Letter of Complaint

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Dear sir/madam,
I am writing in order to complain about the change of seats you made without
explanation. Firstly, I would like to introduce myself, I am Irene Alonso García. My
flight was 1458DK, from Copenhagen to Madrid, April 5th.
The first thing I would like to complain about is that you offer the possibility of
choosing seat when you make the checking. What I mean is that when you do the
checking you can try as many times as you want to decide which of the options that are
been given to you is the best one. For that reason, the previous day I was around two
hours in front of my computer, refreshing the page until my seat was near my mate`s.
But then, when I arrive to the airport and I was about to get into the plain, my seat was
changed without a notification.
Moreover, when we arrive at the plane, we ask for a person to talk to and try to find a
solution. The men that assists clients was very kind and did the most he could. We did
not get our seats back, but at least he put as together. Furthermore, he was trying to call
for the responsible, but nobody answers, that was also unacceptable, because this was
not his problem.
To end with, I would be grateful if you could explain the reason why you did not
respect my election.
I look forward to receiving a response
Irene Alonso García

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