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.OTAO DE THI TUYEN SINH LOP 10 THPT CHUYEN THAI BINH NAM HQC 2019-2020 MON THE: TIENG ANH (Danh cho thi sinh thi chuyén Tiéng Anh) ‘Thi gian lam bai: 120 phuit (Khéng ké thoi gian giao dé) Ho ten, cht ki ngu chim thi 36 phich (HB cham thi ghi) ify Bing cht... 2.. pemnciiey a (Thi sinh lam bai trac tiép vio & thi) PARTI PHONETICS Section 1: Choose the leter A, B,C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined partis pronounced differently from that of ‘he rest in each of the following sentences. 1. A.audience B. fauna C. daughter D. auntie 2. A. blizzard C. puzzle D. buzzer 3, A. increased B. proposed C. advised D. confused Yous answer: 1: ‘Section 2: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following sentences. 4. A. guarantee B. pioneer C. volunteer D. committee 5. A.canal B. data C. canoe D. duet Your answer: 4 PARTI. GRAMMAR AND LEXICO Section 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. 6. 1f John hada’t decided to stop working to look after her children, her medical practice _now ‘A. would have thrived B. would have been thrived CC. would have been thriving D. would be thriving 7. It's a pity that she had to pull out of the competition, especially since she such excellent progress. A.ismaking B. made ‘C. has been making. 1D. had been making 8. 1 the national park before, Amna was marvcled et seeing the geyser. ‘ANothavingbeen —_B. Being not Not being D, Having not been 9. There exist numerous differences among cultures, itis very difficult w integrate into a new community ‘A.which the reason is B. which is why C. which is when 1D. which isthe reason for 10, Sonervous about the exam was he that net a word. “while the surrounding students were talking loudly. ‘Achad he said Bue said . did he say D. he did say 11. Thnow that he has tried hard his work is ust not good enough. A. be that as it is B.bethatasitbe ——_C. bethatas it may D, be thatasitcan 12, Researchers have shown that, now nerve cells appear in ‘brain throughout life, and so mental exercise ccan be beneficial in ensuring that ‘brain functions efficiently. A. ovthelpithe B. othethethe C. the/athethe D. thedgitheip 13. is proposed that physical education, which is often considered as an optional subject, __compulsary’in schoo curriculum. ‘A. bemade B.wouldbemade _C, being made D.tobe made 14, He got a bad mark forthe final writing assignment, He \ith his teacher before he made up his mind on choosing the topic forit. A. can have talked it over B. must have talked it over . should have talked it over D. would have talked itover 15, Itis the enviroamentalists’ political and economic pressure that has. ‘A.made possible the decrease in illegal whaling, _B, made it possible the decrease in illegal whaling, C. boon made possibly the decrease in illegal whaling. D. been possibly made forthe decrease in illegal whaling 16, Weshould make aclear___ between “inquisitive” and “curious” for the purposes of our discussion. A.separation —_B, division C. distinction D. discrimination 17. Iyoudon't stop smoking, you the risk of developing chronic bronchitis, A. bear B.make C.s0p Dnun 18, The student's language skills improved and he passed the final exam with flying colors. A.byheat —— B.byand by C. by and large , by leaps and bounds 19, The teacher doled the chocolates to his students for having done well in the examinations. Ao Boon Cut Dat 20. The police asked him to his presence at the scene of the crime, for Bask for C. account for D. look for B ssisiccrii’ Section 2: Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the words) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of ‘the following sentences. 21. The information you have got is actually off the record, so be careful if you intend to use it for publication, A.unoffcial ——_B indecisive C. indifferent . unimportant 22. Despite modem advances, most people still have an irrational fear of hospitals and anesthetics. Aunacceptable —B. unreasonable unachievable D. unavoidable Your answer: 21: svesesnes22: Section 3: Choose the lewer A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 23. The director board is answerable to the shareholders for the decrease in the company’s tumover. ‘A.undeniable —B. unavoidable C. imefitable D. imesponsible 24, We had originally intended to go to Sapa for our vacation, but out trip fellthrough when I got sick. A. succeeded B. failed C. delayed D. ceased Your answer: 23: DA: ‘Section 4: Put the words in brackets into the correct form. Write your answers in the space provided below: ‘The effects of plastic bags on the environment are really (25. DEVASTATION). While there is widespread support for the using of plastic bags based solely on their (25. CONVENIENT), the damage to the environment needs to be controlled ‘There is no way to strictly limit the effects of plastic bags on the environment because there is no (27, DISPOSE) ‘method that will really help eliminate the problem. While reusing them is the first step, most people either don’t or can't base on store policies. These bags are not durable enough to stand up to (28. NUMBER) trips to the store ‘The biggest problem with this is that once they have been (29.SOIL), they end up in the trash, then in the landfill or they will be bumed. Either solution is very poor for the environment. Burning emits toxic gases that harm the atmosphere and increase the level of VOCs in the air while landfills hold them ( 30, DEFINITE) as