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Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)


 “It is a detailed and systematic application of law.” Woodrow Wilson

 “To carry out the directives of the politicians” Herbert Simson
 “It includes all three branches” Prof Pfeiffer
SCOPE: Deference of Opinion on definition due to vastness
Scope as a discipline
1. Managerial View
 Public administration is made up of managerial skills
 Henri Fayol (5 functions – POCSC - Planning; Organizing; Coordination; Staffing; Communication)
 Management of 3 Ms
 Luther Gulick (POSDCORB - Planning; Organizing; Staffing; Directing; Coordination and
Communication; Reporting; Budgeting)
2. Subject Matter View
 POSDCORB is criticized; it overlooks other things
 Many other fields – law and order, health, education
 Public Ad is an instrument having two blades – POSDCORB and Subject matter
 Administrative Theory (Walker)
 Study of structure, organization, functions and problems of public authority
 Applied Administration
 Political
 Judicial
 Economic
3. Scope varies as per expectations (public) and declarations (state); all state activities
SCIENCE or ART: “Science is investigation and observation, followed by tabulation, classification and analysis.”
 Scientific theory (FW Taylor)
 It is a body of systematized knowledge derived from observation and experience
 Scientific method of study is applicable
 More and more accurate predictions
 If it is not science today, will be tomorrow
 As an Art
 Running the administration
 Act of doing things
 As a specialized subject of Study
 Governmental problems
 In social perspectives, impact of gov’t policies
 Used in developing countries
 Teachings in colleges
 As an practice
 Public development
 Visible face of the government (W.W)
 Basis of government
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

 Instrument of providing services

 Instrument of implementing policies
 A stabilizing force in the society
Democratic Values
 Liberty
 Individualism
 Equality
Another View
 Constitutional Supremacy
 Rule of Law
 Representative Government
Public administration as practice
 Egyptian Pyramids – 1500 BC
 Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa
 As Subject Matter
 After 1914
 More welfare function of state
 In result of mark imperfections after industrialization
 In the aftermath of 1929 Great Recession
 To achieve efficiency and productivity as private sector

 Woodrow Wilson – “The Study of Administration” 1887 (efficiency and productivity) – dichotomy
between politics and public ad due to corruption and private sector
 LD White – “Introduction to the study of Public Administration” 1927 – dichotomy but values
 Scientific Management: F.W Taylor – “Father of Scientific Management” 1930 - Shoveling experiment –
human cooperation; supervision; right person for the right job
 Human is a rational economic animal
 People respond as individual, not as group
 Human as machine
Based on
 Standard mechanism
 Economic motivation
 Manager to supervise
 Worker to do what is told
 Weaknesses
o Money is not for all
o Human are not machine
Conclusion of experiment
 Scientific measures
 Harmony between supervisor and employee
 Achieving cooperation is imperative for productivity
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

 Worker should work for maximum productivity (Piece rate)

 Right man for the right job
Gant – task/ planning; human cooperation; Gant chart; PERT
Frank and Gilbreth – time and motion study
Max Weber
 Hierarchy of authority
 Traditional
 Charismatic
 Rational/legal
 Impersonality
 Written rules
 Promotion on performance and Specialization
Henri Fayol “Father of Modern Management”
 Book “Industrial and General Management”
 Fourteen Principal of General Management
 Division of Work
 Unity of Command
 Unity of Direction
 Discipline
 Authority
 Remuneration
 Team Work
 Line of Authority (Scalar Chain)
 Job security
 Centralization
 Order
 Equity
 Initiative – Keenness to work
 Sub ordination of individual interests to the organizational
Features of Classic School
 Materialism – piece rate
 Efficiency and productivity
 Emphasis on Material and method rather than human being
 Administration is apolitical and technical


 Good results due to classical school however 1929 Depression came
 Scholars to find causes of depression
 Human Relations Movement in 1930s
Hawthorne Studies by Elton Mayo
 Two groups – control and test; both were given same physical conditions; physical conditions of test
groups were changed; to the amusement of the experimenters, the results were same; so they
concluded that some extraneous factors also are important.
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

 Extraneous factors – employees were treated as special; group competition and attention of
The result:
 Treat as special – encouragement
 Group cohesiveness
 Interpersonal relations of the supervisor
Chester I Bernard “The Functions of Executive”
 Human behavior is important
 The ultimate source of authority is subordinate
 There are three zone of employee cooperation
o Zone of Acceptance
o Zone of indifference
o Zone of Rejection
 A manger should always work to increase zone of acceptation, though cooperation,
interdepartmental instructions and cross trainings
Herbert A Simon
 Emphasize on Human behavior with special reference to Decision Making – he was a Nobel laureate
 He said, the decisions are not always made on rational (step by step) grounds, rather manger use
cognitive (judgment) skills. So all decisions (Actions) are backed by conscious or unconscious
 So the org are not mechanical, rather employee conscious effects
 Informal, interpersonal relations and group dynamics are important

