Iso 22000 Manual

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Issue No. 02
Issued Date 01/07/2017
Rev. No. 00
IMS MANUAL Revised On -
Page No. Page 1 of 62

Copy No.:
Issue No.: 01
Date: 01/07/2017


Food Safety Management System - ISO 22000:2005 STANDARD & ISO/TS 22002-1
Quality Management System – ISO 9001:2015
Environment Management System – ISO 14001:2015
Occupational Health & Safety Management System – OHSAS 18001:2007



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1.1 Contents
1.2 Distribution list
1.3 Amendment Sheet
1.4 Abbreviation List
2. Scope of the Manual
3. Management of FSMS
4.0 Food Safety Management System
4.1 General requirements
4.2 Documentation requirements
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Control of documents
4.2.3 Control of records
5 Management responsibility
5.1 Management commitment
5.2 Food safety policy
5.3 Food safety management system planning
5.4 Responsibility and authority
5.5 Food safety team leader
5.6 Communication
5.6.1 External communication
5.6.2 Internal communication
5.7 Emergency preparedness and response
5.8 Management review
5.8.1 General
5.8.2 Review input
5.8.3 Review output
6. Resource management
6.1 Provision of resources
6.2 Human resources
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training
6.3 Infrastructure
6.4 Work environment
7. Planning and realization of safe products
7.1 General
7.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
7.3 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis
7.3.1 General
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7.3.2 Food safety team

7.3.3 Product characteristics Raw materials, ingredients and product-contact
materials Characteristics of end products
7.3.4 Intended use
7.3.5 Flow diagrams, process steps and control measures Flow diagrams
7.4 Hazard analysis
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Hazard identification and determination of acceptable
7.4.3 Hazard assessment
7.4.4 Selection and assessment of control measures
7.5 Establishing the operational prerequisite programmes
7.6 Establishing the HACCP plan
7.6.1 HACCP plan
7.6.2 Identification of critical control points (CCPs)
7.6.3 Determination of critical limits for critical control
7.6.4 System for the monitoring of critical control points
7.6.5 Actions when monitoring results exceed critical limits
7.7 Updating of preliminary information and documents
specifying the PRPs and the HACCP plan
7.8 Verification planning
7.9 Traceability system
7.10 Control of nonconformity
7.10.1 Corrections
7.10.2 Corrective actions
7.10.3 Handling of potentially unsafe products General Evaluation for release Disposition of nonconforming products
7.10.4 Withdrawals
8. Validation, verification and improvement of the food
safety management system
8.1 General
8.2 Validation of control measure combinations
8.3 Control of monitoring and measuring

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8.4 Food safety management system verification

8.4.1 Internal audit
8.4.2 Evaluation of individual verification results
8.4.3 Analysis of results of verification activities
8.5 Improvement
8.5.1 Continual improvement
8.5.2 Updating the food safety management system

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Section 1.2




ISSUED ON : 01/10/2013

MASTER & CONTROLLED Copies of this manual are available at the following locations:-

General Production
Document Director Q.C Manager
Manager Manager
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This FSMS MANUAL has been prepared as per the requirements of ISO 22000:2005 and
ISO/TS 22002-1. The Contents of this manual are the sole property of MEGASTAR FOODS

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No part of this manual can be reproduced in part or full without the written permission of the

This Apex Manual is structured as shown in “Content Page “of manual and follows the
requirements as spelt out in ISO 22000, ISO 22002-1, ISO 9001-2015, ISO 14001:2015 and
OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard.

The Apex Manual contains the revision number and section number on each page. The revision
no is started with “00”. Deputy Management Representative (Dy. MR) is preparing authority of
manual and Management Representative (MR) is checking authority of Manual. President is
Approving Authority of Manual. In-case any changes in any section than particular section
changed instead of whole manual, with the latest revision numbers and effective date.

Apex manual with original signature with blue ink and master copy stamp should be considered
as a ‘MASTER COPY’. Xerox copy of master copy with controlled copy stamp 'should be
considered as ‘CONTROLLED COPY’.
The obsolete copy of manual pages / manual is stamped as “OBSOLETE COPY” is to be kept in
archives along with records of amendments.
In case of control copy manual, in the soft/electronic form, the manual is converted into PDF
file. Obsolete copies of such manual are kept in separate folder named as “OBSOLETE‘. Manual
or procedure in soft form without PDF version is considered as “uncontrolled’’.
In case of any changes in manual revision no. will be changed in only respective section.
Distribution of revised pages/manual is to be done by MR only, with by modifications to other
affected documents because of such changes.
The issue of manual with procedures is done to the specified persons as listed in page of
“Distribution List “
Any additional copies or pages required by any external agencies are to be issued by MR only
with stamped as “UNCONTROLLED “
Management Representative maintains Master Copy of manual in hard and soft form.

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It is essential that each copy of the FSMS Manual contain a complete record of
amendments. This amendment page should be updated with each set of revised/new
pages of the quality systems manual. An acknowledgement slip will be included for
signatures and return by all holders of controlled copies confirming the receipt of
amendments and returning the obsolete copies/pages.

Amendment Discard Insert Nature of

No. Date Section Page Issue Section Page Issue

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Term Definition
It means the formal approval by a specialized body - an accreditation body
1 - that a certification body is competent to carry out certification in
specified business sectors.
It means that an independent, external body has audited an organization's
2 management system and verified that it conforms to the requirements
specified in the standard.
3 Correction Correction is actions taken to come out of a problem situation.
4 Actions taken to ensure problems do not repeat again.
Agreement between parties for supply of goods or performance of work
5 Contract
with or without price.
Organization or person that receives a product from Megastar Foods Pvt
6 Customer
7 Competence Ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results
Compliance Legal requirement that an organization has to comply with and other
obligation requirements that an organization has to or chooses to comply with
Context analysis is a method to analyze the environment in which a
Context of
business operates. Environmental scanning mainly focuses on the macro
9 the
environment of business. But context analysis considers the entire
environment of a business, its internal and external environment.
10 Document Information and its supporting medium
Information required to be controlled and maintained by an organization
11 d
and the medium on which contained
Environmen Surrounding in which an organization operates, including air, water, land,
t natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelationships
Environmen Elements of an organization’s activities or products or services that
tal Aspect interact or can interact with the environment
State or characteristic of environment as determined at a certain point of
14 tal
Environmen Changes to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or
tal Impact partially resulting from an organization’s environment aspects

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16 Performance related to the management of environmental aspects
17 HOD Manager, Assistant manager or officer heading a department
Source, situation, or act with potential for harm in terms of human injury or
18 Hazard
ill health or a combination of these.
19 Identificatio Process or recognizing that hazard exits and defining its characteristics
Systematic, Independent and documented process for obtaining audit
20 evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which
QMS audit criteria set by organization are fulfilled.
ISO means International Organization for Standardization. It’s a body of
21 ISO
almost 130 countries. They make standards.
Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and / or
22 Ill health
made worse by work activity and / or work related situation
Work related event in which an injury or ill health regardless or severity or
23 Incident
fatality occurred, or could have occurred.
Interested Person or organization that can effect, be affected by, or perceive itself to
Party be effected by decision or activity
25 IMS manual Document specifying the QHSE MS of an organization
Consecutive and interlinked stage of product system, from raw material
26 Life Cycle
acquisition or generation from natural resources to final disposal
27 Foods Pvt Megastar Foods Pvt Ltd Organics Limited
Management Representative responsible for development, implementation
28 MR
and maintenance of QMS developed by Megastar Foods Pvt Ltd.
29 Non fulfillment of requirement
30 Data supporting the existence or verity of something
Make an arrangement where an external organization performs part to an
31 Outsource
organization function or process.

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Condition and factor that affect, or could effect, the health and safety of
32 OH&S employees or other workers (including temporary workers and contractor
personnel), visitor, or any
33 Procedure Specified way to carry out an activity or process.
Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transform input in to out
34 Process
35 Records Provide evidence of activity performed.

Process Systematic identification & management of the processes employed within

approach an organization & particularly the interactions between such processes

37 Product Result of a process

Degree to which the requirements are met such as: Requirements of
38 Quality
Customers (internal and external)

QEHS Overall intentions of an organization related to Quality environment, health

Policy and safety performance as formally expressed by its top management.

Quality Measurable indicators that requirements are fulfilled as well as

Objectives improvements are happening in enhancing abilities to meet requirements.

Management system to direct and control an organization with regard to

quality, environment, health & safety.
42 Risk (QMS) Effect of uncertainty
Risk and
43 Opportuniti Potential adverse effects (Threats) and potential effects (Opportunities)
Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or
44 Risk (OHS) exposure and the severity of injury or ill health that can caused by the event
of exposure.
Process of evaluating the risk arising from a hazard, taking into account the
45 adequacy of any exiting controls, and deciding whether or not the risk is
46 Records Provide evidence of activity performed.
47 Document stating requirements

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48 Supplier Organization or person that provides a product / service

The act or process of providing or receiving instruction in or for a
49 Training
particular skill, profession, occupation, etc.

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Scope of Food Safety Management System

The Food Safety Management System covers all departments/offices except Accounts, Taxation
and Finance.


This Food Safety Management System described in this manual is applicable to Food products

Scope of ISO 22000:2005 & Food Safety System Certificate:-



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The manual covers documented system based on FSMS covering the operations of the
Organization. For the purpose of this manual, the term “FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”.
This section deals with the principles of preparation, distribution, revision and control of the
FSMS manual.

The Food Safety Team Leader is responsible for preparation, issue, modification, maintenance,
revision and withdrawal of FSMS manual.

The Food Safety Team Leader in consultation with all concerned functions prepares it. The
manual is approved by the DIRECTOR prior to its distribution.

The Food Safety Team Leader issues the copies of the manual to controlled copyholders within
the Organization and outside the Organization when asked for by the customers. The controlled
and uncontrolled modes are identified with suitable stamps. Uncontrolled copies are issued for
general information and for commercial purposes clearly showing their status. A manual with
uncontrolled status has no contractual binding with the Organization for its updating.

Each controlled copy is identified by a distinct number and by designation of the copyholder.
FSTL maintains record of the distribution list of the Food Safety manual. This list is used as
reference for issue of the amended/ updated pages of the manual. It is the responsibility of the
controlled copyholder to maintain the amendment sheet and update as and when amendment
to any provision of the manual takes place.

Revision, Updating and Amendment

Revision in the manual may be generated consequent upon changes in the policies and
objectives of the Organization, FSMS and in the Organization's internal structure. The revision
may also be necessitated due to new developments, standardization activities, technological
advancement and changes in procedures or systems. The entire manual is replaced by a new
edition of the manual, in case too many amendments /revisions have been effected or major
changes have been enforced due to policy decisions.

