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© 2020 by Nathan Russell, all rights reserved.

Peril Planet game studio

Writing and design by Nathan Russell

Published by Nathan Russell © 2020

Cover: Jukka Nieminen

Interior art: Tithi Luadthong, Jukka Nieminen

Fonts: Six-sided dice font by Vulpinoid Studios, Hacked font by David Libeau, Relapse font
by Roland Huse.

Neon City Overdrive, Psions, all original characters, creatures and locations, logos, the
Action Story logo and the Peril Planet logo are © 2020 of Nathan Russell.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage
or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from Nathan Russell. Requests for
more information can be sent to

Permission is granted for the purchaser of this book to print one copy for personal use.

This game is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this work are fiction.
Any resemblance to real people or organizations is purely coincidental.

Peril Planet
OPEN YOUR MIND..................... 4 PSIBERPUNKS.......................... 34
A toolbox approach............................. 4 The hook................................................34
Your brave new world......................... 5 The low-down......................................35
Repercussions........................................ 8 Setting rules..........................................36
Special rules..........................................10 Trademarks............................................38
USING POWERS....................... 12 Threats....................................................39
Using psionic powers........................13
Psionic combat.....................................14 GRIMM CITY............................. 40
Traumas..................................................15 The hook................................................40
The low-down......................................41
PSIONIC POWERS.................... 16 Trademarks............................................43
Psionic power profiles.......................17 Triggers...................................................45
Common triggers................................19 Flaws........................................................45
Common psionic effects...................19 Gear..........................................................46
Biokinesis...............................................20 Threats....................................................47
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Psychic powers, psionics and the untapped powers of the mind have long been
a staple of science-fiction, cyberpunk included. In this supplement for NEON CITY
OVERDRIVE these ideas are explored, providing both players and GMs with tools
to add amazing powers to their games.
This book introduces a variety of ways to incorporate psionic powers into your
own games and describes seven types of powers that characters might have.
Finally, two example settings are provided to illustrate how to bring all of these
ideas together.

Introducing amazing powers into your games can be fun and exciting, but every
group will have different expectations. Some will want psionics to be rare and
terrifying to behold, while other groups might want it to be as common as skins
or cyberware. These choices always come down to the preferences of your group
and as a consequence this book does not attempt to prescribe the look and feel
of powers. Instead, a variety of options are presented to get you started.

This book uses the terms “psionics” and “powers” to describe the multitude of
amazing abilities a character might have. Specific power types and effects are
given their own names, but they are all collectively “psionic powers”.

What do psionic powers look like in your game? Are they even psionic? Where
do these powers come from? Are they a natural evolution of mankind, a lab
experiment gone wrong, or more mystic in nature? The origin or source of
psionics in your game will affect the overall tone of your setting. Following are six
examples of how psionics might be incorporated into a setting.

1 EVOLUTION For a particularly gonzo approach to your
2 CHEMICALLY INDUCED cyber-psionic game, you could have powers
3 MUTATION from all these origins. Use the table to
4 EXTRATERRESTRIAL determine where each psionic character gets
5 NANOTECH their powers.

Those with psionic powers are simply another step in the evolutionary chain of
man. There have been many examples of people with these powers in history but
now they are more common than ever, with abilities that can be better measured,
replicated and categorized. Perhaps there are still only a small number of psions,
or maybe they are growing in number every day.

Individuals can unlock the full potential of their mind by taking an advanced
drug or specially formulated serum. Maybe this has been carefully developed in a
laboratory, or perhaps it is an unexpected side effect of some other experiment.
Who is responsible for this chemical activator? Are they trying to harness its
power, keep it a secret, or destroy all evidence of its existence?


Surgical: The psion is implanted with a special organ that secretes a
1 chemical into their bloodstream.
2 Drug: The psion requires a regular dose of a drug to use their powers.
3 Activated: A one-time procedure (or accident) unlocks psionic powers.
4 The cuff: Psions wear a cybernetic bracelet that injects them with a drug.
5 Dander: An airborne antigen from the no-zone can unlock powers.
Symbiote: A genetically modified or extra-terrestrial insect burrows into the
6 psion’s skull and releases a toxin that unlocks their powers.

A small number of people are exposed to an environment or agent that changes
their DNA and unlocks their latent psychic potential. Perhaps a megacorp has
been experimenting on people, trying to perfect some new gene hack or develop
a super-soldier. Or has long exposure to the chemicals pumping out of factories
started to change the city residents who live too close? Maybe spending too long
in the no-zone has imbued some wastelanders with these amazing powers.


No-zone: The mutagens beyond the city have changed everyone who
12 lives in the wastes. Sometimes this manifests as psionic powers.
The Program: Forced evolution through scientific experimentation has
34 created an unstable mutation.
Pollution: The pollution expelled from some grinders or other industrial
56 complexes has created psionic mutations in those who live nearby.

Only people from off-planet are exhibiting psionic powers. Is the phenomenon
restricted to citizens from a single colony, like Lunar, Mars or the orbitals? Is it
manifesting in just a few people, or is it everyone who has spent generations
away from earth and its protective atmosphere? Perhaps some alien technology
or virus has caused this increase in psychic activity. Or are the psionicists actual
aliens, with an agenda of their own?


Cosmic rays: Long exposure to cosmic rays has meant some orbital
12 citizens have manifested psionic powers.
The artifact: Martian colonists discovered an alien artifact. Exposure to
34 the object awakens latent psychic talent.
Uplift: An alien entity has revealed how to utilize the full potential of the
56 human mind.

A nanotech plague has infused some of the population with millions of powerful,
self-replicating nanites. Hordes of tiny machines scan enemies, alter bodies, re-
write digital or organic code and convey information to the host at the speed
of thought. Some people have learned to control these microscopic machines,
performing amazing feats that appear to all as psychic or mystic powers. Has
everyone been affected by these nanites? How do things like electronic shielding
or EMP weapons affect the nanotech? Are people with cyberware more or less
vulnerable to these powers?


The gray goo: Self-replicating nanites devoured much of the world,
feeding off biomass and everything else to build more tiny machines. Their
12 hunger created the no-zone, reducing the wilderness to little more than a
gray goo.
More machine than man: Nanotech users are easily identified by their
34 chrome skin or patterns of moving circuitry. Powers manifest as streams or
clouds of tiny machines that extend from the psion to a target.
Liquid metal future: Advances in nanotech have led to the emergence of
56 liquid metal cyberware and skins. This mutable tech can morph to meet
the user’s needs.

Amazing powers have long been part of human history, all too often dismissed
as legend, fairytale or illusion. But a reawakening has begun and magic has
seemingly returned to the world. People manifest abilities that were once the
realm of fiction. There might even be a return of once-mythical creatures. Is this
really a return of magic? Or has humanity’s collective consciousness just made it
seem that way? If magic has returned to the world, what else has come with it?


The singularity: Advances in virtual technology and constant immersion
in alternate reality has blurred the line between what is real and unreal.
12 This point of unprecedented growth and change acts as a beacon for the
once lost fey world and marks the threshold for a new reality for mankind.
Return of the King: The sorcerer Merlin has worked in the shadows for
eons, preparing the world for the return of the dread King Arthur and his
34 witch, The Lady. He trains apprentices in preparation for a new war in the
age of cybernetics and neon - the once and future king is almost here.
Prophetic fallacy: The emergence of psionic powers leads people to
mistakenly believe a new age of magic is upon them. This sparks a renewed
interest in myth, legend and all things fantastic. People genetically modify
56 themselves to look like creatures from legend, whole sub-cultures grow
around these assumed identities and elves, ogres, kobolds and dwarves
become common place in all facets of the city. The world turns itself into
one of legend.

The inclusion of psionics in your setting will likely have a variety of repercussions
for the city and its inhabitants. As you make decisions about how psionics fit into
your game, consider the following ideas.


Are psionic powers rare, perhaps only manifesting in a very few? Or have they
become common place in your world? This choice will have an impact on a
variety of other setting details.
RARE AND MYSTERIOUS: Very few people know about psionics and
only a small number manifest powers, making them a valuable resource
to be controlled, manipulated and exploited. Are powers mysterious and
misunderstood, or a well documented phenomenon? Are there groups actively
trying to hide or expose the existence of psionics?
INCREASINGLY COMMON: Psionics is something that most people have
heard of, even if they’ve never seen the effects of such powers. News reports
attribute terrorist attacks or heroic rescues to power wielders. Documentaries
describe psionics, accurately or otherwise. Many people claim to know a friend
of a friend who has a power.
EVERYDAY: People with psionic powers are common. Most people know
someone with psionic ability. Special concessions, laws and roles have been
created specifically because of the existence of people with powers. There
are “no psion” bars, and Special Police Telepaths, and similar adjustments that
reflect their presence in the world.


How are psionic powers (and those who have them) perceived by the general
public? Does this popular opinion reflect that of the government and megacorps?
FEAR AND HATE: Demonstrations of psionic power are met with fear and
anger. Psions are often pariahs, betrayed, hunted down or attacked by those
who do not understand them. These reactions may come from a lack of
understanding, corporate propaganda, or an instinctive reaction to what many
see as unnatural power.
MISTRUST: Psionics are misunderstood, mistrusted and looked upon with
suspicion. While not met with outright hatred, people would rather avoid
getting involved with “any of that mind stuff”. Psions have few friends to turn
to, always looking over their shoulder and expecting the worst from humanity.