 Commonality with Human Relations School
o Motivation of employee
o Individual and group behavior
o Communication
 However HRS emphasized on group whereas BS emphasized on individual behavior
 Managers need to understand the behavior.
Ibrahim Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
 Basic Needs
 Safety Needs
 Sense of Belongingness – tribes, association
 Ego-Status Needs
 Self-Actualization
Doglous McGregor
 Theory X – negative – dislike work; avoid responsibility; need supervision
 Theory Y – positive
 Organization is a unified system of interrelated parts to achieve certain goals and objective
 This concept is borrowed from biological sciences by social sciences
 Subsystems; Synergy; open or close org; feedback’
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

 Power: Ability to influence

 Politics: it is about controlling and distributing the resources

 Definition- the process of devising a basis for a course of future action.(Seckler Hudon in
‘’Organization and Management: Theory and Practices” in 1957)
 Planning is the systematic process of establishing a need and then working out the best way to meet
the need, with in a strategic framework that enables you to identify priorities and determines
operational principal.
 Planning is the French word “purveyance’’ which means ‘’to look ahead’’.
 Planning is the organized attempt to anticipate and deal future problems. It means to decide what is
to be done.
 Planning may comprise of:
 Short-term plans: e.g. state of emergency
 Long-term plan: developmental, administrative planes
 Types of Planning
 Development/Socio-economic plans
 City/Country plans
 Natural resource plans
 Strategic plans
 Standing plans
 Economic plans
 Administration plans
 Policy plan
 Program plan
 Operational plan
 (Policies, Procedures and Strategies)
 Characteristics/Rational/Principles of good Planning
 Goal Setting Theory of Edwin A. Locke (SMART; S-specific, M-measureable, A-attainable, R-
realistic, T-time bound)
 Better utilization of resources
 Economical
 Clearly spelled out objectives
 Simple/understandable
 Comprehensive plus precision
 Adaptability & Flexibility
 Participatory
 Balanced
 Society beneficial (e.g. creates Job opportunities, reduce wealth disparity, etc.)
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

 Pakistan Planning Commission

 Highest Planning Authority in Pakistan
 Approving and Sanctioning Authority
 Chairman PM (IK) & Deputy Chairman is
 Core Functions:
 Plan for economic development
 Assessment of human and natural resources
 Development Program
 Formulation and analysis of economic policy
 Advice to Federal and Provincial government on economic issues
 Priority areas
 Integrated Energy
 Modernization of Infrastructure
 Institutional reform and modernization of the public sector
 Value-addition in Commodity Producing Sectors
 Export promotion
 Water and food security
 Private sector-led growth and entrepreneurship
 Chronology of Planning Machinery
 Development Board established in 1948
 1st Five year plan: 1955-60
 2nd Five year plan: 1960-65
 3rd Five year plan: 1965-70
 4th Five year plan: 1970-75
 1975-77 non-plan period
 5th Five year plan: 1978-83
 6th Five year plan: 1983-88
 7th Five year plan: 1988-93
 8th Five year plan: 1993-98
 9th Five year plan: halted due to change in government
 10 years Prospective Development Plan 2001-2011
 Planning Commission restructured on 20th April, 2006 with PM as Chairman
 Vision 2030 launched in Aug, 2007.

 Level of Planning:
 National level
 Provincial level
 Organizational level: Made organization wide
 Department level
 Unit Level: Made at separate units
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

 Personal level: Professional or Private plan

 Defects/issues/problem of Pakistan’s Planning
 Political instability
 Foreign loans
 Lack in basic data
 Corruption
 Illiteracy
 Non-cooperation of public
 Rift between provinces
 Lack of capital and infrastructure
 Centralized planning
 Biasness in planning
 Etc.
 Key-Terms
 Centralized Planning: These are detailed plans prepared at Centre and its execution is
closely monitored by the central authority.
 Decentralized Planning: The initiation and execution of planning is spread at regional or local
level, with wide area of choice and initiative.
 Strategic Planning: An organization’s process of defining its strategy or direction and making
decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.
 Development Planning: Refers to the long-term economic and social development of the
 Economic Planning: it deals with the assessment of economic resources and their
distribution to secure maximum returns from the available resources.
 Administration Planning
 Vision
 Mission
 Objectives or Goals
 Strategies: Strategies means “grand plan’’. Strategy is defines as determination of long-term
plan of an organization and following course of action and allocation of resources necessary
to achieve the goals.
 Policies: Policies are general statements on understanding that guide or channel thinking in
decision making. Policies defined an area within which decision is to be made. E.g. Policy of
 Procedures: Procedures are plans that establish a required method of handling future
activities. They spell out the exact manner in which activities are to be carried/
accomplished. E.g. procedure of making passport.
 Rules
 Program
 Rational Process
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

