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Moulded Cords & Cables Quality Ase] fers , Cu LCM Crea ee te ar emer ete ee ta Ce Ue Cun Se en etd Se AL) NGhwkenataan = Cd get Sy ate | UpWersat(alcomennentines ee Contents Pee erat CL Oat ied PROC ey eee eer PM eC cecey reo arr Ty Cec OC ear Cee aC 19 Moulded Grommete/CaT-5 PTC COCO Cc rd PP ae et r Ted ee eae e pen et to eect pe The guidd is not totally ocaur te ee ens Cords and Cord Sets - European Ee 6 to VDE Ch Turk, the PVE: Round 20,75, 2 1.0.2) Semp Republi Fibber; Round 2x 0.75, 2 « 1. Colours: Black, White, Grey, Orang Used i ny Austria, Netherlands, Be Finland, Statzostenel, Fr: 2x eax barn Nhite, Grey ard Orange ET ceET YN Gorda to GEE requirer tandard in Germany, PVG: — ound 340.75,9x 1.0.3 giv Auber: Round 8x 0.78, 3» 1.0.3x Coloure; Black, White achieved via Used dpa on th ts & plug Algria. Angola, 4 The GEE? 7 “Schule ita, Norway. Soredon. Fini Technical drawings available on request. Or visit our website: > & @€ ® @ ® © 09 om Cords and Cord Sets Bea Tae moe i a ae Cord to ASEV requremants Round: 2x 075, Ft 2x 0.75 to CEE requ V 1017 ETS! : Round 3 x 1.5mm Colours: Black, White, and Grey Rubber, Round 8 x 0.75, 1 Syn Approval. MQ: ale i ii Indien & South African 18/16 AMP 250V.3 PIN PLUG Diesigned to suit the electrical socket systema in use |r find SouIW Arica the 15/16 amp 3 pin moulded plug aloo vot aystern ih Dorenatl Whiehl conforma (a Bish Standard BSEAGA, sng equipment with special ‘of other typos of aghlipment dats plug can be used with and sila papa ed in DEMO pulblieatlan ‘antinuity, polaty and! « ipod for great “The plug meets the req i gee South African SABS 164-1960 anc Standard AFSNIT 107 2 01 Colours: Bick and Writ Technical drawings available on request. Or visit our wobsite @ @® € ® ® ® moe © @ @w Cords and Cord Sets - UK/Isra' CUTTIT] 10/18 AMP 250V 9 PIN PLUG tod, reliably Tochnical drawings available on request. Or visit aur €¢ ® © ® mw ®o ®@ — = = Cords and Cord Sets - Universal 10 AMP-UNIVERSAL JUMPER CORD Tha Universal Juyypne Con comprions of a siraight/nightt angled luc and an EGO 10.Amg connector either straight or angled, and VDE appréived cab-> The new Univeesal Jumper Cord appraved for Europes and to wits European horrnaniagd cable ant terminations ave! nn vattun the eonnectar Jorgoes sever elect ity, platy ond electrical 20 1, White ey ond Ornoge Power Adaptor e C14 to C7 Univernal plug to cassette socket (=) | II CUTKaeT Technical dranings available on request. Or visit our webite, ©@® ®™ m® © 8 ow Cords and Cord Sets - USA and Japan ‘Cau > NON. POLARIZED PINS POLARIZED PINS CABLE: SPT:1, SPT-2, HEN, CABLE, SPT-1, SPr2. TS SUT ABLE: SPT, SVT WITHOUT CORD 61 TR ANGLED P CoS eer cou FILE NO} ULEQ5?83 CSA. LAig7Se0 FILENO: UL-E6! FLENG: ULE65753 C54. LRovse9 CABLE: Sv CABLE) SPT, SJT& ST ‘CABLE: SPT, SPT, SVT 8 S/T Green Live: Black Grounel (east lnvthe (EMA (Na taal Electrica Manufactures Assocsailon) pubication WO! and era incor ipl UL 498 B4 UL. Canad nd socket standards are outlines by CSA, The NEMA 1-152 an plugs are alae Maxies, Japan, parts of Korea Other types available are: NEMAS-20 200/125 NEMA6-20 20A/125¥ NEMA10-30 308/128W/250V SROT TYPE CABLE NEMA10-50 50A/125V/250V SROT TYPE CABLE NEMA14-30 308/125¥/250V 4 CONDUCTOR SROT TYPE CABLE NEMA L5-20 908/125 Neoprene cable to USA standards is HPN, SVO, $40 (300¥) SO (600V) - see cable details at back of catalogue, a ‘estan droning vam ate SE & @ @€®@® ® w ® ® BO) LV DeIV] fs fe bo fole Cy (CT connector 2.54 For Class il agpliances tnt talealt a SVT 18AWG VGTF.a.4 75ém Canela, Wie = Siraight’3 Pla Female IEC 320 a Conn 1OA/250V (tntemationa IEC 320 § Black, White, Gray, Orange and Fled Inlet to suit above i 1 Hospital grade socket USA Technical drawings available on request. Or visit our website ® ® ® wm ® © 8 Ow EEITCN MEERA Ee For Class | appliances Right angled or teft angled 10/184 B50y 108 250V/125V ceey PVC: Round 3 x 0.75, 3x 0mm Flubber: Round 30.75, 3.x 1.0,3 x 1.5mm Flbber: Round’3 x 0-75, Sx f.0mey ‘ Col White, Gray, Orange andl Fst JOAMPS/250V ac “Hot Condition” 1G AMP Siraighi Appliance C uo The 10 amp Appliance Cannactar for Hot Conditions 1a 2 ‘The 16 amp Straight Appliance Connector has been developad piece rigid thermoplastic aasesbly mechanically locked topether fo incorporate the ‘most advanced design and safety concepts, roa ferrin ‘Am injection mouided snnar plastic Tho connector includes custom designed fork shaped terminals, _inaulation and gives an effective barriee between terminations. Which give a greatly improved pn aontact ever large ding ‘aah’ vathin the connector ‘scrotal to ensure an efficient and consistent electncal contact surface trea, @nguting the absence of mo eviloped to provide Hptoved GON wet ard chrkbility whan rector terminals are manulactured from phosphor 4 neorporate eimped connections. for great afety 1 relent. 2 box uhened receptacle, n20 8 ed under the B.S. Kite Mark Scheme. ‘The connector is manufat 18A/280¥ linterna cre 20/250¥ (American) Inlet to out above C20 a0) Technical 2 € © @ ¢ jrawings available on request. Or visit our websites m 2 9) British 240VAC/EOH: ) o 4 y a a * a » SET Gor Republies 220vac/50nz ‘egret ’ Cerner Ce

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