WONDER AND EXCITEMENT: Whether a new phenomenon or not, psionic
powers are a source of awe for the populace. People are excited to see powers
in use, apps track psionic events and details of psions personal life are reported
on gossip sites. Psionics might still be a rare novelty that enthralls like cheap
magic tricks, or maybe the world has grown to embrace or even depend upon
the advantages of psionics.


A common theme in cyberpunk is the relationship between man and machine.
This is often supercharged with the introduction of psionic powers, further
emphasizing the themes of technology versus nature. How do psionic powers
interact with technology in your setting?
ANATHEMA: Powers and tech do not mix. Perhaps psionics cannot affect
machines, or are interfered with by electric currents. A psion might lose some
(or all) of their power with every piece of cyberware they install. There are some
places in the city - parks, rubbish dumps - where psionic power is stronger.
Corps and other organizations use the fact that powers and technology don’t
mix to protect themselves, or to disable their enemies.
SYMBIOSIS: Technology and psionics enhance each other. Perhaps specialized
tech is required to properly control powers, or maybe it is particularly effective
against cyberware, digital signals or electronic devices. For whatever reason,
psionic powers were not able to become a mainstream force until the current
level of technology was common place.
NEUTRAL: If there is a relationship between psionics and technology, it is
not obvious. Powers do not seem to be affected by the presence or use of tech
and a psion is just as likely to be a full cyborg as a tech-free neo-native, with no
discernible difference in abilities.

Depending on the interests of players and the focus of your games, some other
topics you might give consideration to include the following.
LAW: Have new laws been introduced because of the advent of psionics? What
are they? Why were they instituted? How are they enforced?
RELIGION: Have psionics had an impact on religious belief in a positive or
negative way? How are psionic powers viewed by organized religions?
MEGACORPS: Are one or more megacorps at the center of psionic research
or control? Has this changed the balance of power amongst the big six, or
introduced a new organization?

Following are a number of special rules you can introduce into your games of
Neon City Overdrive. Apply any of the following that make sense for your stories,
based on the decisions you have made about the setting and how psionics fit.


Use this special rule for settings where psionics FEAR & LOATHING
are rare, feared and/or hated. 2-3 Flee in terror
4-5 Cower and hide
People are afraid of psions and react with 6-8 Disperse / call for help
volatility when their presence is revealed. 9-10 Threaten
When a character uses an obvious power in 11-12 Attack in rage
front of the general public, roll on the Fear &
Loathing table to determine their reaction.
• Subtract 2 if the character’s powers were particularly lethal, threatening or
lead the witnesses to think they are in immediate danger of harm.
• Add 2 to the roll if the power caused harm to innocents, backfired in
someway, or left the player character vulnerable.
Most of the time the reactions of the general public are going to be obvious.
Only roll when both fear or violence are reasonable reactions. Skilled operators,
other cyberpunks, and even most corp sec are not “general public” . They will stick
to their training, doing what they need to do when facing psions.
ATTITUDES & REACTIONS: When rolling for Attitudes & Reactions (page
54, Neon City Overdrive), subtract 2 if the NPC is aware of the character’s psionic

Use this special rule if an object or technology of some kind (cybertech, chemical
inducement, alien artifact, magic focus) is required to use psionic powers.
Psions must have physical contact with a specific object or substance in order
to effectively use their powers. It might be implanted, ingested or worn. Discuss
what the object is with the GM and list it as a trigger or item of gear on the
character sheet.
• If a character does not have their amplifier, add 8 to any check they make to
use psionic powers.
• A player can turn their amplifier tag into an edge or item of special gear, in
which case it adds ( to checks to activate or use psionic powers.

Use this special rule if you have decided that psionics and technology are anathema.
This introduces a significant penalty to psions who have any kind of implanted
technology, so discuss with players first.
Cyberware and other invasive tech interferes with the psion’s abilities. When a
psion makes a check to use a power, apply the following penalties in addition to
any others.
• The character has one or more chip (interface chip, ghost chip) or cyberware
triggers, add 8.

Example: A psion has an interface chip, ghost chip and cyber eye all listed as
triggers. They must add a single extra 8 to any check to use a psionic power.
• Add another 8 for each distinct piece of cyberware (cybereye, cyber arm,
toxin filter) they have recorded as an edge, trademark or special gear. Triggers
and edges attached to cyberware trademarks and tags on special gear do not
add further danger dice.

Example: A psion character has an interface chip trigger, a ghost chip trigger,
and the trademark Cyberarm with the edge armored. When making a check
using a psionic power they must add 88 to the dice pool - one for the chip
triggers and one for the cyberarm trademark. As the armored edge is considered
part of the cyberarm it does not add any further danger dice.


Use this special rule when there is a relationship between psionic powers and real-
world locations or situations.
There are places of psionic power where a psion’s natural abilities are boosted.
These nexus zones might include mystic locations, areas with significant psychic
activity, places with high energy output, or sites where intense emotions were
felt. The precise locations of such nexus will depend on the source of psionic
powers in your games.
• A character using psionic powers in a nexus zone adds ( to psionic checks.
There might also be “dead zones” or places of negative power where a psion’s
abilities are less effective. These locations are usually the opposite of a nexus site,
and once again depend on the source of psionic powers.
• A character using psionic powers in a dead zone add 8 to psionic checks.

Psionic powers are simply special effects - a cool way to describe what a character
is doing, or how they are influencing the world around them. A character that
projects a psionic blast or rearranges a target’s molecular structure is no different
to one who shoots a gun or punches an enemy - except for the all-important
story that surrounds the action.


Psionic powers can be conveyed like any cool character trait with triggers, edges
and trademarks. They indicate a character has some form of psionic power and
gives them permission to do (or attempt) things that another character could not.
TRADEMARKS: Psionic characters usually need a trademark that defines
the nature and scope of their power. The trademark and triggers define the
types of psionic abilities the character has, while edges indicate the character’s
specializations and areas of expertise.
PSIONIC KNACKS: At the GMs discretion, any character might add a psionic
trigger to a non-psionic trademark. This indicates some small, specific ability the
character has. A character with a single psionic knack is never going to be as
powerful as a “full” psion, as they do not benefit from being able to stack multiple
psionic edges together.

A character with a psionic trigger, edge or trademark can attempt to influence
the world using their power(s). Sometimes this will just “happen” and at other
times it will require a check. When to just move with the action and when to roll
the dice will always depend on the fiction.
Psionic powers are freeform in nature, meaning players get to describe the
effect they want to achieve. When using powers, players should clearly describe
their action, the desired outcome and point out anything that is working in their
favor (such as trademarks or edges). The GM will use this description and the
scene details to decide if the desired outcome happens, or if a check is needed.

When calling for a check the GM should factor in the standard modifiers (page 29,
Neon City Overdrive), paying particular attention to the scale of the desired effect.
For example, a telekinetic moving a set of keys is a relatively simple task, while
throwing a car is a much greater scale and therefore harder. As a general rule, add
a 8 for each additional detail of a desired effect.


( Trademark: A single relevant psionic trademark related to the effect.
( Edges: Each relevant / useful edge attached to the trademark being used.
8 Range: The target is far away / beyond normal distance for the power.
8 Scope: The power affects multiple targets or a large area.
8 Scale: The effect or target is particularly big / powerful.
8 Duration: The effect will persist for longer than usual.
8 Finesse: The effect requires accuracy, precision or exceptional control.
8 Exception: The effect is an unusual use of the power.

Remember, only call for checks when both success and failure will
lead to interesting outcomes. A lot of the time using / activating a
psionic power should be automatic, just like any other action.


Psionic power triggers, edges and trademarks are just like any other. Use them
when dramatically appropriate by applying logic and imagination. A character
with Telepathy (empathy) is no different to another with Joy (empathy matrix) -
their ability to understand and empathize with someone else simply comes from
different sources or areas of expertise. Likewise, a biokinetic with the claws/fangs
edge can always use their ability when claws or fangs would be useful - they’re
just choosing to use their Biokinetics (claws/fangs) trademark and edge like
another character might use Cyberarms (blades).

Psions can use their powers to attack a target or defend themselves from harm.
This happens like any combat and checks should be modified based on the
description of actions and appropriate circumstances.
CLOSE COMBAT: Any psionic attack that requires a character to touch a
target (with their hands or a psionic weapon) is treated like any close combat
attack. The attacker uses relevant edges while the defender can choose to
dodge or endure the harm using whatever advantages they have available.
RANGED COMBAT: A psionic attack that causes physical harm from a
distance is no different from any other ranged attack. Just like with close
combat, the psion making the attack applies any relevant edges and other
tags, while the defender’s choice to dodge or endure will apply danger dice.
PSYCHIC ATTACKS: Some psionic effects directly attack a target’s mind.
In these instances the target’s will power, resolve, intelligence and mental
fortitude should all be factors that influence whether the attack works or not.

Defending against psionic attacks is done like any attempt to avoid harm. The
player character describes what they are doing to avoid or resist the attack, and
builds their dice pool. Any psionic attack that is physical in nature (waves of
fire, objects hurled at them, being grappled) are resisted exactly like any other
physical attack. If the character is targeted by a mental attack that they cannot
physically avoid, then mental traits will influence their dice pool.

The following are traumas specific to psions. Use them as inspiration for your own
traumas and to supplement those described in NEON CITY OVERDRIVE.

