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talk about things in an office Jobs in aay ee ed Starting out Listening 1 It is Martin Forsyth’ st day as a trainee at UBCS International. You are going {o listen to his conversation with his new boss, Emila Olivier, Which of these ‘words and expressions do you think you will hear? boardroom braak _caletoria computer rinks machine finsh work introduction lunch mortgngo rationalty salary seminar slart work welcome 22 ERI Listen and underline the words in the boxin that you hear 3 again. Are these sentences mie (T) or false (FY? ‘There ae four desks in Martin's olliee. (TF) ‘There isa phone on Martin's desk. (1 /) ‘There's a computer on Martin's desk. CT/F) There are some books on Martin's desk, (T/F) ‘There aren't any eups in the ole. (TF) ‘There isn'ta eleteria at UBCS. (T/F) Language There is There are We use thre iether aro say | Theres There's a phana one dk that something or somebody ex. | The aro some books on ask ‘Sngiar questions: ‘ls there drinks machine in the office? ____[ 8 es. thee no, theron (not, ‘ual quesions ‘A: Are tore any books? i |8:%s there ar. No there arent (are na =a} Tega fom There aren't any cups. 6a) Ther a computer. (singult) Wiiting 4 Write sentences about your oice or the place where you study with there is/are and there is't/ aren Use the words inthe box and any others that you know. ook chair clock drinks machine computer desk magazine pen phone printer television ‘Speaking 5 Workin pair. Take turns to atk and answer questions about what there isin your office or the place where you study A Is there a drinks machine in your office? ‘B No, there isn’. Are there any books in your office? A Yes there are. Are there any Reading 6 Read part ofthe information sheet from Martin's introduction to UBCS. Then ‘complete the factsheet. UBCS International iss wing iwc bank. We provide a exclene range of ‘products and services, including current accounts, savings accounts, mortgages, insurance, loans, feciga acange services and imeemen ice We hate 2000 employes nou el ie nklean 009 or 520 ranches in Earp he Mie Easton Ai Weve rans perience nal oa departs: + urease the banks cme, They ep cine ke depos aa wthawal check bles, Steer queues and elp aon witht wey hnking ne ‘Aur fog eacang coun be cai el fig cure oases who wan po aba, iieierly vies urge mogegs foc entre. who wat tu buy propery, They ao Se up Oita ses pects aero wc on nd athe ps remen UUBCS International Location Services tick ¥ those tha ply) Head ofee ———cutrntacounss (insure fereregeaeceecee esa savings accouncs [J] loans a Company Figures foreign exchange CJ scountanry [Nunber of branes rrgages investment wee Number of employes Vocabulary 7 Find ancl underline these words and expressions inthe text in 6. Then match ‘them to phrases 1-8, 1 the main office of a company 2. the people who work at a company 3 money put intoa bank account 4 money taken out of a hank account — 5 money that banks lend people to buy property 6 a bank account that pays no interest or low interest. 7. bank account for investment; the bank pays interest 8 things people put their money into make more money Speaking 8 Put these words in order to make questions. ‘What /name /s / bank / your / the / of Where / office / is / head / your How / do / you / have / branches / many How / employees /do / many / you have What kind / provide / you / do / of / products and services Where / branches / are / your 9 Work in pairs, Student A look at the information on this page. Student B look at the iaformation on page 68. Use the questions in 8 to ask each other about your Danks. Student A You work for Benhams Bank. You provide current and savings accounts, mortgages, lans and investment advice. Your head ollice is in London. ‘You have 16 branches ia the UK. Your bank has 2,000 employees. =m What do you do every day? Speaking 1 Which of getup these things do you do every day? Discuss with a partner. g0t0 work havea shower have breakfast /Iunch/' dinner meet friends study talkto customers waich TV A: Do you watch TV every day? Br Yes, Ido. How about you? AP No, Fon’. Listening 2 [E2EEM At lunchtime, Martin meets Nabila Habib in the UBCS cafeteria. Read and listen to the first part of their conversation. Note down three things that Nabila, | does every day. Nabila: Hello, you're new, aren't you? Martin: Yes, Lam. L Nabila: Welcome to UBCS. My name's Nabila Martin: Pleased to meet you, 'm Martin, \Nabila: So, do you like your nev job? Martin: [don't know yet. Infact, this Is only my frst day. Oh, right, sorry! This is my frst year. 'm a cashier. Oh, great! Maybe you can teli me more about being a cashier What do you do every day? Well, come to work at 8.30. The bank opens at 9.00 | help customers deposit money and withdraw money from their accounts. Sometimes [answer questions about products and services, Other times I check balances for customers. Oh, and Ialso help my boss, He opens new accounts for customers and talks to them about investments. | give ‘customers information about our interest rates and help them with forms, that sort of thing Language ‘resent simple ‘What do you do ovary day? Tome fo work at 8.30. ‘Sho halps them wih forms \We often use adverbs of frequency (e 9, ways, usual oto, | He opens now accounts in the moming. sometimes, never and other ime expressions (6.9.87 48x. | They always come to work a 8.30. the moming) with the present simple. ‘The advorbs como botore the vob. Ti beginning or enc ofthe sentence. ime expressions come athe |” the evening. check my balance one. We pay by cheque every month, in atirmative sontonces, wo add-« or-esin ihe thrdporcon | Ho watohes the tencal news avery moming. Singular he, she.) ‘She sometimes pays cash 3 Match the two halves of the sentences. Do you do these things every day? 1. She comes to work a) new accounts for customers, 2 She checks b) at 9.00, 3. Her boss opens ©) a 830, 4 The bank opens ) balances for customers. 