Bagged Custom's FiveM Rules and New Player Guide

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Bagged Custom's FiveM Rules

(Check the Outline to jump to a specific section, like Helpful Information!)
(General and in-game rules apply to EVERYONE including police, AND Fire/EMS, unless explicitly Stated otherwise)
Administrator instructions or rulings are final and nonnegotiable.
We reserve the right to kick and ban ANYONE we see fit
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask in the Discord!
New rules will be in RED txt
Definitions can be found at the end of the doc.

This document is subject to change when needed to fit the needs of the community at any point in time. Staff members have final say in all situations. Community Directors have the full authority
to override any previous rulings and to act in favor of the community and issue rulings when needed in the case of incidents that do not meet the definition of stated rules but still cause harm to the
server/its players.

Offense Definition Punishment

Respect the community This is the first and most important rule. You should be respectful to other players Removal from Community
and administrators. You should always keep in mind that whatever you do in-game,
it should not infringe on others' capacity to enjoy the game. This means not
sending someone angry or offensive out-of-character messages because of an in-
character subject or event. Also, do not argue with an administrator because you
disagree with an administrative ruling. Furthermost NO TROLLING player,
members, police, admin etc. Lying to a Staff Member will not be tolerated.

Deathmatching (a.k.a., random deathmatching, vehicle deathmatching) is the act of

Deathmatching randomly killing or harming another player without any roleplay reason.
7 day ban (168h)
(RDM/VDM) - EX: Player 1 shoots Player 2 because it's Monday and he forgot to pay their
bills in real life.

Revenge killing (RK)/NLR is the act of killing another player for killing you or
someone you are associated with.
You are not allowed to seek out and/or kill anyone involved with your character's
death. When you are killed, your character loses all memory leading up to and
including their death unless they were rescued by paramedics. This may involve no
longer knowing or recognizing your killer(s) after dying. You must also do your
absolute best to avoid the player(s) who killed you, and definitely not kill them,
Revenge Killing/NLR 3 day ban (72h)
provoke them, or otherwise engage them in any role play situation. If you are killed
by a player, or a group of players, or the police you will forget everything involving
your character and the opposing character(s) in that situation. Do not break NLR
- EX: Player 1 is killed by Player 2. Player 1 comes back to life and kills Player 2
for killing them.
- EX: Player 1 is killed by Player 2. Player 1 comes back to life and kills Player 3,
Player 2’s wife.

Power Gaming Powergaming is inflicting unrealistic forms of roleplay on other players. Kick from server/Possible
When a player uses game mechanics or loopholes to gain a big advantage over Ban
everyone else. If your vehicle does not possess a license plate due to game
mechanics, you may not roleplay that it has one anyway. You cannot steal ANY
military vehicle(tanks, jets, cargobobs, etc) or ANY aircraft whatsoever. Absolutely
NO powergaming. Do not exploit any mechanics that would not be able to be used
in real life. Exploiting includes AFK farming, abusing in-game bugs, going to LSC in
the middle of a chase, etc.
- EX: Player 1 forces an RP situation where he “grabs Player 2 and cuffs him”,
in the act of this, he does not do “/do Do you comply with being cuffed”. This
breaches RP and creates a situation where Player 2 would be unable to resist
arrest if they please.

Metagaming is the act of using out-of-character information for in-game roleplay.

Communicating information that your character does not know to others, sharing
information via chat, TeamSpeak, Discord or any other method, that other
characters would not feasibly be able to see or otherwise interpret, sharing out-of-
character information through an in-character medium, or taking in-character action
based on information gained from an out-of-character source are all classified as
metagaming. Only authorized legal organizations are permitted to use TeamSpeak
Metagaming & Discord for in-character communication. No Stream Sniping. Streaming is 1 day ban (24h)
permitted, however cannot be treated as in character and use of information gained
directly from a player's stream will fall under metagaming. Absolutely NO
metagaming. What happens IN character, stays in character. What happens OUT of
character, stays OUT of character!!!!
- EX: Player 1 is kidnapped and has their phone removed from them. Player 1
says to Player 2 over teamspeak that they are being kidnapped and tells
them where they are going even though they do not have a cell phone.

Combat/Arrest Logging Combat/Arrest Logging is leaving the server to avoid death/combat/arrest. 2 day ban (48h)
You are not allowed to kill your character, log off or forcibly re-spawn to avoid
situations. If you have to log off but you are in the middle of a roleplay situation, you
will need to get permission from all parties involved before doing so. This also
includes police chases. If you kill yourself to avoid jail you will still be arrested. If
you commit a crime, you must wait twenty minutes prior to logging off .If you
timeout in the middle of a situation you must notify everyone in chat immediately
when you get back in so we can resume the situation. Never Combat log. This
means logging out during a scenario to avoid death, jail time, or other
consequences. There will be worse consequences if you do so. You will be kicked if
you’re AFK for more than 15 minutes.
- EX: Player 1 leaves to server to avoid being killed/mugged by Player 2.