1 PSYCHIC FEEDBACK: You suffer intense mental anguish and pain
2 AURA DAZZLE: The psychic energy of others distracts and/or blinds you
3 ENERVATION: Drained of mental energy, you struggle to concentrate
4 PSYCHOSOMATIC: Your nature is revealed as a painful physical deformity
5 IMPOTENT: You lose the ability to create/activate a specific psionic effect
FIXATION: You are obsessed and distracted by a specific person, place or
6 thing related to your psionic power or the last use of your power

The following pages contain descriptions and explanations of a range of example
psionic powers. They are provided as starting points for your own games and
should be used as inspiration rather than firm rules about exactly what a psion
can or cannot do.


For clarity, psionic powers have been divided into seven categories that cover the
most common psionic effects. These are not the only powers possible and players
/ game masters are encouraged to adjust these examples or create their own.
BIOKINESIS: Personal mutation and control of the body at the genetic level.
METAHEALING: Healing, regeneration and psychic surgery.
PRECOGNITION: Hyperawarenss and extra sensory perception.
PYROKINESIS: Control of heat, fire and thermal variations.
TECHNOPATHY: Control of machines and technology.
TELEKINESIS: Moving and controlling objects with a thought.
TELEPATHY: Psychic communication, thought projection and mind reading.

Each psionic ability is described to help you better understand what a psion with
this particular power can do. The information is broken into the following parts.
TRIGGERS: A list of example triggers common to that power.
EFFECTS: A guide to using this power to create cool effects.
EXAMPLE EFFECTS: A sample of the outcomes possible with this power.
TRADEMARKS: Ways to incorporate the psionic power into your games.
FLAWS: Example flaws common to users of the psionic power.

Each power has a list of example triggers that reflect both passive abilities and
potential amazing effects the psion can activate. Like all triggers, these are a
guide to the scope of the power - the things a particular psion can do or attempt.
Use them in play as inspiration for a psion’s actions.


Effects are the cool results that might be created by using a specific psionic ability.
Each power describes the general parameters of creating such effects, including
the following information.
ACTIVATION: Most psionic power effects require a focused action to activate
(page 36, Neon City Overdrive). Some powers can be activated as a quick action,
by applying a 8 penalty to any associated check. Once activated, effects might
last just an instant, for an entire scene, or as long as the character concentrates
on maintaining the result.
RANGE: Some powers are easier to use on very close targets, while others
naturally lend themselves to longer ranges. Each power indicates the base
range of effects, and whether this can be extended. Extending the range
usually applies danger dice to checks.
TARGETS: Most psionic powers can only affect a single person, place or thing,
and some effects only work on a specific type of target. Each power indicates
what and how many things can be affected. Many power effects can be
extended to affect multiple targets.
Use the information provided, in conjunction with the triggers and example
effects, to adjudicate what is possible with each psionic power. Remember,
powers are freeform in nature and players are encouraged to use their psionic
abilities to try cool stuff.

Each psionic power lists several example effects that can be created. These are
based on the triggers and are like spells or super powers that a character can
cause or use in a scene. Any character with the appropriate trigger can attempt to
create an effect. A pyrokinetic with the burn trigger can attempt the burn effect,
and a metahealer with the calm trigger can attempt to calm a target.
The example effects described in this chapter use two tags to indicate whether
a power can be extended in duration or number of targets.
[Concentrate] An effect with this tag can last for multiple turns, if the psion
concentrates on maintaining it. Concentrating is a quick action, which means
the character can still move up to a near distance while maintaining the effect.
If a character chooses to take an action other than concentrate, the effect ends.
[Multiple targets] An example effect with this tag can be extended to affect
more than one target person / object. When doing so, each target after the
first will apply 8 to any relevant check. (If affecting two targets, apply 8. If
affecting four targets apply 888.)

The example effects are illustrations of what is possible. You wont always
have to make checks to activate these powers, and when you do the
specific modifiers will depend on the narrative. Use the descriptions
provided as inspiration for your own cool effects.

Each of the powers can be used as a trademark. These are the “pure” psionic
trademarks, giving a character access to the full range of triggers and effects. They
are intentionally broad and give a player a lot of flexibility in what the character
can do. If a player wants to be a powerful psion, these are the obvious choice.
Additional example trademarks are also provided, each with a particular focus
or specialization. If a player wants to fulfill a specific role or niche in the setting,
these trademarks are a good option. While they have a variety of psionic and non-
psionic triggers, they always count as psionic trademarks. This means you will
always get at least one ( when making a check to create a psionic effect.
Use the example trademarks as inspiration for your own, based on the needs of
your setting and the desires of the players.

Each power lists example flaws that might commonly be associated with psions
of this type. A player with a psionic trademark might choose to use one of these
flaws when creating their character.

While each individual power describes a good range of triggers related to that
particular psionic specialization, there are many triggers that any psion might
naturally have. The following triggers can be added to a psionic trademark at the
game master’s discretion.
CREATIVE: You are very good at using your psionic powers in unusual ways
or to create unexpected effects.
DETECT PSIONICS: You can use the detect psionics effect (see below).
DISMISS: You can use the dismiss effect (see below).
EMPOWERED [EFFECT]: You have mastered a specific effect. When taken
as an edge, this will add ( to checks made to use the specified effect. This is
in addition to any other relevant edges.
FINESSE: You have exceptional control over your psionic powers and can
perform very fine or delicate tasks.
MULTIPLY: You are adept at affecting multiple targets with your psionic
powers. When taken as an edge this will add a single ( to appropriate checks
- it does not remove the penalty for multiple targets.
POWERFUL: You are a particularly powerful psion. When taken as an edge
this will add ( to all psionic checks.
PRECISE ATTACK: You are very good at performing psionic attacks.
RESIST [PSIONIC POWER]: You are particularly adept at resisting the
effects of a specific type of psionic power.
SUBTLE: The effects of your psionic powers are not obvious and/or they are
hard to notice.


Two psionic effects are available to any character with the appropriate trigger.
Both effects use the guidelines for activation and range described under the
psion’s own specific power profile.


Detect psionics: You can detect the presence of another psion, or the use of a
psionic power on a location, person or object. Determining if a psion/psionic
effect was previously used/present is harder (8) than detecting one that is
currently in use/present.
Dismiss: You can end an ongoing psionic effect created by another psion
(including those maintained by concentration). Add ( if you are able to create
the same effect (have the appropriate trigger). Add 8 if the creator of the effect
is obviously more powerful. A success will immediately end the effect.

Biokinetic psions reprogram their body at the cellular level, allowing them to make
both subtle and extreme physical alterations. They can change and transform
their body, creating claws or webbed feet, growing gills or increasing their size,
mass or density. Particularly talented psions can turn themselves into completely
different animals or mold their flesh to take on the appearance of someone else.

ABSORB DISEASE: You are particularly resistant to disease.
ADAPTATION: You can transform part of your body into that of another
animal or to fulfill a specific purpose.
ARMOR: You manifests leathery skin or bone plates that protect you.
BIOELECTRICITY: Electricity flows through your skin. This can be used to
enhance hand-to-hand attacks, or perhaps tamper with electronics.
CHAMELEON: You can change the color of your skin, hair and eyes.
CLAWS/FANGS: Your teeth and/or nails grow long and sharp, making
excellent weapons and tools of intimidation.
DOPPELGANGER: You can take on the appearance of another person.
GROW: You can increase your body’s size, mass or density.
HEIGHTENED SENSES: The character’s senses of sight, hearing, taste and
smell can all be enhanced.
METAMORPHOSIS: You can change into an animal form.
REGENERATE: Your self awareness and ability to manipulate anatomy
makes you particularly adept at healing yourself.
SUSPENDED ANIMATION: You can place yourself into a deep hibernation
or death-like state to stay alive or endure extreme conditions.

ACTIVATION: Focused action, or as a quick action with 8 applied.
RANGE: Close.
TARGETS: Biokinetic powers only affect the psion.
Small and subtle changes are easier than complete transformations or changes
that result in vastly different body size, shape or function. Failed checks to activate
biokinetic effects often mean the transformation takes longer than desired and/
or result in some negative physical alteration.
Once activated biokinetic effects typically last the remainder of a scene or until
the psion ends them. They do not require concentration to maintain.

Adaptation: You can transform part of your body into some useful feature of
another living creature, such as prehensile feet, gills, webbed fingers or fur.
The adaptation is limited to a pair of limbs (feet, hands) or a single organ type
(lungs, eyes, skin). You can have multiple adaptations, but each might require a
separate check.
Bioelectricity: You can harm a target with a bioelectric jolt. This works like any
close combat attack and a success will cause a hit to the target. You can try to
send the electricity down a conductive material with a 8 penalty.
Doppelganger: You can take on the appearance of another person. Changing
into someone you are very familiar with is a straightforward task. Mimicking
someone you have met in passing or only seen video adds 8 to a check.
Transforming into someone you have only seen in photos or had described
applies at least 88. Apply another 8 if their appearance / size is very different.
Grow: You can increase your physical size and/or mass. A 50% increase is
straightforward. Add 8 to checks for every further 50% increment of your
original size/weight.
Example: Increasing your size by 100% will add 8 to the check. Up to 150% of
original size will add 88 to a check, and a 200% increase will add 888.
Metamorphosis: You can change your entire body into that of another
creature, taking on the physical characteristics of a chosen animal. Mammals
of similar size to your character are easiest to transform into. Changing into
particularly large or small animals will apply one or more 8 to the check, as will
transforming into insects, invertebrates and other particularly strange forms.