5 Customers come to the bank ©) about interest rates. 5 She gives the customers information _)_and deposit or withdraw Writing 4 Write sentences about the things inthe box in 1 that you do every day. Example: [getup every day at 6.30. Ihave a shower at 645. [have lunch from 12.300 1.30 Listening 5 [2EEW Listen to the second part of Martin and Nabila’s conversation. Tick (7) ‘the things they talk about. 1 Clwhat they dot lunchtime 3 C)what they do in the evening 2, Clhow they get to work 4 Clwhat they do at the weekend Language Listen again and complete these sentences with the words in the box. always never offen sometimes (x2) usually (x2) 1 Nablla finishes work at 5.00, 2 She stays late 3 She ‘gets home before 7.0. 4 She walks to work. 5 Martin goes shopping on Saturday morning 6 He ——— plays football in the afternoon. 7 He and his friends goto the cinema, 8 He watches TV. We use adverbs of frequency io descibe how oten somebody |The bank always opens af 9.0 does someting or how oe Something happens. Tiaaaty pats aaa Tefen rad the newspaper on the ran, ‘sometimes buy cote atthe station Tinever arrive lat Tr negnive spniences, adverbs of frequency come between | /don't weually go to work by bus, dont / doesn't and tne verb, Tdont offen work onthe tan “Adverbs of frequency come below main verbs but ater the | never arrive ate. verb tobe. ‘1am never ato. 7 Speaking 8 Complete these sentences with always, usually, often, sometimes and never. “Make them true for you. 1 get up early — eave my house before 7:30. read the newspaper on the bus or train. have a big lunch, get liome before 6.30. eat dinner in a restaurant. watch TV in the evening, go to bed very late. Work in small groups. Talk about what you do every day and at the weekend, Use always, usualy, often, sometimes anid never. A: Do you get up earty? Bz Yes, usually: But I never go to bed very tate. What's your job? Reading 1 Look atthe words inthe box. Which are jobs? Which are companies / y places of work? f branch menager building society cashier customer service advisor Insurance company investment analyst senior account manager supermarket supervisor rainoe 3 ; Jobs in banking Toe ty nfm cacti sve at “Many jobs aren speci reas sch as Tor cosporas baking accounts or busines ester have call centres ee customer sic aves anor telephone cones epee oa, insures companies even serait can ofr the sae serves bake Ther ia to Sse barks alvays aed top-quality sta wih pod commonication sis ee “Train and oportites “Tranes wits base school quacations usualy pres cheques and do administrative asks They the ake a teuning court become cushion: Good esis often bso supervisor esponsble fr Unt own eas of rns ve a fistrack training couse: They usually spend about two year Iearsng how the ak works Then they can get marageme at postions Branch manages spend ot of tone with citomers an! sorctinss vit business customers in thei ofce rfactor. | Working condone Dts re wally 9am to Spm. Most ans havea snl apps system and give salary eases according to pformance Some ako hiv good pension stems Larger Banks ats sports oe atvtes seh as golf and canis 2 Read the article. Are these statements ue (T) or false (2 1. Only university graduates get jobs in UK banks. (T/F) 2 Customers visit cll centres to talk to customer service advisers. (T/) 3 Some other companies offer the same services as banks. (TF) 4 5 6 University graduates become managers as soon as they join a bank. (T/ F) “Managers never eave the bank during working hours. (T /F) ily 9 am to 5 pm. CT /F) Vocabulary 3 Find words and expressions in the article to match these definitions 1 the ability to talk to people clearly and explain things wel: 2 banking for business customers rather © b 3. people who watch over other employees and check their work: 4 away of deciding how well and how hard an employee works: 5 away of saving forthe time when you are old and don’t work any more: > * ‘Working nours ae us nlvidual customers speaking 4 5 Complete these sentences with the Jobs in the box in 1 1 A ___has a team of employees and watches and checks their work 2A works at bank counter and handles everyday banking. 3A handles customers’ problems and questions, often on te phone, 4 An knows a lot about the economy and investinents 5 A ___ sin charge of the employees anc customers at one branch of the bank. 6 As responsible for customers’ accounts Its @ management position ‘Workin pairs and discuss. Do you do any of the jobs in 4? Do you want to do any ofthese jobs? ‘Reading 6 Read this job description. What isthe job? Choose from the lst in the bos. "Iwork ia bank, but lm not a cashier {mresponsible for all the employees. Ideal with any problems they have. ‘handle advertisements for new employees and | take care of tainges branch manager customer service advisor human resources manager investment analyst (Tservices manager sonit account managor Listening 7 MEZEEEE Listen to four people talking about their jobs. Tick (¥) the correct job for each person. 