 Project Cycle
 Action Plan


 HRM is the function performed in an organization that facilitates the most effective use of people to
achieve organizational and individual goals. (By Ivancevich and Glueck)
 Human are the most important resource.
 HRM is having the right people, with the right abilities, in the right place, at the right time.
 HRM functions:
 Employment:
 HR Planning
 Recruitment
 Selection
 Placement and Induction
 HR development
 Performance appraisal
 Training
 Management development
 Career planning and development
 Compensation Management
 Job evaluation
 Wages and salary administration
 Incentives & Bonus
 Fringe benefits
 Employment Relation
 Communication, etc.
 Other function
 Health safety and security
 Record Keeping
 Challenges to Pakistan’s HRM
 Technology
 Recruitment and availability of skilled labor
 Retention and secession planning of employees
 Health and welfare
 Workforce diversity
 Globalization
 Legislation
 Rising employees expectation
 Life style change
 Political Ideology of the Government
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

 Worker Productivity
 Quotations
 Bill Gates (CEO Microsoft) - Take our 20 best people away and I will tell you the Microsoft
would become an unimportant company.
 Angela Lynne Craig- The body may be bought with a pay check but the heart is earned with
a purpose.
 Ken Robinson- Human resources are like natural resources; they are often buried deep. You
have to go looking for them; they are not just lying around on the surface. You have to
create the circumstances where they show themselves.

 Development administration is about projects, programs, policies and ideas which are focused at the
development of a nation, with the point of view to ameliorate socio-economic and socio political
development of society in general, carried out by the talented and skilled bureaucrats.
 Development is different from economic growth
 Concept of sustainable development
 Development is flexible phenomenon than the bureaucracy
 Innovation
 HR
 Grass-root level development
 Skilled and specialized administration
 Capacity-Capability-Removing corruption
 Goals of Development Administration
o Administration of Development
o Development of Administration
 Necessary elements for the attainment of these goals
o Innovation
o Specialization
o Good Governance
o Research
o Participation of Citizens
o Change Orientation
 Role of public Administration in Development
o Service to Citizen and the Public
o Securing the Public interest
o Strengthening Economy
o Strengthening Democracy
o Protecting the Human Rights and freedoms
o Performing the social functions
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

o Performing Administrative functions

 Features of Development Administration
o Change Orientated
o Goal Orientated
o Innovative
o People Orientated
o Participation Orientated
o Effective Coordination
o Ecological Perspective
 Development Administration and Development management
o Both are related to POSDCORB; but have different nature and values. E.g. administration
makes sure that policies made by it are fallowed strictly, whole the management makes it
sure that who will do it and how It would be done.
 Quotation
o Flex. A Negro: The real core of administration is the basic service, which is performed for
the public. It is the administration which ensures the security and protection of life and
property of member of the society by maintaining proper law and order.


 Imitative rather than indigenous pattern
 Deficient in skilled manpower
 Emphasis on orientation rather production
 Wide discrepancy between format and reality
 Ineffective bureaucracy
 Policy issues
 Lack of coordination
 Corruption
 Political involvement, nepotism, r jitney b aisay masly hain


 Rule of law
 Efficiency
 Equity and fairness
 Responsiveness
 Is k elwa ju good governance wali hain wo khasosiyaat likhni hain
1. Shura (Mutual Consultation)
2. Non-Secular in orientation
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

3. Human orientation rather than production orientation

4. Focus on values, ethics, and morality
5. Leadership’s authority but not absolute
6. Anti-bureaucratic in nature
7. Justice (Adle) and Welfare (Ahsaan)
8. Equal access to services
9. Responsiveness to client needs and demands
10. Diligence in work and competence
1. Self-Aggrandizement
2. Aloofness
3. Bribery
4. Red-tapism
5. Favoritism and nepotism
6. Frustration
7. Blockage of promotion
8. Undue political inference
9. Corruption (causes of corruption are: economics, sociological, political, and administrative)
 Leadership is a process of influencing other people for the purpose of achieving the shared goals.
 Nature of Leadership
o Has Followers
o Influencing behaviors
o Common goal
 Administrative leadership: It is the leadership that is exercised in organizational setting to achieve
its goals.
 Different school of thoughts see leadership and power through different spectrum e.g. Human
relation promote the usage of reward power instead of coercive power.
 Leaders are the agents of change.
 Bureaucracy ( Bureaucratic leadership) by the books, rules and procedure.
 Dominant Traits/qualities of leaders; Stogdill and Warren Bennis numerate number of
characteristics which a leader should possessed; including their studies some characteristics of
leaders are:
1. Good physical appearance
2. Education and knowledge
3. Intelligence/ Ability of Judgment
4. Emotional maturity ( especially emotional intelligence)
5. Personality
6. Vision
7. Good communication
8. Good listening Power
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