BIOKINETIC: Absorb disease, MANIMAL: Heightened senses,
Adaptation, Armor, Bioelectricity, Metamorphosis, Claws/fangs, Fly,
Chameleon, Claws/fangs, Brawling, Track, Quick reflexes, Hide,
Doppelganger, Heal, Heightened Animal instincts, Animal empathy
senses, Grow, Metamorphosis,
MIMIC: Doppelganger, Chameleon,
Suspended animation.
Claws/fangs, Charm, Calm under
pressure, Grow, Stealth, Read a
situation, Lie
FAST METABOLISM: You need to eat a lot to keep up your energy.
INHUMAN APPEARANCE: You have some animalistic or alien feature that
gives away your psionic nature.
STRANGE ANATOMY: Healing checks are more difficult for others to
perform on you, due to your strange anatomy.

Metahealing is the power to heal others through thought, the laying of hands, or
the manipulation of another’s cells. While believed to be a variation of biokinetics,
metahealers are not restricted to affecting just themselves and can cure sickness
or heal injuries in anyone.

CALM: You can cause a target to relax, feel safe or otherwise calm from a
heightened state.
CAUSE PAIN: You can inflict physical or mental harm on a target.
CURE DISEASE: You can attempt to remove disease or infection from a
DETECT POISONS: You can detect poison in a target’s system. Some
metahealers can even detect the presence of poison in foods or on surfaces.
DIAGNOSE: You can determine the cause of physical ailments in a target.
ENERGETIC: You always seem to be filled with vitality and energy, and are
particularly resistant to feelings of exhaustion.
ENERGY DRAIN: You can harm a target by draining their physical vitality or
psychic energy.
HEAL: You are adept at healing others.
PSYCHIC SURGERY: You can heal serious injuries.
REGENERATE: You can cause a limb to regrow or harm to repair, in yourself
or others.
REMOVE TOXINS: You have the ability to remove poisons or other toxins
from a target’s system.

ACTIVATION: Focused action, or as a quick action with 8 applied.
RANGE: Close. Apply 8 at near range and 88 at far.
TARGETS: A single living, organic target. If multiple targets can be affected,
apply 8 for each target after the first.
Metahealing is no different to any other kind of healing, except the psion requires
no tools or formal training. When healing harm of any kind, failed checks usually
result in no change in the subject’s condition. Botches, however, may cause the
injury to worsen or some new injury to be manifested.
Metahealing effects only work on biological targets. They have no impact on
robots, drones, androids or other artificial constructs.

Calm: You flood the target with endorphins, calming a heightened, angry, or
scared target. An already relaxed or tired target may appear to be affected by
opiates or even relax to the point of sleep. The greater the anger, fear or pain,
the harder it is to calm a target. [Concentrate] [Multiple targets]
Cause pain: This works like any close combat attack and a success will cause a
hit to the target. If the psion knows the target already has a physical injury, add
( to the check as they heighten the existing pain. A target with exceptional
will power, pain resistance or mental fortitude applies 8 to the check.
Energy drain: This works like cause pain, but any success will inflict a condition
on the target instead of a hit. Tags such as slowed, tired, dazed or weakened are
common. On a boon the psion can remove a similar condition from themselves.
If you achieve a number of successes (including boons) equal to the target’s
remaining hits they fall asleep/unconscious. [Multiple targets]
Psychic surgery: You can attempt to remove a condition or trauma from a
target. Apply 8 for every trauma the target currently has. If attempting to
remove a condition, a success clears it immediately while a botch will cause a
hit. If attempting to remove a trauma, a success will convert the trauma into a
condition that will last until the end of the scene. A botch will cause the target
to immediately start dying.
Edges such as cure disease, regenerate or remove toxins can all be applied to
psychic surgery checks, depending on the condition or trauma being healed.

METAHEALER: Calm, Cause pain, ENERGY VAMPIRE: Calm, Energy
Cure disease, Detect poison, Diagnose, drain, Detect presence*, Stealth, Blend
Energetic, Energy drain, Heal, Psychic in, Grapple, Detect psionics
surgery, Regenerate, Remove toxins *As per the precognition effect.
Cure disease, Diagnose, Psychic pain, Psychic surgery, Regenerate,
surgery, Famous, Distract, Charming Interrogate, Negotiate, Investigate,
smile, Wealthy, Media contacts Intimidate, Bargain, Lie to your face

CALLOUS: You are insensitive, uncaring or have a cruel disregard to the needs
or feelings of others.
HEIGHTENED EMPATHY: You are overly sensitive to the physical or emotional
needs of others.
SQUEAMISH: You cannot stand the sight of blood or serious injuries.

Also called clairvoyance or hyperawareness, precogs are able to perceive things
that are not apparent to others. This sometimes manifests as extra sensory
perception or exceptional awareness, but also includes abilities to see the future
or the past.

CLAIRAUDIENCE: You can hear what is happening in a distant location, as
if you were there.
CLAIRVOYANCE: You can see distant locations as if you were there.
COMBAT AWARENESS: You can “read” an enemy’s movements, almost
before they act. This gives you a distinct advantage in combat.
DANGER SENSE: You can scan an area for potential harm and have a “sixth
sense” for danger.
DETECT PRESENCE: You can detect the presence of living creature in your
immediate vicinity.
DIRECTION SENSE: You have an uncanny knack to always know where you
are and/or what direction you should go.
HYPER AWARENESS: You have exceptional awareness and perception,
able to notice things that others might miss.
HYPER REACTIONS: Your expanded awareness allows you to react to
situations almost before they happen, giving the impression of exceptional
reaction speed.
POSTCOGNITION: You can learn things about an object or place’s past, by
touching it.
PRECOGNITION: You can learn things about the future of a person, place or

ACTIVATION: Precognition effects always require a focused action to activate.
RANGE: Close, near or far. Apply 8 if the area being analyzed is distant.
TARGETS: A single object or room. Affecting larger areas applies 8 to checks.
Trying to learn information about very distant people/places, or very large areas
is always harder than events or places that are more immediate.
Successes reveal relevant or useful information to the character, based on the
situation and the intent of the effect. A GM might allow the player to ask questions
to clarify understanding. Boons will add further details or a clearer understanding
of what is going on. Failed checks mean that no information is gained, or the
information is corrupted, incomplete or inaccurate in some way.

Clairvoyance: You can see what is happening in another location. This
manifests as images only, though you can add sound to the vision by applying
8 to a check. It is easier to see locations or people you are familiar with. Add
8 if the target person/location is unfamiliar, and another 8 if they are very
distant. Clairaudience works similarly, but you can only perceive sounds.
Danger sense: You can detect imminent personal harm. Obvious sources of
harm and danger are easier to detect. Very sneaky, subtle or surprising danger
applies 8 to checks. Use danger sense to detect if a room is filled with traps or
an enemy has ill intent. [Concentration] [Multiple targets]
Detect presence: You can identify the presence of living creatures in a
particular area. Small or weak life signs add 8, as does attempting to scan a
large area. [Concentration]
Postcognition: By touching an object you can get glimpses of its past,
including other people who have touched it, or places it has been. These tend
to be images only. The longer an object was owned or resided in a location, the
clearer the images.
Precognition: The ability to see the future. By concentrating on a specific
person, place or object, the psion can see moments from its future. The further
in time the psion attempts to see, the harder the task.

PRECOG: Combat sense, Direction PSI-BLADE: Close combat, Melee,
sense, Hyper awareness, Hyper Blades, Dodge, Parry, Danger sense,
reactions, Danger sense, Clairvoyance, Combat awareness, Hyper reactions
Clairaudience, Detect presence,
SCANNER: Empathy, Hyper
Postcognition, Precognition
awareness, Danger sense, Detect
presence, Postcognition, Negotiate,

CYNICAL: You always expect the worst from people - and are usually right.
DISTRACTED: You are constantly distracted or disoriented by things that
others wouldn’t even notice.
UNSETTLING: Whether it’s your intense gaze or the fact you always know what
someone is going to say, people find you unsettling to be around.
OUT OF BODY: Some of your powers require an out-of-body experience,
leaving your physical form vulnerable.

Best known for their flashy abilities to control fire, pyrokinetic psions can
manipulate the thermal properties of the world around them. This allows them
to change the temperature of a room and ignite or freeze objects, as well as the
more obvious effects.

BLAST: You create an exothermic reaction that results in a blast of heat and/
or light.
BURN: You can transfer extreme heat or cold through your hands to a target.
DAZZLE: You cause a burst of bright light to blind or confuse a target.
CONTROL FIRE: You can move, manipulate, grow and reduce flames / fire
with a thought.
EXTINGUISH: You can reduce the intensity of a fire.
FIRESTORM: Cause a flame to turn into a blazing inferno.
FLY: You can create and ride thermal currents, which allows you to make very
long leaps and even glide upon the thermals.
HEAT DETECTION: You are exceptionally good at using infrared for
analyzing targets or locations.
IGNITE: You can cause combustible material to catch on fire.
THERMAL SIGHT: You can see in the infrared spectrum, identify heat
THERMOREGULATION: Extreme heat and cold does not significantly
affect you. You are more resistant to heat or cold-based attacks.
THERMOSTASIS: You can change or regulate the temperature of a target
person, place or thing.

ACTIVATION: Focused action, or as a quick action with 8 applied.
RANGE: Close or near. Apply 8 at far range and 88 at distant.
TARGETS: A single target or small area a few cubic yards in size. If multiple
targets can be affected, apply 8 for each target after the first. Affecting entire
rooms or large areas also applies 8 to checks.
Successes create the desired effect, while failures usually mean nothing happens.
Botches, however, are often quite spectacular, as you would expect when
manipulating elemental forces.