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All revisions, amendments and changes are furnished to only control copyholders and an
acknowledgement is taken. It is the responsibility of the controlled copyholder to return
obsolete copies to FSTL for suitable disposition. All amendments / revisions are recorded in the
amendment sheet and maintained by the recipients. Recipients of uncontrolled copies are not
eligible to receive such amendments. The controlled copy is freely accessible to all personnel in
the department for their use. The Food Safety Team Leader is responsible for preparation,
modifications and issue of the quality manual and prompt withdrawal of obsolete copies/ pages
of the manual.

The FSMS manual is available in English, the language of the international standard. The
translations may be available in the language mostly understood by people in the organization.
In case of any doubt, or in the court of law, the English version shall prevail as the authentic

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Short Name Full Name
1 CAR Corrective Action Report

2 CEO Chief Executive Officer

3 Dy. MR Deputy Management Representative

4 F Format
5 HR Human Resource

6 IA Internal Audit

7 INCH In-charge

8 IMS Integrated Management System

9 ISO International Organization for Standardization

10 MGR Manager

11 MR Management Representative

12 MRM Management Review Meeting

13 MN Manual

14 MFPL Megastar Foods Pvt Limited

15 NCR Non Conformity Report

16 QC Quality Control

17 QEHS MS Quality, Environment, Health & Safety Management System

18 SOP Standard Operating Procedure

19 Ref. Reference

20 WI Work Instruction

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For Maida

External Providers:
 RM Supplier
 Service Providers (Calibration, Maintenance, Manpower, Security, Transport)
 Testing Agencies (for Environment, Chemical, Food, Portable Water etc…)

Requirement that cannot be applied:

Sr. Clause
Title Justification
No. No.
Since all the manufacturing activities at Organics is
Design & carried out as per customer specification, and as
Development such, no design & development activity is involved in
the company hence this clause is excluded

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4 Food Safety Management System

4.1 General requirements

The organization has established, documented, implemented and maintained an effective food
safety management system and shall update it when necessary in accordance with the
requirements of this International Standard.
The organization has defined the scope of the food safety management system. The scope shall
specify the products or product categories, processes and production sites that are addressed
by the food safety management system.

The organization has: -

a) Ensure that food safety hazards that may be reasonably expected to occur in relation to
products within the scope of the system are identified, evaluated and controlled in such a
manner that the products of the organization do not, directly or indirectly, harm the consumer,
b) Communicate appropriate information throughout the food chain regarding safety issues
related to its products,
c) Communicate information concerning development, implementation and updating of the
food safety management system throughout the organization, to the extent necessary to ensure
the food safety required by this International Standard, and
d) Evaluate periodically, and update when necessary, the food safety management system to
ensure that the system reflects the organization's activities and incorporates the most recent
information on the food safety hazards subject to control.

Where an organization chooses to outsource any process that may affect end product
conformity, the organization shall ensure control over such processes. Control of such
outsourced processes shall be identified and documented within the food safety management

The process of calibration, Food Safety Training and Internal Audit is outsourced. Training & IA
is outsourced to a consulting firm. For Training and IA process the person should be
experienced and/or certified lead auditor for ISO 22000:2005 FSMS System and have minimum 2
Years’ experience in consulting/implementation.

The Documents of Exp. & Training of Lead Auditor are maintained in File No. MFPL/FSMS/59.
For Calibration Process Master Instruments which is using for calibration should be calibrated
from NABL certified organization. Records & Calibration Certificates is maintained in Doc. No.

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Understanding the organization and its Context (Ref. Cl. 9K – 4.1, 14K – 4.1, 18K – NA)

MOL has determined its internal and external context such as issues related to legal,
technological, competitive, market, cultural, social, economic, knowledge and performance of
organization which are relevant to its purpose and strategic direction that affect its ability to
achieve the intended outcomes of QHSE MS.
MOL shall monitor and review its internal and external issues at regular interval also during
Reference: Context of Organization – F/MR/16

Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties (Ref. Cl. 9K – 4.2, 14K –
4.2, 18K – NA)

The MOL has determined its interested parties that are relevant to QHSE MS. MOL has
determined requirement of interested parties such as applicable statutory regulatory and other
requirement to provide product consistently and are related to QHSE MS.
Reference: List of Interested Parties – F/MR/17

Determining the scope of the quality management system (Ref. Cl. 9K – 4.3, 14K – 4.3, 18K
– NA)

The MOL has determined the boundaries and applicability of the QHSE MS to establish its
scope. (Section 03)
MOL has established its scope based on external - internal issue, requirements of related
interested parties and product.
MOL has applied all the applicable requirements as per the determined scope. The scope is
established and documented. The scope covered product information and justification for those
requirements which are not applicable to MOL.
Reference: Section 03 of this manual

Quality, Environment, Health & Safety Management System (Ref. Cl. 9K – 4.4, 14K – 4.4,
18K – 4.1)


MOL has established and implemented a documented QHSE MS, and aims for continual
improvement including the process needed and their interaction.

The QHSE MS includes:

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 MOL determines the processes needed for the QHSE MS and their inputs required and
the outputs expected throughout the organization (Refer annexure III)
 Sequence and interaction of these organizational processes. (Refer – Annexure – II)
 Criteria and methods needed to ensure that operation and control of these processes are
effective. (Departmental Procedure)
 Monitoring, measuring & analysis of the processes.
 Availability of resources and information necessary to support the monitoring of these
 Responsibilities and authorities for these processes.
 Identification of risk and opportunities. (Refer – F-MR-18)
 Evaluation of processes and implementation of actions necessary to achieve planned
 Information necessary to support the organization and monitoring of the processes.
 Continual improvement of the processes.
Reference: Process Interaction Chart – Annexure 2, / Process Input Output – Annexure 3 /
Responsibility Authority / Risk & Opportunities – F-MR-17 / Departmental Procedure

4.2 Documentation requirements

4.2.1 General
The food safety management system documentation has included: -

a) Documented statements of a food safety policy and related objectives.

b) A FSMS Manual & procedures as required by ISO 22000:2005.
c) FSMS Records required by ISO 22000:2005.
c) Documents needed by the organization to ensure the effective development, implementation
and updating of the food safety management system.

4.2.2 Control of Documents

Documents required by the food safety management system are controlled. Records are a
special type of document and being controlled according to the requirements as per below
given procedure. The control has ensured that all proposed changes are reviewed prior to
implementation to determine their effects on food safety and their impact on the food safety
management system. The procedure for control of documents MFPL/SOP/14 gives details for
establishment and implementation of documents which includes:

a) To approve documents for adequacy prior to issue.

b) To review and update documents as necessary, and re-approve documents.
c) To ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified.
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d) To ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use.
e) To ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable.
f) To ensure that relevant documents of external origin are identified and their distribution
g) To prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents, and to ensure that they are suitably
identified as such if they are retained for any purpose.

RESPONSIBILITY: Food Safety Team Leader is responsible for checking of all the FSMS
documents (Manual, Formats, Plans, check lists, work instructions) and DIRECTOR is responsible
for approval & re-approval of all the documents.


MOL has maintained and retains documented information to support the operation of its
processes and to have confidence that the processes are being carried out as plan.

4.2.3 Control of Records

The Management of MFPL has documented Procedure for control of records (MFPL/SOP/13)
that contain guideline for identification, storage, protection, retention period and disposal of all
FSMS records. Records are maintained to provide evidence of conformity to the requirements
and effective operation of Food Safety Management System.

Records shall be established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to requirements

and evidence of the effective operation of the food safety management system. Records shall
remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable. A documented procedure shall be established
to define the controls needed for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time
and disposition of records.

Documented Information (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.5, 14K – 7.5, 18K – 4.4.4)

General (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.5.1, 14K – 7.5.1, 18K – 4.4.4)
MOL QHSEMS include Apex manual, Procedure, documented information required by
this international standard.
Reference: Master List of Document

Creating and Updating (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.5.2, 14K – 7.5.2, 18K – 4.4.4)
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All documented information’s are maintained for the effective operation of the QHSEMS.
The documented information’s is creating and updating as per procedure for Document and
data control to ensure the following
 Identification
 Storage
 Protection
 Retrieval
 Retention Period
 Disposition
Reference: Procedure for Document Control SOP-MR-01
Control of Documented Information (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.5.3, 14K – 7.5.3, 18K – 4.5.4)
The documented information is controlled for fitness of use and to ensure that the right
Data and Documents are available at right place when required. Also it is adequately
For the document control MOL has established and implemented procedure for document
and data control. This procedure covers distribution, access, retrieval, use, storage, and
preservation, control of changes, retention and disposition.
These controls are also applicable to external origin documents.
Reference: Procedure for Document Control SOP-MR-01

5 Management Responsibilities
5.1 Management Commitment
Top management has a system to provide evidence of its commitment to the development and
implementation of the food safety management system and continually improving its
effectiveness by
a) Showing food safety is supported by the business objectives of the organization,
b) Communicating to the organization the importance of meeting the requirements of this
International Standard, any statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as customer
requirements relating to food safety.
c) Establishing the food safety policy.
d) Conducting management reviews.
e) Ensuring the availability of resources.

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5.1.1 Leadership and Commitment (Ref. Cl. 9K – 5.5.1, 14K – 5.5.1, 18K – 4.4.1)

Evidence is provided by top management for leadership and commitment. The top management
of MOL is fully involved in development & implementation of the QHSE MS and continually
improving its effectiveness by
 Taking accountability for the effectiveness of the QHSE MS.
 Established QHSE policy and QHSE objectives compatible with the organization context
and strategic direction. (Refer QHSE Policy & Objective)
 Ensuring the integration of standard requirement with organization business processes.
 Encouraging for use of process approach and risk based thinking.
 Communicating importance of effective QHSE MS and of conforming to QHSE MS
requirements. (Refer. Notice, Training, Meeting, Audit)
 Engaging, directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of QHSE
MS. (Daily Review Meeting)
 Conducting Management Reviews (including all processes) to ensuring that the QHSE
MS achieves its intended results and promoting improvement. (Daily Review Meeting)
 Supporting for other relevant management roles.

Reference: QHSE Policy / Objective / Daily Review Meeting / Management Review


Customer focus (Ref. Cl. 9K – 5.1.2, 14K – NA, 18K – NA)

The management of MOL is fully committed towards customer focus by ensuring that.
 Customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are constantly met.
 Determined the risk and opportunities that can affect conformity to product and
The development, implementation and improvement of QHSE MS. Regular reviews and
communication sessions are organized and necessary resources are provided to enhance the
Quality of Products & QHSE Operations.