1 Isabella Clsenior account manager CT services manager 2 Raoul Chuan resources manager Cleashler 3 Ravi Cleustomer serviceadviser branch manager 4 Jenny investment analyst CT services manager Listen again and complete the gaps. 1 My name's Isabella. 'm responsible _ opening new accounts at our bank. give customers about our Interest rates and the accounts that we have, 2 'mRaoul. workin a bank and I help customers make and ‘withdrawals. also any problems they have with their accounts. 3 Hi. Mynname's Ravi. [work a bank, but I don't actually work inthe bank. Customers telephone me when they have problems and complaints ‘and! with their questions. 4 Hello! 'm Jenny. I take of all the computers inthe bank. I train ‘employees how to use computers. [don't with customers, Match 1-4 to a-d to form sentences. 1 Thandie 8) of new employees and trainees. 2 Ideal ») forall the office equipment. 3 Itake care ©) with customers’ complaints 4 Lam responsible 4) customer enquiries and problems. Customer care Language 11 Are these comments from customer service surveys positive (Por negative (\? 1 Your cashiers are impatient, They never wait for people to fish what they have to say 4 2 The cashiers are abvays polte and Friendly. They always tale tine to anover my Questions. a er re = —— 3 hy aren’ your euployees were abtentwe? Teas den’ listen and Hed aren’ interested in. me oF mis problems at at! 4 Your emplayees are really helpful and efficent 5 The cashiers are very knowledgeable ‘We use adjectives © describe people or things | The cashiers at my bank are rendy and ficient aca a ____ [Aged bank has knowledgeable and atontve coshirs ‘An adjective usualy comes below a noun... | This bank/has vor helpful enpovees. or, after the verb be. ‘The employees at this bank are polite. “an adjective does not change. stays the same or | an altentive cashier / attentive coshers ‘engi and purl nouns, Vocabulary 2 Match the positive adjectives 1-7 with their negative opposites avg. 1 friendly a) rude 2 helpful )inelfcient 3. patient 6) inattentive 4 knowledgeable «) unhelpful 5. attentive ) unfriendly 6 polite 1) Ignorant T efficient ®) impatient 3 Complete these tips for cashiers. Use the words from 2. CUSTOMER CARE ‘AS a cashier, you ae the first point of contact for our customers. Its important that you present a positive image of the bank. | Always be __and_. I you are impolite and unfriendly our ‘customers wil go to another Bank. 2 Be: answer questions and deal with transactions quickly and well 3 Be______. Make sure you have all the information you need to answer ‘customers’ questions. Employees who are ___ereatea very bad impression. 4 Listen carefully to what customers say and look at them when you talk t them. I ‘you are, customers thnk you are not interested in them and don't care 5 Some of our customers are elderly or disabled. Sometimes its dificult for them to ‘explain what they want and understand what you say to them. Be —_and ‘lve them time to say what they want. ther customers are usually happy to walt hile you help them, Reading Listening Writing Speaking writing Review 1 Complete this dialogue with the correct form of the words in the box. Asif: Hl, Martin! How's your new job? Martin: Hi, Asif Its great. t's hard work, but really interesting. Asif: What time do you start?” Martin: ‘The bank (1) at 9.00, but Istart work at 8.30, 12) ___ my house at 6.30 to get there. Asi Wow. That's a long day. Martin: Yes, itis. But | (3) ___ quite a long break at lunchtime. And there's a cafeteria at the bank so I can (4) my lunch there. Asif: What exactly do you do all day? Martin: Wel, 'm a trainee at the moment, so I sit and (5) _____ from other employees. 'm sitting with a cashier in the banking hall this week. Her name is Nabila, She serves customers and (6) them. make deposits and withdrawals. She (7) the balances of their accounts and answers their questions. She (8) the customers information about the bank’s Interest rates and (@ them how to complete forms to open new accounts. Asif So do you do any work or do you just wateh other people work? Martin: Wel, usually just watch and learn, but sometimes I (10) money in the ATM. Asif: Wow, you handled all that money? Stl I think i's more fun to take it out! Martin: Yes, you're right! 2) MEREM uisten and check your answers to 1. 3 Rewrite these sentences using the adverbs of frequency in brackets. 1 go to work at 830, (usually) 1 go home at 5.00. (always) am late for work. (never) ‘leat my lunch in the cafeteria. (sometimes) Isit and watch the other cashiers. (often) ‘The cashiers are helpful and polite to the customers. (always) 4 Workin pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about what you do every day. Use some ofthese questions to help you, + What do you do every day? * What exactly do you do? + What do you do after that? + Doyou...?- * What time do you 5 Watea paragraph about your job or wha words and expressions in the box. jou do every day. Use some of the always Ideal with... Ym responsible for. Hake carecf... often sometimes usually ‘

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