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Pagadian Capitol College

Rizal Avenue, Tuburan Dist., Pagadian City

Science, Technology and Society

Mid-Term Examination

Name:______________________ Course/year:_____________ Date:_________________

I. Multiple choice: Read the following sentence carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Aristotle differs from Plato in that:

a. He believes that all knowledge comes from the world of experience

b. He believes in the world of forms

c. He believes the sun is at the centre of the universe

2. According to a philosopher, we all aspire for a good life, through:

a. prosperity

b. happiness

c. Gladness

3. School of Hedonists is famous in their mantra of:

a. Love is a serious mental disease

b. I think; therefore I am

c. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die

4. Apatheia, means:

a. To be awesome

b. To be indifferent

c. To be generate happiness

5. Technology allowed us to tinker with our sexuality:

a. Biologically male individuals can now undergo medical operation if they so wish for sexual reassignment.

b. Breast implants are not available and can’t be done with relative convenience if anyone wishes to have one.

c. Hormones may not also be injected in order to alter the sexual chemicals in the body.

6. Indigenous science is guided by culture and community values. Which of the following is not belong:

a. The land is a source of life. It is a precious gift from the creator.

b. All living and nonliving things are not connected and interdependent with each other.

c. Nature is not friend to human beings- it doesn’t needs respect and proper care.

7. Example of indigenous science practices.

a. Using herbal medicine

b. Using high technology for life easier

c. Building international irrigation systems

8. What is the essence of technology?

a. As a general rule, it is said that we are better than we were before.

b. To utilize and achieve growth - a goal that we believe would bring forth betterment.

c. Attributing monetary value on seemingly priceless entities.

9. What is falsification theory?

a. Theory, asserts that as short as an ideology is proven to be true and can be explain a phenomenon.

b. Theory, asserts proven over alternative theories.

c. Theory, asserts that as long as ideology is not proven to be false and can best explain a phenomenon over alternative theories.

10. Eudaimonia, literally means:

a. Good life

b. Good spirited

c. Good human

II. Provide the answers given by the statements below. (culture,way of living,belief,theories,ideas,and philosophy)
A. The human condition before common era
 Homo erectus
 Homo sapiens
B. Materialism
C. Hedonism
D. Stoicism
E. Theism
F. Humanism
G. The human condition in the common era. Give at least 2 notable comparisons.
H. Science as method and results. Give at least 4 of steps general idea of how to do science:

“we don’t grow when something is easy. We grow when something is challenging”

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