Biology12 28

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Biology(20) Time:45 minutes


1) Which one of skeleton is not of genetic causes:

A. Microceph B. Arthritis C. Osteoarthr D. Osteomala

aly itis cia

2) The 3rd phase in the reparing process of bones is

A. Bony Callus Formation C. Remodeling

B. Calluse formation D. Hematoma formation

3) Which one muscle has the slow speed of contraction?

A. Smoothj B. Skeletal C. Cardiac D. None

4) I Band has mid line called

A. M – line B. Z – line C. T – line D. None

5) Which one of the following protein is polypeptice complex?

A. Tropomyosin C. Actin
B. Troponin D. Myosin

6) How many muscles in human body?

A. 550 B. 620 C. 650 D. 680

Short Questions

i. What is T – System? How a T – Tubule is formed?

ii. What is tendons?
iii. What do you mean by muscle Fatigue? How it is done?
iv. How Ca ions are helpful in controlling the cross bridge?
v. What is sarcomere?

Long Questions

1. Describe the ultrastructure of Myofilament?

Biology(20) Time:45 minutes


1) Which one of skeleton is not of genetic causes:

E. Microceph F. Arthritis G. Osteoarthr H. Osteomala

aly itis cia

2) The 3rd phase in the reparing process of bones is

E. Bony Callus Formation G. Remodeling

F. Calluse formation H. Hematoma formation

3) Which one muscle has the slow speed of contraction?

E. Smoothj F. Skeletal G. Cardiac H. None

4) I Band has mid line called

E. M – line F. Z – line G. T – line H. None

5) Which one of the following protein is polypeptice complex?

E. Tropomyosin G. Actin
F. Troponin H. Myosin

6) How many muscles in human body?

E. 550 F. 620 G. 650 H. 680

Short Questions

i. What is T – System? How a T – Tubule is formed?

ii. What is tendons?
iii. What do you mean by muscle Fatigue? How it is done?
iv. How Ca ions are helpful in controlling the cross bridge?
v. What is sarcomere?

Long Questions

1. Describe the ultrastructure of Myofilament?

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