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Nation Religion king

Panna Sastra University of Cambodia

Siem Reap Campus

Professor: Ouk Kimleng

Heng Hun ID: 10484

Submitted: 3rd December 2020

Final Exam: Procedure Criminal Action

Case analyze: A 17-year-old youth, Bora, was last week charged by a Cambodian

Court over the rape of a 12 years old girl, Lara. At lunch time, 20 November, 2020,

the victim walked along a quiet road and then she met with the accused by chance.

The accused led the victim to a quiet area where no one else was around and brought

her into a forest where he raped her. Once Lara arrived at home, she informed her

father of what had happened and he notified police, who later arrested the accused.

As the result, Bora was charged with rape case under aggravating circumstances.

Lara’s father comes to you for legal consultation, please advise him.

If there is a case like the one mentioned above, as a citizen, I have no right to

resolve this case, but I can recommend to them the procedure and procedure for

filing a complaint.
1. The first step is to advise them to file a complaint at the Judicial Police Station or

to tell the village chief, the commune chief, to facilitate the work that they know

nothing about or that they really do not know who to go to.

2. The judicial police or the local police, when they receive information about their

case, must write a report and other notes to the prosecutor.

3. Article 40: Prosecutors may weigh the action on a complaint upon receipt of a

complaint from a judicial police officer and have the right not to act on that case in

the event of an incomplete case. In case the case is serious, the prosecutor has the

right to order the Deputy Attorney General to accompany the Court of Appeal to file

a complaint or report to the Judicial Police to review the case. Article 41: If the

prosecutor does not take action, the plaintiff must notify the plaintiff within two

months, from the time of filing the complaint.

4. When the Prosecutor finds that the facts are true, the Prosecutor shall refer the

case to the Investigating Judge (Article 42) and the Investigating Judge shall also be

attached to the Investigative Order for both parties. Victims and accused know.

- Summary of facts

- Name the offense

- Show the text of the law that defines and suppresses criminal offenses.
- And the name of the person to be investigated, if possible.

5. After the investigating judge has completed the facts, the investigating judge sends

the case to the trial judge, who is the court and decides according to the size of the

sentence. There is another procedure shall tell them if in case that offense who is

in high classic, I introduce them to find organizations or association which works

with juvenile or child victims in order to those institution help them. Because Article

19 clearly states that it can be a plaintiff for child victims. Because these NGOs are

not afraid of those in power if it is really legal.

ប្រសិនបរើមានករណីដូចដដលបានបរៀររារខាងបលើ កនុងនាមខ្ុុំ

ជាប្រជាពលរដឋមានាក់ ខ្ុុំគ្មានសិទ្ធិអ្វីប្រូវប ោះប្ាយបទ្ចុំប ោះបរឿងកតី

មួយបនោះ ដរខ្ុុំអាចផ្តល់ជាអ្នុាសន៍ប្បារ់ពួកគ្រ់អ្ុំពីដុំបណើរការ

និងនីរិវិធីកនុងការ ក់ កាយរណតឹង។

១. ជុំហានដុំរូងខ្ុុំប្រូវដណនាុំពួកគ្រ់ឳយា បៅ ក់ កាយរណតឹងបៅ

រុសតិ៍នគរបាលយុរតិធម៍ ឬប្បារ់បមភូមិបមឃុឳ
ុំ ាយជួយសប្មួលកិចចការ


២. នគរបាលយុរតិធម៌ឬនរគបាលប្រចុំដុំរន់បនាោះ បពលដដល

ទ្ទ្ួលបានពរ៌មានពីបរឿងកតរី រស់ពក
ួ ប ើយ ប្រូវសរបសររបាយ

ការណ៍និងកុំណរ់ប រុបផ្ាេងៗ បៅឳាយប្ពោះរាជអាជាញ។

៣. កនង
ុ មាប្ា៤០ប្ពោះរាជអាជាញអា
ា ចថ្លឹងដថ្លងបលើចុំណារ់ការបលើ

កាយរណតឹងបពលទ្ទ្ួល កាយរណតឹងពីមន្តនតីនគរបាលយុរតិធម៌

ប ើយមានសិទ្ធិមិនចរ់ការបៅបលើបរឿងកតីបនាោះកនុងករណីបរឿងកតីមិន

បពញអ្ងគប រុ។ ប ើយកនុងករណីបរឿងកតីវាធងន់ធងរ ប្ពោះរាជអាជាញា


ឬរាយការណ៍បៅឳាយនគរបាលយុរតិធម៌ ពិនិរាយបមើលបរឿងកតីនឹងប ើង

វិញ។ មាប្ា៤១ បរើប្ពោះរាជអាជាញារមកល់ទ្ុកឥរចរ់ការ ប្រូវប្បារ់មច

ា យូពីរដខគឺចរ់ាុំងពីបពលចុោះរនតឹង។

៤. បៅបពលដដលប្ពោះរាជអាជាញាពន
ិ ិរាយបមើលរនតឹងថាមានលកខណៈ

ប្គរ់អ្ងគប រុប ើយ ប្ពោះរាជអាជាញាប្រូវរញ្ជូនបរឿងកតីបៅឳាយបៅប្កម

បសុើរសួរ (មាប្ា៤២)ប ើយបៅប្កមបសុើរសួរបទ្ៀរបារប្រូវផ្ជារ់

បៅដីការបសុើរសួរជាមួយផ្ងបដើមាបីឳយា ភាគគីទុំងពីរទុំងជនរងបប្គ្ោះ


- បសចកតីសបងខរអ្ងគប រុ

- កុំណរ់ប មាោះរទ្បលមើស
- រង្ហាញអ្រថរទ្ចាារ់ដដលកុំណរ់និងរន្តង្ការ់រទ្បលមើសប្ព មទ្


- និងប មាោះរុគគលដដលប្រូវបសុើរសួរបរើសិនអាចកុំណរ់បាន។

៥. រនាទារ់ពីបៅប្កមបសុើរសួររួច ប ើយបរឿងកតីបនាោះមានអ្ងគ

ប រុបពញបលញប ើយ បៅប្កមបសុើរសួររញ្ជូនសុំណុំបរឿងបៅ

បៅប្កមជុំណុំជប្មោះ ប ើយបៅប្កមបនោះគឺជារុលាការនិងឯង

សបប្មចការ់កតីបៅាមទ្ុំ ុំបទសដដលជនជារ់បចរប្រូវទ្ទ្ួលបទ




ដដលបធវើការ ក់ព័នធនីរិជន ឬកុមាររងបប្គ្ោះបដើមាបីឳាយាថារន

័ ទុំង

បនាោះជួយពួកគ្រ់។ បប្ ោះកនុងមាប្ា១៩បានដចកយាងចាាស់ថាអាច

បធវើជាបដើមរណតឹងសប្មារ់កុមាររងបប្គ្ោះ។ បប្ ោះពួកអ្ងកការបប្ៅរ ឋា

ភិបាល ពួកបនោះមិនខាលាចពួកអ្នកដដលមានអ្ុំណាចបរើបរឿងបនាោះប្រឹម


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