FailRP is the act of committing an action that is not realistic.

Failing to roleplay is strictly forbidden. Bagged Custom's FiveM is a roleplay server;
you're expected to be roleplaying at all times. If a situation presents itself where
rules are broken, roleplay first, report later. Abusing in game physics or mechanics
to gain an edge over another player will result in punishment. You are expected to
use script features to assist in roleplay. DO NOT continuously type in out-of-
character chat while another player is trying to roleplay with you. YOU MAY NOT roll
your vehicle in a pursuit and then use in game mechanics to flip it off its roof and
FailRP continue driving. You MAY NOT disregard happenings that would result in the death 5 day ban (120h)
of your character (falls from substantial heights, headshots, fires, head-on
collisions, train collisions, etc.) regardless of your OOC health / armor level. You
have been shot in the leg yet you keep running acting like nothing has happened. Do
NOT stop roleplaying and complain in OOC chat because a rule was broken during
the roleplay.
- EX: Player 1 car surfs on Player 2’s car while they speed down the highway.
- EX: Player 1 is held at gunpoint and told to give up their money. Player 1
refuses and keeps telling the robber just to kill him to “get it over with”.

Restricted Roleplay Restricted roleplay would be roleplaying a situation that has to be granted by a staff 1 day ban (24h)
member before hand. This rule is in place specifically to prevent unwanted forms of
roleplay that are generally unwanted by the community. The restrictions to types of
roleplay are as follows.
- Terrorist situation
- Requires Administrator
- Sexual Assault
- Requires OOC permission from all parties involved
- Pediophillia is not allowed under any circumstances

Trolling is the act of purposefully disrupting the flow of roleplay.

- EX: Player 1 sees an on-going traffic stop on the side of the highway. Player 1
Trolling 7 day ban (168h)
decides to hit the officer and the other party with their car for no reason.
- EX: Player 1 screams constantly into their mic.

Bullying is making fun of or harassing another player for any sort of reason.
Bullying - EX: Player 1 insults Player 2 because he is gay IRL. 7 day ban (168h)
- EX: Player 1 constantly tells other players how much of a failure Player 2 is.

Toxicity is defined as bringing unwanted attitudes into the community. A person who
is toxic would insult others for any personal views they may have or constantly
causing problems because they want to. There is a difference between having an
Toxicity opinion and forcing your opinion on other people. 7 day ban (168h)
- EX: Player 1 calls Player 2 a terrorist because he said he was Muslim.
- EX: Player 1 says Player 2 is useless and a horrible person because they
share a different view than Player 1.

Impersonation of a Staff Member is claiming that you are a part of the staff team
Impersonation of a Staff when in fact, you are not a member of the Bagged Custom's FiveM staff team.
4 day ban (96h)
Member - EX: Player 1 asks in OOC for a staff member. Player 2, a non-staff member
says in OOC that they are in fact a staff member and can help.

New Life Rule The New Life Rule is essentially saying that you forget anything that has happened 7 day ban (168h)
in your “past lives”. This excludes essential information (i.e., you name, your house,
your job). You do not remember non-essential information (i.e., where you died, who
killed you, the events leading up to your death). If you become incapacitated, and are
revived, you can remember information leading up to your “knock out”. If you are not
revived and are sent to the hospital/hotel, you cannot remember the non-essential
- EX: Player 1 is killed by Player 2. Player 1 does not remember who Player 2 is
in regards to his death and cannot call the police, ask Player 2 why he was
killed (unless RDM is involved), or make it known that Player 2 was the killer.
- EX: Player 1 is knocked unconscious by Player 2 and is revived by someone.
If Player 1 saw who hit him/her, they can call the police and alert them of the
situation because they never died.

Providing False Information is when a staff member asks you questions relating to
an ongoing incident and you lie to them to protect someone else/because you don’t
want to help.
Do not lie to a staff member about anything related to Bagged Custom's FiveM. This
includes in-game matters, the forum, Discord, TeamSpeak, or any other entity
relating or belonging to Bagged Custom's FiveM. Do Not lie in a report or ticket
regarding your vehicle, assets, weapons, ammo, drugs, or any other item that you
Providing False
can obtain in game, attempt to mislead a staff member by creating a fallacy simply 5 day ban (120h)
to gain an advantage or abuse OOC mediums such as vehicle teleports or asset
refunds or falsify videos, screenshots, recordings or other pieces of evidence in
refund requests, player complaints, staff complaints, or any other OOC reporting
- EX: Player 1 tells a staff member that they do not know who Player 2 is
although they are on discord/teamspeak together and was just involved in

Ban Evasion Ban Evasion is leaving the server before being banned to make it harder for a staff 14 day ban (336h) + prev.
member to ban a player. time
- EX: Player 1 is about to be banned for RDM. They leave the server before a
staff member is able to take action.