part of the plastic waste problem throughout the globe. Your answer: 23: ‘Section 5: The passage below contains 6 mistakes; identify and correct them. The first one has been done as an example. (1) Water scarcity is becoming one of the major limiting factor in crop production. (2) In many areas, poor agricultural practices have led to inereasing desertification and a loss of formerly arable lands. (3) Plants use several mechanisms to insure their 2 survival in desert environments. (4) Some involve pure mechanical and physical adaptations, such as the shape of the plant's surface, small leaf size, and extensive root system. (5) Some of adaptations are related to chemical mechanisms. (6) Many plants, such as cactuses, have intemal gums who give them water retaining properties. (7) Another chemical mechanism is the wax Jayeracting like a cover to protect the plant, which prevents the loss of intemal moisture. B S/S) 8/3] ‘Section 6: Fill each gap in the following sentences with an appropriate particle. 36. Thank you for your great support, which palled me. ‘the hard time I had last month, 37. Before you sign the contract, I suggest you go itwith your solicitor. 38. Before the IELTS exam, most of my time was taken ‘with reading and writing skills 39. The Greenpeace movernent is going to launch another campaign ‘whaling, 40, Before you go and check your abilities in practice, you must lea to comply the traffic regulations BI srerersee AE PARTI READING ‘Section 1: Fillin each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word. People who are (41) of sleep lose energy and become quick-empered. After two days without sleep, a person finds (42) lengthy concentration becomes difficult, He can force (43) _ to perfor tasks wel for short pericds, but he is easily (44)__ from them, He makes many (45) . especially at routine tasks, and his attention slips at (46) _ Every “sleepless” person experiences periods in which he (47) off for a few seconds or more. He (48) completely asleep unless he is kept active continuously. People who go on suffering (49) sleep deprivation more than three days have great trouble thinking, seeing, and hearing clearly. They have periods of hallucination during which they see things that do not relly exist. They also confise day-dreams with real life and (50) ‘ack oftheir thoughts in the middle of a sentence. Section. tend the text and decide which answer best fts each gap. ‘The Virtual Assistant Personal assistants (PAs) are no more common, They have been replaced with a much more (51) version called virtual assistants (VAs). VAs do not work in big city offices or dress in (52) black business suits. Nor do they work exclusively for one boss. VAs work from home and may help to run the lives of up to 30 business peop simultaneously. They are self employed and (3) ‘by tho hour, which allows great flexibility on both sides. VAs have more equality than (54), PAs- they have customers rather than bosses. “There are a few disadvantages to the job: you work alone all day and so have no colleagues to chat over coffee and you ean (55) the social interaction. But on the plus side no day is ever the same. There is no boring routine or rigid (56) ‘and the variety of jobs you might be asked to do means itis never (57) - Clients who employ VAs benefit from being able to outsource. Their VAs can do the tasks they don’t have time to do: typing, filing, (58) fights, uploading a blackberry and even talking to clients. VAs are perfect for the self-employed and small businesses, they don’t need 3 anannual (59), and can be (60) for one-off days or weeks. Sl. Acree B. flexible CC. expensive D rigid 52. A. informal B. formal Ccasual D.clean 53. Accharged B. bought C. rewarded D. paid $4, A traditional Bold C original D. ancient 55. A.get B. recall forget D. miss 56, A.calendar B. diary C. timetable D,joumal 37. A.stil B.slow late D. cull 58 A.ordering B. taking C. booking, D. paying, 59. A.salary B. pay C. wage D, money 60, A.used B. employed C. borrowed Dwvorked Your answer: 51: 565 oreST: 595 sees OE Section 3: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. In this area of increasing and diminishing fossil fuel supplies, we must begin to put a greater priority on hamessing, alternative energy sources. Fortunately, there are many readily available, renewable resources that are both cost-effective and ‘earth-fiendly. Two such resources are solar and geothermal power. Solar energy, wihich reaches the earth through sunlight, is so abundant that it could meet the necds of worldwide energy ‘consumption 6,000 times over. And solar energy is easily hamessed through the use of photovoltaic cells converting sunlight t0 clectcity. In the US alone, more than 100,000 homes are equipped with solar electric systems in the form of solar panels or solarroof tiles. And in other parts of the world, the use of solar system is growing steal. ‘Another alternative energy source is geothermal power which creates energy trapping heat fiom below the surface ofthe ‘earth, Hot water and steam that are rapped in underground pools are pumped to the surface and used to run a generator, which produces electricity. Geothermal energy is $,000 times more abundant than the entire known supply of fossil fuel sources and as with solar power, the technology needed to utilize geothermal energy is fairy simple. A prime example of effective geothermal use is Iceland, a region of high geothermal activity where there are over 80 percent