Policy (Ref. Cl. 9K – 5.2, 14K – 5.2, 18K – 4.2)

Developing the QHSE Policy

The QHSE policy is established and management ensures its appropriate to the purpose and
context of the organization and supports its strategic direction. MOL QHSE policy includes a
commitment for satisfy applicable requirement and continual improvement of QHSE MS. Policy
is suitability under changing circumstances.
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Communicating the QHSE Policy

The policy is communicated to all existing and new employees by policy displayed at prominent
places and verbal communication time to time. Policy also displayed at gate for easy of
communication. Policy is communicated to interested parties time to time as appropriate.

5.2 Food Safety Policy

Top management has define, document and communicate its food safety policy in Doc.
MFPL/POLICY/01. MANAGING DIRECTOR has ensured that the food safety policy:
a) Is appropriate to the role of the organization in the food chain.
b) Is Conforms with both statutory and regulatory requirements and with mutually agreed food
safety requirements of customers.
c) Is communicated, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization.
d) Is reviewed for continued suitability.
e) Adequately addresses communication.
f) Is supported by measurable objectives.

The policy is communicated to all the employees of the company through policy posters printed
in English and Hindi. Policy Posters are also provided and there is also personal interaction of
Food Safety Team Leader and Other Section Heads with the employees.

Policy (Ref. Cl. 9K – 5.2, 14K – 5.2, 18K – 4.2)

Developing the QHSE Policy

The QHSE policy is established and management ensures its appropriate to the purpose and
context of the organization and supports its strategic direction. MOL QHSE policy includes a
commitment for satisfy applicable requirement and continual improvement of QHSE MS. Policy
is suitability under changing circumstances.

Communicating the QHSE Policy

The policy is communicated to all existing and new employees by policy displayed at prominent
places and verbal communication time to time. Policy also displayed at gate for easy of
communication. Policy is communicated to interested parties time to time as appropriate.


We the team of Mangalam Organics Limited, engaged in the business of manufacturing and
delivering of products and are committed to following for our QHSEMS Performance.
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 Understand & identify the needs, requirement and expectation of our valued customers and
interested parties.
 Consistently supply right quality products abiding to right manufacturing practices.
 Comply with all the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
 Strive to achieve utmost satisfaction of all interested parties through continual improvement
in operations and QHSE Management Systems.
 Conserve energy, natural resources, raw material and other by the way of effective
operations, selection of efficient and environment friendly technology as far as possible and
effective waste management.
 Effective management of various risks and opportunities involved in maintaining the QHSE
performance of organization.
 Reduce environmental incidents and harm to people and damage to property.
 Maintain the knowledge needed for performing of organizational processes by imparting
training, spreading awareness and appropriate involvement of working people.
 Develop, implement, maintain and continually improve the effectiveness of the QHSE
Management System in accordance with standard requirements (ISO 9001:2015, ISO
14001:2015 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007).

Date : 01.08.16 Kamal Dujodwala


5.3 Food Safety Management System Planning

Top management has a system to ensure that food safety objectives, including those needed
to meet requirements for food safety are established at relevant functions and levels with in the
organization. The Integrity of the FSMS is maintained when changes to the FSMS are planned
and implemented. The Food safety objectives are measurable and consistent with the food
safety policy.
Food Safety objectives are defined in Doc. No. MFPL/OBJ/01.

Actions to address risks and opportunities (Ref. Cl. 9K – 6.1, 14K – 6.1, 18K –NA)

MOL has determined its risk and opportunity related to Organization Internal and external
context and needs and expectations of interested parties to assurance that the QHSE MS can
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achieve intended result, enhance desirable effects, prevent or reduce undesired effect and
achieve improvement.

MOL has integrated and implement the action into its QHSE MS system processes and
evaluation of the effectiveness of these actions.

Reference: Risk Assessment Form F-MR-18

Environmental Aspect (Ref. Cl. 9K – NA 14K – 6.1.2, 18K – NA)

The MOL has determined its environmental aspects and associated environmental impacts, and
determines those that are significant. The identification of environmental aspects is an on–going
process that determines the past, current and potential impacts of the activities, products and
services covering routine and non–routine activities, all activities covering job contractor work
and all facilities at work place. A procedure has been established to identify the environmental
aspects, products and services which can be controlled and over which an influence is expected
taking into account planned or new developments. Procedure for evaluation has also been
established to determine those environmental aspects, which have or can have significant
impacts on the environment.
The methodology for environmental aspects and impact assessment is defined as proactive
steps for classification of risks and identifications of objectives and EMP.
A sheet of aspects and its impact assessment of risk have been established on the basis of a
review undertaken by the company with the assistance of an external agency to establish the
current position with regard to the environment, health and safety using evaluation criteria
provided. This information is kept up to date.
Also the significant environmental aspects are taken into account in establishing, implementing
and maintaining environmental management system.
Reference: SOP for Aspect Identification and Evaluation - SOP-MR-02

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Compliance obligation (Ref. Cl. 9K – NA, 14K – 6.1.3, 18K – 4.3.2)

The MOL has established & maintained procedure for identifying and accessing the compliance
obligation to which the organization subscribes and are applicable to environmental aspects of
its activities, products or services. It is ensured that all the applicable legal & other requirements
are taken into account, while establishing, maintaining and reviewing QHSE MS
The information on these requirements and current status in meeting these requirements is kept
up to date and is communicated as necessary to concerned employees & other interested
Regular liaison is being maintained with the applicable statutory bodies for revision in any legal
requirement, renew of licenses, authorization and consents.
In case of any changes in legal or contractual requirements or other major changes, the same
are planned and implemented effectively without compromising existing systems.

Reference: SOP for Compliance Obligation

Planning to take action (Ref. Cl. 9K – NA, 14K – 6.1.4, 18K – NA)
The MOL has plans, the action that have to be taken within QEHS MS to address its significant
aspect, and the risk and opportunities identified for the organization to achieve the intended
outcomes of the QEHS MS.
The action plans include establishing EMS objectives, or incorporated with QEHS MS systems
The MOL has considered the use of best – available techniques, where economically viable, cost

QHSE objectives and planning to achieve them (Ref. Cl. 9K – 6.2, 14K – 6.1, 18K – 4.3.3)
QHSE Objectives including those needed to meet requirement for product are established at
relevant functions and all levels within the organization. The QHSE objectives are measurable
and consistent with the quality policy. The QHSE objectives are reviewed and quantified in
Management Review Meeting. Appropriate measures are taken to ensure that the quality
objectives are met. QHSE objectives are communicated and defined on Objective and Target

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When planning to QHSE objectives MOL has determined what will be done, what resources are
required, Responsible person, time frame and effectiveness of achievement.
Reference: Objective & Target
Planning of Changes (Ref. Cl. 9K – 6.3, 14K – 6.1, 18K – NA)

MOL has considered the purpose of the changes and their potential consequences, availability
of resources, integrity of QHSEMS and allocation and reallocation of responsibilities and

Reference: Change Management

5.4 Responsibility and Authority

DIRECTOR has ensured that the responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated
within the organization to ensure the effective operation and maintenance of the food safety
management system.
The organization chart of MEGASTAR FOODS PVT. LTD. Defines functions and their
interrelation and also the responsibility and authority for effective functioning of FSMS.
(MFPL/FSMS/24) The responsibilities and authority of key personals are defined in Doc. No.

5.5 Food Safety Team Leader

DIRECTOR’S of the organization appointed one of the DIRECTOR (Mr. Vikas Gupta) as food
safety team leader. Food Safety Team Leader has been given responsibilities of Food Safety
Team Leader, irrespective of other responsibilities. He is responsible and authorized for ensuring
that processes needed for the management systems are established, implemented and
FSTL is responsible for reporting the performance of FSMS in every MRM to the committee.
a) He is also responsible for giving the needs for improvement in FSMS.
b) He is responsible and authorized for ensuring the promotion of awareness of FSMS
requirements throughout the organization.
c) He is also responsible for liaison with external parties on matters relating to the FSMS.
d) He is responsible for ensuring the relevant training and education of the Food safety Team

Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities (Ref. Cl. 9K – 5.3, 14K – 5.3, 18K –

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The responsibilities and associated authorities are defined and communicated for clarity of
decision-making and allocation of work.
The organization chart and responsibility and authority of the personnel to implement, maintain
and continuously improve the QMS with customer focus, are described.
In the absence of a person, his authorities and responsibilities will be taken over / discharged by
his superior till he resumes work or till the vacancy is filled up suitably, unless the superior
designates another person to take over / discharge such responsibilities and authorities.

Reference: Position Description Manual – PDMN-01

5.6 Communication
5.6.1 External communication
Top Management has ensured that sufficient information on issues concerning food safety is
available throughout the food chain; the organization has established implemented and
maintained effective arrangements for communicating with suppliers and contractors.
Food safety policy requirements, objectives and organization concern for implementation and
effective maintenance are addressed by the FSTL to key functional executives.
FSTL communicates the importance and need to know the food safety policy and the
implementation to all executives and employees of the organization.
Food safety policy is displayed at prominent working places. DIRECTOR reviews the
implementation and maintenance of the food safety policy and objectives. Company objectives
are communicated by the FSTL to all managers and key appointments. The progress towards set
objectives is reviewed by the DIRECTOR.

5.6.2 Internal communication

The organization has established, implement and maintain effective arrangements for
communicating with personnel on issues having an impact on food safety.
In order to maintain the effectiveness of the food safety management system, the organization
has ensured that the food safety team is informed in a timely manner of changes, including but
not limited to the following:
a) Products or new products;
b) Raw materials, ingredients and services;
c) Production systems and equipment;
d) Production premises, location of equipment, surrounding environment;
e) Cleaning and sanitation programmes;
f) Packaging, storage and distribution systems;
g) Personnel qualification levels and/or allocation of responsibilities and authorizations;
h) Statutory and regulatory requirements;
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i) Knowledge regarding food safety hazards and control measures;

j) Customer, sector and other requirements that the organization observes;
k) Relevant enquiries from external interested parties;
l) Complaints indicating food safety hazards associated with the product;
m) Other conditions that have an impact on food safety.

Communication (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.4, 14K – 7.4, 18K – 4.4.3)

General (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.4.1, 14K – 7.4.1, 18K – 4.4.3)
MOL ensures that appropriate communication processes are established within the organization
and communication takes place regarding the effectiveness of the QHSE MS.
The specific communication channels are established such as on what it will communicate, when
to communicate, with whom to communicate and how to communicate for dissemination of
pertinent information on QHSE matters and related Operational controls.

