Paederus Dermatitis An Easy Diagnosable

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Original papers European Journal of

Eur J Pediatr (1993) 152 : 6-8 Pediatrics

9 Springer-Verlag 1993
Paederus dermatitis: an easy diagnosable but misdiagnosed eruption
C. Gelmetti and R. Grimalt
First Department of Dermatology and Paediatric Dermatology University of Milan, IRCCS "Ospedale Maggiore", Milan, Italy

Received March 3, 1992 / Accepted after revision May 8, 1992

Abstract. ​P a e d e r u s dermatitis is a perculia r irritant con - ​tact O n t h e skin, t h e a c u t e vesicula r lesions, b e c o m e

dermatitis characterise d b y e r y t h e m a t o - b u l l o u s le-sions cruste d a n d scaly within a few days an d heal c o m p l e t e l y
o f s u d d e n onse t o n e x p o s e d areas o f the b o d y . T h e in 1 0 - 1 2 days, with a transien t p o s t i n f l a m m a t o r y
disease is p r o v o k e d b y an insect b e l o n g i n g to genu s hyper - c h r o m i c patch . W h e t h e r th e beetl e is c r u s h e d
Paederus. T ​ his beetl e does n o t bite o r sting, b u t acciden - ​tal b r n e a r the eyes o r w h e n th e vesicant fluid is passively t r a n s p
u s h i n g against o r crushing th e beetl e o v e r th e skin p r o v o o r t e d n e a r b y b y h a n d rubbing , acut e conjunctivitis m a y
k e s th e release o f its c o e l o m i c fluid whic h contain s p a e d occur .
e r i n , a p o t e n t vesicant agent . D u e to the p a t h o g e n i c m B e c a u s e c o n t a c t with th e beetl e is painless, patients m
e c h a n i s m , th e m o r p h o l o g y a n d locatio n o f the d e r m a y r e m a i n u n a w a r e , b u t m o s t o f t h e m refe r to havin
a - titis change f r o m case to case. T h e lesion usually resembles g b e e n g a r d e n i n g o r staying outside during th e d a y b e f
the accidental d r o p p i n g o f a caustic o r h o t liquid. T h e u n c o r e th e onse t o f the dermatitis . D e s p i t e its f r e q u e n c y ,
o m m o n association o f acut e dermatitis with minima l o r n o this disease is rarel y describe d in m e d i c a l literature, p r o b a
complaints , whic h w o u l d be n o t e w o r t h y in the case o f - bly b e c a u s e the c o r r e c t diagnosis m a y n o t b e m a d e .
chemica l o r t h e r m a l burns , facilitates diagnosis whic h is c o r M o s t patients, at least in o u r e x p e r i e n c e , hav e b e e n r e
r o b o r a t e d b y the seaso n an d b y th e case history . f e r r e d with suspecte d diagnose s o f m o r e severe diseases.
T h u s , a descriptio n o f o u r tw o r e c e n t cases coul d b e
K e y words : P a e d e r u s dermatitis - C o n t a c t dermatitis - useful as a diagnostic r e m i n d e r o f this disease.
Blister beetl e dermatosi s

Case reports
Case 1
P a e d e r u s dermatitis is describe d as a self - healing, blis-tering,
irritant c o n t a c t dermatitis cause d b y an insect belongin g to th A 6-year-old boy came as an emergency in September
1991, the end of the summer season in our country. His mother
e genu s ​Paederus. T h e a r t h r o p o d does n o t bite o r sting, n
referred that a few hours before, when she was dressing the child,
o r p r o d u c e s an y lesion b y just run - ning o v e r th e h u m a she noticed the presence of erythemato-vesicular lesions on his
n t e g u m e n t , b u t accidental b r u s h i n g against, pressing o r shoulder.
crushing th e beetl e o v e r th e skin p r o v o k e s th e release o f Clinical examination revealed an eruption localized on the
its c o e l o m i c fluid whic h contain s paederin , a p o t e n t right shoulder and upper back, consisting primarily of vesicles and
vesicant agent . bullae containing a serous liquid over an erythematous skin. The
overall arrangement resembled an herpes zoster, but the
This substance , within 2 4 - 3 6 h , p r o v o k e s acut e der - distribu-tion of the lesions did not fit the dermatomal patterns. The
matitis, whic h can be a s y m p t o m a t i c o r p r e c e d e d an d lesions were grouped in crops as a gun shot (Fig. 1), with a larger,
ac-c o m p a n i e d b y a mild itching - burnin g sensation . bullous lesion at the centre and smaller lesions located at the
Clinical appearanc e o f the lesions corresponds in shape an d periphery. A closer view showed that some lesions were eroded,
dimension s to th e are a affected b y the release d sub-stance . D u while some others were small, scantily visible vesicles. All lesions
e to the m e c h a n i s m b y whic h th e lesion oc-curs, its m o r p h showed ery-thematous borders which faded towards the unaffected
o l o g y a n d locatio n is different f r o m case to case b u t Besides the clinical appearance, which differed from common
resemble s an accidental d r o p p i n g o f a caustic or h o t liquid. pyodermas and herpes zoster, there was no significant discomfort.
Routine blood tests, urine analysis, cultures for bacteria and fungi
and Tzank smear for herpetic cells were negative. The course was
​ . Gelmetti, Prima Clinica Dermatologica,
Correspondence to." C uneventful and cleared within a few days without any treatment.
Via Pace 9, 1-20122 Milano, Italy When asked about the child's activities during the preceding
days, his mother said that they went to join his grandmother at her
country house. Due to the warm temperature the child was dressed
in only a pair of shorts.
~~91'-"-'-'~' ANTENNA



