Useful Idioms For Speaking Exam

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 It is a piece of cake

 the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

 Once in a blue moon

What does it mean? Rarely

How do you use it? This charming phrase is used to describe something that doesn’t happen
often. Example: ‘I remember to call my parents from my study abroad trip once in a blue

 kill two birds with one stone.

“why not go to the post office on your way to the mall and kill two birds with one stone?”

 Take it with a pinch of salt

What does it mean? Don’t take it too seriously

How do you use it? ‘I heard that elephants can fly now, but Sam often makes up stories so I
take everything he says with a pinch of salt.’

to feel blue // feel sad or depressed

couch potato // lazy man on a sofa, watching tv

butterflies in my stomach // nervous

Over the moon– to be extremely pleased or happy.

I was over the moon when I passed my speaking test.

A drop in the ocean– a very small part of something much bigger.

Just learning idioms is a drop in the ocean when it comes to preparing for the speaking test.

Actions speak louder than words– it is better to actually do something than just talk about

Lots of people have great business ideas but do nothing about them. Actions speak louder
than words, just do it.

Found my feet– to become comfortable doing something.

Moving to a new city was difficult as first, but I soon found my feet.

A hot potato– a controversial topic.

Abortion and capital punishment are hot potatoes in my country at the moment.

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