The communication modes include formal / informal meetings, top management level review
meetings, circulars/ memos, displays on notice boards, intranet, personal contacts and reports.
The risks and related controls are communicated to all concerned through meetings and other
suitable means like e mails and displays on notice boards, training programs etc

Internal Communication (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.4, 14K – 7.4.2, 18K – 4.4.3)

Internal communication process is established as below.

Type of Communication From To Mode
Customer / Interested MKT / HR /
1 Concern Personnel E-mail
Parties Requirements President

2 Responsibilities HR All the employees Written

3 MRM MR Concerned Personnel E-mail

E-mail /
4 Internal Audit MR Concerned Personnel
QHSE Policy &
5 MR All the employees Display
President / HR
6 Compliance Obligation All the employees E-mail
7 Training HR All the employees E-mail

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8 Safety HSE All the employees Notice / Display

9 Significant Aspect / Risk Dept. HOD All the employees Verbal / Display

Hazard Identification and

10 Dept. HOD All the employees Verbal / Display
Risk Assessment
Verbal / Display
11 Emergency Situation HSE / HR All the employees
/ Written
Verbal / Display
12 Organization Circulars HR / President All the employees
/ Written

Reference: SOP for Communication SOP/MR/06

External Communication (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.4, 14K – 7.4.3, 18K – 4.4.3)

External communication process is established as below.
Type of Communication From To Mode
Visitor / Concern
1 QHSE Policy MR Display Board
Customer / Interested MKT / HR / Concern Personnel / E-mail / Letters /
Parties Requirements President Authority Verbal
President / HR Concern Personnel / E-mail / Letters /
3 Compliance Obligation
/ HSE Authority Verbal
Concern Personnel / E-mail / Letters /
4 Safety HSE
Authority Verbal
Nearest Industries /
External providers / Verbal / Letters /
5 Significant Aspect / Risk MR / HR
Concerned Personnel/ E-mail
Nearest Industries /
Hazard Identification and External providers / Verbal / Letters /
6 MR / HR
Risk Assessment Concerned Personnel/ E-mail
Verbal / Display /
7 Emergency Situation HSE / HR All the employees

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Reference: SOP for Communication SOP/MR/06

Participation and Consultation (Ref. Cl. 9K – NA, 14K – NA, 18K – 4.4.3)

The workers are consulted on issues concerning QHSE. In plant safety committee meeting
almost 50% participation is from workers. The workers are:
 Involved in the development and review of policies and procedures to manage
significant aspects/ OHS risks
 Consulted when there is any change that affects work place health & safety. The
consultation modes include planned personnel contacts, various safety committee
meetings, Identification of Hazards, work specific training programmes
 Represented on QHSE matters during meetings including safety committee meetings
 Involved whenever there is any accident or adverse feedback from interested parties
 Informed about their QHSE representative(s) and specific management appointee by
displaying on notice board or phone calls.
Contractors are consulted where there are changes that affect their QHSE. This done by
concerned employee or HOD before starting of contract work. As required and appropriate,
relevant external interested parties are consulted about pertinent QHSE matters.
Reference: Safety Committee Meeting

5.7 Emergency preparedness and response

Top management has established, implemented and maintained procedure for Emergency
Preparedness and Response (MFPL/SOP/23) to manage potential emergency situations and
accidents that can impact food safety and which are relevant to the role of the organization in
the food chain. In this emergency preparedness & response plan has introduced which shows
the details of the emergency situations.

Emergency Preparedness and response (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.2, 14K – 8.2, 18K –4.4.7)

The MOL has established on-site emergency preparedness plan to ensure appropriate responses
to potential emergency situations and potential accidents / incidents to the HSE and mechanism
for responding to such situation.
On-site emergency covered preventing and mitigating the impacts of such emergency situation,
which can cause to illness, injury, accident, pollution to the HSE, adverse HSE impacts etc.
The MOL reviews and revises its emergency preparedness and response procedures after the
occurrence of accidents or emergency situations, where necessary as well as based on results of
mock drill.

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Mock drills are also conducted as per plan frequency for testing / verification of such emergency
preparedness as per established procedure.
The MOL is providing relevant information and training related to emergency preparedness and
responses to employees and interested parties.
Reference: SOP for Emergency Preparedness – SOP/EHS/06
Onsite Emergency Preparedness Plan

5.8 Management review

5.8.1 General
Top management has a system to review the organization’s FSMS at six Monthly intervals, to
ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
FSTL is responsible for raising the circulars and making the minutes of MRM at the planned
intervals. This review includes assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for
changes to the FSMS including the policy and objectives. Records of MRM are maintained as per
procedure No. MFPL/SOP/24

5.8.2 Review input

The input to management review includes information.
a) Follow-up actions from previous management reviews.
b) Analysis of results of verification activities.
c) Changing circumstances that can affect food safety.
d) Emergency situations, accidents and withdrawals.
e) Reviewing results of system-updating activities.
f) Review of communication activities, including customer feed-back.
g) External audits or inspections.

5.8.3 Review output

The output from the management review has included decisions and actions related to:
a) Assurance of food safety.
b) Improvement of the effectiveness of the food safety management system.
c) Resource needs.
d) Revisions of the organization's food safety policy and related objectives.

Management review (Ref. Cl. 9K – 9.3, 14K – 9.3, 18K – 4.6)

General (Ref. Cl. 9K – 9.3.1, 14K – 9.3.1, 18K – 4.6)

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At MOL QHSEMS is reviewed once in six months to ensure its continuing suitability,
effectiveness and adequacy by the MRM. This review is carried out to assess the opportunities
for improvement & changes, if required to the QHSE MS.
Management Review Committee comprises of authorized personnel in the organization, such as
VP - Chair person
M R - Convener
Other Sectional Heads - Invited Members.
M.R. convenes the Management Review Committee meeting in the organization. MR plans the
agenda for the meeting in advance and the same is circulated to all concerned, normally Seven
days prior to the meeting.

Management Review Inputs (Ref. Cl. 9K – 9.3.2, 14K – 9.3.2, 18K – 4.6)
MOL has considered following inputs
Action status of previous MRM
Changes in external and Internal Issue
Performance and effectiveness of QHSEMS such as (Customer Satisfaction and Feedback
from interested parties, Status of objectives, Process performance and product
conformity, Non conformity and corrective action, Result of monitoring and
measurement, Results of Audits, Performance of external providers, Result of HSE
monitoring, Result of Mock drill, Fulfillment of compliance obligation, Result of safety
Adequacy of resource
Effectiveness of action taken on risk and opportunity
Opportunities for improvement.

Management Review outputs (Ref. Cl. 9K – 9.3.3, 14K – 9.3.3, 18K – 4.6)
The output from the management review shall include any decisions and actions related to
Conclusion of EMS.
Decision for continual improvement
Action for environmental objective
Any implication for the strategic direction
Reference: Management Review Meeting Report

6 Resource Management
6.1 Provision of resources
The organization has a system to provide adequate resources for the development,
establishment, implementation and maintenance of the FSMS.
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6.2 Human resources

6.2.1 General
The Organization has appointed a person who is competent on the basis of qualification, skill
and experience enough to handle the FSMS activities.

6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training

The organization has a system to:
a) Determined the necessary competencies for personnel whose activities have an impact on
food safety.
b) Provide training or take other action to satisfy their needs.
c) Ensure that personnel responsible for monitoring, corrections and corrective actions of the
food safety management system are trained.
d) Evaluate the effectiveness of the action taken ensure that its personnel are aware of the
relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of
food safety objectives and maintain appropriate records of education, training, skills and
The organization has a documented procedure for Competence, Awareness and Training

6.3 Infrastructure
Requirement of infrastructure like building, workspace, process equipment utilities and
supporting services like transport and communication are determined, provided and maintained.
This includes facilities/machines/equipment to carry out various processes and to achieve
conformity to the product requirements. Refer Procedure No. MFPL/SOP/05 for Maintenance of
machinery & equipments.
Preventive Maintenance of machines is carried out in a planned manner. List of plant and
machinery maintained. Preventive Maintenance schedule of machinery is maintained. Preventive
Maintenance of machines has been carried out at defined frequency. Machine Breakdown
records are maintained.
6.4 Work Environment
The organization has a system to determine and manager the work environment needed to
achieve conformity to product.
Personal Safety to achieve Product Food Safety: Product Safety and means to minimize
potential risk to consumers shall be addressed by the organization, especially in the design and
development process and in manufacturing process activities.
Cleanliness of Premises: The Organization has a system to maintain its premises in a state of
order, cleanliness and repair consistent with the product and manufacturing process needs.
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Resources (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.1, 14K – 7.1, 18K – 4.4.1)

MOL has determined and provides the resources such as Human Resources and Infrastructure,
Machineries, Equipments, Vehicle and other for the establishment, implementation, maintenance
and continual improvement of QHSE MS.
MOL has considered the capabilities of, and constrain on, existing internal resources and what
need to be obtained from external providers.

General (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.1.1, 14K – 7.1, 18K – 4.4.1)

Resources needs are identified time to time by management to improve Quality of Products,
QHSE MS, human resources, infrastructure, machineries, equipments, transportation and other.

People (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.1.2, 14K – NA, 18K – NA)

MOL has determined and provided sufficient people for effective implementation, maintenance
and continuous improvement of the QHSE MS and for the control of its processes.
Reference: Organization Chart – Annexure 1

Infrastructure (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.1.3, 14K – NA, 18K –NA)

MOL has the necessary infrastructure (Building, Workspace, Hardware, Software, Information
and communication technology and utilities) to achieve conformity to product requirement and
QHSE MS. Sufficient workspace has been made available for production activities. Capital
equipments are properly arranged in shop floor. Supporting systems like PCs and phone are
kept in office area. Necessary services in the form of transport & communication services, like
Telephone and E-mail are made available by the organization.
Reference: SOP for ENGG-MECH – SOP/ENGG-MECH/01 TO 0
Organizational Knowledge (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.1.6, 14K – NA, 18K –NA)
MOL has determined the knowledge from internal and external sources necessary for the
operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of product.
MOL has upgraded its organizational knowledge through external sources such as membership
at local, state and national level association and attending seminar, conference and training
outside. Regular updates through internet by surfing at relevant site.
MOL has gained its organizational knowledge through internal sources such as lesson learned
from failures and successful projects and past report of process improvements.
Reference: Past Reports, Training Records, Books & Articles

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Competence (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.2, 14K – 7.2, 18K –4.4.2)

MOL has determined necessary competence for personnel, performing work, affecting to
performance of QHSE MS and conformity to product. Personal competence is based on
education, training, skills and experience. The competency level for various grades is established.
The training needs are determined once in year, where applicable training is provided and
effectiveness of training is evaluated wherever practical.
MOL ensures that personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and
how they contribute to the achievement of the QHSE objectives.
MOL identifies the skills required, to perform their specified task, prepare the Employee Skill
Matrix. Employee has been provided training to achieve necessary competence against need
generated. Training Records are established and maintained with help from administration head.
Effectiveness of training has been evaluated and Employees Training files have been reviewed
on an annual basis to determine future requirements.