Fig. 1. Clinical aspect of the lesion showing a well circumscribed

eruption localized on the left shoulder and upper back. Lesions are l

vesicles and bullae, containing a serous liquid over an

erythema-tous skin. The lesions are distributed as a gun shot Fig. 3. ​Dorsal aspect of an adult male ​Paederusfuscipes
(Original​ ​drawing by R. Grimalt)

beetl e dermatosis , thre e families, ​Meloidae, Oederneridae

and ​Staphylinidae, hav e b e e n describe d [15]. T h e m o s t
notoriou s of the first famil y is ​Lytta vesicatoria, also cal-led
"Spanis h fly", whic h is f r e q u e n t l y r e c o r d e d durin g s
u m m e r in souther n E u r o p e [11, 20]. T h e least k n o w n
, limited to the Pacific Basin an d the C a r i b b e a n , is due to
the secon d famil y [5, 7]. T h e third group , mainl y rep -
resente d b y the genu s P ​ aederus, has b e e n foun d world -
wide [1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 19].
T h e s e insects are 7 - 8 m m long and slim, the y weigh ca.
4 m g and m a y r e s e m b l e an ant (Fig. 3). P ​ aederi are p r e
d a t o r s and scavanger s which fee d on debris an d live o n d
e a d larva e of othe r insects; the y p r e f e r to live in sand y
Fig. 2. Clinical aspect of case 2. Note the involvement of the
ocular mucosa soil n e a r water , such as on river banks . A d u l t in-sects e m
e r g e during or t o w a r d the end o f the rain y sea-son or, as
in ou r latitude, at the en d of s u m m e r , charac - teristically
durin g the first w e e k s of S e p t e m b e r [1].
Case 2
Differen t species of the genu s P ​ aederus [2 - 4 , 12, 18]
A 7-year-old boy was referred to our hospital as an hav e b e e n show n causing the disease. In n o r t h e r n Italy,
emergency in October 1991 because of an acute dermatitis P.fuscipes ​has b e e n the m o s t f r e q u e n t l y isolated species
which started the same morning on the left malar area. [1, 3, 18]. O t h e r species as P . s e b a e u s , ​P. colombinus, ​P.
Clinical examination revealed a circumscribed acute,
erythem-atous-oedematous dermatitis. Closer inspection alternans, P. peregrinus, P. goeldii ​an d P. crebrepunc-tatus
showed that the central part of the lesion was constituted by a hav e b e e n r e p o r t e d all o v e r the worl d [6, 8 - 10 , 16, 1​ 7,
large superficial eroded blister whose thin epithelial borders 19].
were clearly visible. The erythematous margins faded gradually I n p a e d e r u s dermatitis , objectiv e findings contras t
towards the unaffected skin. with mild s y m p t o m s which fad e in few days w h e n the
Oedema of the eyelids was prominent and acute conjunctivitis le-sions, b y contrast , b e c o m e s full d e v e l o p e d with ne
with minimal symptoms was also present (Fig. 2). Routine blood
tests, urinary analysis, cultures for bacteria and fungi and Tzank w p e r i p h e r a l vesicles. T h e acut e lesions b e c o m e
smear for herpetic cells were negative. The course was uneventful cruste d and scaly within a few days and heal c o m p l e t e l y
and had cleared within a few days without any treatment for the in 10 - 1 2 days, with a transitor y p o s t - i n f l a m m a t o r y
skin and mild antihistaminic eye drops for the eye. h y p e r c h r o m i c patch .
When interviewed, the mother had tried to remove from her
child's face an insect which was crushed accidentally onto the skin. T h e blistering fluid, at first t h o u g h t to b e cantharidi n
[19], is different and called paederi n [2, 4, 18], a substance
also capabl e of having therapeuti c effects on w o u n d
Discussion heal-ing [12, 14].
A recen t stud y [3] s h o w e d tha t p a e d e r i n m a y
P a e d e r u s dermatitit s is p r o d u c e d b y on e of the 815000 caus e a wide s p e c t r u m of histopathologica l changes ranging f
species of insects so far described . C o n c e r n i n g blister r o m epidermal necrosis and blistering in early stages, to m a r k e
d acanthosi s with mitoti c figures in the late r stages.
Diagnosis , if suspected , is usually not difficult and is c o r r
o b o r a t e d b y the seaso n an d case history . A m o n g the
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I n conclusion , this disease m u s t be suspecte d w h e n c o n f
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