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FOR Street Fighter RPG

SUMMARY “Weapons. An unfortunate reality in both the world of

Street Fighter and ours.” So the basic book of Street
Fighter RPG begins its approach to firearms and heavy
weapons. Indeed, it is a special set of equipment, which,
3 GAME MATERIAL perhaps for the first time in history, has balanced the
Firearms and their lethality; Helpless npcs; Armed Styles; forces between individuals.
Simplifying Team Fights; Viking Mask
Just knowing how to operate the gun, a little person can beat
9 KABUKI TOWN a big person. A knife or stick can also allow this, but it still takes
Feudal Castle; Metalworks speed and movement, efficient use - or even surprise. With a
gun, you just pull the trigger. A grenade just needs to be activated
13 MANEUVER OF THE MONTH and thrown.
Terrifiying Presence Sometimes you don’t even have to know how to use a gun
14 CIRCUIT LEGENDS - as shown by the thousands of unfortunate firearms accidents
each year. That’s why approaching them in RPGs has always been
Mike Tyson
problematic when seeking consistency.
16 SPECIAL This edition of WARRIOR’S FIST brings some articles focused
Social Combat on firearms, as well as one on armed styles - those, yes, with
bladed weapons. Kabuki Town is visited in two places, uniting the
old and the modern, and the circuit legend is someone so en-
trenched in the 80’s as powerful in the contemporary world.

MASTHEAD Street Fighter is, in any case, the confrontation of the old
and the modern, with a touch of magic and fantasy. Let the
Editors: Eric M. Souza and Odmir Fortes
players keep on knocking down thugs and their gizmos with
Texts: Eric M. Souza and Marcos Amaral
their hadoukens
Maps: Eric M. Souza
Layout: Rafael Bezerra
Cover: Odmir Fortes and Rafael Bezerra
Translation: Richard ‘Bat’ Brewster. Original Published in September 2019.




Reading articles in English about the difference

between firearms (and heavy weapons) and melee treet Fighter clearly does not pay much weapons, nothing is said clearly, but it is
weapons, in addition to their greater lethality, made attention to firearms or heavy weap- likely that the intention of the designers is
clear two crucial points: ons. They are equipment for bad guys that they are also rolled directly (because it is
1. Melee weapons (as well as fists and feet) require or inferior fighters, not for the player charac- stated that firearms are still dangerous and
strength and training; the less training and the less ters. They are superheroes trained in martial that not even Street Fighters are immune
strength, the less chance of injury. arts that have made their bodies even more to explosives; hardly a firearm adding only
lethal than this modern equipment. Technique and modifier could be dangerous
2. Firearms (and heavy weapons) can hurt even
if there was Soak).
without intent or skill. A child may unintentionally fire a On the other hand, it is interesting
weapon and kill a person if the shot hits. to note that the approach given by Still, the weapons are simplified. In the
Street Fighter to firearms and heavy rules of the basic book, it is possible to be
Thus, RPG systems that seek a more coherent sim-
weapons is in line with this idea shot by goons, rest fifteen minutes and be
ulation for firearms and heavy weapons may even take
that the technique has less rele- completely recovered. This is something
into account the technique
vance - albeit unintentionally. that was reviewed later: Perfect Warrior
in use, but this tech-
Unarmed or melee weapon brought the laser lightknife causing auto-
nique needs to contrib-
combat uses maneuvers matically aggravated damage (and clearly no
ute less to the end result
and damage is calculat- Soak, which reinforces the idea that this is
than would occur with unarmed
ed in the sum of Attribute also the case for firearms and heavy weap-
combat or with melee weapons.
+ Technique + Modifier, sub- ons), and Contenders brought the rule that
There needs to be a much greater ele-
tracting the Target’s Soak. Other these weapons automatically cause aggra-
ment of luck in firearms, so that a shot can hit and
damage, such as fall and fire, is vated damage.
cause great damage even when there is no
direct, without Soak.
skill in use. This is an interesting approach that al-
About firearms and heavy lows a simulation with likelihood, even if it

