COVID-19 Pandemic To Grade 12 Students of Saint Anthony's College

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Good afternoon Mr. Canencia. We are the Group 5 of ABM 12- St. Gregory the Great.

am Bea Kathleen Pon-an. Together with are Jamila Mesha Ordinez, Franchesca Kylene Salcedo,
Dorothy Joyce Lagunday, Harley Shea Muller and Jonnel Niangar. We are now going to present
to you our research entitled Social Media Level of Effectiveness in Online Businesses During
COVID-19 Pandemic to Grade 12 Students of Saint Anthony’s College.
The proposed study aims to examine the level of effectiveness of social media in online
businesses during COVID-19 pandemic to Grade 12 students of Saint Anthony’s College.
Specifically, this research seeks to answer the following questions: First, how effective is social
media to Grade 12 online sellers of St. Anthony’s College? Second, what are the effective social
media platforms to use for online businesses?


The result of the study will be beneficial to the following: First, students. The results will
provide students new accumulated knowledge and ideas about how effective social media is in
online businesses. Second, entrepreneurs. The given data would give knowledge to the
entrepreneurs especially those who are not aware of how social media is effective in online
businesses. Lastly, future researchers. This study will provide helpful information and it will
serve as a guide for their future studies related to the level of effectiveness of using social media
in online businesses during quarantine to the students.


Next, we are going to present the relevant theories in the study. (Sa ppt mabasa tas ja ang

According to the two previous article, social media was stated to be the most convenient
way in selling and introducing products. Social media is very accessible to everyone that’s why
entrepreneurs and business owners took advantage of it. During this pandemic, social media is
the most effective way to introduce and sell products in order to avoid physical contact and face
to face interactions. Some example of social media platforms that can be used for businesses are
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and etc. People can access them anywhere and anytime that’s why
social media the best medium for business transactions.
Dorothy (Sa ppt mabasa)

Online businesses have made acquiring essential necessities easier for people who could
not easily go out their homes. During this pandemic, one must have passion, resourcefulness and
persistence so that the business would survive. With the help of online technology during this
crisis, business can continue as DTI encourages to use it under new normal. Innovation of
business is important to avoid continuous loss that's why online selling is highly suggested to
business owners.


Next is the Research Design. In this study, quantitative research study design will be used
as a valid method for researching specific subjects. In quantitative research, the researchers will
use a questionnaire to gather the desired data from the respective respondents.


The respondents of this study will be the selected grade 12 student from St. Anthony’s
College who are selling online. For quantitative research, the researchers will conduct a
preliminary survey to grade 12 students in order to obtain the 25 target respondents who are
online selling. With the participation of these selected students, the researchers will gather
enough data with regard to the level of effectiveness of using social media in businesses.


The paradigm of the study illustrates the level of effectiveness of social media in online
businesses during COVID-19 pandemic to Grade 12 students of St. Anthony’s College wherein
the independent variable is the Grade 12 students of St. Anthony’s College who are online
selling and the dependent variable is the level of effectiveness of social media in online
businesses during COVID-19 pandemic.


The study employed a survey questionnaire checklist. The instrument was made up of
two parts. Part I focuses solely in the level of effectiveness of using social media in online
business and Part II focuses on effective social media platforms to use for online businesses.
Likert Scale will be used in the questionnaire as a basis as per what extent the respondents agree
or disagree about a certain question given.


Next, we are going to present the schedule of activities. We started our planning stage,
Addressing Research Problem of Research Title, Approval of the Proposed Research Problem of
the Research Title and Formulating of Title Page on the second week of September and we
ended on the last week of the month. We made finished our Literature Review within two weeks
that started on the last week of September. The writing stage where Background of the Study,
Objectives of the Study, Significance of the Study, Scope and Limitations of the Study were
done started on first week of October and ended on the third week of the month. In the materials
and methods where Formulating the Research Design and Procedures, Data Analysis and Data
Collection, Credibility and Dependability, Formulating of questionnaires were done started on
the last week of October and ended on the last week of November. The actual conduct of the
study was done two weeks starting from the last week of November. Lastly the presentation of
report will be one the scond week of December.