Exploiting the Server is when a player uses a bug in a script for gain.
Exploiting the Server - EX: Player 1 notices that a new script has a bug in it where it will expedite 7 day ban (168h)
getting profit from the job and uses that bug to make money.

Failure to Report is when a player notices a rule breaker/exploitation/incident and

fails to report it, allowing for the continuation of the incident/situation.
Failure to Report 3 day ban (72h)
- EX: Player 1 knows that Player 2 is exploiting a script, however fails to alert
staff because they are friends.

Hacking is when a player attempts/succeeds in altering the server/player data or

causing disruption of server administration. Hacking typically leads to an unfair
Hacking Permanent ban
- EX: DDoS attack

Advertising other Communities is publicly posting links/contact

methods/promotions for another community on Bagged Custom's FiveM networks.
Advertising other
- EX: Player 1 posts in OOC about his community he’s starting 3 day ban (72h)
- EX: Player 1 posts in the website shoutbox a link to his own personal
teamspeak3 server

Cop Baiting is when a player speeds past a cop with the intention to get into a chase
and then cause harm to an officer
- EX: Player 1 finds where a cop is located and then intentional speeds past
Cop Baiting the officer. 1 day ban (24h)
- EX: Player 2 attempts to pull over the suspect for speeding.
- EX: Player 1 finds an area to get out of his car and shot the officer for no

Teleporting is not to be used unless necessary.

Teleporting Kick from server
- EX: Player 1 Teleports to Player 2 for no valid reason.
No-Clip is not to be used unless necessary.
No-Clip Kick from server
- EX: Player 1 is flying around the map in No-Clip for no valid reason.

A Role is the position you are playing.

You are to play your role as legitimate as possible.
See Conduct System in
Play Your Role - EX: Player 1 Pulls over to the side of the road after arresting Player 2 and
pulls a gun and shoots him for no valid reason.

The Value of Life Rule is establishing the value of a character's life as established by
the roleplay environment. To Bagged Custom's FiveM, we ask that all characters
value their life as if it was their own. Violating this rule would fit into some of the
Value of Life Rule examples as shown below. 2 day ban (48h)
- EX: Player 1 is being held at gunpoint to give up $150. Player 1 just tells them
to shoot them because they don’t want to deal with this.

Fear RP is a term that means you fear for your life in RP scenarios. If someone pulls
a gun on you, you must abide by what they say. If someone has a weapon trained on
your person and you decide to run, punch, or pull out a weapon and attack them -
Fear RP you are failing Fear RP. Remember, this is roleplay. Go along with it, you might 2 day ban (48h)
actually have some fun. Your own characters safety is at the highest priority. If your
character is put in a position where they are afraid for their life and safety, it is
important to conduct your character in such a manner.

Green Zone Green Zones are areas on the map, where PvP is not allowed. 7 day ban (168h)
starting a RP scene outside of a green zone and then running into a green zone will
not be tolerated and the RP Scene is allowed to continue into a green zone if the
scene was started outside of the greenzone.
The current green zones are as follows:
- Job Center (this includes the sidewalks and the parking lot around the building)
- Legion Garage/Plaza area (this includes the sidewalks and, of course, the plaza)
- Clothing Stores
- Respawn Hospital
- Legal Civilian Job Start/Process/Sell Locations
- All garages
- MRPD Inside and Garage Area
- PDM/Any Dealership
- Main Los Santos Customs (9242)

Register in CAD You are to register your identity in the CAD before beginning RP. Warning

Communication is key, which is why you need a microphone to play on Bagged No Microphone: Kick
Custom's FiveM. Text chat may be used for role plain out an action, and is not for Conversation in Text Chat:
Communication conversations, use Discord for that. /ooc should be used as little as possible. Warning, then Kick
Excess ooc: Warning, then

Hostages are to be kidnapped and not to be involved in the robbery. You are not to
Hostages 5 Day Ban (120h)
pay a hostage to be the hostage nor are they allowed to be your friends.

