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English XI

2) Choose the correct form of verb:

1. It ______ two to make a quarrel.(Take Taken Took Takes)
2. It ________since morning.( Rains Raining Had raining has been raining)
3. Dogs always ______ at strangers.( barks bark barked will bark)
4. She should ______ to function. (went Go goes gone)
5. Would that I ______ a king. (is am were was)
3) Translate the following paragraph into Urdu:
I Came to that country and they were wonderfully friendly, and they let me see the great ceremony,
which took place as soon after the creation of the post as Gorgios's uniform could be got ready. And very
magnificent clothing it was, a tight-fitting suit of red velvet, all gay with gold buttons and shining with lines of
gold lace that wound and twisted about it. The great throne-room had been turned into a kind of
gymnasium, with the members of the Royal House seated along a raised platform at one end, and the
principal officers standing beside and behind them.
4) Answer these questions:
i. What was the view point of the parents of Gorgios?
ii. What did Terbut think was needed for success in life?
iii. How did Gorgios persuade his people to make his country strong?
5) Punctuate the following line:
 acrobat jorkens went on to the Court of the country in which he lived
6) Write a story on moral “Do not find fault with the divine hand”

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