Burn: You can harm a target with intense heat or cold. This works like any close
combat attack and a success will cause a hit to the target. You can try to burn a
target at range, applying 8 if the target is near and 88 if it is far. An edge such
as blast will add ( to attempts to affect multiple targets. [Multiple targets]
Control fire: You can ignite, extinguish, move and manipulate fire. This usually
requires a ready source of fuel. Add 8 if attempting to ignite, move or grow
a fire where there is little combustible material. If attempting to reduce or
extinguish a fire, a lack of fuel will add ( to a check. Edges such as ignite,
extinguish and firestorm can be added to control fire checks when appropriate.
Dazzle: On a successful check this ranged attack blinds the target for a turn,
+1 turn for each boon. An edge such as blast will add ( to attempts to affect
multiple targets. [Multiple targets]
Heat detection: Your use of infrared sight is honed, making you particularly
adept at following heat trails, spotting hidden targets, or detecting hidden
compartments or rooms. It can also be used to analyze a target’s temperature
and determine details about their health or recent activity. The older the heat
signature, the harder it is to spot / follow.
Thermostasis: You can raise or lower the temperature of a target person,
location or object. A slight change, enough to make someone notice and feel
uncomfortable is easy, but more extreme adjustments will apply at least one
8 to checks. Affecting a whole room is harder than a single target and also
applies 8. [Concentrate]

PYRO: Blast, Burn, Dazzle, Control DRAGON: Blast, Burn, Firestorm,
fire, Extinguish, Firestorm, Fly, Heat Thermal sight, Fly, Tough, Intimidate,
detection, Ignite, Thermal sight, Close combat
Thermoregulation, Thermostasis SMOKE JUMPER: Fire fighting,
Athletic, Brave, Control fire, Extinguish,
Thermoregulation, Heat detection,
Thermal sight, Thermostasis, Climb

HOT HEADED: You are impetuos, rash and quick to overreact to situations.
PYROMANIA: You have an unhealthy fascination with fire or obsessive desire
to start fires.
SHORT FUSE: You are easily angered, have trouble controlling your temper and
often act angrily when something goes wrong.

Technopaths have an uncanny ability to connect with machines and technology.
They can control vehicles, interface with computers and even analyze robots
without the need of an interface chip. While many of a technopath’s abilities
replicate those of cyberware and other technology, the psion’s advantage is they
have no need of wifi, electronics or hazardous grid connections.

ANTENNA: You can detect the presence of grid-enabled technology and use
it to track individuals connected to the grid.
ELECTRONIC SHADOW: You are harder to identify or detect with
electronic equipment, scanners or cameras.
EMP: You can disables or damage electronic equipment with a thought.
HIJACK: You can take control of a target’s cyberware.
INTERFACE: You interact with the grid without cyberware or a computer.
JAM: You can detect, interrupt, disrupt or intercept wireless communication
and signals from phones, radios, bluetooth and wifi.
MACHINE EMPATHY: You have an uncanny knack to know the purpose
of a machine, what is wrong with a damaged machine, and sometimes even
what it is “thinking” or feeling.
MALFUNCTION: You can cause a machine to malfunction, often in a
catastrophic manner.
REMOTE OPERATION: You can drive/pilot vehicles, operate machines, or
access cameras from a distance.
REMOTE PROJECTION: You can project your image onto a screen and
communicate with viewers.
REPAIR: You are adept at repairing machines, computers or vehicles.
SCANNER: You can detect and identify cyberware on a target.
SWITCH: You can turn machines on/off with a thought.

ACTIVATION: Focused action, or as a quick action with 8 applied.
RANGE: Close and near. Apply 8 at far range and 88 at distant.
TARGETS: A single machine, computer, vehicle or robot. If multiple targets can
be affected, apply 8 for each target after the first.
Technopathy effects only work on non-living targets (or the in-organic elements
of living targets, such as cyberware).

Antenna: You can detect all kinds of electronic and communication signals and
even follow them. Heavily encrypted signals are harder to detect and follow
(8), as are those that are a long way away (far or further). An edge such as jam
will add ( to attempts to detect or track targets. [Concentrate]
EMP: This electromagnetic pulse can harm an electronic, robotic, cybernetic
or machine target. Machines with no electronic parts cannot be affected
and targets that are heavily shielded from electronic interference apply 8 to
checks. Each success and boon causes a hit on the target. [Multiple targets]
Hijack: This attack affects a single specific piece of cyberware on a target.
Additional cyberware, or targets can be affected by applying 8 for each
additional item of cyberware. A target with exceptional will power or highly
advanced cyberware applies 8 to the check. A success lets you perform a
single quick action with the cyberware, as if you were in control. Control is
extended by one turn for each boon rolled. [Concentrate] [Multiple targets]
Remote operation: You can take control of a machine or electronic system
from a distance. A check is required to take control, but once this is established
you can operate the machine as if manually handling it. Machines controlled
with computers (including most vehicles) might be easier to operate, while
purely mechanical “dumb” machines apply 8 to checks. Once control is taken
you have access to all the machine’s systems, including cameras. [Concentrate]
Malfunction: This attack causes a machine, robot or electronic device to
malfunction. A success applies a condition to the target such as slowed, dazed,
blinded, weakened or malfunctioning. If you achieve a number of successes
(including boons) equal to the target’s remaining hits they completely break
down or are destroyed. Edges such as machine empathy, jam, emp, and switch
can add ( to malfunction attempts, depending on the desired result.

TECHNOPATH: Antenna, Electronic GREMLIN: Malfunction, Switch, Run,
shadow, EMP, Hijack, Interface, Jam, Machine empathy, Electronic shadow,
Machine empathy, Malfunction, Repair, Stealth, Demolitions, Sabotage
Remote operation, Remote projection,
RADIOHEAD: Antenna, Interface,
Repair, Scanner, Switch
Jam, Hacking, Remote projection,
Distract, Propaganda, Media, Convince

DISCONNECTED: You have no cyberware or interface chip and require a
wearable to see much of the VR and alternate reality world of the city.
WHITE NOISE: The presence of electronics constantly fills your head with a
distracting white noise that you must consciously tune out.

Literally mind over matter, telekinesis is the ability to remotely move objects with
thought alone. Telekinetic powers are what most people imagine of when they
hear “psion” - flinging objects through the air, levitating and bending bars with a

AGITATE: You can cause an inanimate object to vibrate so vigorously that it
shatters or explodes.
BEND: You can bend, twist and break objects with your mind.
DEFLECT: You can parry or deflect attacks with a thought.
FINESSE: You have exceptional control over your telekinesis and can
perform very fine or delicate tasks.
FORCEFUL: You are particularly adept at breaking things with your powers.
GRIP: You can hold, grapple, pin and carry a target.
LEVITATE: You can float or fly.
PUSH: You can push, pull and shove people or objects from a distance.
SHIELD: You can create a shield of psionic force to protect yourself, allies or a
specific location.
TEMPEST: You can create a disturbing flurry of movement or swirling
objects to scare, injure or distract others.
THROW: You can throw a target person or object.
WELD: You can fuse two inanimate objects together by vibrating them under

ACTIVATION: Focused action, or as a quick action with 8 applied.
RANGE: Near. Apply 8 at far range and 88 at distant.
TARGETS: A single object or person. If multiple targets can be affected, apply
8 for each target after the first.
The greatest influence on telekinetic effects is the size, weight or durability of the
target, depending on the desired result. Heavy things are harder to lift, float or
throw. Durable objects are harder to bend, break or weld together. As a general
rule, anything heavier than an average person, or more durable than wood
should apply at least one 8 to a relevant check.
Failed telekinesis checks can be very unpredictable. Sometimes nothing at
all happens, while at other times something unexpected is moved, damaged or
fused in place.

Agitate: You can vibrate inanimate objects so vigorously they shatter.
Affecting objects more than one foot in diameter applies 8 to checks. Brittle
and inflexible objects are easier to break, and soft, flexible targets suffer a 8
penalty. On a success the object will break. Shrapnel will be flung 1 yard for
every boon rolled. Targets in the area of affect might suffer a hit, or attempt to
dive for cover, at the GM’s discretion. The finesse edge grants ( to checks.
Shield: You create a wall of psionic force just large enough to protect a single
person or object. This wall can be turned into a dome or bubble with 8. It may
be extended to cover multiple targets. The deflect edge grants ( to checks.
Each success (and boon) rolled can give the protected object/target ( when
making checks to avoid ranged attacks. [Concentrate] [Multiple targets]
Tempest: You can move many small objects around in a swirling cloud. This is
enough to fill a small room and applies a tag such as dangerous debris to the
area. Anyone attempting to cross the space might suffer harm. While in the
debris field, actions that require concentration or fine motor skill will suffer 8
for each success and boon the psion rolled. The forceful and throw edges can
each grant ( to checks. [Concentrate]
Throw: You can pick up and throw an object or person. This is an attack,
whether you are throwing something at a target, or literally hurling the target.
Throwing anything heavier than an average person applies 8 to the check, and
anything larger or heavier than a car applies 88. The forceful and push edges
can each grant ( to throw checks.
Weld: You can vibrate inanimate objects so they fuse together. Affecting areas
more than one foot square applies 8. Plastics, wood and softer materials are
easier to weld together, and attempting to weld denser materials applies 8 to
checks. The forceful and agitate edges can grant ( to checks.