Firearms and heavy weapons are simplified in Using other goons as a shield
Street Fighter, so that they rarely appear in the scene
This is a very interesting option, which depends on
and players do not resort to them, maintaining the
analyzing the map to get coverage, using the movement
atmosphere of adventure and martial arts. Once you
of an attack to place oneself between two goons. The
need to avoid firearms (as the basic book suggests),
fighter then stuns one of them in order to leave him in
how should fighters act?
the line of sight of his accomplice, who will not be able
Of course they need to avoid being hit, but if they to shoot. If the goons are in line, the tactic allows even
is a game of fantastic martial artists. A don’t have Missile Reflection, the options are restricted. a single Street Fighter to stay on the offensive against a
young stupid boy with Firearms 1 and The important thing is to ensure a plan of action for handful of shooters.
a gun will still roll 4 dice of aggravated these moments.
The image of Chun Li confronting 4 shooters gives a
damage in one shot, and can serious-
good example of this. She chooses a corner, interrupts
ly injure a rival seller (as in the tragic Using the scenery
them and moves to kick that shooter. Even if she doesn’t
death of Combo in Breaking Bad). A Using the scenery as protection is the most basic knock him down or knock him out, she will still get only one
player with no points in Firearms can option. You can hide behind cars, light poles, barrels, shot, and may think about running or another strategy.
grab a rifle on the ground and shoot an drums, anything that gets in the way of the shot,
enemy in a scene of fury and despair, until the shooting stops and the fighter can attract ERIC “MUSASHI” SOUZA
rolling 6 dice of aggravated damage, the henchman to the direct combat. With maneuvers
and even killing them. such as Flying Heel Stomp, you can jump lightly, hit
As already said, Street Fighter is not the henchman before he can shoot, and hide again
about firearms and heavy weapons. behind another obstacle further on.
The hero is expected to be like Swan Choke Throw allows you to grab him and fly him away,
in Warriors and throw a knife in the knocking him down in a covered place and kicking his ass
henchman’s fist before he can shoot. before his buddies get close.
Quick, lethal, heroic. However, it is in-
teresting to note that the system works Hitting first is another option. But this is an action that
well with firearms and heavy weapons depends on the teammates and must be performed to-
with the interpretation that they are gether, all knocking down or stunning their opponents be-
not Soakable by normal means. fore they can shoot.

Strength m, Dexterity m, Stamina m
Health m

Child 2-5 years:

Strength m, Dexterity m
l , Stamina m
Health m

6-8 year old child/adult with

severe physical limitation:
Strength m, Dexterity m
l , Stamina m
Health mlml

n some situations, characters may experience con- should not enter this categorization, while there are Strength m, Dexterity m
lml, Stamina m
flicts in which children and defenseless characters children who practice weight lifting, and could qui- Health mlmlml
- such as the elderly or people with severe physical etly lift 20 kg (equivalent to Strength 1). Xaudo, for
disabilities - are put at risk. The Storyteller can seek example, is an elderly person, but with training and Teen up to 14 years old:
quick guidance, saving him the trouble of measuring great martial skill, which allows him to maintain levels Strength m
l , Dexterity m
lml, Stamina m
physical characteristics of these people who are not above other people of his age. Health mlmlm lml
even able to fight. Taking the Attributes descriptions, The numbers are for generic situations about
and even NPCs (like Weasel), as a guideline, follow the Elderly:
characters who do not need sheets, but can be put in
estimated numbers for these scenes. Strength m/ m
l , Dexterity m
l , Stamina m
danger. l
Obviously, they are average numbers. Some 14 Health m
lm lml
year olds have adult complexion and stamina, and ERIC “MUSASHI” SOUZA

Unarmed fighting styles are defining for the type of character you want to Thus, Aikido has a relationship with Kenjutsu,
build, and even if there are many open maneuvers, the choice of style points and his weapon is Bokken. It is possible to create a
to what the fighter will learn and what approach they will use in the ring. Kenjutsu practitioner by adopting Aikido as a fight-
Thus, it’s possible to say that the style comes to the relationship of styles with ing style and investing in the Sword Technique (as
is a definer of how the fighter will behave, certain weapons. So, creating a character was done with Hayate in Times of Glory). A fighter
regardless of where he can train through- that practices a weapon style may involve who has learned his armed style in military or po-
out the campaign, with masters of other selecting a style related to that weapon, lice forces can obviously select Special Forces, and
martial arts. to buy powers and simpler maneuvers, an Okinawa martial artist who uses tonfa, skirt,
and focus on developing the long stick or other characteristic
A point outside the curve is the case island weapon will select Karate
study of the weapon,
of armed styles. For example, Kenjutsu Shotokan, which originates from
including creating new
is the art of fighting with swords, just as the Okinawan style.
maneuvers or adapting
Bōjutsu is the art of fighting with staffs.
Special Maneuvers learned Another possibility, also
How to simulate a character who has
for the use of the weap- following a suggestion from
trained these arts?
on (as in the example Contenders, is to modify
First of all, it can be observed that an of Contenders itself of this basic style, adding
art centered on a weapon rarely needs using Monkey Grab maneuvers and remov-
anything other than the Technique of the Punch with Hook ing others, to obtain
weapon - probably just Athletics. The Swords). its exclusively armed
Weapon Technique covers the possible version.
attacks and also covers the basic block-
ing (Parrying), besides the Berserk Attack ERIC “MUSASHI” SOUZA
simulating dozens of effects according to
the player’s imagination.
Contenders points
the way designers in-
tended to go when it