of private homes heated by geothermal power. Solar and geothermal energy sources are just two of the promising renewable alematives to conventional energy sources. The time is long overdue to invest in the development and use of altemative energy on global sale 61. What is the main topic ofthis passage? ‘A. The benefits of solar and wind power over conventional energy sources. BB. Two types of alemative energy sources that should be further utilized C. How energy resourves are trapped from nature. D. Examples of the use of energy sources worldwide. (62. What best describes the author's parpose in writing the passage? ‘A. To wam people about the hazard of Fossil fuel use. B. To inform people of the benefits of developing alternative energy sources. C. To describe the advantages and disadvantages of altemative energy use, . To outline the problems and solutions connected with global warming 63. According to the passage, how is solar energy production similar to geothermal energy production? ‘A. They both require the use of generator. B. They both use heat from the earth's surface. C. They both require fairly simple technology. _D. They are both conventional and costly. 64, Accarding to the passage, which ofthe following statements is TRUE about solar power? A. There is very litle of it available in Koeland B. Itis being used in 100,000 private homes worldwide. C. Itis 6.000 times more powerful than the energy needs of the world. D. There is enough of itto far exceed the energy needs of the world. (65. What does the word “which” in paragraph 3 refer to? ‘A. Analternative energy resource B. A machine for generating electricity . Geothermal power D. The use of photovoltaic cells (66. What can be inferred ftom the use of geothermal energy in Iceland? ‘A. Itisa widely used form of energy for heating homes. B. Twenty percent of the geothermal energy generated is used to heat the cath C. It isnot effective for use in private homes. D, itis 80 times more effective than traditional forms of fuel us. 67. The word “conventional” in paragraph 4 can be replaced by ‘A. optimistic B. traditional C effective D abundant 68, It's stated in the passage that ‘A. An increased number of countries are using solar energy. BB. Heat coming from inside the earth can be utilized almost everywhere on earth. . Only solar energy is environmentally friendly. 'D. Geothermal heat can provide 80% of power needs in Iceland. 0B: Section 4: You are going to read « magazine article about marathon running. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A —H the one which fits each gap (69-75). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. fever there was living proof that marathon running keeps you fit, Jenny Wood Allen from Dundee i it, (69) She was ‘71 and she did not even have proper training shoes then. ‘At first she could only run to the end of her avenue, which is about three quarters ofa mile, She had problems of getting back and had to ether take a bus or ask somebody for alift.(70)___- Scientifically speaking, buman beings are perfectly tuned for jumping and running and walking long distances. (71) __ ‘One of them, Professor Craig Sharp says tha if you are reasonably fit, you can probably run fortwo hours at a medium pace and feel OK. At this point, your muscles run out of glycogen — the best source of energy we have. This means you start using fat for ‘energy, and your body has to work harder to transform fat into energy. This happens at a time when you are starting to feel ‘exhausted. (72) ‘Al this is proof - he believes - thatthe body isn’t designed for long-distance running Other specialists have a very different opinion. Dr Percy Brown said that if you train sensibly and prepare several months in advance, it could even help you live longer. (73) He believes the only problem you may have when running a marathon is exhaustion or a small injury caused by falling or tripping over things. (74) __ Only | in 1,000 actually makes it to hospital. ‘Another problem may be post-race marathon, Surveys show most runners are much more likely to catch colds or develop chest infections in the week after ning arace. (75)_. There is no evidence of lasting disease or an increased risk of illness. At 87, Jenny Wood Allen will be doing the London marathon forthe 13* time this Sunday. And she plans to go on taking part for ‘many yearsto come. ‘A. He argues that affer 16-29 miles, you have to slow down and running gets really hard. B, After a quick top-up of water and a rest, most go home and make a fll recovery. C.When it comes to marathon running, however, the experts are divided. . In spite ofthis, marathon running is bad for your health. E.But this weakening effect on the system is short-lived. F. Within a couple of months, however, she was managing two or three miles, G.Thisis because running halves yourrisk of getting heart disease. H. She started by running to the shops, wearing an anorak and carrying her shopping bag. Your answer: 69: 70: ssseiuss 78 TA srsssrns TSE soe PARTIY. WRITING ‘Section 1: Complete the second sentence using the word given that has a similar meaning to the original one. 76. When wemet again, he didn’t mention our previous conversation at all REFERENCE + When we met again, he made, __atall 71. Her boyfiiend greatly impressed her parents at their first meeting. MADE — Her boyfriend, her parents when they first met, 78, 1 don’t fee like going to the party. MooD —T'mnot, going to the party. 