TELEKINETIC: Agitate, Bend, DOZER: Shield, Bend, Forceful, Grip,
Deflect, Finesse, Forceful, Grip, Push, Throw, Tough, Brawl, Defend
Levitate, Push, Shield, Tempest, Throw, WISP: Agitate, Finesse, Levitate,
Weld Deflect, Throw, Sneak attack, Distract,
Stealth, Hide, Intimidate

CLUMSY: You a butterfingered, awkward and clumsy. You have a bad habit of
breaking things that really shouldn’t be broken.
SCRAWNY: You are physically weak, small and/or unimposing, often making
you the target of bullies.

Telepathy, sometimes called mind reading, is the ability to communicate with
others through thought alone. As well as reading, projecting and sharing
thoughts, a telepath can also influence a target, clouding their mind, confusing
them and in some extreme cases taking control of their body.

COMMUNICATE: You can speak with another by directly linking minds.
DETECT MINDS: You can detect the presence of an intelligent creature.
Talented psions can even identify the person.
DOMINATE: You can take control of a target for a short time.
EMPATHY: You understand how others are feeling in any given moment.
HALLUCINATION: You project sounds, images or ideas into a target’s mind
to trick or confuse them.
HYPNOSIS: You can place a target into a state where they are very open to
suggestion and more likely to follow instructions.
INVISIBILITY: You can cloud yourself from a target’s vision.
IRON WILL: You have very strong will power.
PROJECT THOUGHTS: You can send a message directly to a target’s mind.
PSYCHIC BLAST: You blast a target with a blast of psychic energy.
PSYCHIC SHIELD: Other psions have difficulty connecting with your mind.
READ MINDS: You can know what a target is thinking.

ACTIVATION: Telepathy effects always require a focused action to activate.
RANGE: Close and near. Apply 8 at far range and 88 at distant.
TARGETS: A single target with an organic brain (including skins, but not AI’s).
Multiple targets may be affected, applying 8 for each target after the first.
Animals are easier to confuse and distract, but difficult to communicate with on
any intelligent level (apply 8). Very intelligent creatures, those with strong will
power and targets who are aware of a psion’s powers are harder to affect.
A success will achieve the desired result, while partial successes and failure
sometimes result in the target getting a glimpse into the psion’s own mind. This
can reveal secrets or give the target some other advantage. Botches might leave
the telepath temporarily dazed or confused.

Communicate: You can communicate with a target without the use of voice
or gesture. Connecting with a target you have never met applies 8. Inhuman
targets and those beyond line of sight also apply 8 to checks. Mind reading
and projecting thoughts are one-way versions of communicate. Empathy,
project thoughts and read minds are all variations of communicate and such
edges can grant ( to appropriate checks. [Concentrate] [Multiple targets]
Dominate: You can take control of a target’s body. Making a target do
something against their personal or moral code applies 8 to the check. Actions
that will result in self-harm or harm to people the target cares about applies
an additional 8.A success forces the target to perform a single quick action of
your choice. This control is extended by one turn for each boon rolled, if you
maintain concentration. [Concentrate]
Hallucination: You trick one of a target’s senses, creating the illusion that
something is or is not there. Add 8 for each sense (sight, sound, touch, taste,
smell) after the first. Apply 8 if the hallucination is large or very realistic.
[Concentrate] [Multiple targets]
Hypnosis: A hypnotized character is good at recalling past experiences, is
inclined to be truthful and open to suggestion. Hypnotizing a resistant, angry
or hostile target applies 8 to checks. Each success and boon allows you to do
one of the following; get an honest answer, implant an idea or false memory,
make an implanted idea very strong/believable, forget something.
Invisibility: You can trick a target into not seeing you. This is easiest if they are
already unaware of your presence. Trying to disappear “right in front of them”
applies at least one 8. [Concentrate]
Psychic blast: You attack a target with a burst of psychic energy. Each success
and boon causes a hit on the target.

TELEPATH: Communicate, HUCKSTER: Hypnosis, Iron will,
Detect minds, Dominate, Empathy, Read minds, Charm, Notice, Smooth
Hallucination, Hypnosis, Invisibility, talker, Streetwise
Iron will, Project thoughts, Psychic
PUPPETEER: Detect minds,
blast, Psychic shield, Read minds
Dominate, Hallucination, Iron will,
Project thoughts, Threaten, Analytical
BUSYBODY: You have a bad habit of gossiping, sticking your nose in when not
wanted and interfering in other people’s business.
VOICES: You are constantly distracted by the voices of others in your head and
must actively filter them out.
VOYEUR: You get gratification from secretly sifting through intimate thoughts
and memories of others.

This mini setting is a way to introduce psionics into your games of NEON CITY
OVERDRIVE. It is provided as a plug-and-play option to slot straight into your games
already. Use it as written, or adjust as desired.

Psions have become more common and governments and megacorps seek
to harness them for their own ends. Anyone manifesting psionic powers is
hunted, studied, indoctrinated or killed. A lucky few have been forced to work as
operatives for clandestine organizations, while far more have become discarded
experiments in the secret laboratories of the megacorps.
In the shadows lurk the so-called psiberpunks - capable individuals willing to
stand up and fight the injustices being perpetrated against those with psionic
abilities. Some have powers themselves, though just as many fight simply
because it’s the right thing to do.

TOUCHSTONES: While Akira (anime) and The X-Men (film and comics) are
primary influences, there are many other good references for a world where
psionic powers are new, scary and ripe for exploitation. These include (but not
limited to) Carrie (novel), Firestarter (novel), Minority Report (film), Powder (film),
Push (film), Scanners (film), Serenity (film) and The Matrix (film).

This is a world of shadows, danger and deceit. Psions are hunted at every turn,
met with fear and hate wherever they go. Some truths about the world include:


Nobody really understands psions and their powers, including psions themselves.
What caused this sudden increase of metahuman powers is also unknown, though
some suspect it is a side-effect of the Second Gene War fought a generation ago.
What is known is many psions cannot control their powers, or choose to use
their powers to endanger the public - at least that’s what the media says. Those
displaying psionic powers are vilified, mistreated and mistrusted.


The DPJ is a governmental organization tasked with the investigation and
prosecution of crimes perpetrated by psions. At least, that’s the cover story. In
reality their brief is to assess psions and their powers, bringing the useful and
cooperative in to work with secret government black ops teams. Psions that
don’t meet the required aptitudes, or prove too uncooperative or dangerous are
terminated by the DPJ.


A subsidiary of Osiris, the Heka Institute investigates psionic phenomenon
and helps psions better understand and control their abilities. They appear as
a benevolent organization aiding those afflicted with psionic mutations, but
behind the walls of their clinics and sanatoriums they conduct dark experiments.
Their ultimate goal is to weaponize psionic abilities for the benefit and profit of
Osiris’ military projects.

In the face of so much opposition stands the Cable, seeking to make a better
world for psions. More a loose affiliation of like-minded groups than an actual
organized resistance, the Cable works on numerous projects to protect psions,
foil the plans of the DPJ or Heka, and sway public opinion. The Cable is made
up of many small operations, called cells, that work independently on their own
projects, but support each other where they can with information and resources.
Most psiberpunks work for a Cable cell, or as independent operators that run jobs
for the organization.

Psiberpunks uses all the standard rules from NEON CITY OVERDRIVE. In addition,
the following rules apply.

Psionic powers are new, misunderstood and demonized in the media, causing
the general public to fear and mistrust psions. Use the Fear and loathing rules
on page 10.
RESPONSE TEAMS: Rapid response teams from both the Department of
Psionic Justice and the Heka Institute are constantly monitoring for psionic
activity. When psionic power use causes a public panic one or more of these
teams will never be far away.
ATTITUDES & REACTIONS: When rolling for Attitudes & Reactions (page 54,
NEON CITY OVERDRIVE), subtract 2 if the NPC is aware of the character’s psionic
nature. Do not apply this penalty if the NPC is a member of the Cable.

Most psions manifest their powers at puberty, before they have any major cyber
enhancements. It is in fact rare for a highly augmented individual to manifest
psionic powers and researchers believe cyberware interferes with psionic
processes. Use the Cyber disruption rules from page 11.
RESKINNING: Psionic powers are a function of the brain that cannot be
recorded by a ghost chip. As a consequence, a psion that re-skins loses their
psionic abilities. There are some psions and organizations that are looking at
ways to conduct full brain transplants into android bodies in the hopes the psion
can keep their powers.

Psiberpunks belong to small cells, each with its own agenda or long-term goal.
Players should discuss what their cell’s agenda is and record it. Make it big, noble
and hard to achieve.


THE ISLAND: Claim or create an autonomous territory for psions to call
1 their own, where they can live in peace.
VENGEANCE: Bring down The Department of Psionic Justice and ruin its
2 reputation so they are no longer a threat to psions.
MUTAGEN: Develop a mutagenic compound that will make psions more
3 common and release it in the city.
PUBLIC OPINION: Sway public opinion to embrace psions as they have
4 recent technological advances such as skins.
CYBER-UP: Pioneer a way to reduce the disruption cyberware has on
5 psionic powers, and/or find a way to reskin without losing psionic powers.
BETRAYAL: Bring down the Cable and its member cells, exposing them as
6 the real threat to the future of psions everywhere.
A cell’s agenda works like a character’s drive and is represented with its own
track of 10 boxes. When the characters complete a job that brings them closer to
their goal, tick a box (just as you would with a drive track). If the job went wrong,
cross a box instead. Any player may also cross a box at the end of a job in return
for 1 point of leverage - tell the other players what your character does to betray
the cell or undermine their progress.
When the track is completely
filled, make a check with ( equal 6 Agenda succeeds
to ticks and 8 equal to crossed 4 OR 5 Agenda succeeds but at a cost
boxes. Find the result on the 3 OR LESS Agenda fails
Agenda Resolution table. Botch Agenda fails catastrophically

The following trademarks are all options for psiberpunk characters.