treet Fighter offers a fast and com- has already presented specific rules for this, Separate fights: a simple solution, even in-
plex combat, full of nuances and strat- such as the Fight against the Horde, ideal for stinctively, is to separate the fights. Each fight-
egies, and that works perfectly for 1 x 1. those epic scenes where heroes go out punch- er confronts his opponent, and the Storyteller
However, once the number of participants has ing crowds of goons, or even guidelines for using approaches each turn separately. With this, he
increased, there may be complications for the the Effect Card and for the Storyteller to interpret can specifically look after the NPC in question
Storyteller, who has to deal with several actions, goons in a reliable way (most of them would run and avoid making mistakes or getting lost. The
several speeds, movements and interruptions. away after a good blow). weakness of this method is that it makes team
combos impossible or for a fighter to intervene
The combat is meant to be detailed, but one Here, the idea is to approach the team fighting,
to help a colleague.
person taking care of many fighters can be prob- of Street Fighters groups, both in the arena and
lematic (own experience). The WARRIOR’S FIST outside, in order to help the Storyteller’s work. Group speed: this is an interesting solution,
favouring teamwork and considering that the
team fights together. Thus, the lowest Speed
among team members will be computed, as well
as the lowest Speed among rivals. The slowest
group moves first; everyone moves and declares
their attacks. At the end of this stage, the fast-
est group chooses where and how they will in-
terrupt. It is a common solution in several RPGs,
having been tested and used on a large scale.
Total complexity: isn’t simplicity an option?
Ok, one solution is for the Storyteller to use a
draft in which he notes the speeds and move-
ments of the NPCs, so as not to get lost. The
combat will be intense, but it’s important that
he avoids it becoming confusing, which is very
easy to happen.



he Mask is a character in a series of com- presence of blood. and cruel acts. It has Regeneration (1),
ics developed between 1982 and 1985 by And unlike comics, Speed of the Mongoose (3), Toughskin
Mike Richardson, and published in the late where the mask turns (2), Stunning Shout (2) and Sonic Boom
1980s by Dark Horse Comics. The stories of these the wearer into a cruel (3), the latter being also simulated for
comics revolve around a mask that each story is and vindictive being, in the weapons created by the user’s imagina-
worn by someone different, the first user being movie the wearer only be- tion. It still has a reserve of 5 Chi.
Stanley Ipkiss. The mask is a symbiotic relic that comes dangerous or violent if he
imbues any user with various powers and disinhi- is already a bad person, as in the case BALANCED VERSION
bition, allowing them to achieve their goals with- of the mafia character Dorian Tyrell.
In this version, the mask is a level 5 Power
out fear of consequences. In Street Fighter, the mask can be used in Item. It has Regeneration (1) and 4 more points
In comics, the mask is a bewitched object, three ways: as in comics, as in film, and in be- for some maneuver matching the character’s
shaped like a human face, with nose and mouth tween the media (the latter being the ideal ver- personality. For example, Speed of the Mongoose
eyes. Besides being made of several pieces of sion for campaigns). for Ipkiss, or Sonic Boom for Tyrell. The remaining
jade, and being a green stone, it justifies the fact points become Chi reserve.
that the people who wear the mask get their COMICS
In all cases, the mask exerts an evil influence,
heads green. In the film, the mask was shown as The mask is a Level 5 Power Item. It has leading the character to become obsessive and
being of Nordic origin, and is made of green wood, Regeneration (1) and 4 Chi points to replenish the seek the last consequences in his actions. He
with a triangular shape. It is related to Loki, the character’s Chi and feed the healing. can test Honour to avoid cruel actions, needing
mischievous god.
1 success in the less powerful versions, and 3
In comics, the person wearing the mask gains MOVIES successes in the movie version. If he does not
powers of self-healing, being able to be wounded The mask is incredibly powerful, a level 16 succeed, he will be cruel and will lose Honor
and bleed, but soon after being healed. In the film, Power Item, so it is suitable for NPCs, or for play- constantly. A Fumble means succumbing and no
however, the person wearing the mask is invulner- ers at very specific times. It’s so much power longer being able to resist throughout the scene.
able to blows or gunshots, and can even fall from a that it’s interesting for the Storyteller to intensify
building, or even be crushed or kneaded, without the the mask’s evil influence and force loss of honor ERIC “MUSASHI” SOUZA