Reference: SOP/HR&A/01 TO 04

Awareness (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.3, 14K – 7.3, 18K – 4.4.2)

MOL ensures that persons doing work under the organization control are aware of the QHSE
policy, objectives and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement
of the QHSE MS performance. Also the implication of not conforming with QHSE MS
Awareness of various requirements of QMS to be done as following

Sr. Concerned Method of ensuring Responsible

No. People awareness Person
1 QHSE Policy All employees By displaying at prominent MR
2 Site Objective Top Periodical review of MR
management, corporate objective
3 Department Objective All employees Meeting with department Dept. HODs
persons and periodical
4 Environmental Aspect All employees Meeting with department Dept. HODs
– Impacts persons and periodical
5 Hazard Identification All employees Meeting with department Dept. HODs
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and Risk Assessment persons and periodical

6 Awareness About All HODs Meeting HODs.
a. Contribution to the
effectiveness of
b. Implication not
conforming to

Environment for the operation of processes (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.1.4, 14K – NA, 18K –NA)

MOL determines, provide and maintain necessary work environment for the operation of it
processes achieve conformity to product requirements. Inter personnel relationships are
maintained among employees through periodic meeting with management.

MOL provides and maintains work environment in accordance with general QHSE requirements.
The work environment including Social, physical and psychological environment ensures
motivating atmosphere.

Reference: Housekeeping Checklist – F/HR/16

7 Planning and Realization of Safe Products

7.1 General
The organization has planned and developed the processes needed for the realization of safe
products. Planning of product realization has made consistent with the requirement of the
processes of the FSMS.

7.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)

7.2.1 During planning of product realization on FSTL determine to the following things, as
appropriate: Food Safety objectives and requirements for the products;
a) The likelihood of introducing food safety hazards to the products through the work
b) Biological, chemical and physical contamination of the product (s), including cross
contamination between products and
c) Food safety hazards levels in the product and product-processing environment.

7.2.2 The PRP(s) are prepared by the FSTL and are;

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a) Appropriate to the organizational needs with regard to food safety,

b) Appropriate to the size and type of the operation and the nature of the products being
manufactured and/or handled,
c) Implemented across the entire production system, either as programmes applicable in general
or as programmes applicable to a particular product or operational line, and
d) Approved by the food safety team. The organization has a system to identify statutory and
regulatory requirements related to the above.

7.2.3 The organization has a system at the time of selecting and/or establishing PRP(s), the
organization has consider and utilize appropriate information [e.g. statutory and regulatory
requirements, customer requirements, recognized guidelines, Codex Alimentarius Commission
(Codex) principles and codes of practices, national, international or sector standards].
The organization has a system to consider the following when establishing these programmes:
a) construction and lay-out of buildings and associated utilities;
b) lay-out of premises, including workspace and employee facilities;
c) supplies of air, water, energy and other utilities;
d) supporting services, including waste and sewage disposal;
e) The suitability of equipment and its accessibility for cleaning, maintenance and preventative
f) Management of purchased materials (e.g. raw materials, ingredients, chemicals and
packaging), supplies (e.g. water, air, steam and ice), disposals (e.g. waste and sewage) and
handling of products (e.g. storage and transportation);
g) Measures for the prevention of cross contamination;
h) Cleaning and sanitizing;
i) Pest control;
j) Personnel hygiene;
k) Other aspects as appropriate.
l) All PRP’s are verified during the MRM in Once in Six Months. And Modifications are carried out
accordingly. Records of Modifications are maintained accordingly. PRP’s for Products are
maintained in Doc. No. MFPL/FSMS/26.

7.3 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis

7.3.1 General
All relevant information needed to conduct the hazard analysis shall be collected, maintained,
updated and documented.

7.3.2 Food safety team

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A food safety team is appointed. The food safety team has a combination of multi-disciplinary
knowledge and experience in developing and implementing the food safety management
system. This includes, but need not be limited to, the organization's products, processes,
equipment and food safety hazards within the scope of the food safety management system.
Records are maintained that demonstrate that the food safety team has the required knowledge
and experience. For Multi-disciplinary FSMS Team Refer Doc. No. MFPL/FSMS/27.

7.3.3 Product characteristics Raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials
All raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials are described in documents to the
extent needed to conduct the hazard analysis, including the following, as appropriate:
a) biological, chemical and physical characteristics;
b) composition of formulated ingredients, including additives and processing aids;
c) origin;
d) method of production;
e) packaging and delivery methods;
f) storage conditions and shelf life;
g) preparation and/or handling before use or processing;
h) food safety-related acceptance criteria or specifications of purchased materials and
ingredients appropriate to their intended uses.
The organization has identified statutory and regulatory food safety requirements related to the
above. The description has kept up-to-date including, when required. List of Raw material,
ingredients and product-contact materials is maintained in MFPL/FSMS/28. Characteristics of end products

The Organization has a system to describe the characteristics of end product in the final
inspection and test plan is up to the extent of conducting the hazard analysis. It includes:
a) product name or similar identification;
b) composition;
c) biological, chemical and physical characteristics relevant for food safety;
d) intended shelf life and storage conditions;
e) packaging labeling related to food safety and/or instructions for handling, preparations and
usage and methods of distribution.

The organization has a system to identify statutory and regulatory food safety requirements
related to the above. There is a system to up to date the required information. Characteristics of
the product are defined in Doc. No. MFPL/FSMS/29.

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7.3.4 Intended use

The intended use, the reasonably expected handling of the end product, and any unintended
but reasonably expected mishandling and misuse of the end product shall be considered and
shall be described in documents to the extent needed to conduct the hazard analysis.
Groups of users and, where appropriate, groups of consumers has identified for each product,
and consumer groups known to be especially vulnerable to specific food safety hazards shall be
considered. The descriptions shall be kept up-to-date including, when required. Intended Use of
the Product defined in Doc. No. MFPL/FSMS/30.

7.3.5 Flow diagrams, process steps and control measures Flow diagrams
Flow diagrams have been prepared for the product or process categories covered by the food
safety management system. Flow diagrams provide a basis for evaluating the possible
occurrence, increase or introduction of food safety hazards.
Flow diagrams are clear, accurate and sufficiently detailed. Flow diagrams shall, as appropriate,
include the following:
a) The sequence and interaction of all steps in the operation;
b) Any outsourced processes and subcontracted work;
c) Where raw materials, ingredients and intermediate products enter the flow;
d) Where reworking and recycling take place;
e) Where end products, intermediate products, by-products and waste are released or removed.

The Food safety Team verifies the accuracy of the flow diagrams by on site checking. Verified
flow diagrams are being maintained as records. Process flow diagram of Wheat Flour (Atta,
Maida & Suzi) maintained in Doc. No. MFPL/FSMS/37.

7.4 Hazard analysis

7.4.1 General
The food safety team conducts a hazard analysis to determine which hazards need to be
controlled, the degree of control required to ensure food safety, and which combination of
control measures is required. Hazard Analysis Records are evident In MFPL/FSMS/32.

7.4.2 Hazard identification and determination of acceptable levels All food safety hazards that are reasonably expected to occur in relation to the type of
product, type of process and actual processing facilities shall be identified and recorded. The
identifications are based on:
a) The preliminary information and data collected.
b) Experience,
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c) External information including, to the extent possible, epidemiological and other historical
d) Information from the food chain on food safety hazards that may be of relevance for the
safety of the end products, intermediate products and the food at consumption.

The step(s) (from raw materials, processing and distribution) at which each food safety hazard
may be introduced is being indicated.

During Identifying the hazard, consideration has been given to:

a) The steps preceding and following the specified operation,
b) The process equipment, utilities/services and surroundings, and
c) The preceding and following links in the food chain.

For each of the food safety hazards identified, the acceptable level of the food safety hazard in
the end product has been determined whenever possible. The determined level has been taken
into account established statutory and regulatory requirements, customer food safety
requirements, the intended use by the customer and other relevant data. The justification for,
and the result of, the determination is being recorded.

7.4.3 Hazard assessment

A hazard assessment is being conducted to determine, for each food safety hazard identified,
whether its elimination or reduction to acceptable levels is essential to the production of a safe
food, and whether its control is needed to enable the defined acceptable levels to be met.
Each food safety hazard shall be evaluated according to the possible severity of adverse health
effects and the likelihood of their occurrence. The methodology used shall be described, and the
results of the food safety hazard assessment are being recorded.

7.4.4 Selection and assessment of control measures

Based on the hazard assessment an appropriate combination of control measures has been
selected which is capable of preventing, eliminating or reducing these food safety hazards to
defined acceptable levels.
In this selection, each of the control measures is being reviewed with respect to its effectiveness
against the identified food safety hazards.
The control measures selected is being categorized as to whether they need to be managed
through operational PRP(s) or by the HACCP plan.

The selection and categorization is being carried out using a logical approach that includes
assessments with regard to the following:
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a) Its effect on identified food safety hazards relative to the strictness applied;
b) Its feasibility for monitoring (e.g. ability to be monitored in a timely manner to enable
immediate corrections);
c) Its place within the system relative to other control measures;
d) the likelihood of failure in the functioning of a control measure or significant processing
e) The severity of the consequence(s) in the case of failure in its functioning;
f) Whether the control measure is specifically established and applied to eliminate or
significantly reduce the level of hazard(s);
g) Synergistic effects (i.e. interaction that occurs between two or more measures resulting in
their combined effect being higher than the sum of their individual effects).

Control measures categorized as belonging to the HACCP plan is being implemented. Other
control measures are implemented as operational PRPs

7.5 Establishing the operational prerequisite programmes (PRPs)

The operational PRPs are being documented and include the following information for each
a) Food safety hazard(s) to be controlled by the programme;
b) Control measure(s);
c) Monitoring procedures that demonstrate that the operational PRPs are implemented;
d) Corrections and corrective actions to be taken if monitoring shows that the operational PRPs
are not in control;
e) Responsibilities and authorities;
f) Record(s) of monitoring.