79, The police asked the woman to describe the thief to them in detail. FULL > The police asked the woman to give them the thief, 80, Any correspondence from the head office must be dealt with before other matters. PRIORITY > Any correspondence from the head office __ other matters. Section 2. Rewrite each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 81. Something must be done quicky to solve the problem of schoo! violence. > Urgent measures must 82. The heavy rain made it impossible for us to have a picnic. Had 83. We must continue our efforts, whether there are problems or not. > Rogantless, 84, Ihave frequently made such stupid mistakes. —>Many’s 85. Both the doctors I consulted were confident of curing me. + Teonsulted Section 3: Paragraph writing “In some countries, teenagers are under a lot of pressure to work head in thetr studies.” What do you think are the causes ofthis? Write a paragraph of about 150 words to express your ideas. set Theend #4 + /80.G1K0 my IC YA DAO TAO. DE THI TUYEN SINH LOP 10 THPT CHUYEN THAI BINH BINH __ NAMHOC 2019-2020 DAP AN CHINE THUC AP AN VA BIEU DIEM CHAM: TIENG ANH (Danh cho gidm khio cham thi chuyén Tiéng Anh) HUONG DAN DAP AN VA BIEU DIEM CHAM ‘Tir cau 1-85, mdi cau 0.1 diém Bai viét doan van: 1.5 diém PART I. PHONETICS: Section 1: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following sentences. 1. D. auntie Section 2: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following sentences. 4. D. committee 5. B. data PART I GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Section 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. 6. D. would be thriving 7.D. had been making 8. A. Not having been 9. B. which is why 10. C. did he say 11. C. be that as it may 12. A. o/the/pithe 13. A. be made 14. C, should have talked it over 15. A. made possible the decrease in illegal whaling. 16. C. distinction 17D. run 18. D. by leaps and bounds 19. C. out 20. C. account for Section 2: Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 21. A. unofficial 22. B. unreasonable Section 3: Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 23. D. imresponsible 24, A. succeeded Section 4: Put the words in brackets into the correct form. Write your answers in the space provided below. 25:devastating 26: convenience 27: disposal 28: numerous 29: soiled 30: indefinitely/definitely Section 5: The passage below contains 6 mistakes. Identify the errors and correct them, The first error has been done as an example. Sentence N° Mistake Correetion 3 31. insure ensure 4 32. pure purely 5 33, Some of adaptations Some of the adaptations a | 6 34, who a Which/that | 7 35. like a Section 6: Fill each gap in the following sentences with an appropriate particle. Your answer: 36: through 37: over 38: up 39: against 40: with PART III. READING Section 1: Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word. 46. times 41: doprived/short 42; that 43: himself 48: falls 44: distracted 49: from 45: mistakes 50: lose wv L + Section 2: Read the text and decide which answer best fits each gap. $1.B 52.B 53.D 54.A 55.D 56.C 57.D 58.C 59.A 60.B Section 3: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 61:B 62:B 63:C 64:D 65:B 66:A 67:B 68: A Section 4: You are going to read a magazine article about marathon running. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A — H the one which fits each gap (69-75). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 69:H 70:F 71:C 72:4 73:G 74:B 75:E PART IV. WRITING Section 1: Complete the second sentence using the word given that has a similar meaning to the original one. 76. When we met again, he made no reference to our previous conversation a al 71. Her boyfriend made a great/good impression on her parents when they first met. 78. 1'm not in the (right) mood for going to the party. 79. The police asked the woman to give them a full description of the thief. 80. Any correspondence from the head office must take priority over / be given p other matters. Section 2. Rewrite each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 81. Urgent measures must be taken/adopted to solve the problem of school violence, 82. Had it not been for the heavy rain, we could/would/might have had a picnic. Or: Had it not rained heavily, we could have had a picni 83. Regardless of any problem, we must continue our efforts. Or: Regardless of whatever problems, we must continue our efforts. 84. Many’s the time ( that) I’ve made stupid mistakes like that. 85. I consulted two doctors, both of whom were confident of curing me, Or: I consulted two doctors, who were both confident of curing me. * Section 3: Paragraph writing Marking Scheme “Total Point ‘Task response 1. Addressing the task (Answering the question) 02 2. Giving relevant main point which are developed and | 0.2 supported Unity, Coherence and|1. Organizing the jnformation into well-structured | 0.2 | Cohesion paragraph with topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence. | 02 2. Major supporting ideas are developed and progressed | with relevant explanation, clarification, or examples ol 3. Using a wide range of linking/cohesive devices | Lexical resource T. Using a wide range of vocabulary | 02 2. Using less common lexical items 0.1 | Grammatical range and | 1. Using a wide range of sentence siructures and] 0.2 accuracy grammar tenses. 0.1 2. Paying attention to punctuation, spelling, aad handwriting Total: boas 448% The ond #****

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