You are expected to put effort in your roleplay. Constantly shooting, running from
police, etc in situations where it simply isn't called for may be considered low-effort
Low-Effort Roleplay rp. Example: Running from a traffic stop where you would only be getting a speeding 3 Day Ban (72h)
ticket, etc. Example: Constantly robbing other players, or holding them at gunpoint,
without reason.

Group Discord/TS are allowed, however, you shouldn't use them for in-character
information (meta-gaming). If you are in an active RP scenario, things spoken in
Group Discords 3 Day Ban (72h)
Discord/TS must also be spoken in-game. Staff may request access to said group
Discord/TS for monitoring purposes.

Stream Sniping We have quite a few content creators in the community. If you are watching their Removal from community
stream and you use any information from the stream in game it will be considered
stream sniping/meta. If you are constantly showing up around the streamer, and
they feel you're doing it on purpose, it may be considered stream sniping.

We strive for a higher quality of RP at Bagged Custom's FiveM. We want you to be

original, creative and fun. If you are constantly taking "Easy" RP or not following
Quality of RP 3 Day Ban (72h)
along with RP then you may be subject to punishment. This includes any form of Fail

These are all the rules to follow involving Aircrafts (Planes, Helicopters, ect)
- Aircraft should not be used as weapons. Accidents happen - If something
happens and your aircraft kills someone, you'd better message me and let
me know before they do.

- The military base is off limits - even in emergencies - do not land there.

- The helipad on top of the mission row is off limits.

- Planes and helicopters should fly no lower than the highest building in the
Aircrafts city (maze bank). Permanent Ban

- Under no circumstance should any air vehicle be landed on freeways, in the

city, etc.

- Planes may land @ the Sandy Strip/LS Airport/Grapeseed Air Strip. No where

- Aircraft are not to be customised in any way.

- You are not permitted to fly any aircraft that is not able to be purchased. This
does not include the Huey for the heli-freight job, as it's required.

Corruption Corruption within LEO, EMS, Fire is not allowed! Removal from department
3 Day Ban (72h)

How to deal with vehicle collisions You are to roleplay all damage dealt to your car.
You are not to head on wreck into other vehicles (even lag slam head on ramming).
If you head on a wreck into a stationary object with your vehicle at a speed above
45 MPH, you will need to roleplay that that vehicle is disabled for that situation.
And also roleplay any injuries you may have received in the accident.
Any vehicle purchased from the dealership that does not have a visible plate will be
Driving 3 Day Ban (72h)
considered registered as a recreational vehicle. These vehicles are for off-road use
only and must be towed to your destination of choice. If you are in possession of
such a vehicle on city streets you will be subject to being pulled over and issues
fines and an impound.
You wouldn’t drive offroad, up ramps, at 120mph without a damn good reason. You
certainly wouldn’t survive a crash at 90mph. Don’t failrp when driving.

- Bank Robbery Limit 5 People

Robberies - Store Robbery Limit 2 People (Safe and Teller) 2 Day Ban (48h)

Relaying information to or between characters(lookouts, radio communications)

counts you as part of that scenario.

OOC 1 Day Ban (24h)

There is no OOC within the city. you are expected to remain in-character while
connected. Take all OOC to discord. Players have the right to ignore other players'
out-of-character discussions if they wish, unless it is to ask why they were killed.
However, players are not permitted to ignore administrators’ communication or
rulings. Furthermore, do not avoid out-of-character communications with an
administrator, administrators, avoid answering a player who asks you why you killed
them and spam someone in order to avoid roleplaying with them simply because it
doesn't fit your character's agenda.

DO NOT @Mention or DM the Staff unless told otherwise. We love the community
Staff but we have a lot to maintain, We also like to RP as well. Use the Ticket Bot for 1 Day Ban (24h)
Issues or Questions.

AI Police Cars You are not to steal AI Police Cars. This is pointless and not a quality RP. 3 Day Ban (72h)

Your character dies forever.YOU CAN NOT FORCE SOMEONE TO PERM THEIR
CHARACTER. IT IS THEIR CHOICE, NOT YOURS. Committing Suicide is meant to be
a permanent death for your character, coming back with the same character after
committing suicide on your own volition will be considered Fail RP. no-pulse is
perm.You will still receive fines from the police if you no-pulse. If you no-pulse you
Warning and Money Removal
Perma or Perma Death perm your character it will be logged into the database and we will keep track of
as stated
which characters in game are dead. If you are caught using the identity of a dead
person you will be fined 25k for the first offence and it will be logged. If you do it
again the fine will raise to 50k and so on. Perma-ing a character should not be a
small thing. If you perm a character you can not play as that character again. You
lose all items, cars, money that character had.