Operational PRP’s evident in Doc. No. MFPL/FSMS/33

7.6 Establishing the HACCP plan

7.6.1 HACCP plan
The HACCP plan is documented and includes the following information for each identified
critical control point (CCP):
a) Food safety hazard(s) to be controlled at the CCP;
b) Control measure(s);
c) Critical limit(s);
d) Monitoring procedure(s);
e) Corrections and corrective action(s) to be taken if critical limits are exceeded;
f) Responsibilities and authorities;
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g) Record(s) of monitoring.
HACCP Plan is evident in Doc. No. MFPL/FSMS/34.

7.6.2 Identification of critical control points (CCPs)

For each hazard that are controlled by the HACCP plan, CCP(s) are identified for the control
measures identified.

7.6.3 Determination of critical limits for critical control points

Critical limits have been determined for the monitoring established for each CCP. Critical limits
have been established to ensure that the identified acceptable level of the food safety hazard in
the end product is not exceeded. Critical limits shall be measurable. The rationale for the chosen
critical limits is documented. Critical limits based on subjective data (such as visual inspection of
product, process, handling, etc.) is supported by instructions or specifications and/or education
and training.

7.6.4 System for the monitoring of critical control points

A monitoring system has been established for each CCP to demonstrate that the CCP is in
control. The system has included all scheduled measurements or observations relative to the
critical limit(s). The monitoring system consists of relevant procedures, instructions and records
that cover the following:
a) Measurements or observations that provide results within an adequate time frame;
b) Monitoring devices used;
c) Applicable calibration methods;
d) Monitoring frequency;
e) Responsibility and authority related to monitoring and evaluation of monitoring results;
f) Record requirements and methods.

The monitoring methods and frequency is capable of determining when the critical limits have
been exceeded in time for the product to be isolated before it is used or consumed.

7.6.5 Actions when monitoring results exceed critical limits

Planned corrections and corrective actions to be taken when critical limits are exceeded as
specified in the HACCP plan. The actions ensured that the cause of nonconformity is identified,
that the parameter(s) controlled at the CCP is (are) brought back under control, and that
recurrence is prevented. Documented procedures are established and maintained for the
appropriate handling of potentially unsafe products to ensure that they are not released until
they have been evaluated.
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7.7 Updating of preliminary information and documents specifying the PRPs and the
HACCP plan
Following the establishment of operational PRP(s) and/or the HACCP Plan, the organization
updates the following information, if necessary:
a) Product characteristics;
b) Intended use;
c) Flow diagrams;
d) Process steps;
e) Control measures.
If necessary, the HACCP plan and the procedures and instructions specifying the PRP(s) has been

7.8 Verification planning

Verification planning has defined the purpose, methods, frequencies and responsibilities for the
verification activities. The verification activities confirms that
a) The PRP(s) are implemented,
b) Input to the hazard analysis is continually updated,
c) The operational PRP(s) and the elements within the HACCP plan are implemented and
d) Hazard levels are within identified acceptable levels, and
e) Other procedures required by the organization are implemented and effective.
The output of this planning is in a form suitable for the organization's method of operations.
Verification results are recorded and are communicated to the food safety team. Verification
results provide to enable the analysis of the results of the verification activities.
The system verification is based on testing of end product samples, and where such test samples
show nonconformity with the acceptable level of the food safety hazard, the affected lots of
product shall be handled as potentially unsafe.

7.9 Traceability system

The organization has established and applies a traceability system that enables the identification
of product lots and their relation to batches of raw materials, processing and delivery records.
The traceability system is able to identify incoming material from the immediate suppliers and
the initial distribution route of the end product.
Traceability records are maintained till expiry date + 15 days extra to enable the handling of
potentially unsafe products and in the event of product withdrawal. Records are accordance with
statutory and regulatory requirements and customer requirements and may, for example, be
based on the end product lot identification.

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7.10 Control of nonconformity

7.10.1 Corrections
The organization has a system to ensure that when critical limits for CCP(s) are exceeded or
there is a loss of control of operational PRP(s), the products affected are identified and
controlled with regard to their use and release.
A documented procedure has established and maintained defining:
a) The identification and assessment of affected end products to determine their proper
handling and
b) A review of the corrections carried out.
Products manufactured under conditions where critical limits have been exceeded are
potentially unsafe products and handled in accordance with Products manufactured under
conditions where operational PRP(s) have not been conformed with are evaluated with respect
to the cause(s) of the nonconformity and to the consequences thereof in terms of food safety
and where necessary, be handled. The evaluation is being recorded.
All corrections are approved by the responsible person(s), and shall be recorded together with
information on the nature of the nonconformity, its cause(s) and consequence(s), including
information needed for traceability purposes related to the nonconforming lots.

7.10.2 Corrective actions

Data derived from the monitoring of operational PRPs and CCPs is evaluated by designated
person(s) with sufficient knowledge and authority to initiate corrective actions.

Corrective actions are initiated when critical limits are exceeded or when there is a lack of
Conformity with operational PRP(s). The organization has established and maintained
documented procedures that specify appropriate actions to identify and eliminate the cause of
detected nonconformities, to prevent recurrence, and to bring the process or system back into
control after nonconformity is encountered. These actions include:
a) Reviewing nonconformities (including customer complaints),
b) Reviewing trends in monitoring results that may indicate development towards loss of
c) Determining the cause(s) of nonconformities,
d) Evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur,
e) Determining and implementing the actions needed,
f) Recording the results of corrective actions taken, and
g) Reviewing corrective actions taken to ensure that they are effective.

Corrective actions are recorded as per procedure No. MFPL/SOP/35.

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7.10.3 Handling of potentially unsafe products General
The organization handles nonconforming products by taking action(s) to prevent the
nonconforming product from entering the food chain unless it is possible to ensure that
a) The food safety hazard(s) of concern has been reduced to the defined acceptable levels,
b) The food safety hazard(s) of concern will be reduced to identified acceptable levels prior to
entering into the food chain, or
c) The product still meets the defined acceptable level(s) of the food safety hazard(s) of concern
despite the nonconformity.
All lots of product that may have been affected by a nonconforming situation are held under
control of the organization until they have been evaluated. If products that have left the control
of the organization are subsequently determined to be unsafe, the organization has notify
relevant interested parties and initiate a withdrawal. The controls and related responses and
authorization for dealing with potentially unsafe products are being documented in Doc. No.
MFPL/FSMS/36 Evaluation for release

Each lot of product affected by the nonconformity only released as safe when any of the
following conditions apply:
a) Evidence other than the monitoring system demonstrates that the control measures have
been effective;
b) Evidence shows that the combined effect of the control measures for that particular product
complies with the performance intended (i.e. identified acceptable levels as identified)
c) The results of sampling, analysis and/or other verification activities demonstrate that the
affected lot of product complies with the identified acceptable levels for the food safety
hazard(s) concerned. Disposition of nonconforming products

Following evaluation, if the lot of product is not acceptable for release it is handled by one of
the following activities:
a) Reprocessing or further processing within or outside the organization to ensure that the food
safety hazard is eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels;
b) Destruction and/or disposal as waste. Procedure No. MFPL/SOP/21

7.10.4 Withdrawals
To enable and facilitate the complete and timely withdrawal of lots of end products which have
been identified as unsafe

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a) Top management has appointed personnel having the authority to initiate a withdrawal and
personnel responsible for executing the withdrawal, and
b) The organization has establish and maintain a documented procedure for
1) Notification to relevant interested parties (e.g. statutory and regulatory authorities,
customers and/or consumers),
2) Handling of withdrawn products as well as affected lots of the products still in stock,
3) The sequence of actions to be taken.
Withdrawn products shall be secured or held under supervision until they are destroyed, used
for purposes other than originally intended, determined to be safe for the same (or other)
intended use, or reprocessed in a manner to ensure they become safe. The cause, extent and
result of a withdrawal shall be recorded and reported to top management as input to the
Management review.
The organization has verified and records the effectiveness of the withdrawal programme
through the use of appropriate techniques (e.g. mock withdrawal or practice withdrawal). Refer
Procedure No. MFPL/SOP/27.

Operational planning and control (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.1, 14K – 8.1, 18K – 4.4.6)
The processes needed for operation are planed and control. The planning of operation is
consistent with the requirements of other processes of QHSEMS.
In operation planning and control, following is determined as appropriate;
 Required verification, monitoring, inspection and test activities specific to the product
and the criteria for product acceptance such as Inspection plans, customer specification
 Validation is not applicable.
 The need to establish processes and its control, documents, and to provide resources
specific to the product;
 QHSE objectives and requirements for the product like specifications, Manner of Packing,
Aspect, HIRA etc.
 Documented information to provide evidence that the processes carried out as plan and
demonstrate the conformity to product meet requirements.
 Communication of QHSE requirements to external provider as appropriate.
 Provide information about significant aspect HIRA associated with transportation or
delivery, use, end of life treatment and final disposal of its products
 Company is planning the production schedule based on contractual delivery date and
availability of raw material.
The MOL has maintained necessary documented information.

Reference: Log sheet / Production Instruction/ MSDS / TREM Card

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Requirements for products and services (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.2, 14K – 8.2, 18K –NA)
Customer communication (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.2.1, 14K – NA, 18K –NA)
The communication with customers is ensured using effective verbal and written communication
for size, packing, printing activities and our expertise in various areas and work done for various
clients, deliveries or any feedbacks, including customer complaints for QHSE and other issues at
customer site. Also for Provide information about significant aspect HIRA associated with
transportation or delivery, use, end of life treatment and final disposal of its products

Determination of requirements related to products (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.2.2, 14K – NA, 18K –
MOL determines
 Requirements specified by the customer, including delivery,
 Requirements not stated by customer, but necessary for specified use or known intended
 Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements applicable. If the product is exported,
statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to country of export are ascertained
and adhered to.
Reference: SOP for Marketing – SOP/MKT/01

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (Ref. Cl. 9K – NA, 14K – NA, 18K – 4.3.1)

Procedure has been established, maintained & implemented for ongoing identification of
hazards, the assessments of risks, and the implementation of necessary control measures for
routine & non-routine activities, activities of all personnel having access to the workplace
including visitors and subcontractors, facilities at the workplace, whether provided by the
company or others.
The results of these assessments and the effects of these controls are considered when setting
the QHSE objectives. This will be documented and kept updated.
MOL methodology for hazard identification and risk assessment shall
 be defined with respect to the scope, nature and timing to ensure that it is proactive
 provide for the classification of risks and identification of those that are to be eliminated
or controlled by measures by the Objectives and OH&S management programmes
 be consistent with the operating experience and the capabilities of risk control measures
 provide input into the determination of facility requirements, identification of training
needs and/or development of operational controls;

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 provide for the monitoring of required actions to ensure both the effectiveness and
timeliness of their implementation.

