PROG 110 Project 02 Time Estimate and Test Cases 10 Points

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PROG 110

Project 02 Time Estimate and Test Cases

10 points

In this assignment, you will:

1. Create an estimate of how much time you will need to complete Project 02
2. Create 4 test cases to use to test your solution

Follow these steps:

1. Read Project 02, Bellevue Fresh.

2. Run Project 02.exe to help you understand how the finished application works
3. Use the Excel template that is provided to complete two sheets:
a. Time Estimates
b. 4 Test Cases, using the specifications on page 3 of this document

Figure 1. Sample Time Estimates and Log. Notice that this sheet is part of a 2-sheet
workbook. For this part of the project, you will only have the Time Estimates and Plan.
You’ll add the Actual and Time Log later.

4. Attach the document to the Project 02 Time Estimate and Test Cases
5. Submit the assignment before the due date
6. As you work on the project, update the time log
7. Submit the time log and test cases again as part of Project 02.

Time Estimate Specifications

Objective: Increase your awareness of how much time it takes you to complete a
1. Review the sample time estimate (Figure 1)
2. Create a list of tasks you will do to complete Project 02.
3. Guess at how much time it will take. Leave the actual time blank – as you haven’t
done that yet!
4. Include a Total Time Estimate

Create the Log and Actual

5. As you work on the project, create a log of your time. See Figure 1 for a sample
6. When you have completed the project, summarize the different categories and
complete the “Actual” column.
7. Include totals as shown.

Create the Test Cases

Objective: Understanding this task will help you understand the logic of Bellevue
1. Review the sample test cases. Use a calculator to “play computer.” Make sure
you can get the same “answers” for the data given.
2. Develop 4 cases, using the notes on the next page to create the sample test
3. Use data different from the sample, but the cost of each box is as shown in the
test cases.
4. Using a calculator, determine the totals for each customer, as well as the running
5. If you wish to exchange your test cases with another student and check each
other’s calculations, you may. That is a good way to make sure you have the
correct “answers,” which implies you understand the logic. Do not share your
test cases before you are sure the other person has their set of cases.
6. When you test your project, use your 4 test cases each time to run the project.
Make sure you get the correct answers. This is how you will be able to tell that
your programming logic is correct – you get the output you expect.
7. Finally, run your program with my test cases. Do you get my “answers?” If yes,
then you can be reasonably sure that your programming logic is correct.

Test Cases
Use these specifications for your Test Cases. You have choices about how many boxes
and some choices about what your customer orders. However, you should follow the
specifics or you won’t be testing scope and persistence correctly.

Your customers are different from my sample customers!

Testing customers with this sequence of orders will make sure you are correctly
Customer Notes
1 1. Orders both Vegetables and Fruit (you choose number of boxes for
2. Daily Totals doesn’t display every value in the Shopping Cart.
Specifically, it doesn’t show the Tax and Delivery Amounts.
3. Total Income includes Tax and Delivery.
4. Zone: I used 1
2 1. Orders only one type of box, either veg or fruit
2. Number of boxes MUST be different from Customer 1
3. Zone: Use a different zone from Customer 1
3 1. Orders only one type of box, and it is different from Customer 2
2. Number of boxes is different from previous
3. Zone is different from previous customers
4 1. Any number of vegetable and fruit boxes
2. Number of boxes should be different from previous customers
3. Zone is different from Customer 3
Figure2. Specifications for creation of Test Cases. Customers must be in the same order
as noted above.


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