Committing any type of obvious crime except for bank robberies in a conspicuous Warning/Possible Ban
area (such as a bank, police station, hospital or any other obviously populated area)
is forbidden. The following areas are considered unrealistic areas to commit a
crime: All banks, scripted car dealerships, vehicle rental locations, police / sheriff
stations, fire departments, hospitals, fish sell points, the Los Santos International
Airport, trucker depot, scripted tattoo parlors, scripted barber shops, scripted
clothing stores, scripted plastic surgeons, and Legion Square. If someone has
already committed a crime and the roleplay is taken to such an area, it may be
acceptable. This means don't rob somebody standing in front of the bank, police
station or hospital. Do not Attempt to kidnap somebody in front or inside of a
heavily populated area. Crimes committed outside of a safe zone with the sole
Committing Crimes in intention of leading it into one will not be tolerated. We will allow crimes to continue
Unrealistic Areas and if relocation into the safe zone itself is unavoidable, but attempts to abuse this will
Too Often be met with swift punishment. Do not kidnap a player, subsequently leading them to
Legion Square to steal their car. Don't kidnap a player and lead them to the airport
to steal their plane. Do not kidnap a police officer to then demand they to release
your car from the impound lot and etc. Do not continuously rob banks, kidnap or run
from cops. excessive crime will not go unpunished.

No player or organization is permitted to have “contract killing” as their sole focus.

Specific players or members of organizations recognized by the administration
Contracted Killings or
may be able to participate in contract killing. Such members must be vetted and RDM Punishment
approved by organization staff. Only a limited number from accredited
organizations are allowed to apply.

You are not permitted to use a modification that grants you an advantage on the
server.DO NOT install a game modification that alters vehicle handling, makes a
vehicle faster, or gains you any type of advantage. DO NOT use any type of cheat, Removal from Community
Unacceptable Game modification, plugin, script or other third-party game additions. If caught cheating
Modifications you will be banned.
Your personal characters cannot know each other from an in-character
perspective. You are also not allowed to interact between the two characters in any
type of rp situation. You MUST have a clear, working microphone.No mic spam at
all. If you would like to play music, ALL parties must agree Derogatory remarks
about race, gender, sexual orientation/preference, religion, identity, sexual
Interactions between your harassment, ability, etc will NEVER be allowed or tolerated whatsoever. It does not
1 Day Ban(24hr)
characters matter if it is in RP, ooc, Discord, Teamspeak, etc. This also includes role playing
sexual assault. If ANYONE feels uncomfortable because of someone doing ANY of
these, Let a Staff person KNOW!!!there will be serious consequences as we have
ZERO tolerance for this. In Character and OOC chat are 2 very different things. DO
NOT insult people or be disrespectful in OOC Chat. We are trying to run a positive
community not a negative one.

You cannot scam a player out of more than $30,000. You cannot rob more than
$15,000 from a player. Assets such as real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, etc.
cannot be scammed or stolen. Note that carjacking and temporarily stealing a car
is permitted -- forcing a player to sell you a vehicle for $0 via because the vehicle
was "stolen" is, however, not allowed. You are not allowed to create an Warning and Removal of
Scamming and Robbery
advertisement for the sole purpose of robbing any interested individuals. Assets
Conversely, you cannot buy a vehicle from somebody and then rob them after the
fact. In the instance that you are robbing a player, you cannot kill that player unless
they outright refuse to comply, provide resistance, or provoke you to inflict harm.
This type of roleplay will not be authorized regularly for the sake of realism.

Account Access Your account is yours and yours alone. You are responsible if your account is used Removal from community
by another person, and by doing so, you link your identities in our records and may
end up getting yourself banned for the other person’s actions as a result. You are
likewise responsible if a friend or sibling logs on your computer and somehow gets
you banned or otherwise punished. Additionally, you are not allowed to sell,
transfer, lend, or share an account with anyone else for any reason, for any amount
of time.

You cannot make out-of-character deals for in-character items. You cannot sell in-
character items for out-of-character items. You cannot give away items for out-of- 7 Day and Removal of all
Selling IC Items OOC
character reasons. This includes the attempted sale/solicitation of selling items. assets
This means you can't sell your car for five dollars real money.

You can report something or ask for help by typing /report in game or #report-chat
in the server discord If you are submitting any sort of video evidence for RDM,
VDM, FailRP, etc, please include the prior 2-3 minutes before the incident in
question. Please go through the right channels to get your help. Do NOT inquire
Reports or Help repeatedly about applications. This can result in denial. Applications are handled None
by admins as often as we’re able to. Do NOT contact an admin directly with a
report/suggestion. ALL reports/suggestions are to be posted in the appropriate
channel, with a detailed description and video evidence if possible. Someone will
get back to you ASAP.

