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1 Complete the sentences with a suitable form of have to.

1 My aunt’s a police officer so she has to wear a uniform at work, but my uncle’s a taxi driver so he
doesn’t have to wear one.
2 When I was a teenager, we had to be home by nine o’clock. But we didn’t have to take as many
exams as teenagers nowadays.
3 My teeth hurt when I drink something cold. I think I will have to see the dentist soon.
4 You don’t have to speak Russian to travel around Moscow, but it helps!
5 If you lose your job, will we have to sell the car?

2 Match the modal verbs with meanings a–f.

1 _e_ What a lovely present! You must send a thank-you note.
2 _a_ She can’t be at home. She’s got an exam today.
3 _c_ I might be home late tonight – I’ve got a meeting.
4 _f_ I can help you – I’m great at Maths.
5 _d_ Can you collect me from school tonight after choir practice?
6 _b_ You may come in. Take a seat please.
a certainty
b permission
c possibility
d request
e obligation
f ability

3 Tick [√] the correct sentence.

1 __ Do you can swim?
_√_ Can you swim?
2 __ She must work harder.
_√_ She musts work harder.
3 __ I no can understand you.
_√_ I can’t understand you.
4 __ You must to go now.
_√_ You must go now.
5 __ Have you to work on Saturdays?
_√_ Do you have to work on Saturdays?
6 _√_ When I was young, I had to work hard.
__ When I was young, I must work hard.
4 Choose the correct verbs. Sometimes both are correct.
1 I ______ finish the report by lunchtime.
a have to b must
2 You ______ come to the party if you don’t want to.
a don’t have to b mustn’t
3 We ______ get a good night’s sleep.
a ’ve got to b have to
4 Children, you ______ play anywhere near the railway line.
a mustn’t b don’t have to
5 I ______ lend you £10, I’ve only got £5.
a ’m not allowed to b can’t
6 Did people ______ wear seat belts in cars during the 1960s?
a must b have to
7 Lisa, you ______ give us a call if you’re going to be late home.
a must b have to
8 My car _____ have a new gearbox.
ahas to bmust
9 I haven’t got a clue where John is. He _____ in the garden.
amight be b may be
10 You _____ ride your bike with no hands.
aare not allowed to b can’t

5 Match sentence beginnings 1–5 with endings a–e.

1 _c_ Excuse me, could you
2 _a_ Could I
3 _e_ Jim, will you
4 _b_ Do you mind if
5 _d_ Would you mind if
a borrow your pen?
b we sit here?
c tell me the way to the station?
d I turned the music down?
e throw that scarf over here?

6 Read the sentences. UnderlineYes or No.

1 I’ll pick up your dry cleaning for you.
This is an offer. Yes / No
2 Shall I answer the door?
This is a request. Yes / No
3 I’ll phone Mum after dinner to see how she is.
This is an intention. Yes / No
4 Shall we send her some flowers?
This is an offer. Yes / No
5 Where shall we eat tonight?
This is a request for advice. Yes / No
One __________ (holiday) Eve, old Scrooge was working
__________ (adverb) in his office. It was cold, frosty, foggy
weather. Outside it was already __________ (adjective),
although it was only three o’clock in the afternoon, and there
were __________ (plural noun) in all the office windows.
The __________ (noun) covered everything, like a thick,
grey blanket......‘__________ (exclamation), uncle! God
bless you!’ cried a happy voice. Scrooge’s nephew had
arrived. ‘Bah!’ said Scrooge crossly. ‘Humbug!’‘Christmas is
humbug! Surely you don’t mean that, uncle?’ said his
__________ (family member).‘I do,’ said Scrooge. ‘Why do
you call it “merry” Christmas? You’re too __________
(adjective) to be merry.’‘Well,’ replied the nephew, smiling,
‘why are you so cross? You’re too __________ (adjective)
to be unhappy.’‘Of course I’m cross,’ answered the uncle,
‘when I __________ (verb) in a world full of stupid people
like you! You say “Merry Christmas”! But what is Christmas?
Just a time when you spend too much, when you find
yourself a year ____________ (comparative adjective) and
not an hour richer, when you have to __________ (verb)
your bills. Everyone who goes around saying “Merry
Christmas” should have his __________ (body part) cut out.
Yes, he should!”

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