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Mid-Term Examinations, December 2020

Programme : B.Tech – Computer Science and Engineering Semester : Interim 2020-2021
Course : Java Programming Code : CSE3002
Faculty : Dr. Amit Mishra Slot/Class No. : B11/ 1066
Time : 1½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer all the Questions

Q. No. Question Description Marks

1 A retail store management wants to automate the process of generating the bill amount for its
customers. As an initial step, they want to initialize the bill details of a customer as given below:
Bill id should be 1001, customer id should be 101 and bill amount should be 199. After initializing,
all the values must be displayed in the format given below: Bill Id: 1001 Customer Id: 101 Bill 10
Amount: Rs.199. Similarly, create four different bills for different customer. Use the concept of
Linked List, Lambda and Stream.

2 An employer wants to find the average customer feedback (In a scale of 10) received by an
employee. The employee received feedbacks from ten customers. Write a program for processing
the feedbacks given by ten customers. Create an array list for storage and access the feedbacks.

3 Write a program to make Library Management System in VIT. The program will take book issue
request from a student and identify that the book is available in the library or not. If the book is
available, it will be issued to the student. Use Constructor overloading, static and ‘this’ in your 10

4 Write a program to demonstrate implement Multilevel Inheritance in a banking system. Use the
concept of super keyword, inner class, and static in the program. 10

5 Write a program to implement Simple Inheritance having a Parent class and a Child class, let the
parent class be BANK and the child class be SBI. Create a separate class CUSTOMER and perform
activities like ACCOUNT OPENING, ACCOUNT CLOSING, credit and debit transactions etc. in
your program.


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