DPJ AGENT: Authority, Shoot, PSEUDO-PSION: Empathy, Quick
Investigate, Track, Chase, Awareness, thinker, Awareness, Sleight of hand,
Government connections, Intimidate Lie to your face, Lateral thinker
8 The law is the law, Suspicious of 8 Really believe I’m a psion, Hunted
everyone, Obvious government agent by DPJ, Re-skinned against my will
Research, Biology, Psionic sciences, Intelligent, Cause distractions, Run,
Lab access, Computers, Well educated, Propaganda, Hide, Cable connections
Notice, Cyber eyes, Laptop 8 Known sympathizer, Criminal
8 Too curious, Done terrible things past, Double crossed the Cable

Antenna, EMP, Hijack, Scanner, Burn, Blast, Control fire, Dazzle, Ignite,
Interface chip, Cybernetic sciences, Taunt, Distract, Propaganda, Brawl,
Cyber-surgery, First aid Run, Hide
8 Headaches, Easily distracted 8 Hot-headed, Hates authority
Detect psionics, Dismiss psionics, Adaptation, Armor, Claws, Fangs,
Detect minds, Iron will, Psychic shield, Heightened senses, Regeneration,
Awareness, Track, Stealth, Lie Strong, Big, Intimidate, Fight, Hide
8 Trusts no-one, Reputation for 8 Hideous appearance, Pessimist,
double crossing psions Infamous

Some characters in this setting might suffer from the following flaws.
DPJ FILE: You are known to the Department of Psionic Justice and are
probably under surveillance.
HEKA GUINEA-PIG: You were experimented on by the Heka Institute and
suffer terrible flashbacks from your experiences. Do they still hunt you?
INFAMOUS: You are well known to the public for some terrible act using your
psionic powers. This might be true, or a lie perpetrated by the media.

All the threats described in NEON CITY OVERDRIVE are just as likely to appear in
jobs that psiberpunks run. In addition, there are a variety of other dangers that
characters must be on the look out for.


HITS: & HITS: &&
DRIVE: Hunt down the psion DRIVE: Unlock psionic secrets
TAGS: Investigate, Intimidate, Shoot, TAGS: Smart, Analyze, Metaphysics,
Detect lies, Cyber eyes, Track Science, Taser
ACTIONS: Arrest you, Call for ACTIONS: Analyze you, Lie to you,
backup Learn a secret, Taser you


HITS: && HITS: &
DRIVE: Take down the psion DRIVE: Convince you
TAGS: Shoot to kill, Tactics, Body TAGS: Charming, Easy liar, Lots of
armor, Targeter money, Answer for everything
ACTIONS: Hit you hard, ACTIONS: Trick you, Stall you, Call
Outmaneuver, Pin you down for security


HITS: & HITS: &&
DRIVE: Find the psion DRIVE: Protect the company
TAGS: Thermal imaging, Fly, Quiet, TAGS: Trained killer, Cyber arms,
Camera, Track Sub-dermal armor, Targeter
ACTIONS: Plant a tracker, Scan you, ACTIONS: Move to protect
Follow you something, Hit you hard, Kill you

HITS: && HITS: &&
DRIVE: Wreck something DRIVE: Unlock psionic secrets
TAGS: Agitate, Tempest, Throw, TAGS: Suspicious, Awareness, Shoot,
Intimidate, Cause damage Read minds, Dominate, Hypnosis,
ACTIONS: Break something, Cause Psychic blast
collateral damage, Batter you ACTIONS: Steal your thoughts,
Charm you, Make you forget

This mini setting introduces more fantastic elements to your games of NEON CITY
OVERDRIVE. Use it as written, or adjust as desired.

The legends, fairytales and myths of our world are in fact history. Man has lived,
worked, fought and played alongside elves, dwarves, demigods and monsters
since time immemorial. Magic was once far more common than it is today, but it
has faded from prominence with the advances of steam, electricity and computers.
Such technologies made the wonders of magic accessible to everyday folk,
reducing the need for the sorcerous tricks of the past. Today, cybernetic dwarves
and psionic humans run the dark streets alongside goblin hackers, werewolves
and the descendants of demi-gods.
TOUCHSTONES: There are many great examples of urban fantasy to draw
upon for the Grimm City setting. Some obvious examples are Bright (film), Grimm
(TV), Onward (film), The Dresden Files (novels and TV), American Gods (novel and
TV), Grimm’s Fairytales (stories), and Hellboy (graphic novels and films). Of course
there are some well known tabletop games that also mine this material, but dig a
little deeper and you will find some other gems such as the SERRAted Edge novels
by Mercedes Lackey, Chuck Wendig’s Blackbirds, Zoo City by Lauren Beukes, and
the Webmage novels by Kelly McCullough. Check them out for inspiration.

Imagine a world where Tolkien’s middle earth meets Gibson’s sprawl, throw in Neil
Gaiman’s American Gods, the stories of the Brother’s Grimm and stir. You can play
this setting a little more whimsical if you like, with liberal call-backs to fairytales
and legend, or double-down on the grit and danger. Either choice works.


Elves and dwarves, lycanthropes and goblins live side-by-side with mankind in
all their variety. While the city still has its China Town and Elf Town and similar
enclaves of cultural seclusion, most citizens rub shoulders with one another with
little reference to their heritage. A person’s social class, occupation or place of
residence has as much influence on reputation as any detail of family ancestry.

Magic still exists in the world, but for the most part it has been replaced by
technology that is easier to replicate and control. The advent of electricity meant
anyone could summon light or heat with the flick of a switch, while advances in
weapons and cyberware makes an individual as strong, fast or dangerous as any
sorcerer. Most forms of magic, including psionics, have been studied, measured
and written about in such detail that they are now viewed as just another school
of scientific endeavor.

Some truly strange and wondrous magic still exists in the world. This is often rare,
powerful and ancient and is a source of fascination, fear and temptation for those
who know of it. Such magic is usually categorized as sorcery, relics or talismans.
SORCERY: Powerful magical effects and magical beings that cannot be
explained or categorized by science are commonly referred to as sorcery. True
sorcerers are extremely rare, as are the magics they create. Sorcery is often the
goal of a job, while sorcerers are often major villains or other important NPCs.
RELICS: Magical artifacts of great power and/or renown are called relics.
Excalibur, Mjolnir, the Holy Grail, Riding Hood’s cloak, the Boots of Seven
Leagues and the Seal of Solomon are all examples of relics. Characters can
possess relics, represented by appropriate trademarks.
TALISMANS: Minor objects imbued with temporary magic are called
talismans. These are often one-use items, either destroyed through use (such as
magic bullets) or drained of their magic power after a period of time. Talismans
are easily represented by special gear.

Many ancient legends and prophecies have yet to pass, but people believe they
will still happen. Some eagerly await the return of King Arthur, while others believe
that Ragnarok still approaches, for example. There are as many dark prophecies
as there are ancient tales, and every metroplex and megacorp seems to have one
or two they are fascinated or frightened by. Some organizations actively work to
bring about these ancient prophecies, while others try to stop them.

Many of the megacorps are the contemporary incarnation of ancient or mythical
dynasties. They have had a stranglehold on the world for millenia, but now their
manipulation is more obvious.
AVALON INTERNATIONAL: Arthur Avalon, current CEO of the megacorp,
claims to be a descendant of St George the dragon slayer. Detractors claim he
is more the dragon than the saint.
KITSUNE MEDIA: All senior executive of the megacorp are kitsune,
descended from Japanese fox spirits.
OSIRIS: The arms dealer and mercenary supplier is indeed controlled by
members of the Egyptian pantheon, safe in their pyramid-like skyscrapers.
ONI*CORP: This Japanese megacorp is the most powerful troll-run
organisation in the world. They specialise in the research and development of
psionic technology.
MED-E-VAC: Dark rumors persist about the ownership of the multinational
emergency health care provider. Some claim it is owned by the legendary Dr
Frankenstein, while others believe it has been infiltrated by a cable of vampires.

The following trademarks are all options for Grimm City characters. They have
been divided into categories to organize the ideas, but players are free to choose
any type of trademark for their characters.