You cannot use any healing items while in the middle of a dangerous situation. Do
not use healing items during any type of fight or roleplay situation where it would
Healing in a Situation 12 Hour Ban
be impossible or unrealistic or use a healing item during a gunfight where it would
be impossible or unrealistic.

Unacceptable Roleplay This is a serious Role Playing server. Do NOT do things you wouldn’t do IRL. 3 Day Ban(72h)
Roleplaying as terrorists, separatists, intelligence agency members, private military,
federal or foreign government employees, or similar avenues of roleplay
(individually or in organizations) that would require entities such as the state or
federal government to intercede are explicitly forbidden, since those entities are
not generally present in the server. You may not roleplay a character from a movie,
TV show, comic book, or any other type of related media. While you are allowed to
take traits or inspiration from these types of characters, blatantly copying them to
use on in RP is not allowed. This includes both personality and appearance. No

Do not use inappropriate/un-realistic clothing combinations whilst using the free Removal of
Clothing mode skins. Any clothing combinations that fall under this rule will be removed. Clothing/Possible removal of

RP Character Age Do not roleplay a character under the age of 18 years old. Permanent Ban

Proof of There are countless situations where you could take part in somewhat obscure Depends on Sitation
Obscure/Beneficial RP roleplay that would be beneficial to your character by providing them with a
customized item. Examples such as: Converting your vehicle's center console into
a lockable safe to keep your narcotics secure during a delivery. ⦁ Removing your
vehicle's license plate, and subsequently committing a series of crimes in attempt
to foil police. ⦁ Modifying items of clothing to hide objects, such as a hidden
compartment in your shoe, or having sewn a bag of drugs on the interior of your
coat. These examples are not against the rules, and you will not face punishment
for doing them, but it should be kept in mind that any RP similar to the examples
above will require proof. If no proof is provided, your RP will be considered invalid.
It is highly recommended that you take screenshots of any RP that involve
beneficial items not currently supported by our script. We will happily allow players
to take part in complicated RP, but please ensure you have proof, as these
examples can be effortlessly fabricated to provide a quick get-out-of-jail free card.
Please note that administrators reserve the right to void your RP if the provided
proof isn't substantial. Before creating, purchasing, or obtaining a beneficial item,
it's highly recommended that players contact an administrator to obtain approval
for said item. Administrators reserve the right to deny requests or ideas for these
items, as well as removing existing items should they find them unnecessary.
Players should make an effort to not stray too far from what our script allows. If
something is possible in real life, it does not mean it will be allowed in our server.

Transfering Money / Cars You are not to transfer money/cars between characters! 24hrBan /Reset of Account

Players are required to use the vehicle to their corresponding job or a realistic
1st Offense - Warning
Job Vehicles vehicle to the job. Do not use multiple trucks to make more profit that would be
2nd Offense - 1 Day Ban
considered powergaming. (ex. mining truck, Fedex Truck, Trash Truck)

Priority Cooldown is a period of time where you are not allowed to initiate ANY
roleplay that calls for the need of multiple LEOs. Cooldowns will be placed into effect
after each RP that takes the time of multiple LEOs at one time. Cooldowns will
Failure to abide by the
consist of a 20 minute time span in which all active players must withdraw or
Cooldown Rules will result in
postpone current RP until the cooldown timer has ended. Once the timer has ended
removal from the current
Priority you may resume RP as you were until the next cooldown timer starts.
session and possible
temporary removal of your
Examples of Priority calls include -
- Police Pursuits
- Store and Bank Robberies
- Shootings