Reference: SOP Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment - SOP-MR-03

Review of requirements related to products and services (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.2.3, 14K – NA, 18K
The customer requirement for the product is reviewed prior to the organization’s commitment
to supply a product to the customer.
 All enquiries and order received from customers are reviewed to understand it clearly,
and all the reviewing activities are agreed before development or submission of a
quotation or acceptance of an order.
 In case of any non-compliance with requirements in inquiry or order, it is resolved with
the customer and amendment to contract or replacement of the product within
guarantee period is communicated to all personnel concerned throughout the company.
 MOL is confirmed requirements before acceptance of order in case of customer not
provided any documented statement of their requirement.
 MOL is maintained documented information of order review and new requirements for
products on customer orders.

Changes to requirements for products and services (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.2.3, 14K – NA, 18K –NA)
Any amendments are also reviewed by properly updating or amendment record and same is
communicated to relevant person for changes.

Reference: SOP for Marketing – SOP/MKT/01

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Design and development of products and services (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.2.3, 14K – NA, 18K –NA)
- Requirement do not apply

Control of externally provided processes, products and services (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.4, 14K –
NA, 18K –NA)
General (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.4.1, 14K – NA, 18K –NA)
MOL ensures that externally provided processes, products and services conform to requirements
MOL determined controlled on externally provided products and services are intended for
incorporation in to the organizations own products.
Product and services are provided to directly customer by external providers on behalf of MOL
A process, or part of process, is provided by an external provider as a result of a decision by

Type and extent of control (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.4.2, 14K – NA, 18K –NA)
MOL ensures that externally provided processes, products and services do not adversely affect
the organizations ability to consistently deliver conforming products to its customers.
MOL ensures that externally provided processes remain within control of its QHSE.
MOL consider the potential impact of the externally provided processes, product and services
consistently meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
The received product or service is verified based on testing or verification of test certificates or
physical verification to ensure that product or service as per requirements.
Information for external providers (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.4.3, 14K – NA, 18K –NA)
Information is conveyed to external providers through Purchase order. Information describes the
product or service to be purchased including HSE requirement where appropriate,
Requirements for product, procedures, processes and equipment, e.g. all technical specifications,
delivery, packing, inspection requirements
Requirements for qualification of personnel and QHSEMS The purchasing document is reviewed
and approved by HOD for adequacy of specification, delivery terms, inspection requirements,
packing and other requirements such as competence of person, verification or validation
activities intends to perform at external provided premises prior to release to external providers.
Reference: SOP for Purchasing – SOP/PUR/01
Purchase Order

Production and service provision (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.5, 14K – NA, 18K –4.4.6)
Control of production and service provision (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.5.1, 14K – NA, 18K –4.4.6)

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 Production provision are planned and carried out under controlled conditions.
Controlled conditions includes, as applicable
 The availability of information that describes the characteristics of the product, The
information about characteristics of the product is documented in the form of Inspection
 The Manufacturing activities are taken up and closely monitored by manager to ensure
no deviations of planned conditions/ specifications. The monitoring is done for
production processes as well as Final product in line with specifications.
 It is the policy of the company to identify the operations and activities that are
associated with Product/ Service realization, significant aspects and associated risks in
line with its policy, objectives and targets. It is also ensured that the activities are carried
out under controlled conditions in accordance with documented procedure.
 Respective HODs has overall responsibility of their relevant function/s and
commensurate authority with accountability for implementing operational control
measures of significant activities as per the QHSE management program.
 The company plans the operational control of various processes and associated risks by
establishing and maintaining documented procedure to cover situations where their
absence could lead to deviations from the QHSE policy, objectives and targets.
 By adoption of detailed OCPs/work instructions defining the manner of operation and
control where their absence will adversely affect work atmosphere product quality
and/or environment and generate potential hazards.
 The system ensures that appropriate controls are available for product/ service delivery.
Relevant information for product and process characteristics is available with respective
functions. Appropriate instructions are also available with specific functions.
 Suitable equipment including measuring and monitoring devices are made available to
facilitate process affecting QHSE requirements. The process ensures release and delivery
performances, if part of the contract.
 The organization has established systems for design of workplace and process along
with adaptation to human capabilities so as to reduce risk at source.
Reference: SOP for Production – SOP/PRD-CAM/01 TO 12
SOP for Production – SOP/PRD-RES/01 TO 41

Identification and traceability (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.5.2, 14K – NA, 18K –4.4.6)
 Separate designated areas for storage of raw material, scrap materials, rejected materials
are identified at the MOL. Different types of raw material are stored separately and have
identified by their names.

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 The methodology for Identification and traceability of the materials by suitable means at
receiving stage. At receiving stage the challan / LR no. of the incoming material along
with supplier’s name is recorded in Goods Receive Register.
 Any specific requirement of customer for Identification and traceability is followed
 All the documents are provided identification for traceability purpose.
 Clients are identified by their name.
 Chemicals & Solvents are stored separately, having Batch No. & Product Name
mentioned on their barrels.
 Finished products are stored in cartons and bags which are identified through sticker or
pre-painted. (Sticker mentioned quantity, batch no. & product name)
Reference: Stickers & Boards

Property belonging to customers or external providers (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.5.3, 14K – NA, 18K –
The customer property is handled safely during manufacturing and information to customer is
provided in writing when there are any problems. The customer property like specifications are
controlled so as it is not falling under wrong hand and preserved against deterioration and
necessary records of the same is maintained
Reference: ---

Preservation (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.5.4, 14K – NA, 18K –4.4.6)

 The company had adequate equipment for handling of Raw Materials & finished
products at all stages. It has hydraulics trolley car and lift to support this activity.
 Appropriate handling methods are provided to prevent damage or deterioration
 Products at all stages are properly stored to enable identification and to prevent
 Designated storage areas are used to store raw materials and final products, to prevent
damages / deterioration due to storage. Appropriate methods of authorizing receipt to
and dispatch from such area is stipulated.
 In Packing and marking process including materials used to the extent necessary to
ensure conformance to specify requirements are used.
 Delivery of the product is done under the supervision of the production supervisor,
where contractually, the protection of the Quality of the product is extended to include
delivery to destination responsibility of the same is extended to concerned person.
 Delivery of the product is done under the supervision of the production supervisor,
where contractually, the protection of the Quality of the product is extended to include
delivery to destination responsibility of the same is extended to concerned person.

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 All products are covered with plastic bags, Dust prevention preventive to protect the
 Visual re-inspection shall be done for the products lying more than month for Dust.
Reference: SOP for Store SOP/STR/01 TO 04

Post delivery activities (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.5.5, 14K – NA, 18K –4.4.6)
MOL consider following for Post delivery activities. At MOL no post delivery activity in place
 Statutory and regulatory requirement
 The potential undesired consequences associated with products and its life time and
nature. MSDS is providing with Product.
 Customer requirement and feedbacks.
Reference: ---

Control of changes (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.5.6, 14K – NA, 18K –4.4.6)

MOL has reviewed any changes in production provision or other major changes; the same are
planned and implemented effectively without compromising existing systems.
MOL has considered the purpose of the changes and their potential consequences, availability
of resources, integrity of QHSEMS and allocation and reallocation of responsibilities and
MOL has maintained documented information of changes.
Refer. Change Management form F-ORG-04

Release of products and services (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.6, 14K – NA, 18K –4.4.6)
The product characteristics are monitored and measured as per documented quality plan to
verify that product requirements have been met.
 This is carried out at incoming, in-process and final stages.
 If any nonconformance is found at incoming, in-process or final stage, procedure for
control of nonconforming product is followed.
 Detail of conformance is recorded in corrective action request form.
 Evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria is maintained.
 Documented information of Result of Inspection is being maintained.
At MOL product not release till planned arrangements have been satisfactory completed unless
and otherwise approved by relevant authority or customer

Reference: SOP for Quality Control – SOP/QC-CAM/01 TO 64

SOP for Quality Control – SOP/QC-RES/01 TO 46

Control of nonconforming outputs (Ref. Cl. 9K – 8.7, 14K – NA, 18K –4.4.6)

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The products that do not conform to the specified requirements, are identified, segregated,
evaluated and controlled to prevent its unintended use or delivery The record of non-
conforming products is maintained for analysis to take corrective and preventive actions;
Where applicable, the nonconforming product is dealt in following way.
 To eliminate the detected nonconformity at Incoming, In process or final stage;
 By authorizing its use, release or acceptance under concession by HOD QC or relevant
authority and, where applicable by the customer;
 By taking action to preclude it original intended use or application.
 By taking action appropriate to the effects, or potential effects of the non conformity
when nonconforming product is detected after delivery or use has started
When nonconforming product is corrected it shall be subject to re-verification in demonstrate
conformity to the requirements.
Records of nature of nonconformity and any subsequent actions taken, including concessions
obtained, are maintained.
Record identifying non-conformity is filed separately for analysis and discussed in Management
Review Meeting

Reference: SOP for Non-conforming Product – SOP/MR/04

8 Validation, verification and improvement of the food safety management system

8.1 General
The food safety team has planned and implements the processes needed to validate control
measures and/or control measure combinations, and to verify and improve the food safety
management system.

8.2 Validation of control measure combinations

Prior to implementation of control measures to be included in operational PRP(s) and the
HACCP plan and after any change therein, the organization has validated that
a) The selected control measures are capable of achieving the intended control of the food
safety hazard(s) for which they are designated, and
b) The control measures are effective and capable of, in combination, ensuring control of the
identified food safety hazard(s) to obtain end products that meet the defined acceptable levels.
If the result of the validation shows that one or both of the above elements cannot be
confirmed, the control measure and/or combinations thereof shall be modified and re-assessed.
Modifications may include changes in control measures (i.e. process parameters, rigorousness
and/or their combination) and/or change(s) in the raw materials, manufacturing technologies,
end product characteristics, methods of distribution and/or intended use of the end product.

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8.3 Control of monitoring and measuring Equipments

The organization has provided evidence that the specified monitoring and measuring methods
and equipment are adequate to ensure the performance of the monitoring and measuring
Where necessary to ensure valid results, the measuring equipment and methods used
a) Shall be calibrated or verified at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement
standards traceable to international or national measurement standards; where no such
standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be recorded,
b) Shall be adjusted or re-adjusted as necessary,
c) Shall be identified to enable the calibration status to be determined,
d) Shall be safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement results, and
e) Shall be protected from damage and deterioration.
Records of the results of calibration and verification are maintained.
In addition, the organization has assessed the validity of the previous measurement results when
the equipment or process is found not to conform to requirements. If the measuring equipment
is nonconforming, the organization shall take action appropriate for the equipment and any
product affected. Records of such assessment and resulting actions shall be maintained.
When used in the monitoring and measurement of specified requirements, the ability of
computer software to satisfy the intended application shall be confirmed. This shall be
undertaken prior to initial use and shall be reconfirmed as necessary.