These trademarks represent the fantastic heritages of many of the city’s denizens.
Players should discuss this list before play and remove options that do not fit the
feel of their games. Characters can never have more than one heritage trademark.
CENTAUR: Four legs, Big, Strong, KITSUNE (BIOKINESIS): Clever,
Fast, Tall, Kick, Leap, Carry, Endurance Beautiful, Quick, Claws, Heightened
8 Too big, Unhelpful noble streak senses, Metamorphosis (fox only)
DWARF: Tough, Toxin resistant, Dark 8 Superstitious, Trickster reputation
vision, Determined, Short OGRE: Big, Huge muscles, Hit hard,
8 Stubborn, Blunt, Proud, Short Tough, Break bones, Block,
ELF: Agile, Graceful, Fey sense, 8 Too big, Clumsy, Slow
Enhanced sight, Beautiful ORC: Strong, Sharp tusks, Dark vision,
8 Arrogant, Easily distracted Endurance, Alert
GNOME: Small, Nimble, Fey sense, 8 Prone to violence, Mistrusted
Clever, Make a plan, Assess things PIXIE: Tiny, Wings, Nimble, Light as a
8 Short, Too curious feather, Mischievous, Hide, Fey sense
GOBLIN: Quick, Tough, Sharp teeth, 8 Weak, Underestimated, Spiteful
Dark vision, Cunning TROLL: Tall, Leathery skin, Strong,
8 Short, Light sensitivity Regenerate, Enhanced smell
8 Fear of fire, Mistrusted

With magic being more common in Grimm City, so too are those who can wield
its amazing powers. Some of these trademarks are based on psionic powers
described earlier (indicated with brackets). Trademarks with an asterix (*) are not
based on a single psionic power. They are provided here as examples of what is
possible with a little imagination and a bit of tweaking.
DRUID*: Calm, Diagnose, Heal, NECROMANCER*: Cause pain,
Regenerate, Remove toxins, Energy drain, Regenerate, Dominate,
Dominate (animals), Adaptation, Psychic blast, Dismiss, Control corpse,
Metamorphosis, Track, Zoology Iron will, Anatomy, Science, Hide
8 Bad with people, Animal traits 8 Deathly appearance, Greedy
Tempest, Lightning blast, Extinguish, sense, Detect psionics, Clairvoyance,
Fly, Thermoregulation, Thermostasis Clairaudience, Detect presence,
8 Afraid of heights, Temperamental Postcognition, Precognition
ILLUSIONIST (TELEPATHY): 8 Short sighted, Naive
Hypnosis, Invisibility, Hallucination, WARLOCK (PYROKINETIC): Blast,
Project thoughts, Subtle, Multiply, Burn, Dazzle, Control fire, Firestorm,
Lie, Sleight of hand, Distract, Confuse Ignite, Melee, Strong willed, Intimidate
8 Suspicious face, Compulsive liar 8 Ambitious, Anger issues

The following trademarks are examples of possible relics a character might have.
Use them as inspiration for your own.
Hide, Chameleon, Quiet Intimidating, Matched pair, Fly into
8 Archaic looking, Stolen your hand, Deadly, Werewolf bane
FLAMING SWORD: Casts light, 8 Special ammo, Burns to touch
Burns, Sharp, Troll bane, Ignite things TESLA’S TELEAUTOMATON
8 Obviously magic, Accidental fires DEVICE (TECHNOPATHY): EMP,
NEWTON’S TELESCOPE: Long Jam, Remote operation, Scanner,
range, Details, Night vision, X-ray Switch
8 Delicate, Cumbersome 8 Archaic looking, Stolen
Dominate, Detect psionics, Dismiss, Dive, Glide, Attack from above
Detect Spirits, Banish spirits 8 Susceptible to heat, Cumbersome
8 Must be worn, Painful to use

The following triggers are common to Grimm City characters. Even humans
might have one or more of these triggers due to generations of interbreeding.
BANE: Relics and other trademarks or gear with the word “bane” are
particularly effective at harming a specific person, place or thing. Dragon
bane, for example, would be good for harming dragons.
BIG: You stand taller than most humans and are very broad, heavy or both.
DARK VISION: You can see in pitch dark as if in low light or at night.
your five senses is far superior to that of a human.
FEY SENSE: You have an uncanny ability to spot or notice hidden things,
such as secret doors or invisible items.
SMALL: You are shorter than most humans, usually less than four feet tall.
RESISTANCE: You have a natural resistance or immunity to a particular form
of harm, such as fire resistance, or resistant to electricity.
TALL: You tower over most humans, standing 8-10 feet high.
TINY: You are very short, typically less than two feet high and perhaps even
less than twelve inches. This also makes you quite light.

Some flaws are appropriate for any character in the Grimm City.
ANCESTRAL FEAR: You have a deep-seated fear of something that once
harmed your ancestors, such as fire, light or a religious symbol.
DARK BIRTHRIGHT: Tales and legends of your people’s past follow you like
a stain, making some mistrust or even hate you.
FERRIC ALLERGY: Iron causes discomfort or burns your skin when touched.
LIGHT SENSITIVITY: Bright light and/or sunlight affects your vision.
LUDDITE: You avoid the use of cyberware, communications devices and
computers in favor of the simpler technology of your ancestors.
PORTENTOUS MARK: You have a birthmark, scar or other physical mark of
an ancient prophecy. This makes you of great interest to some groups.
RARE SPECIMEN: Your cultural heritage is rare (or unique), making you an
object of fascination or fear wherever you go.
SUPERSTITIOUS: Your belief in the legends and superstitions of the past
sometimes leaves you paralyzed with fear or dread.
VULNERABILITY: A specific common substance (silver, salt, iron, holy
water, fire, cold, electricity) is particularly harmful to you.

Gear in the Grimm city is much the same as in a standard cyberpunk setting,
though it is more common to see swords and other archaic items. Along with
all the standard items, cyberware and weapons a character might also equip
themselves with one or more talismans.

These are minor magic items that have a limited number of uses or will be
exhausted after a period of time. They are always represented by special gear, so
a player must make a gear roll to see if they can acquire such an object.
Talismans work like any other special gear - providing bonus ( to any relevant
roll. Being magical in nature, they might also attract additional attention (good or
bad) from those who see a character use the item.

When making a special gear roll you may choose to add one or more limitations.
Each of these drawbacks provides a +1 bonus to the roll result. You can choose to
add limitations after making the roll.

Example: You want the talisman Silver bullets (werewolf bane, accurate,
deadly), requiring a 3+ gear roll. You roll the dice but only achieve a 2. You add
the limitation One use, and increase your result to 3, enough to get the item.
ONE USE: The talisman works once, enough to give you a short advantage.
This might be a single action or scene, depending on what the talisman is.
BLOOD MAGIC: Mark one hit box each time you use the talisman.
WEAKNESS: The talisman will not work in a specific situation, such as in
bright light, darkness, when wet, or at night. Alternatively, it wont work
against a specific thing, such as orcs, melee attacks or psionics.

• Amulet of protection (physical protection, magic defense)
• Broomstick (fly)
• Hand of glory (dark vision, infrared, resist exhaustion)
• Hell breath rounds (fire, scatter shot)
• Magic bullets (accurate, deadly, armor piercing)
• Potion of vitality (heal, remove toxins, powerful)
• Psychic paper (official document, believable, trick)
• Sucker sticker (Vampire bane, sharp)

Any threat described in NEON CITY OVERDRIVE is appropriate for Grimm City.
You can even give them an extra twist by adding a tag or two that represents a
heritage, making an Elven Beat Cop, or giving a Fixer the fey sense tag. Below are
some more fantastical threats to throw at characters on their jobs.


HITS: && HITS: &&&&&&
DRIVE: Feed DRIVE: Bring destruction
TAGS: Grappling vines, Sweet smell, TAGS: Huge, Tough, Mighty blows,
Poisonous thorns, Stealthy, Reach Club, Crush, Poor sight, Not too bright
ACTIONS: Poison you, Tangle you, ACTIONS: Crush you, Cause
Surprise you collateral damage, Stomp things


HITS: & HITS: &&&
DRIVE: Brains! DRIVE: Complete the contract
TAGS: Dangerous in numbers, TAGS: Big, Body armor, Stealth,
Relentless, Cybernetic parts Sniper rifle, Shoot, Fight
ACTIONS: Bite you, Follow you ACTIONS: Set a trap, Shoot to kill


HITS: &&&&& HITS: &&
DRIVE: Protect its “treasure” DRIVE: Demonstrate my skill
TAGS: Fiery breath, Claws, Giant TAGS: Control machines, Hijack
teeth, Armored scales, Fly, Tail cyberware, Blast with electricity,
whip, Intelligent, Suspicious, Detect Technopathy resistance
psionics, Dismiss psionics ACTIONS: Take control of you,
ACTIONS: Burn something, Tear you Remote operate a machine
apart, Swoop from above
HITS: && DRIVE: Keep the coven safe
DRIVE: Survive TAGS: Fast, Melee, Dark vision,
TAGS: Poisonous claws, Infravision, Bat form, Razor claws, Regenerate,
Fight, Hide, Gang up Charming, Dominate, Distract, Sense
ACTIONS: Paralyze you, Eat you, motives
Attack from shadows ACTIONS: Strike without warning,
Charm you, Feed

Make checks as normal, with usual The following traumas might be
modifiers. As a general rule, add a 8 inflicted on any character that uses a
for each additional detail / effect. psionic power.


Trademark: A single relevant PSYCHIC FEEDBACK: You
psionic trademark. 1 suffer intense mental pain
Edges: Each relevant / useful AURA DAZZLE: Psychic energy
( edge attached to the trademark. 2 of others distracts / blinds you
Range: The target is far away / ENERVATION: You are drained
8 beyond normal distance. 3 of mental energy
Scope: The power affects PSYCHOSOMATIC: Manifest a
8 multiple targets or a large area. 4 painful physical deformity
Scale: The effect or target is IMPOTENT: You lose the ability
8 particularly big / powerful. 5 to create/activate a psionic effect
Duration: The effect will persist FIXATION: You are obsessed by
8 for longer than usual. 6 a person, place or thing related to
Finesse: The effect requires your psionic power
8 accuracy, precision or control.
Exception: The effect is an
8 unusual use of the power.

BIOKINESIS: Personal mutation and control of the body at the genetic level.
METAHEALING: Healing, regeneration and psychic surgery.
PRECOGNITION: Hyperawarenss and extra sensory perception.
PYROKINESIS: Control of heat, fire and thermal variations.
TECHNOPATHY: Control of machines and technology.
TELEKINESIS: Moving and controlling objects with a thought.
TELEPATHY: Psychic communication, thought projection and mind reading.

© 2020 by Nathan Russell

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