This arena is an ancient feudal castle in the rural area of
Kabuki Town. As it is not occupied, it is usually used for street
fighting, especially the bridge that crosses the moat around
the castle.
During the night, the silence of the grounds is broken by punches
and street fighters’ kicks.
The moat is deep, but the fall does not cause any special damage
(consider the fall of 1 floor, raising by 1 the damage of some throw).
Returning is difficult, jumping directly from deep water is a great
achievement, requiring at least 4 successes in a Test of Dexterity
+ Athletics.



Kata Hagane is one of the leading THE ARENA
companies in the Kabuki Town Staircase: a fighter thrown in the staircase the thrower can be a bit more cruel and try to
industrial park, supplying mainly tools will roll down two more steps, receiving +2 throw the victim through the grid, according to
and automotive parts. The company is
well organized and profitable, but there damage. If the fighter is pushed, he will suffer a the rules of Perfect Warrior.
are suspicions from Interpol about its knockdown and receive +1 damage in addition to Chains: the hanging chains are used to de-
involvement with illicit activities. the maneuver that pushed him. posit and to fish objects in the boiler. A fighter
The truth is that Kata Hagane has already Fall: Fighters can also be thrown on the lower can jump and grab them, needing to pass a Test
received proposals from Shadaloo for its cut- level. It’s the equivalent of a floor drop, so the of Dexterity + Athletics to do so. The one who
ting-edge technology, as well as supplying ma- fighter receives one point of damage in addition has Wall Spring can still use the maneuver on
terials to the Tetsujin, especially for its knowl- to the damage they received from the throw. the chains, also being necessary the test. In case
edge about the production of carbon nanotubes Fighters can’t be pushed that way, just thrown, of failure, the fighter does not hold correctly, but
resulting in incredibly strong steel (in ordinary because the metal wall will hold them. However, can spend 1 Willpower and roll Strength, to, in
weapons, for example, it offers a +1 damage an act of desperation, grab the chain (closing his
bonus in addition to weapon modifiers). turn). In case of fumbles, the fighter has no op-
tion - he will fall in the boiler.
There are Street Fighters working in Kata
Hagane, members of the Tetsujin clan who Boiler: this cauldron is filled with molten iron
oversee the company and try to prevent, in the at a very high temperature, and burns much more
complex relationship of the clan with Shadaloo, than a fire. A fighter who falls there suffers 4 points
that the organization gains strength and es- of damage per turn, until he manages to get out. At
tablishes itself in Kabuki Town. The Tetsujin the very least, he’ll suffer the damage for two turns
even negotiate with M. Bison, but they want to - when he falls and the next turn, when he comes
keep their influence in the city. So it’s not un- out. Anyone with Stamina below 4 will automati-
common that the metalworks are the scene of cally go into dizzy and may burn to death.
underworld struggles. They’re usually fought
near an old boiler. In general, the railings pro- ERIC “MUSASHI” SOUZA
tect the fighters, but accidents can happen...

Some fighters are really scary and may evoke their chi to frighten people close to them, or even influence them.

Prerequisites: Focus • • •, Mysteries • • • • If the victim has not yet attacked that turn, he will
become completely static, haunted by the presence of
Power Points: Ler Drit 2; Kabaddi 3
such a powerful enemy, and will lose any movement or
You gather your mystical forces and attack that remains. In addition, the victim will have a
knowledge of the occult to elevate your speed trap of -1 for each extra success in the Charism
presence in the mind of the enemy, com- + Focus test for a number of turns equal to Focus -2.
pletely terrorizing them and making it
If the victim has already acted in that turn, in the next
difficult for them to fight for the next
turn she will be considered dizzy, haunted by the presence
of such a powerful enemy. In addition, the victim will have
System: Terrifying Presence has a speed trap of -1 for each extra success in the Charism +
range equal to character focus. The user Focus test for a number of turns equal to Focus -2.
emits his energy directly into the target’s
The maneuver does no physical damage.
mind with a resisted test of Charisma
+ Focus against Target’s Intelligence + Cost: 1 Chi
Focus. If the victim is successful in the Speed: +1
test, she can see through the maneuver Damage: See description above
and nothing happens. If the user is suc- Move: None
cessful, two things can happen:

Mike Tyson had a difficult childhood after his father In 1986 a month after Cus D’Amato passed away, Tyson imposed
left home when he was only two. His youth was himself definitively as champion and became known all over the
marked by being locked up at age 11 in a juvenile world. The most important of the 13 victories of the year came on
detention center where he began boxing, motivated 22 November when, by defeating Trevor Berbick, he won the World
by the institution’s director, who was a former boxer. Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight title. At 20, he was the youngest
boxer to achieve this feat.
At thirteen, he was discovered by coach Cus D’Amato,
who became responsible for his career. Mike Tyson The following year he also won the World Boxing
had an early physical development. At the age Federation and World Boxing Association titles, and
of 12 he weighed more than 80 kilos, with in 1988 he won three matches against renowned
a great deal of muscle for a boy; at 15 he boxers. All by K.O. before the fourth round.
was already a fast and knockout heavy- Still in 1988 he married the actress and
weight; at 18, not even his coach could model Robin Givens who, in the following year,
stand up; at 20 he became the world asked for divorce. On a TV show, she claimed
champion, the youngest heavyweight Tyson was, in her words, a manic-depressive.
to achieve this feat. These problems affected the career of the
In 1981, at the age of 15, he be- boxer, who only fought twice in 1989, although
came the youth boxing champion he won both challenges. The bad moment was
of the United States of America to confirmed in 1990 when, on 11 February, he
reach the world title in the following was beaten in Japan by Buster Douglas with the
year in the same age group. In 1983 K.O. in the tenth round, losing his three world titles.
he got angry with Atlas and went In July 1991, he was part of the jury of the Miss
back to work with Cus D’Amato and it America pageant, but ended up accused of rape by one
was under his guidance that in 1985 he of the participants. In March 1992, Mike Tyson was sen-
moved on to professional boxing. In the first year tenced to six years in prison, but due to good behavior
he won 15 fights, 11 of them for K.O. (knock-out) he only served half his sentence. He got out of prison
in the first round. in March 1995 and five months later fought again.

In 1996, he defied champion Evander Holyfield.

Style: Boxing Division: Tradicional Allies  Punch 
Holyfield won, but Tyson immediately asked for Rank: 8
School: Cus D’Amato Boxing Gym Contacts  Kick
a rematch. The two boxers met again on 28 June Wins: 50 Manager  Block 
Concept: Professional fighter Losses: 6
1997 for what was once called the fight of the cen- Draws: 3 Fame  Grab 
Signature: Raise your arms KO: 44 Resources  Athletics 
tury. But with 40 seconds to go in the third round
the unexpected happened: Tyson bit Holyfield’s ear Strength  Charisma  Perception 
Dexterity  Manipulation  Intelligence  Glory 
and was eventually disqualified. He claimed he only
Stamina  Appearance  Wits  Honor 
did that in response to repeated headbutts he had Chi 
been getting from Holyfield. Tyson lost the fight Alertness  Blind Fighting  Arena  Willpower 
Interrogation  Drive  Computer  Health 
and was banned for a year from the competition.
Intimidation  Leadership  Investigation  Combos: Deflecting Punch to Hyper Fist
Realizing the possibility of free combat, without Insight  Security Medicine  (dizzy), Head Butt to Head Bite, Dashing Punch
the restrictions of boxing, Tyson began to accept Streetwise  Stealth  Mysteries to Hyper Fist (dizzy), Deflecting Punch to
Subterfuge  Survival Style Lore  Power Uppercut (dizzy)
the invitations to fight in Street Fighting.
Playing with Tyson: You’ve fought hard to win
what you’ve earned and you think you deserve it. MANEUVER SP. DAM MOVE SPECIAL
Jab 7 10 3 Basic
With your opponents, however, you show respect,
Strong 5 12 3 Basic
the way you’ve learned in the noble art. Fighting
Fierce 4 14 2 Basic
is what matters when you’re in the ring, but once Apresamento 5 8 Um Basic. Ignores Block
you’re finished, your opponent is a fighter like you, Bloqueio 9 - - Basic. Abort; +2 Speed next turn
and deserves respect. You like the good life that Movement 8 - 6 Basic
money and fame provide, yet it doesn’t contain Jump 8 - 3 Aerial; Abort, evade against projectiles (Core p124, 20th p126)
your desires and excesses. Punch Defense 9 - - Soak +4 vs. Punch; -2 vs. other
Deflecting Punch 7 11 - Blocking bonus for punches only; then roll damage
Appearance: Tyson is very robust, especially Power Uppercut 4 14 Um Knockdown vs. Aerial
considering he’s not so tall for a heavyweight. He Head Butt 5 14 1
likes to show style and calls attention not only for Head Bite 6 11 Um Sustained Hold
his muscles, but also for tattoos and the composi- Dashing Punch 5 15 5 1 WP
tion of his look. Dashing Uppercut 5 15 5 Knockdown vs. Aerial, 1 WP
Hyper Fist 6 11 Um 3 damage tests, 1 WP