Refer Procedure for Control of Monitoring and Measuring Equipments Procedure No.

Monitoring and measuring resources (Ref. Cl. 9K – 7.1.5, 14K – NA, 18K –NA) - General
MOL has determined and provided the resources needed to ensure valid and reliable results
when monitoring or measuring used to verify the conformity of product.
MOL ensures that the resources provided (measuring and test equipment / instruments) are
suitable for specific type of monitoring and measurement also maintained to ensure their
continuing fitness for their purpose.
List of monitoring and measurement resources is prepared and maintained.
Reference: List of Measuring Instruments – Measurement & Traceability

Measuring equipments are calibrated or verified or both at the regular intervals for purpose and
usage, thereby ensuring that it are capable of getting the necessary accuracy and measurement
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The instruments are calibrated at regular intervals as per schedules or prior to use and recorded.
All the critical equipments get calibrated against certified equipment having a known valid
relationship to nationally / internationally recognized standard by trained company personnel or
by employing services of outside parties having traceability with national / international
standards. In the absence of establishing such traceability, it is calibrated through some
recognized parties or as per established procedure.
Calibration statuses of the equipments are identified by stickers / tags / records to recall back
when calibration is due.
In case any equipment is found out of calibration, the validity of previous inspection shall be
assessed and necessary corrective action is taken.
Equipments are handled in a manner to avoid damage and deterioration during handling,
maintenance and storage. Trained persons should handle the equipments to ensure the validity
of calibration. The measuring and monitoring Equipments are safeguarded to eliminate the
possibility of invalidation of the calibration or is subjected to calibration before use. There is no
software used for monitoring.
Calibration certificate /Report/ Records is maintained with traceability.
Reference: SOP for Instrument – SOP/ENGG-INST/01 TO 06 & Calibration Certificate

8.4 Food safety management system verification

8.4.1 Internal audit
The organization has conducted internal audits at planned intervals of ONE YEAR to determine
whether the food safety management system
a) Conforms to the planned arrangements, to the food safety management system requirements
established by the organization, and to the requirements of this International Standard, and
b) Is effectively implemented and updated.

An audit programme has planned, taking into consideration the importance of the processes
and areas to be audited, as well as any updating actions resulting from previous audits. The
audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods shall be defined. Selection of auditors and the
conduct of audits shall ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the audit process. Auditors shall
not audit their own work.
The responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits, and for reporting
results and maintaining records, shall be defined in a documented procedure.

The management responsible for the area being audited shall ensure that actions are taken
without undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes. Follow-up
activities shall include the verification of the actions taken and the reporting of the verification
results. Refer Procedure for Conducting Internal Audit No. MFPL/SOP/28.
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Internal Audit (Ref. Cl. 9K – 9.2, 14K – 9.2, 18K – 4.5.5)

General (Ref. Cl. 9K – 9.2.1, 14K – 9.2.1, 18K – 4.5.5)
The MOL conducts IA at planned intervals to determine whether the QHSEMS
 Confirms to the planned arrangements to the requirements of this international standard
and to the QHSEMS requirements established by the MOL, and
 Is effectively implemented and maintained.
Internal Audit Programme (Ref. Cl. 9K – 9.2.2, 14K – 9.2.2, 18K – 4.5.5)
An audit programme is planned, taking into consideration the status and importance of the
processes and areas to be audited, as well as the results of previous audits. The audit criteria,
scope, frequency and methods are defined. Selection of auditors and conduct of audits ensures
objectivity and impartiality of the audit process. Auditors are not auditing their own work.
The responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits, and for reporting
results and maintaining records has been defined in a documented procedure.
The management responsible for the area being audited ensures that actions are taken without
undue delay to eliminate detected non-conformities and their causes. Follow-up activities
include the verification of the actions taken and the reporting of verification results.

Reference: SOP for Internal Audit – SOP/MR/05

8.4.2 Evaluation of individual verification results

The food safety team shall systematically evaluate the individual results of planned verification.
If verification does not demonstrate conformity with the planned arrangements, the
organization shall take action to achieve the required conformity. Such action shall include, but
is not limited to, review of
a) Existing procedures and communication channels,
b) The conclusions of the hazard analysis, the established operational PRP(s) and the HACCP
c) The PRP(s), and
d) The effectiveness of human resource management and of training activities.

8.4.3 Analysis of results of verification activities

The food safety team shall analyze the results of verification activities, including the results of
the internal audits and external audits. The analysis shall be carried out in order
a) To confirm that the overall performance of the system meets the planned arrangements and
the food safety management system requirements established by the organization,
b) To identify the need for updating or improving the food safety management system,
c) To identify trends which indicate a higher incidence of potentially unsafe products,

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d) To establish information for planning of the internal audit programme concerning the status
and importance of areas to be audited, and
e) To provide evidence that any corrections and corrective actions that have been taken are
The results of the analysis and the resulting activities shall be recorded and shall be reported, in
an appropriate manner, to top management as input to the management review. It shall also be
used as an input for updating the food safety management system.

8.5 Improvement
8.5.1 Continual improvement
Top management shall ensure that the organization continually improves the effectiveness of
the food safety management system through the use of communication, management review,
internal audit, evaluation of individual verification results, analysis of results of verification
activities, validation of control measure combinations, corrective actions and food safety
management system updating.

8.5.2 Updating the food safety management system

Top management System shall ensure that the food safety management system is continually
updated. In order to achieve this, the food safety team shall evaluate the food safety
management system at planned intervals. The team shall then consider whether it is necessary
to review the hazard analysis, the established operational PRP(s) and the HACCP plan.
The evaluation and updating activities shall be based on
a) Input from communication, external as well as internal,
b) Input from other information concerning the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the
food safety management system,
c) Output from the analysis of results of verification activities and
d) Output from management review.

System updating activities shall be recorded and reported, in an appropriate manner, as input to
the management review.

General (Ref. Cl. 9K – 9.1.1, 14K – NA, 18K –4.4.6)

The MOL has monitor, measure, analyze and evaluate its QHSE performance.
MOL has determines

 Results of analysis are recorded to track performance, relevant operational controls and
conformance with the QHSEMS objectives and targets.

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 Monitor incidents (including accidents, injury, spillages, leakages etc.), and other
historical evidence of deficient QHSEMS performance.
 The results are analyzed to determine the areas of success and to identify areas requiring
corrective action and improvement on the basis of performance indicators, which have
been laid down in the relevant QHSEMS.
 Equipment used for monitoring and measuring are also calibrated / verified to ensure
accuracy / required precision as per the documented procedure and records for the
same are maintained.
 Evaluation of Effectiveness of QHSEMS.
 Monitoring of HSE characteristic.
 Suitable methods are applied & followed for monitoring & measurement of processes.
The method selected for monitoring & measurement demonstrates ability of processes
to achieve intended outcomes. Whenever planned results are not achieved correction &
corrective actions are taken to ensure conformity QHSEMS.
The MOL maintained documented information of such monitoring and measurement.

Reference: SOP for Monitoring & Measurement – SOP/MR/08

Customer satisfaction (Ref. Cl. 9K – 9.1.2, 14K – NA, 18K –4.4.6)

As one of measurement of performance of the QHSEMS, the organization monitors information

relating to customer perception as to whether the organization has met customer requirements.
Various methods for obtaining and using this information are used such as getting data from
customer in the form of vendor performance evaluation, sending customer feedback forms,
records of minutes of meeting with customer, participation in vendor performance award
function organized by customer, Order trends etc.
Reference: Customer Feedback Form – F/MKT/03

Evaluation of Compliance (Ref. Cl. 9K – NA, 14K – 9.1.2, 18K –4.4.6)

Procedure is established, implemented & maintained for periodically evaluation for compliance
obligation. Also to ensure that MOL is consistent with the commitment towards compliance with
all such compliance obligation. Documented information of periodic evaluation is maintained in
the compliance obligation form.

Also evaluation with the other requirements is done as per the above established process.
Records of such periodic evaluation are also maintained in the compliance obligation form.
Reference: SOP for Compliance Obligation –SOP/EHS/07

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Analysis and evaluation (Ref. Cl. 9K – 9.1.3, 14K – NA, 18K –4.4.6)
Appropriate data is collected and analyzed to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of
the QHSEMS and to evaluate where continual improvement of the effectiveness of the QHSE can
be made. This includes data generated as a result of monitoring and measurement and from the
relevant sources.
The analysis of data provides information relating to
 Customer satisfaction,
 Conformity to Product Requirements
 Conformity to QHSE Requirements
 Characteristics and trends of processes and products including opportunities for
 Effectiveness of action taken to address risk and opportunities.
 Performance of external providers
 Objective & Target
 Result of HSE
The data and action plan for implement is discussed in Management Review Meeting.
Reference: Data Analysis Report

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General (Ref. Cl. 9K –10.1, 14K – 10.1, 18K – NA)

The MOL has determined opportunities for improvements and implements necessary action to
achieve the intended outcomes of its QHSEMS.

Non conformity and corrective action (Ref. Cl. 9K –10.2, 14K – 10.2, 18K –
The MOL is taking action to eliminate the cause of non-conformities in order to prevent
recurrence. Corrective actions are appropriate to the effects of the non-conformities
A documented process is being established to define requirements for
Reviewing the non-conformities (including interested party complaints),
Determining the causes of non-conformities,
Evaluating the need for action to ensure that non-conformities do not recur,
Determining and implementing action needed,
Records of the results from the action taken and
Reviewing corrective action taken.
Reference: SOP Corrective Action – SOP/MR/07

Accidents, Incidents, non conformances (Ref. Cl. 9K –10.2, 14K – 10.2, 18K –
Procedure is established & maintained for defining responsibility & authority for
Handling & investigation of accidents, incidents & non conformances,
Taking action to mitigate any consequences arising from accidents, incidents or non
Reference: SOP Accident Incident Investigation & Reporting (SOP/EHS/02)

Continual improvement (Ref. Cl. 9K –10.3, 14K – 10.3, 18K – 4.3.3/4.5.3)

The MOL aims continually improve the effectiveness of the QHSE MS through the use of QHSE
policy, objectives, context of organization, QHSE performance, environmental aspect,
environmental risk, HIRA, audit results, outcomes of management reviews, analysis of data,
corrective action etc.

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