Perforation of cartilaginous septean

years old teacher presented with change of voice for 1 month associated with dry 37 .16
: cough and mild on& off sore the howed thinning of both vocal what is your diagnosis

a. Chronic laryngitis

b. Croup

c. Laryngopharyngeal reflex

d. Golttic carcinoma

:Zenker's diverticulum located .17

a. Between cricopharyngeal and inferior constrictor muscle

b. Between the oblique and transverse fiber of cricophargeal muscle

c. Between cricopharyngeal and most superior oesophageal circular muscle

What is character of discharge in attico-antral disease .18

a. Purulent discharge

b. Scanty offensive discharge

C. Mucopurulent discharge Mucoid discharge

d. mucoid discharge

A 25 years patient with chronic otitis media, presented with active e discharge, .19
:headache retro-orbital pain and diplopia. What is the diagnosis

a. Labrynithitis

b. Gradenigo syndrome

c. Cavernous sinus thrombosis

d. Cerebellar abscess

route of transmission of infectious mononucleosis 20. what is

a. Blood

b. faeces

C. Airborne

d. Saliva

:The definitive treatment of maxillary sinus carcinoma stage T3N1M0 is .21

a. Radiotherapy only

b. Chemotherapy only

C. Concurrent chemo-radiation

d. Total Maxillectomy and chemoradiation

.What is the preferred frequency of tuning fork for hearing test 22

.a. 512 Hz

b. 204 Hz

c. 256 Hz

d. 102 Hz
:Recognized treatment of allergic rhinitis does not include .23

a. Oral antihistamine

b. Oral steroids

c. Topical steroids

d. Leukotriene receptor agonist

Major amount of saliva, when salivary glands are not stimulated is contributed by .24

a. Parotid glands

b. Submandibular glands

C. Sublingual glands

d. Minor salivary glands

signs of fever, vomiting nausea, and diarrhea in the presence of nasal packing may .25
:indicate which condition

a. Toxic shock syndrome

b. Streptococcal infection

c. Viral infection

d. anaphylactic reation to packing material

: What is the most common congenital anomaly of the larynx .26

a. Laryngomalacia

b. subglottic stenosis

c. Laryngeal web

d. Subglottic haemangioma

An eighty years old man suffers from nocturnal cough and regurgitation of undigested .27
food and intermittent appearance of lateral neck lump, what is the most probable

a. Aspiration pneumonia

b. Esophageal stricture

C. Pharyngeal pouch

d. Esophageal tumor
:Inverted papilloma is an intermediate tumor of the nasal cavity, it is best treated by .28

a Intranasal polypectomy

b. Topical steroids

c. Endoscopic Medial Maxillectomy

d. Total Maxillectomy

.Regarding Wegener's granulomatosis, the following is not true: 29

a. Affects nose, lungs and kidneys

b. Pathological lesion is similar to arteritis nodosa

c. Fatal without treatment

d. Treatment is by systemic steroids and local radiation

:External auditery meatus is cartilaginous in it's .30

a. Outer one third

b. Outer two third

c. Outer one forth

d. outer half

.Simple nasal polyp are usually 31

a .unilateral

b. multiple

c. bilateral

d .b and C

An elderly diabetic man, has left sided orbital cellulitis, CT nose and Paranasal sinuses .32
showed maxillary sinusitis, smear of orbital exudate shows irregularly branching septate
:hyphae . The most likely diagnosis is

a. Invasive fungal sinusitis

b. Granulomatous fungal sinusitis

C. Acute bacterial ethmoid sinusitis

d. Allergic fungal sinusitis

: Investigation of choice for suspected Zinker s diverticulum is .33

a. Barium meal

b. Barium follow through

C. Barium swallow

.d. Barium enema

A 7 years boy who sustained a trauma to his throat while he was holding his pene .34
presented to the ER with severe sore throat, difficulty in swallowing and fever on
posterior pharyngeal wall. What is the diagnosis

a. Retropharyngeal abscess

b. parapharyngeal abscess

c. peritonsillar abscess

d. submandibular abscess

: which condition in adult contains unilateral secretory otitis media as clinical feature .35

a. glandular fever

b. parapharygenal tumour


d. nasopharyngeal carcinoma

: what is the artery of epistaxis .36

a. the posterior ethmoid artery

b. the greater palatine artery

c. the sphenopalatine artery

d. the superificial labial artery

:the investigation of choice of in assessing hearing loss in neonates .37

a. Pure tone audiometry(PTA)

b. Tympanometry

C. Otoacoustic emissions(OAE)

d. Behavioural audiometry
.Which group of bacteria is the commonest cause of acute pharyngitis : 38

a. Streptococcus pnemonea

b. A B haemolytic streptococcus

C. Hemophilus influenzae

d. staphylococcus aureus

: inverted papilloma is an intermediate tumor of nasal cavity , it is treated by .39

a. interanasal polypectomy

b.topical steroids

c. Endoscopic medial maxillectomy

d. total maxillectomy

: Hypertrophic rhinitic .40

a. Atrophy of the nasal mucosa and underlying bone

b. Hypertrophy of the tubinate mucosa and underlying bone

c. Hypertrophy of septal muscosa and underlying cartilage

d. Hypertrophy of the sinus muscoa and underlying bone

: which condition predispose to postcricoid carcinoma .41

a. Human papilloma infection

b. Plummer vinson syndrome


d. Chronic pharyngitis

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