The results of the survey on determining the level of effectiveness of social media in
online businesses are presented in Table 2, while the results of the survey on determining
effective social media platforms to use for online businesses are presented in Table 3.

Table 1. Likert Scale to assess the level of effectiveness

This table will be used as a basis to assess the level of effectiveness of social media in
online businesses and the effective social media platforms to be used.


Table 2. Summary results of the mean, frequency and percentage of the obtained data of
the survey on determining level of effectiveness of using social media in online business.

Table 2 shows the level of effectiveness of using social media in online businesses. The
purpose of the above statements is to collect general information about the effectiveness of social
media use in online business. The collected data as shown in Table 2 will be interpreted and
discussed in the following:

The results from the statement “The use of social media in businesses makes selling
easier” shows that 14 participants (56%) responded "Strongly Agree" and 10 participants (40%)
responded “Agree” out of 25 total participants. This result thus suggests that using social media
in business makes selling easier during pandemic is strongly agreed by the respondents.

The statement “No complications are encountered when selling using social media”
shows that the results have various responses. To be precise, 12 participants (48%) responded for
"Neutral", 4 participants (16%) "Agree" and 1 participant responded for "Strongly Agree" which
indicates that these students agree that there are no complications that are encountered when
selling using social media. However, on the contradictory there are still some complications that
might be encountered when selling using social media, 6 students (24%) responded for
"Disagree" and 2 students (8%) for "Strongly Disagree". Therefore, the respondents are neutral
towards selling in social media having no complications.


In the statement “Selling on social media has less expenses than selling in stores”, the
results taken indicates the respondents agree that selling on social media has less expenses than
selling personally with the majority of 14 participants (44%) who responded for "Strongly
Agree" and 6 participants (24%) who responded for "Agree".

The result from the statement “It is more convenient to sell on social media than to sell in
stores” shows that majority of the respondents agree that convenience of selling on social media
is more effective. Out of 25 respondents a majority of 13 participants (52%) responded for
“Agree” and 4 participants (16%) responded for “Strongly Agree.” Therefore, selling on social
media is more convenient that selling in stores.

The results from the statement “Reaching out to customers is much easier in social
media” shows that respondents agree that it is easier to reach out to customers in social media as
it is supported by 15 participants (60%) who agree and 5 participants (20%) who strongly agree
in the statement. Since social media is on trend and accessible to everyone, taking advantage of it
in order to reach out to customers is wise for online sellers.

In the statement “Selling on social media can easily attract customers because of its
accessibility”, majority of the respondents in the survey with 13 participants (52%) who agree
and 7 participants (28%) who strongly agree that social media can easily attract customers
because it is accessible to everyone. Therefore, social media’s accessibility easily attracts

The result from the statement “Selling in different social media platforms is more
effective than selling personally” presents that majority of the respondents agreed that using
different social media platforms is more effective than selling personally with 3 participants
(12%) who strongly agree and 16 participants (64%) who agree. Therefore, selling in different
social media platforms is more effective than selling personally.

In the statement “Social media helps in building the business brand because it enables
sharing”, the result indicates that respondents strongly agree that social media helps to build
business brand. In fact, a majority of 13 participants (52%) strongly agree and 9 participants
(36%) agree without any respondents that disagree or strongly disagree. However, there are still
some that is unsure, 3 participants responded for “Neutral.” Nevertheless, social media is
effective for building business brand.


The result from the statement “Social media increases sales of the business” yielded
interesting response as the result have shown with both "Agree" and " Strongly Agree" have the
same number of responses, 10 respondents (40%) each while the remaining 5 responded for
"Neutral". In this we can assume that using social media can increase sales of the business agreed
by the majority of the respondents.

Figure 3. A bar graph of the level of effectiveness of social media to Grade 12 online sellers
of St. Anthony’s College.

Figure 3 shows that majority of the respondents agree that social media is effective in
online businesses during COVID-19 pandemic to Grade 12 students of St. Anthony’s College
who are selling online. The average of the data presented is 3.95 that is interpreted as “Agree”
based on Table 1.

Table 3. Summary results of the mean, frequency and percentage of the obtained data of
the survey on determining effective social media platforms to use for online businesses.