In Game Rules
-You CAN NOT sell, give, provide, or organize meetups to give any information about drug locations in the chat.
-WHEN YOU ARE DOWN AND NEED TO BE REVIVED you can NOT talk. Depending on the injury you can make appropriate sounds such as coughing or
wheezing(something realistic). EMS will announce that they are checking your pulse, as well as use /me checks pulse. You NEED to respond with /me has
(strong/medium/faint) pulse. If you DO NOT respond at all, EMS WILL ASSUME YOU ARE DEAD AND YOU WILL BE SENT TO THE MORGUE.
-You are only allowed to steal emergency vehicles within a legitimate RP scenario. This DOES NOT mean you can steal NPC emergency vehicles. You may
only steal them from players.
-If you wreck during a chase in a way in which a car would be destroyed (rolling the car, falling a long distance) then you CAN NOT continue that chase in that
-Do not take anything but an offroad vehicle off road during a pursuit and if you do go offroad be reasonable with your maneuvers. You can not jump hills and
go airborne, in real life that would destroy your suspension. If you do accidentally commit any of these maneuvers please see the rule above. Adding off road
tires to a vehicle does not make it an off road vehicle.
-This portion of the new player guide is about something called FearRP. Let's say you are in a gang and have drugs or illegal contraband on you, it is smartest to
follow ALL traffic laws so you don't draw any attention to yourself. When you speeding and run multiple red lights to the point of which an arrest is in hand,
you WILL be searched at that point. If you comply with the idea of fearRP in the sense that "I have drugs on me so I shouldn't speed because I don't want to get
caught" then you will be making it very realistic. Long story short, by treating this server like GTA Online with the driving even if you don't have anything
illegal, it fails to comply with FearRP since you do not really "care" about the consequences that come with the reckless driving.with FearRP.
-YOU MUST HAVE ALL BODY PARTS AND NONE CAN BE CLIPPING OUT OF YOUR CLOTHING! This can be fixed in the arms section of the skin
menu. No Checkered Flag clothing/shoes
-You are NOT allowed to steal ANY weapon off any armed NPC throughout the map.
-The only weapons that fit in a bag are the Compact Rifle, Tommy Guns, SMGs, and Sawed off Shotgun -You are not allowed to pull a large gun out of
nowhere. Any long gun has to be RP’d to have access to. One example would be grabbing a shotgun from your trunk. Note: Long Guns are way too large to fit
in bags. You may not pull a full sized rifle or shotgun out of a bag.
-NEVER respawn during any scenario, especially those including Police and/or EMS without explicit permission to do so.
-When EMS are On Duty, please do not respawn without EMS permission. If you were killed in a way where you will not be able to be revived, please let the
medics know via /me has no pulse or ooc. If you are killing your character off completely, please let Police and EMS know, they will also confirm with you on
-When you’re revived, you are legally in medical custody. You have to stay until the medic clears you to leave. This means you cannot immediately run after
someone for revenge(which you should not be doing anyway).
-Use of a phone/twitter while in police custody/handcuffed/in jail is considered FailRP.
- Under no circumstances are you allowed to transfer items between characters that you have created.
- Under no circumstances are you allowed to transfer cars to other players without proper RP (Which means gifting them. Must be paid for at car value)
- Under no circumstances are you allowed to sell cars for $1 and resell them to PDM for profit.
-If you plan to kidnap any civilian, there must be at least 2 police on duty, and 4 police on duty if you plan to kidnap any emergency personnel. If there is only
one medic online, they are immune to all PvP and kidnapping. There must be at least 2 online.
-Once you are searched by the police you have no forms of communication and can no longer talk to anyone in anything other than in-game chat.
-Please do NOT wear blue gloves as those are reserved for medics so we can differentiate due to the flexible dress code
-If you are robbing a place and you have people outside you must give police a warning (ex. “I have people watching you”) with ample time for them to
respond before they start shooting (30 seconds to a minute)
-Players are required to use the vehicle to their corresponding job. (ex. mining truck, Fedex Truck, Trash Truck)
-When contacting EMS or Police give them an RP reason that you died or passed out in the message and a general location as to where you may be found. -If in
the message you say you are dead then when the ems arrive they will go through the DOA process. -Saying “I’m Dead” “Plz Help” or a Blank message will get
you no help.
-Firing weapons from vehicles should only be done when the RP suits it. EX: (Drivers are not allowed to shoot from vehicles while in motion, EX2: Passengers
can shoot as long as it’s justifiable within RP)
- Firing weapons around the city to pop tires while driving is strictly prohibited and can result in a warning to your account..
-Do not flee from police into instanced areas this is considered fail RP and will be dealt with as such.

New Player Guide

How to get setup on CAD/MDT
If you are a civilian
Go to

1. Sign up as Civilian

2. Create an account using your Discord Name or Steam Name. (Identifier does not really matter as a Civilian so you can the
anything such as 1C-02)
3. Go to Civilian Dept: Register Cars with DMV, Register Guns and SN, Register Identity with DOB as same in game, first and last
name in game, and home you have purchased if applicable. All cars purchased need to be registered in game or risk of being

Where can I get a job?
The job center is a purple "i" icon. Providing you with multiple choices to keep you satisfied and busy.