9. Persistence
10. Motivational and Optimistic person
11. Dis-agreement quality (not a yes-man)
12. Innovative/creative
13. Will power and self-confidence
14. Brave enough to face difficulties
 Theories of leadership
1. The Great man theory
2. The trait theory of leadership
3. The skill theory of leadership
4. The style theory of leadership
a. Autocratic
b. Laissez-Faire
c. Democratic
d. Doctorial
5. The behavioral and situational theory of leadership
6. The contingency theory
7. Transactional leadership (plz see notes of transactional vs. transformational leadership)
8. Transformational leadership
9. Servant leadership
 Power of Leadership: power is identifies as the capacity to influence the conduct of others in a
desired manner.
o Between leaders and followers, more power are vested with the leaders.
o French and Raven identified five fundamental sources of power.
 Legitimate power (Power derived from a job, position, or status and held as
belonging to the person in such a position)
 Referent power( Influence over others, acquired from being well liked or respected
by them)
 Reward power
 Coercive power
 Expert power
 Quotes:
o Warren G. Bennnis: Failing organizations are usually over-managed and under-led.
o Warren G. Bennis: Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
o Warren G. Bennis: Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.
o Kenneth Blanchar: The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.
o John Quinay Adams: If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and
become more, you are a leader.
o Dwight Eisenhower: The supreme quality of leadership is integrity.
o Bill Gates: as we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

o Ross Perot: Lead and inspire people, don’t try to manage and manipulate people.
Inventories can be managed but people must be lead.


 NPM emerged in 1980s and it was used in 1990s to describe the public sector reforms in UK and NZ.
 Margret Thatcher adopted it I 1990’s aimed at ringing structural changes in organization and
management of government.
 There is mounting pressure for management change in public sector. World bank and IMF are its
keen advocates; so its concept is increasing day by day. NPM highlight crutial aspects of private
sector model of organization and management.
 Why it was needed?
o Problem of Bureaucracy
o Infleibility in the system
o Alienation and gap between servants and public
o Hierarchy and delay in proceedings
o Old style of public add needed to change into new style of public management
 Components of NPM
o Hand on Professional Management in the public sector.
o Explicit Standards and measures of performance.
o Greater emphasis on output control (Resource allocation).
o A shift to the disaggregation of unit (breaking).
o A shift to greater competition.
o A stress on greater discipline in resource use.
 Core Principles of NPM
o NPM relies heavily on the theory of the market place and on a business like culture in public
o Downsizing: reducing the size and scope of government.
o Managerialism: Using business protocol in government.
o Decentralization:
o De-bureacritation: restructuring government to emphasize results rather than processes.
o Privatization:
 NPM is amalgamation of the public choice theory and managerialism.
 Pakistan has been governed by a rigid and iron hand bureaucracy which curbs in entrepreneurial


1. Angela Lynne Craig- The body may be bought with a pay check but the heart is earned with a
2. Bill Gates (CEO Microsoft) - Take our 20 best people away and I will tell you the Microsoft would
become an unimportant company.
Public Add (By Ali Hameed Khan)

3. Bill Gates: as we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.
4. Donald J Trump: (Tweet on 1 Jan, 2018) The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more
than 33 Billion Dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies and
deceit, thinking of our leaders as fool. They give safe haven to the terrorist we hunt in
Afghanistan, with little help. NO More!
5. Dwight Eisenhower: The supreme quality of leadership is integrity.
6. Eleanor Roosevelt - Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds
discuss people.
7. Flex. A Negro: The real core of administration is the basic service, which is performed for the
public. It is the administration which ensures the security and protection of life and property of
member of the society by maintaining proper law and order.
8. John Kenneth Galbraith- In public administration good sense would seem to require that public
expectation be kept at the lowest possible level in order to minimize eventual disappointment.
9. John McCain- Excessive administration secrecy feeds conspiracy theories and reduces the
public’s confidence in government.
10. John Quinay Adams: If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and
become more, you are a leader.
11. Ken Robinson- Human resources are like natural resources; they are often buried deep. You
have to go looking for them; they are not just lying around on the surface. You have to create
the circumstances where they show themselves.
12. Kenneth Blanchar: The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.
13. Lorenz von Stein- Administration is what I cannot name.
14. Mahatma Gandhi- The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
15. Plato- The beginning is the most important part of the work.
16. Ross Perot: Lead and inspire people, don’t try to manage and manipulate people. Inventories
can be managed but people must be lead.
17. The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it.
18. Warren G. Bennis: Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.
19. Warren G. Bennis: Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
20. Warren G. Bennnis: Failing organizations are usually over-managed and under-led.
21. Z-Charles H Kennedy: (Book) Bureaucracy in Pakistan

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