Table 3 shows the effective social media platforms to use for online businesses. The
purpose of the above questions is to collect general information about what social media
platforms are effective to use for online businesses. The collected data as shown in Table 2 will
be interpreted and discussed in the following:


The result from the statement “Facebook is an effective social media platform for online
selling” shows that majority of the respondents strongly agree with it. Out of 25 respondents, 11
participants (44%) both responded “Agree” and “Strongly Agree” about the statement.
Therefore, Facebook is effective for online selling platform especially for the students of Grade
12 St. Anthony college.

In the statement “Instagram is an effective social media platform for online selling”, the
result shows that more than half of the respondents, 17 participants (68%) agree that Instagram is
one of the effective social media platforms during this pandemic. And it is very effective for the
online selling of Grade 12 in St. Anthony’s College.

The result from the statement “Twitter is an effective social media platform for online
selling” shows that respondents are neutral with Twitter being effective for online selling. Out of
25 respondents, 1 participant (4%) strongly disagree, 11 participants (44%) disagree, only 5
participants (20%) agree and 8 participants (32%) are neutral that Twitter is an effective social
media platform.


The result from the statement “Telegram is an effective social media platform for online
selling” shows that most of the respondents disagree with the statement. Out of 25 respondents, 9
participants (36%) disagree, 4 participants (16%) strongly disagree, only 6 participants (24%)
agree and the remaining 6 participants (24%) are neutral. Therefore, Telegram is not effective for
online selling for the students of St. Anthony’s College.

In the statement “TikTok is an effective social media platform for online selling”, the
result presents that respondents are neutral with TikTok being effective for online selling. Out of
25 respondents, 2 participants (8%) strongly disagree, 4 participants (16%) disagree, 8
participants (32%) are neutral, 8 participants (32%) agree and only 3 participants (12%) strongly
agree that Twitter is an effective social media platform.

The result in the statement “YouTube is an effective social media platform for online
selling” shows that most participants agree with YouTube being effective for online selling. Only
5 participants (20%) disagree with the statement. On the other hand, majority of the respondents
with 13 participants (52%) agree and 4 participants (16%) strongly agree that YouTube is
effective for online selling. Therefore, YouTube is an effective social media platform for online
selling to Grade 12 students in St. Anthony’s college.


Figure 4. A bar graph of the effective social media platforms to use for online businesses.

Figure 4 shows the most to least effective social media platforms to use for online
businesses. Based on the graph, Facebook is the most effective social media platform with the
highest average of 4.32. It is followed by Instagram (3.72) and YouTube (3.64). On the other
hand, the least effective social media platforms to use for online businesses are TikTok (3.32),
Twitter (2.68) and Telegram (2.56).

Summary of Findings

This descriptive study primarily aimed to determine the social media level of
effectiveness in online business during COVID-19 pandemic to Grade 12 students of St.
Anthony’s College.

The study yielded the following salient findings: First, the use of social media is very effective
to Grade 12 online sellers of St. Anthony’s College. Second, the most effective social media
platforms to use for online businesses are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Lastly, social
media is effective in online businesses during COVID-19 pandemic to Grade 12 students of St.
Anthony’s College who are selling online.



Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: First, social
media is very effective to use in online selling because it makes selling and reaching out to
customers easier, has less expenses, accessible, enables sharing, and increases sales. Second, out
of six social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok and YouTube)
the three most effective platforms to use for online businesses are Facebook, Instagram, and
YouTube. The said platforms are well known to many social media users that’s why they are
considered as the most effective platforms. Lastly, social media is effective in online businesses
during COVID-19 pandemic to Grade 12 students of St. Anthony’s College who are selling
online. It can be said that in online business the use of social media is effective and convenient.



Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations are proposed: First, students
and entrepreneurs who want to sell online conveniently and easily should use social media as a
way to promote and sell their products. Second, for online businesses, the effective social media
platforms that are highly recommended to use are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Lastly,
future researchers should conduct along this line utilizing a bigger population and different
situations. Other variables which are related to the level of effectiveness of using social media in
online businesses that are not mentioned in this study must be considered. This would in effect
validate the consistency and accuracy of the present study.

So that ends our reporting. Thank you.

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