The combat has its own rules in RPG how well the character goes, regardless of the ar- for dealing with social combat within the original
because players cannot exchange punches gument the player used, since an eloquent player Street Fighter rules.
and kicks in sessions to define who wins. It’s may have a character not skilled with words and
A social combat is any situation where one
not safe, it’s not the goal of a table game, vice versa.
character tries to impose himself on another using
and it wouldn’t bring any representation of The basic book presents several possible tests
what their characters are. So RPGs were Social Attributes. Street Fighter is about fighting,
as well as the official and semi-official adventures.
born with rules of combat. and has advanced and fluid rules for it. But it’s not
But there are no rules for social combat, something
that came up later, in more recent RPGs, and is always interesting just fighting. There are two sit-
In social and acting issues, however, initially the
player should try to use words and arguments to highlighted mainly in Throne War (where there are uations of social combat, and both are solved with
convince his colleagues or some NPC. As the games even social life points, and once defeated, the char- prolonged and resisted actions: the confrontation
evolved, social skills and tests emerged to define acter gives in). This brief article provides guidelines and the imposition.
in this situation, the characters discuss/ in this case, a character speaks, trying
dialogue. Both are active, exposing their to impose their point of view on another,
points of view, one wanting to convince who only tries to resist. It is interesting for
the other. speeches (Charisma + Subterfuge), or even
to convince a suspect to speak (Charisma
The players will interpret what they say,
+ Interrogation). In this case, the one who
just as they interpret their blows in combat,
imposes himself rolls the appropriate test,
but the dice will define it as an argument that
and the target rolls his Willpower (by the
impacts the other. Both will roll Manipulation
general rules, the permanent Willpower, but
or Charisma + Subterfuge (or appropriate
under stressful conditions the Storyteller can
Skill), and the one who manages to first obtain
determine that the current rating is rolled).
a number of successes equal to the other’s
It is a prolonged and resisted action, and he
Willpower will win.
who achieves 3 first successes wins.
For example: Chun Li and Guile discuss
For example: M. Bison speaks at the
how it is best to enter Mriganka for a spy
United Nations forum in order to convince
mission; Chun Li wants to enter as a tourist
them that he is a just king and Mriganka is
with false identities, and Guile prefers
persecuted by the CIA. He rolls Charisma +
invasion by swimming in the bay. She rolls
Subterfuge (9 dice), and the Storyteller defines
Manipulation + Investigation (8 dice) and he
that those leaders have an average Willpower
rolls Manipulation + Stealth (10 dice), Abilities
of 7 (they are tough men from a long political
related to the arguments they use. In turn 1,
career). In the first round, M. Bison rolls 5
Chun Li rolls 5 successes; Guile has Willpower
successes, and the leaders together roll 3.
9, and there are 4 more points left to go. He
M. Bison drops in front, with 2 successes. In
gets 3 successes; Chun Li has Willpower 8,
round 2, M. Bison takes 3 successes, and the
so 5 successes to go. In turn 2, Chun Li rolls
leaders roll 5. Back to square one. It looks like
a Fumble. She miscalculated and lost all the
it’s gonna be long and complicated, and the
convincing power she had conquered, and
dictator’s already starting to wonder if it’s not
loses her successes. Guile rolls, and gets 5
better to control all those minds.
successes. He completely convinces Chun Li
that the false identities would be discovered
by M. Bison, and the best is to enter by sea.

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