Miner- Locker Room > Ore Mining > Washing > Smelting >Sell to Buyer
Fisherman- Locker room > Boat Spawn > Fishing Zone > Fish Buyer
Butcher - Locker room > Collect live chickens > butcher chickens (further inside) > package chickens (further inside) > chicken
Lumberjack- Locker room > gather wood > cut wood (inside) > package wood > sell wood
Refiner- Locker room > Drill for oil > Refine oil > Mix Oil > Sell Gas
Tailor- Locker room > collect wool > Make fabric (inside) > Make Clothes > sell clothes
Fedex Delivery Driver- Locker room > Get vehicle > Get packages(to the right of Locker room) > Hit F6 for Route
Garbage Collection- Locker room > Get vehicle > Collect Trash at each point > Return Truck
Bank Security- Locker room > Get vehicle > Go to locations given > Return Truck
Truck Driver- Locker room > Get vehicle > Go to locations given > Return Truck
If you need a better understanding you can always ask for help from staff or another player always use RP for help ingame.

There is one black market hidden off the map. This is where you can buy automatic weapons.

Weed - You have to find the hidden store location then proceed to buy Seeds, Planting pot, Fertilizer, Water and then grow the plant.
There are ways to make a better profit off each plant but I’ll leave that for you to figure out.
Meth(Requires 2 people) - Go to spot to knock on the door for a location to get a truck then proceed to the location marked with a
waypoint. Do the instructions stated on your screen then proceed to waypoint.
Drug Selling - Go to spot to knock on the door for a location separate from Meth spot then you will be given a location of a
buyer/dealer and you will sell to them.

-Pistols(except AP Pistol)
-Pump Shotgun
-Fire Extinguisher
-Sawed Off Shotgun
-50 Cal
-Micro SMG
-Assault Rifle
-Special Carbine
-Carbine Rifle
-Compact Rifle
-AP Pistol
-Sticky Bomb

In-Game Commands And Keys

/me [This is used for RP such as /me has pulse or /me is playing a game]
/reportplayer [id] [type(what rule they broke)] [comment(How they broke that rule)]
/vstancer [Opens vStancer menu]
/neon (Toggles Neon on/off)
/doRepay <amount>
Used Cars:
/sellCar <amount>
Social Media/Advertising:
/tweet - Twitter (/tweet YOUR MESSAGE)
/ad <AdType> <Message>
/holster <0-3> [Selects which holster to use]
/rack [Puts gun in car]
/ts (1-3 priority) (desc) - Makes a traffic stop in CAD from ingame
/911 (Desc)
/511 (Desc)
/311 (Desc)
/carsearch - Works only when you’ve stolen a vehicle from NPC by threatening with a gun
/hotwire - works only if you’ve successfully lockpicked into a vehicle
/givekeys - Opens a menu, where you can choose key to give closest player.
/carmenu - Opens car menu
/bacset [number] - sets your BAC
/bactest [playerid] - test someone else’s BAC
/shirt - Put shirt on/off
/pants - Put pants on/off
/shoes - Put shoes on/off
/restore - Restore character if a character issue arises.
/mask - Put mask on/off
/hat - Put Hat on/off
/glasses - Put glasses on/off
• Cash in wallet (/showcash)
• Bank balance (/showbank)
• Dirty money (/showdirty)
• Job title (/showjob)
• Society Money (/showsociety)
• Show all (/showall)

Key Bindings
K [Accessories]
B [Points Finger]
U [Vehicle Inventory]
G [Glovebox]
M [vMenu for Extras and Liverys plus a few other things]
X [Hands Up]
F1 [Phone]
F2 [Inventory]
F3 [Animations]
F6 [Interaction Menu for some jobs]
F7 [Invoices] (Used for Tickets)
Right Control [Hide HUD]
~ [VOIP] (whisper, normal, yell) (proximity voice controller)

40. Definitions
FearRP- Your own characters safety is at the highest priority. If your character is put in a position where they are afraid for their life and safety, it is important to
conduct your character in such a manner.

VDM [Vehicle Deathmatch]- Intentionally using a vehicle to kill or harm another player without any or little RolePlay Basis behind it.
RDM [Random Deathmatch]- Intentionally killing or harming another player without any or little Role Play Basis behind it.

Micro-Gang- IF you are running more than 2-3 people in a group it is essential that you are NOT presenting yourselves as a gang and conducting gang crime for
example, kidnapping, gun running, Gang wars. If you are not complying with this you are a micro-gang.

NLR[New Life Rule]- You are not allowed to use information from the life of your character leading up to your character being knocked out/killed in any way. This
means no revenge killing or revenge rp. (you personally can’t be involved with any revenge rp regarding the character/characters that killed your character.) any eye
witness accounts IN character can ONLY be used for RP.
Meta- Gaming- You are not allowed to use information that was gathered out of character for an in character advantage.

Power-Gaming- When a player uses game mechanics or loopholes to gain a big advantage over everyone else.

Perma or Perma-Death- Your character dies forever.

Combat Log- When you relog in order to save your items or avoid negative consequences. if you were killed in an RP situation and there are no ems or police on, DO

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